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Questões - UNESP 2011 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 1a fase) Entre as caractersticas da sociedade da regio das Minas Gerais no perodo da extrao de ouro, no sculo XVIII, podemos citar:

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 2 FASE) Leia a letra da msica para responder, em portugus, a questo. One Love (Bob Marley) One Love, one heart Lets get together and feel all right Hear the children crying (One love) Hear the children crying (One heart) Sayin, Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Sayin, Lets get together and feel all right Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One love) There is one question Id really love to ask (One heart) Is there a place for the hopeless sinner Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own? Believe me One Love, one heart Lets get together and feel all right As it was in the beginning (One love) So shall it be in the end (One heart) Alright, Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Lets get together and feel all right. One more thing Lets get together to fight this Holy Armageddon (One love) So when the Man comes there will be no, no doom (One song) Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner There aint no hiding place from the Father of Creation Sayin, One love, one heart Lets get together and feel all right. Im pleading to mankind (One love) Oh Lord (One heart) Whoa. Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right. Lets get together and feel all right (www.lyrics007.com) Explique o significado do verso Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner no contexto da letra de One Love. A quem se refere a palavra those, e por que se afirma, sobre essas pessoas, que chances grow thinner?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 1a fase) A tela de Rodolfo Amoedo mostra a morte de Aimber, lder da Confederao dos Tamoios (1554-1567), revolta indgena contra a escravizao. A pintura foi realizada mais de trs sculos depois e pode ser entendida como um esforo de

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2011 - 1 FASE)A Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870) foi definida, por alguns historiadores, como um momento de apogeu do Imprio brasileiro. Outros preferiram consider-la como uma demonstrao de seu declnio. Tal discordncia se justifica porque o conflito sul-americano

Questão 35

(UNESP- 2011 - 2 FASE) Trecho de uma entrevista com Omen, um conhecido grafiteiro residente da cidade de Montreal, no Canad. Interviewer: Who are you and what are you doing later today? Omen: Erm I write OMEN and I dont know what I am going to do today. The weather seems to be my only enemy these days. Interviewer: Whens the last time you painted? Omen: I painted the other day at a school in Point St-Charles. Options 2 its called. Its a school for children that need special guidance. Their lives have been messed up by drugs and guns and all that stuff. I was there to show them fundamentals of Graff like can control and what tips to use. It was pretty cool. Interviewer: Whats your favorite medium? Omen: Well, to paint with? I love aerosol. Love it. There is nothing more demanding and yet forgiving as far as mediums. The dry time, the size, the variety, the randomness, its all gold. I mean you can bust a huge piece and then say, nahhh. and take it out in less than a minute and start again cuz it will already be dry. A real medium of the future. Interviewer: What do you think is the importance of architecture in everyday life and does graffiti influence architecture in any way? Omen: Architecture is an awesome field of study and it greatly influenced my life for many years. The reality of it is that it is an insulated discussion between architect and city and/or Private developer. The public rarely has a say in matters. This is unfortunate because it is the public that will be forced to look at the unchanging design of an architect for the duration of our lifetimes and if it is unappealing one; then that is a real tragedy. (www.yveslaroche.com/en/news. Adaptado.) Que tipo de escola Omen declarou na entrevista que grafitou recentemente e o que ele relatou sobre os alunos dessa escola?

Questão 36

(UNESP- 2011 - 2 FASE) Trecho de uma entrevista com Omen, um conhecido grafiteiro residente da cidade de Montreal, no Canad. Interviewer: Who are you and what are you doing later today? Omen: Erm I write OMEN and I dont know what I am going to do today. The weather seems to be my only enemy these days. Interviewer: Whens the last time you painted? Omen: I painted the other day at a school in Point St-Charles. Options 2 its called. Its a school for children that need special guidance. Their lives have been messed up by drugs and guns and all that stuff. I was there to show them fundamentals of Graff like can control and what tips to use. It was pretty cool. Interviewer: Whats your favorite medium? Omen: Well, to paint with? I love aerosol. Love it. There is nothing more demanding and yet forgiving as far as mediums. The dry time, the size, the variety, the randomness, its all gold. I mean you can bust a huge piece and then say, nahhh. and take it out in less than a minute and start again cuz it will already be dry. A real medium of the future. Interviewer: What do you think is the importance of architecture in everyday life and does graffiti influence architecture in any way? Omen: Architecture is an awesome field of study and it greatly influenced my life for many years. The reality of it is that it is an insulated discussion between architect and city and/or Private developer. The public rarely has a say in matters. This is unfortunate because it is the public that will be forced to look at the unchanging design of an architect for the duration of our lifetimes and if it is unappealing one; then that is a real tragedy. (www.yveslaroche.com/en/news. Adaptado.) Na entrevista, Omen admite que a arquitetura influenciou sua vida, e aponta trs problemas da arquitetura. Explicite dois desses problemas por ele apontados.

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 2 FASE) Leia a letra da msica para responder, em portugus, a questo. One Love (Bob Marley) One Love, one heart Lets get together and feel all right Hear the children crying (One love) Hear the children crying (One heart) Sayin, Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Sayin, Lets get together and feel all right Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One love) There is one question Id really love to ask (One heart) Is there a place for the hopeless sinner Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own? Believe me One Love, one heart Lets get together and feel all right As it was in the beginning (One love) So shall it be in the end (One heart) Alright, Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Lets get together and feel all right. One more thing Lets get together to fight this Holy Armageddon (One love) So when the Man comes there will be no, no doom (One song) Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner There aint no hiding place from the Father of Creation Sayin, One love, one heart Lets get together and feel all right. Im pleading to mankind (One love) Oh Lord (One heart) Whoa. Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right. Lets get together and feel all right (www.lyrics007.com) Considerando-se a mensagem principal e as demais ideias contidas na letra de One Love, a quem se refere a expresso the hopeless sinner, e qual a culpa atribuda a essas pessoas?

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2011 - 1 FASE) (...) Confeitaria do Custdio. Muita gente certamente lhe no conhecia a casa por outra designao. Um nome, o prprio nome do dono, no tinha significao poltica ou figurao histrica, dio nem amor, nada que chamasse a ateno dos dois regimes, e conseguintemente que pusesse em perigo os seus pastis de Santa Clara, menos ainda a vida do proprietrio e dos empregados. Por que que no adotava esse alvitre? Gastava alguma coisa com a troca de uma palavra por outra, Custdio em vez de Imprio, mas as revolues trazem sempre despesas. (Machado de Assis. Esa e Jac. Obra completa, 1904.) O fragmento, extrado do romance Esa e Jac, de Machado de Assis, narra a desventura de Custdio, dono de uma confeitaria no Rio de Janeiro, que, s vsperas da proclamao da Repblica, mandou fazer uma placa com o nome Confeitaria do Imprio e agora temia desagradar ao novo regime. A ironia com que as dvidas de Custdio so narradas representa o

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 1a fase) O fechamento da Assembleia Constituinte, por D. Pedro I, em novembro de 1823,

Questão 37

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 1a fase) As relaes entre os Estados Unidos e o restante do continente americano nas ltimas dcadas do sculo XIX se caracterizaram

Questão 37

(UNESP - 2011 - 1 FASE) Os operrios das fbricas e das usinas, assim como as tropas rebeldes, devem escolher sem demora seus representantes ao governo revolucionrio provisrio, que deve ser constitudo sob a guarda do povo revolucionrio amotinado e do exrcito. (Manifesto de 27 de fevereiro de 1917, In: FERRO, Marc. A Revoluo Russa de 1917, 1974.) O manifesto, lanado em meio s tenses de 1917 na Rssia, revela a posio dos

Questão 38

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 1a fase) (...) 2. Que seja respeitado do modo mais absoluto o direito de associao para os trabalhadores; 3. Que nenhum operrio seja dispensado por haver participado ativa e ostensivamente no movimento grevista; 4. Que seja abolida de fato a explorao do trabalho dos menores de 14 anos nas fbricas; (...) 6. Que seja abolido o trabalho noturno das mulheres; 7. Aumento de 35% nos salrios inferiores a 5$000 e de 25% para os mais elevados; (...) 10. Jornada de oito horas (...) (O que reclamam os operrios. A Plebe, 21.07.1917. Apud Paulo Srgio Pinheiro e Michael Hall. A classe operria no Brasil, 1889-1930 Documentos, 1979.) As reivindicaes dos participantes da greve geral de 1917, em So Paulo, indicam que

Questão 38

(UNESP - 2011 - 1 FASE) A peaFontefoi criada pelo francs Marcel Duchamp e apresentada em Nova Iorque em 1917. (Fonte- obra de Marcel Duchamp, fotografada por Alfred Stieglitz.) A transformao de um urinol em obra de arte representou, entre outras coisas,

Questão 39

(UNESP - 2011 - 1 FASE)A construo de Braslia durante o governo Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961) teve, entre suas motivaes oficiais,

Questão 39

(UNESP - 2011/2 - 1a fase) O movimento constitucionalista de 1932, em So Paulo, pode ser interpretado como uma