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(UFPR - 2018 - 1 FASE)More than 100 South African

(UFPR - 2018 - 1ª FASE) 

More than 100 South African gold miners treated for smoke inhalation

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Hundreds of South African gold mine workers were rescued and over 100 treated for smoke inhalation after an underground fire, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) said on Thursday.

Safety is a huge issue in South Africa’s dangerous deep-level mines and a focus for investors. A spate of deaths at SibanyeStillwater’s gold operations, including a seismic event that killed seven miners in early May, has highlighted the risks.

In the latest incident, more than 600 miners were initially trapped after a fire broke out at a mine east of Johannesburg operated by unlisted Gold One, NUM said.

This comes almost two weeks after five miners died in an underground fire at a South African copper mine operated by unlisted Palabora Mining Company in Limpopo.

Company officials could not immediately be reached for comment. “As the NUM, we vehemently condemn this kind of incident as it is becoming a trend”, the union said in a statement.

(Disponível em: <https://www.reuters.com/article/us-safrica-mining-fire/more-than-100-south-african-gold-miners-treated-for-smoke-inhalation-idUS>)

De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar:


As centenas de mortes ocasionadas pelo incêndio em uma mina de carvão tensionaram as relações entre mineiros e as companhias


Os riscos de morte e de inalação de fumaça têm sido minorados com a com a intervenção da União Nacional dos Mineradores.


Representantes das companhias que atuam nas minas na África do Sul se manifestaram por meio de um comunicado em relação às medidas tomadas no caso das mortes nas minas.


A União Nacional de Mineradores (NUM) reprovou os incidentes ocorridos em minas na África do Sul, afirmando que eles têm se tornado uma tendência.


A morte de mineiros em uma mina de carvão e outras centenas de mineiros presos em uma mina de ouro ao leste de Johannesburgo ocorreram simultaneamente.