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Questões - UEMG | Gabarito e resoluções

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(Uemg 2015) Moscou dá ultimato à Ucrânia e UE ameaça Rússia com sanções “Enquanto a Rússia expandia na segunda-feira, 3, seu controle sobre a Península da Crimeia, o governo da Ucrânia denunciou um ultimato do Kremlin para que as forças do país se rendam e evitem um ataque militar. Em Washington, o presidente dos EUA, Barack Obama, passou o dia tentando alinhar seus parceiros em busca de uma resposta a Moscou. "A Rússia está do lado errado da história", disse Obama(...)”. A Rússia prossegue com firmeza, em sua estratégia revanchista, com o intuito de não ceder às imposições do Ocidente.Assinale a alternativa que pode ser uma opção de Putim, indicada pelo número 1 dentro do mapa:


(Uemg 2015) Considerando a anlise de aspectos lingusticos dos trechos abaixo, extradosda obra Voc Ver, marque (V) para os comentrios verdadeiros e (F) para os falsos. Emseguida, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequncia CORRETA. ( ) Em Acho a astrologia a cincia dos tolos, e, at prova em contrrio, no me consideroum deles. Houve um desvio da norma padro, que prescreve como certa a expressoat provem o contrrio, em substituio expresso sublinhada. ( ) Em Foi um morticnio, uma coisa que ningum na regio nunca vira(...), a palavramorticnio significa assassinato em srie. morticnio significa assassinato em srie. ( ) O que aconteceu com o nome do narrador do conto Bem - Stanislaw Lauro Lau Stan- um fenmeno lingustico semelhante ao ocorrido com o pronome de tratamento VossaMerc - Vosmec voc c. ( ) Em (...) que direito tinha o Bem de se tornar milionrio?, o pronome sublinhado apareceanteposto ao verbo (prclise), uma vez que a preposio o atrai, segundo a normapadro. ( ) Em (...) quando a me a levava matin. e (...) pois ainda escutava em mim asrisadas, os pronomes sublinhados so classificados, respectivamente, como oblquo tono e oblquo tnico. ( ) Em Minha me sempre dizia: Deus protege quem trabalha, a regncia do verboproteger no est de acordo com a norma padro, uma vez que ele transitivo indireto e,por isso, rege preposio, como em: Deus protege a quem trabalha. A sequncia correta


(UEMG 2015) Em 28 de junho de 2014, foram completados 100 anos do assassinato de Francisco Ferdinando, herdeiro do trono do Império da Áustria - Hungria, e sua esposa, Sofia, em Saravejo, fato esse que desencadeou a 1 Guerra Mundial. A imagem a seguir mostra os remanescentes das trincheiras e das explosões de bombas, semelhantes a cicatrizes em um campo aberto, na localidade de Beumont Hamel, na França. O que foi uma terra totalmente devastada, à época, hoje se vê recuperada e coberta de vegetação. O fenômeno biológico que permitiu tal recuperação é conhecido como:


(UEMG-2015) Lea el texto siguiente y enseguida seleccione la opción adecuada de la(s) cuestión(es) propuesta(s). (UEMG/2015) Busque en la segunda columna la explicación correspondiente a la primera y luego señale la alternativa CORRECTA. I.Perla ( ) campesino descendiente del Taíno, pueblo indígena. II. Borinquen ( ) expresión adverbial anticuada. III. Jibarito ( ) interjección usada para indicar admiración o disgusto. IV. Por doquier ( ) masa de nácar de moluscos y también cosa preciosa. V. Gauthier ( ) nombre ancestral de Puerto Rico. VI. Borincano ( ) poeta romántico puertorriqueño. VII. Ay ( ) variación del gentilicio de los oriundos de Puerto Rico.


(UEMG - 2015/2) El fragmento siguiente alude al tema de las reglas, abordado tambin en el primer texto. Lalo con atencin. A maneira mais segura para no ofender manter distncia: distncia afetiva e distncia fsica... Raro, mas acontecia entre os homens, o cumprimento ser com o brao esticado, brao e antebrao em linha reta, sem fazer ngulo no cotovelo. As mos se apertavam fortemente enquanto o brao duro mantinha a distncia, impedindo a aproximao. ALVES, 2014, 2015, p.165. Em prosa? Repetiu como se ouvisse lngua estrangeira. No, decidiu categrica, no. No nem em poesia, nem em prosa. Quero um artigo de umas vinte linhas, tipo de jornal, arrematou quase doutora, olhando no relgio. PRADO, 2011, 2014, p.129. Segn el entorno del fragmento, la palabra jornal , en Espaol, es heterosemntica en relacin al Portugus. Observe los vocablos de esta cuestin y elija la alternativa donde aparezca otro ejemplo.


(Uemg 2015) RALI DACAR 2013“O Rali Dacar partia de Paris, na França, passava por Argel, capital da Argélia, atravessava o deserto do Saara e terminava em Dacar, capital do Senegal, na costa oeste da África. No entanto, motivos políticos e ameaças terroristas direcionadas aos participantes do Dacar e atendendo a pedido do Ministério de Relações Exteriores da França para que o percurso não passasse pela Mauritânia, a 30ª edição do rali foi cancelada. Em razão dos problemas de segurança no ano anterior, a prova de 2009 foi realizada na América do Sul (...).” Conforme o texto e a ilustração acima, sobre o Rali Dacar, houve a necessidade de se fazer o deslocamento da prova. O rali perdeu um pouco em tradição, mas, por outro lado, ganhou muito em outras áreas.Considerando-se as características que envolvem o Rali, pode-se afirmar que essa prova


(Uemg 2015) O gráfico seguinte representa as pressões sanguíneas ao longo do corpo de uma pessoa saudável. Os números representam compartimentos nos quais foram tomadas as pressões nos intervalos de tempo. Considerando as informações fornecidas e outros conhecimentos sobre a fisiologia circulatória humana, o ventrículo esquerdo do coração está representado pela pressão medida em:


(UEMG / 2015) Observe a tirinha: A personagem da tirinha de humor mandou cuspir a substncia porque uma importante propriedade do cido sulfrico ser


(UEMG -2015) Virtual people, real friends by Anna Pickard (The Guardian) The benefits of forming friendships with those we meet online are obvious, so why is the idea still treated with such disdain? Another week, another survey claiming to reveal great truths about ourselves. This one says that people are increasingly turning online friends into people theyd think worthy of calling real-life friends. Well, thats stating the obvious, I would have thought! If theres a more perfect place for making friends, I have yet to find it. However, when surveys like this are reported in the media, its always with a slight air of its a crazy, crazy world! And whenever the subject crops up in the conversation, its clear that people look down on friends like these. In fact some members of my family still refer to my partner of six years as my Internet Boyfriend. Its the shocked reaction that surprises me as if people on the internet were not real at all. Certainly, people play a character online quite often they may be a more confident or more argumentative version of their real selves but whats the alternative? Is meeting people at work so much better than making friends in a virtual world? Perhaps, but for some a professional distance between their work selves and their social selves is necessary, especially, if they tend to let their guard down and might say or do something they will later regret. Those people disapproving of online friendships argue that the concept of friendship is used loosely in a world driven by technology, in which you might have a thousand online friends. They make a distinction between social connections 1acquaintances who are only one click away and meaningful human interaction, which they say requires time and effort. They note that for many Facebook friends, conversation is a way of exchanging information quickly and efficiently rather than being a social activity. However, Ive found that far from being the home of oddballs and potential serial killers, the internet is full of like-minded people. For the first time in history, were lucky to enough to choose friends not by location or luck, but by those who have similar interests and senses of humour, or passionate feelings about the same things. The friends Ive made online might be spread wide geographically, but Im closer to them than anyone I went to school with, by millions miles. They are the best friends I have. Obviously, there will be concerns about the dangers of online friendship. There are always stories buzzing around such as man runs off with the woman he met on Second Life or people who meet their soulmate online and are never seen again. But people are people, whether online or not. As for real friendship dying out, surely, is social networking simply redefining our notion of what this is in the twenty-first century? The figures half a billion Facebook users worldwide speak for themselves. And technology has allowed countless numbers of these people to keep in close contact with their loved ones, however far away they are. Without it, many disabled or household people might go without social contact at all. Call me naive, call me a social misfit, I dont care. Virtual people make best real friends. Adapted from http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/jan/02/internet-relationships Read the passage below to complete the gaps with the relative pronouns (1 - 4): Online friends are people _______ always post messages and pictures of the places _______ they are, _______ they are with and ______ they are doing. 1.what 2. who 3.whom 4. where The CORRECT sequence is:


(UEMG-2015) Por el tono del relato, se puede inferir que el autor de la canciónhace un desahogo sobre los elementos del contexto histórico de su tierra. Eso se confirma cuando habla acerca de


(UEMG - 2015) Lamento borincano- Cancin popular Sale, loco de contento con su cargamento para la ciudad, ay, para la ciudad. Lleva en su pensamiento todo un mundo lleno de felicidad, ay, de felicidad. Piensa remediar la situacin del hogar que es toda su ilusin, s. Y alegre el jibarito va, pensando as, diciendo as, cantando as, por el camino: si yo vendo la carga, mi Dios querido, un traje a mi viejita voy a comprar. Y alegre tambin su yegua va al presentir que aquel cantar es todo un himno de alegra. Y en eso le sorprende la luz del da y llegan al mercado de la ciudad. Pasa la maana entera sin que nadie quiera su carga comprar, ay, su carga comprar. Todo, todo est desierto y el pueblo est muerto de necesidad, ay, de necesidad. Se oye este lamento por doquier de su desdichado Borinquen, s. Y triste, el jibarito va pensando as, diciendo as, cantando as, por el camino: qu ser de Borinquen mi Dios querido? qu ser de mis hijos y de mi hogar? Borinquen! la tierra del Edn, la que al cantar, el gran Gauthier llam la Perla de los mares. Ahora que t te mueres con tus pesares, djame que te cante yo tambin. El jibarito sale de su hogar con sus sueos y camina feliz al lado de su yegua rumbo a la ciudad. Seale con (V), verdadera, y con (F), falsa, las observaciones hechas a su respecto y enseguida marque la opcin CORRECTA: ( ) Retorna al hogar en la prosperidad con el traje para su mujer. ( ) Plantea tcticas de supervivencia desde el amanecer. ( ) No encuentra en la regin quien le pueda comprar su carga. ( ) Su familia nada en la abundancia y no se priva de nada.


(UEMG -2014) The Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower Paris, 1925. World War I had finished and the city was full of people with cash looking for business opportunities. Victor Lustig was reading the newspaper one day and found an article about the Eiffel Tower. It said the tower was being neglected because it was too expensive to maintain. Lustig a great business opportunity he would sell the Eiffel Tower! Lustig wrote to six important businessmen in the city and invited them to a secret meeting in a well-known Paris hotel. He said he was a government official and he told them that he wanted to talk about a business deal. All six of the businessmen came to the meeting. At the meeting, Lustig told them that the city wanted to sell the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal and that he had been asked to find a buyer. He said that the deal was secret because it would not be popular with the public. The businessmen believed him, perhaps the Eiffel Tower was never planned to be permanent. It had been built as part of the 1889 Paris Expo, and the original plan had been to remove it in 1909. Lustig rented a limousine and took the men to visit the tower. After the tour, he said that if they were interested, they should contact him the next day. Lustig told them he would give the tower contract to the person with the highest offer. One of the dealers, Andre Poisson, was very interested, but he was also worried. Why was Lustig in such a hurry? The two men had a meeting, and Lustig confessed that he wasnt looking for the highest offer. He said he would give the contract to anybody for a price. Poisson understood: Lustig wanted a little extra money under the table for himself. This was Lustigs cleverest lie, because now Poisson believed him completely. Lustig sold Poisson a false contract for the Eiffel Tower and on top of that, Poisson paid him a little extra money under the table. Lustig put all the money in a suitcase and took the first train to Vienna. Poisson never told the police what had happened he was too embarrassed. After a month, Lustig returned to Paris and tried to sell the Eiffel Tower again, but this time somebody told the police and he had to escape to America. There, he continued his criminal career and finished his days in the famous Alcatraz prison. (Oxford UP 2009 - English Result, p.62. Adapted.) In the sentence The two men had a meeting, and Lustig confessed that he wasnt looking for the highest offer, the expressionthe highestis a superlative. Read the following adjectives: cheap tall good smart Which of the sequences below has the correct superlative form of the adjectives above?


Nos autos de condenao de revoltosos do Brasil Colnia, como Tiradentes, era comum constar que, alm da pena de morte e do esquartejamento dos corpos, seus bens seriam confiscados e suas terras seriam salgadas, para que nada mais ali nascesse. O ato de salgar a terra realmente provoca a morte das plantas porque o excesso de sal na terra


(UEMG -2014) The Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower Paris, 1925. World War I had finished and the city was full of people with cash looking for business opportunities. Victor Lustig was reading the newspaper one day and found an article about the Eiffel Tower. It said the tower was being neglected because it was too expensive to maintain. Lustig a great business opportunity he would sell the Eiffel Tower! Lustig wrote to six important businessmen in the city and invited them to a secret meeting in a well-known Paris hotel. He said he was a government official and he told them that he wanted to talk about a business deal. All six of the businessmen came to the meeting. At the meeting, Lustig told them that the city wanted to sell the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal and that he had been asked to find a buyer. He said that the deal was secret because it would not be popular with the public. The businessmen believed him, perhaps the Eiffel Tower was never planned to be permanent. It had been built as part of the 1889 Paris Expo, and the original plan had been to remove it in 1909. Lustig rented a limousine and took the men to visit the tower. After the tour, he said that if they were interested, they should contact him the next day. Lustig told them he would give the tower contract to the person with the highest offer. One of the dealers, Andre Poisson, was very interested, but he was also worried. Why was Lustig in such a hurry? The two men had a meeting, and Lustig confessed that he wasnt looking for the highest offer. He said he would give the contract to anybody for a price. Poisson understood: Lustig wanted a little extra money under the table for himself. This was Lustigs cleverest lie, because now Poisson believed him completely. Lustig sold Poisson a false contract for the Eiffel Tower and on top of that, Poisson paid him a little extra money under the table. Lustig put all the money in a suitcase and took the first train to Vienna. Poisson never told the police what had happened he was too embarrassed. After a month, Lustig returned to Paris and tried to sell the Eiffel Tower again, but this time somebody told the police and he had to escape to America. There, he continued his criminal career and finished his days in the famous Alcatraz prison. (Oxford UP 2009 - English Result, p.62. Adapted.) Read the reported sentence below, from the text. Lustig told them he would give the tower contract to the person with the highest offer. Which of the alternatives below corresponds to Lustigs direct speech?


(UEMG 2014) Um homem levou uma pessoa a um hospital, pedindo socorro urgente e alegando que tal pessoa havia sido mordida por uma cobra. O médico pediu-lhe, então, que descrevesse a cobra que havia causado o acidente, e o homem fez o seguinte desenho, com algumas das características da cabeça da cobra: Para salvar a vida do paciente, o procedimento imediato adotado pelo médico, após ver o desenho, deveria ser

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