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Questões - UEMG | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UEMG - 2010) Ir anuncia a construo de mais reatores nucleares Mesmo sob sanes impostas pelo Conselho de Segurana da Organizao das Naes Unidas (ONU), o Ir anunciou nesta quarta-feira (16) que ir construir mais uma srie de reatores nucleares (...). Segundo as fontes iranianas os poderosos reatores sero utilizados em usinas destinadas produo de medicamentos. O anncio foi feito uma semana depois de o Conselho de Segurana da ONU impor uma srie de sanes ao Ir. No entanto, o diretor-geral da organizao de energia nuclear iraniana afirmou que o pas dispe de mais de 50 anos de experincia em cincia e tecnologia nuclear que deve ser aproveitada. Fonte: Agncia Brasil, 16/6/2010 Texto adaptado Com relao ao texto, acima, assinale a alternativa que traz a informao CORRETA sobre a problemtica atual do Ir :


(Uemg 2010) Leia atentamente os versos a seguir e, depois, faça o que é pedido. Eu sei que vou te amar Eu sei que vou te amar Por toda a minha vida eu vou te amar Em cada despedida, eu vou te amar Desesperadamente, eu sei que vou te amar E cada verso meu será Pra te dizer Que eu sei que vou te amar Por toda a minha vida Eu sei que vou chorar A cada ausência tua, eu vou chorar Mas cada volta tua há de apagar O que esta tua ausência me causou Eu sei que vou sofrer A eterna desventura de viver À espera de viver ao lado teu Por toda a minha vida (Vinícius de Morais e Tom Jobim) No texto dessa letra de música (MPB), observa-se a presença da linguagem coloquial, quando o leitor verifica


(Uemg 2010) American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958 and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. A musical prodigy, Michaels singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5. As the Jackson 5, 1they became a cutting-edge example of black crossover artists. You basically had five working-class black boys with Afros and bell bottoms, and they really didnt have to trade any of that stuff in order to become mainstream stars. Young Michael Jackson was the first black bubblegum teen star. He became one of the first African-Americans to be a global icon, said Mark Anthony Neal, a professor of black popular culture at Duke Universitys Department of African and African American Studies. Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. 2Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, Thriller in 1982. From his precocious abilities as a young singer in The Jackson 5 to his legendary moon-walk dance, Jackson continued as a pioneer in the black culture when he broke barriers by appearing on MTV and had much better luck with elaborate music videos. The former president of CBS Records, Walter Yetnikoff, remembered with scorn that MTV would not play Billie Jean or Beat It because it billed itself as a rock station. Michael Jackson co-wrote with Lionel Richie, We Are the World, a 1985 charity single that raised an estimated $50 million for famine relief in Africa, ushered in Live Aid and the era of celebrity philanthropy. Michael Jackson was the supreme showman who had an unrivalled knack of grabbing headlines. Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of color way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama. Michael did with music what they later did in sports and in politics and in television. And no controversy will erase the historic impact. He also influenced a new generation of black musicians, including Usher, Ne-Yo and Kanye West. Jacksons changing physical appearance in the past two decades led to criticism that he was trying to be less black. But during a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Jackson shot down rumors that he was dying his skin to make it lighter. He told the talk show host that he had vitiligo, a disorder that destroyed his skin pigmentation. Total worldwide sales of more than 350 million records over his 40-year career give just a hint of the adoration there was for the King of Pop. On June 25, 2009, with his sudden death at age 50 of a cardiac arrest just as he was just coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert in July seems uncommonly cruel and tragic. Millions of dedicated fans will remember where they were the day Michael died and he will be remembered as a musical hero - but also a man with human flaws. Adapted from CNN.com and The Internet Movie Database.com In the sentence Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, Thriller in 1982, (ref. 2) the biggest is


(UEMG - 2010) Como ler bem O bom reprter deve ser imparcial, diz a lio nmero 1 do jornalismo. Mas o bom leitor tambm tem sua regra de ouro. Ele deve sempre, sempre, manter a cabea aberta. O bom leitor sabe se distanciar das paixes. Est sempre disposto a ouvir uma ideia nova ainda que ela coloque abaixo suas ideias antigas. Posto assim, ler bem parece um desafio fcil. No , como tambm no simples ser imparcial. SUPERINTERESSANTE, ed. n 269, ano 23, n 9 Seo ESCUTA texto adaptado Constatando a presena dos elementos deCOESOcomo fatores da construo de sentido no texto acima, s noNOest correta a afirmao de que


(UEMG 2007) Considere o esquema corporal de um animal representado na ilustração a seguir: São características do grupo representado por esse animal, EXCETO:


(UEMG - 2007) The Big Match Kathleen Becker Its early evening in the Matchmakers Bar, Lisdoonvarna, in the West of Ireland. A live band is warming up for the dancing later on while matchmaker Willie Daly is starting work: finding suitable partners for his clients. Every September, men and women looking for love come to Lisdoonvarna, Irelands only spa town. At the matchmaking festival they hope to find a good match. The tradition began when farmers came here after the hay harvest had been gathered, bringing their daughters with them. Even today, in remote parts of rural Ireland, it can be difficult to meet your soul mate. Willie Daly wants to help bring people together. A pint glass of Guinness in front of him, Daly hands out forms to fill in and consults his big matchmaking book with contacts and vital statistics. Willie Dalys father was a matchmaker, and his father before him. Initially, Willie Daly was reluctant to get involved. Now in his late 50s, Willie started when he was 24: Willie Daly (Standard Irish accent): The reason I started was where I live its down on a farm and it looks out on the Atlantic Ocean, its very pretty and very beautiful and theres great views everywhere. And I was looking around one day, and people kept saying to me, Willie, when are you going to start, will you start the matchmakings? And I said Maybe I will, you know, I wasnt really interested much in it, you know. But then I was looking around and noticing that, as the result of matchmaking having stopped, that a lot of lovely neighbors that I had, existing neighbors, were getting old, dying out, and their houses were being sold to tourists and stuff like that, you know. And I felt that I was losing great friends and neighbors, so I started at that age and I havent stopped since. I started when I was 24 and Im still doing it now. The first match Willie Daly ever made was between a very shy boy who worked on a nearby farm and a local girl. Every time they met the boys face would go pure red, Daly says. The boy did not realize that the girl had feelings for him. In his frustration he was even talking about emigrating to England. How it all worked out in the end is a long story best told over a pint of stout, but it involves the fake sale of a pig engineered by young Willie Daly. The match was a success, and the couple had eleven children. Daly and his wife have seven children. Some of them help their dad with the matchmaking. In 35 years, Daly has honed his psychologists skills. The internet has helped, too. In other ways, his job has become more difficult: Irish women today have a better education, more independence - and higher expectations. Revista Speak up, setembro de 2006 Vocabulary 1 - after the hay harvest had been gathered - depois da colheita do feno 2 - to hone - aprimora 3 - to match - casar And I said Maybe I will,‟ you know,I wasn\t really interested much in it, you know. About the period in bold, we can say that


(UEMG - 2007) Em todas as alternativas, foram apontados corretamente, traos estilsticos e temticos presentes na obra POEMAS DOS BECOS DE GOIS E ESTRIAS MAIS, de Cora Coralina focalizada, EXCETO:


(UEMG 2006)Abrange o extremo norte da Europa, da Federao Russa, da Sucia e a quase totalidade daGroenlndia. A maior parte da regio formada pelo Oceano Glacial rtico e por diversos mares. A descrio acima corresponde a uma regio


(UEMG-2006) Assinale a alternativa em que o(s) termo(s) em negrito do fragmento citado NÃO contém (êm) traço(s) da função emotiva da linguagem.


(UEMG - 2006) Leia, a seguir, a epgrafe do conto O Edifcio, que integra a obra O Pirotcnico Zacarias: Chegar o dia em que os teus pardieiros se transformaro em edifcios; naquele dia ficars fora da lei. Miquias, VII, 11. Indique, abaixo, a alternativa cujo trecho se associa diretamente a esta epgrafe.


(UEMG - 2006) Leia, a seguir, a epgrafe do conto O Edifcio, que integra a obra O Pirotcnico Zacarias: Chegar o dia em que os teus pardieiros se transformaro em edifcios; naquele dia ficars fora da lei. - Miquias, VII, 11. - Indique, abaixo, a alternativa cujo trecho se associa diretamente a esta epgrafe.


Observe as figuras abaixo. Sobre os animais representados nessa figura, est CORRETO afirmar que


(UEMG - 2005) MARAVILLAS DE LA VOLUNTAD A las tres en punto don Pedro llegaba a nuestra mesa, saludaba a cada uno de los concurrentes, pronunciaba para s unas frases indescifrables y silenciosamente tomaba asiento. Peda una taza de caf, encenda un cigarrillo, escuchaba la pltica, beba a sorbos su tacita, pagaba a la mesera, tomaba su sombrero, recoga su portafolio, nos daba las buenas tardes y se marchaba. Y as todos los das. Qu deca Pedro al sentarse y al levantarse, con cara seria y ojos duros? Deca: - Ojal te mueras. Don Pedro repeta muchas veces al da esa frase. Al levantarse, al terminar su tocado matinal, al entrar o salir de casa - a las ocho, a la una, a las dos y media, a las siete y cuarto -, en el caf, en la oficina, antes y despus de cada comida, al acostarse cada noche. La repeta entre dientes o en voz alta; a solas o en compaa. A veces slo con los ojos. Siempre con toda el alma. Nadie saba contra quin diriga aquellas palabras. Todos ignoraban el origen de aquel odio. Cuando se quera 1ahondar en el asunto, don Pedro mova la cabeza con desdn y callaba, modesto. Quiz era un odio sin causa, un odio puro. Pero aquel sentimiento lo alimentaba, daba seriedad a su vida, majestad a sus aos. Vestido de negro, pareca llevar luto de antemano por su condenado. Una tarde don Pedro lleg ms grave que de costumbre. Se sent con lentitud y en el centro mismo del silencio que se hizo ante su presencia, dej caer con simplicidad estas palabras: - Ya lo mat. A quin y cmo? 3Algunos sonrieron queriendo tomar la cosa a broma. La mirada de don Pedro los detuvo. Todos nos sentimos incmodos. Era cierto, all se senta el hueco de la muerte. Lentamente se dispers el grupo. Don Pedro se qued solo, ms serio que nunca, un poco lacio, como un astro quemado ya, pero tranquilo, sin remordimientos. No volvi al da siguiente. Nunca volvi. Muri? Acaso le falt ese odio vivificador. Tal vez vive an y ahora odia a otro. 2Reviso mis acciones. Y te aconsejo que hagas lo mismo con las tuyas, no vaya a ser que hayas incurrido en la clera paciente, obstinada, de esos pequeos ojos miopes. Has pensado alguna vez cuntos - acaso muy cercanos a ti - te miran con los mismos ojos de don Pedro? PAZ, Octavio. Arenas movedizas, Mxico, 1949 Reviso mis acciones. Y te aconsejo que hagas lo mismo con las tuyas... (ref. 2). El POSESIVO suele aparecer ntegro o apocopado. Seale la opcin en que se encuentra empleado correctamente.


(UEMG - 2005) O governo j estuda a possibilidade de autorizar o uso da mistura B5 de leo vegetal no diesel derivado de petrleo, na proporo de 5% de biodiesel, 15% de etanol e 80% de leo diesel. (Fonte: Gazeta do Paran 04/04/04). O biodiesel obtido a partir de leos vegetais que contm cidos carboxlicos de cadeia carbnica longa, os cidos graxos. Esses reagem com um lcool, que pode ser o etanol ou o metanol, para formar o ster, constituinte do biodiesel. Sobre esses materiais, INCORRETO afirmar que

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