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Questões de portuguã£â£ã¦â€™ã£â¢ã¢â£ã£â£ã¢â‚¬å¡ã£â¢ã¢âªs - FUVEST | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 50

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE ) Um mol de um gs idela percorre o processo cclico ABCA em um diagrama P-V, conforme mostrado na figura, sendo que a etapa A-B isobrica, a etapa B-C isocrica e a etapa C-A isotrmica. Considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. O gs libera calor tanto na etapa BC quanto na etapa CA. II. O mdulo do trabalho realizado pelo gs no nulo tanto na etapa AB quanto na etapa BC. III. O gs tem sua temperatuda aumentada tanto na etapa AB quanto na etapa CA. correto o que se afirma em:

Questão 51

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE ) O olho humano constitui uma compleza estrutura capaz de controlar a luz recebida e produzir imagens ntidas. Em pessoas com viso normal, o olho capaz de acomodar o cristalino para focalizar sobre a retina a luz que vem dos objetos, desde que no estejam muito prximos. Pessoas mopes, por outro lado, apresentam dificuldade de enxergar de longe. Ao focalizar objetos alm do chamado ponto remoto (PR), a imagem forma- se na frente da retina, conforme mostrado na figura: Neste caso, lentes corretivas so necessrias a fim de que o indviduo observe o objeto de forma ntida. Qual arranjo equemtico melhor descreve a correo realizada por uma lente receitada por um oftamologista no caso de um indviduo mope?

Questão 52

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) Dois bales negativamente carregados so utilizados para induzir cargas em latas metlicas, alinhadas e em contato, que, inicialmente, estavam eletricamente neutras. Conforme mostrado na figura, os bales esto prximos, mas jamais chegam a tocar as latas. Nessa configurao, as latas 1, 2 e 3 tero, respectivamente, carga total:

Questão 53

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) Em uma luminria de mesa, h duas lmpadas que podem ser acesas individualmente ou ambas ao mesmo tempo, com cada uma funcionando sob tenso nominal determinada pelo fabricante, de modo que a intensidade luminosa de cada lmpara seja sempre a mesma. Entre os circuitos apresentados, indique aquele que corresponde a uma arranjo que permite o funcionamento conforme essa descrio. Note e adote: Suponha que as lmpadas funcionem de maneira hmica, ou seja, da mesma forma que um resistor.

Questão 54

(FUVEST 2021 - 1 fase) Uma esfera metlica de massae carga eltricadescansa sobre um piso horizontal isolante, em uma regio em que h um campo eltrico uniforme e tambm horizontal, de intensidade, conforme mostrado na figura. Em certo instante, com auxlio de uma barra isolante, a esfera erguida ao longo de uma linha vertical, com velocidade constante e contra a ao de gravidade, a uma altura total, sem nunca abandonar a regio de campo eltrico uniforme. Ao longo do movimento descrito, os trabalhos realizados pela fora gravitacional e pela fora eltrica sobre a esfera, so, respectivamente:

Questão 55

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1FASE) A energia irradiada pelo Sol provm da conveso de massa em energia durante reaes de fuso de ncleos de hidrognio para produzir ncleios de hlio. Atualmente, essas reaes permitem ao Sol emitir radiao luminosa a uma potncia de aproximadamente 4 x 1026W. Supondo que essa potncia tenha sido mantida desde o nascimento do Sol, cerca de 5 x 109anos atrs, amassa correspondente quela perdida pelo Sol at hoje mais prxima de

Questão 56

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) As astronomers gaze into the depths of space, they do so with unease: They dont know precisely what the universe is made of. Surprisingly, no one knows the stars exact chemical composition: how many carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms they have relative to hydrogen, the most common element. These numbers are crucial, because they affect how stars live and die, what types of planets form and even how readily life might arise on other worlds. Twenty years ago, astronomers expressed confidence in the numbers they had been working with. Now, not so much. The problem lies not in the far corners of the cosmos, but much closer to home. Astonishingly, scientists dont know exactly what the sun is made of. As a result, they dont know what the other stars are made of, either. The sun is a fundamental yardstick, says Martin Asplund, an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany. When we determine the abundance of a certain element in a star or a galaxy or a gas cloud anywhere in the universe, we use the sun as a reference point. The suns location in the Milky Way also makes it a good representative of the entire galaxy.most stars in the universe reside ingiant galaxies like the Milky Way, which makes the sun a touchstone for the entire cosmos. For nearly a century, astronomers have judged stars normal or not by seeing whether their chemical compositions match the suns. Most stars near us do; some dont. Scientific American.1 July 2020. Adaptado. Segundo o texto, conhecer a composio de elementos qumicos que constituem as estrelas fundamental, pois ela, entre outros aspectos,

Questão 57

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) As astronomers gaze into the depths of space, they do so with unease: They dont know precisely what the universe is made of. Surprisingly, no one knows the stars exact chemical composition: how many carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms they have relative to hydrogen, the most common element. These numbers are crucial, because they affect how stars live and die, what types of planets form and even how readily life might arise on other worlds. Twenty years ago, astronomers expressed confidence in the numbers they had been working with. Now, not so much. The problem lies not in the far corners of the cosmos, but much closer to home. Astonishingly, scientists dont know exactly what the sun is made of. As a result, they dont know what the other stars are made of, either. The sun is a fundamental yardstick, says Martin Asplund, an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany. When we determine the abundance of a certain element in a star or a galaxy or a gas cloud anywhere in the universe, we use the sun as a reference point. The suns location in the Milky Way also makes it a good representative of the entire galaxy.most stars in the universe reside ingiant galaxies like the Milky Way, which makes the sun a touchstone for the entire cosmos. For nearly a century, astronomers have judged stars normal or not by seeing whether their chemical compositions match the suns. Most stars near us do; some dont. Scientific American.1 July 2020. Adaptado. No texto, o astrofsico Martin Asplund emprega a frase The sun is a fundamental yardstick, por considerar o Sol

Questão 58

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) As astronomers gaze into the depths of space, they do so with unease: They dont know precisely what the universe is made of. Surprisingly, no one knows the stars exact chemical composition: how many carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms they have relative to hydrogen, the most common element. These numbers are crucial, because they affect how stars live and die, what types of planets form and even how readily life might arise on other worlds. Twenty years ago, astronomers expressed confidence in the numbers they had been working with. Now, not so much. The problem lies not in the far corners of the cosmos, but much closer to home. Astonishingly, scientists dont know exactly what the sun is made of. As a result, they dont know what the other stars are made of, either. The sun is a fundamental yardstick, says Martin Asplund, an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany. When we determine the abundance of a certain element in a star or a galaxy or a gas cloud anywhere in the universe, we use the sun as a reference point. The suns location in the Milky Way also makes it a good representative of the entire galaxy.most stars in the universe reside ingiant galaxies like the Milky Way, which makes the sun a touchstone for the entire cosmos. For nearly a century, astronomers have judged stars normal or not by seeing whether their chemical compositions match the suns. Most stars near us do; some dont. Scientific American.1 July 2020. Adaptado. Conforme o texto, um critrio tradicionalmente utilizado por astrnomos para avaliar estrelas envolve

Questão 59

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) I knew TikTok existed, I didnt even fully understand what it was until a few months ago. I also realized that something radical, yet largely invisible, is happening on the internet with implications we still dont understand. When I was growing up, I took it for granted that the people who became famous enough to be listened to by a crowd had worked hard for that accolade and generally operated with the support of an institution or an established industry. The idea that I, as a teenager in my bedroom, might suddenly communicate with 100,000 people or more, would have seemed bizarre. Todays kids no longer see life in these hierarchical and institutional terms. Yes, their physical worlds are often constrained by parental controls, a lack of access to the outdoors and insane over-scheduling. But despite that (or, more accurately, in reaction to that), they see the internet as a constantly evolving frontier, where it is still possible for a bold and lucky pioneer to grab some land or find a voice.Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Most voices on the internet never travel beyond a relatively small network, and much of the content that goes viral on platforms such as TikTok, YouTube or Instagram does so because of unseen institutions at work (for example, a public relations team aiming to boost a celebritys profile). Fame can suddenly appear and then just as suddenly be taken away again, because the audience gets bored, the platforms algorithms change or the cultural trend that a breakout video has tapped into goes out of fashion. For a teenager, social media can seem like a summer garden at dusk filled with fireflies: spots of lights suddenly flare up and then die down, moving in an unpredictable, capricious display. Is this a bad thing? We will not know for several years. Financial Times. 5 February 2020.Adaptado. Conforme o texto, um aspecto associado ao carter efmero da popularidade de um usurio da internet, relativo ao uso de plataformas como o TikTok,

Questão 60

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) I knew TikTok existed, I didnt even fully understand what it was until a few months ago. I also realized that something radical, yet largely invisible, is happening on the internet with implications we still dont understand. When I was growing up, I took it for granted that the people who became famous enough to be listened to by a crowd had worked hard for that accolade and generally operated with the support of an institution or an established industry. The idea that I, as a teenager in my bedroom, might suddenly communicate with 100,000 people or more, would have seemed bizarre. Todays kids no longer see life in these hierarchical and institutional terms. Yes, their physical worlds are often constrained by parental controls, a lack of access to the outdoors and insane over-scheduling. But despite that (or, more accurately, in reaction to that), they see the internet as a constantly evolving frontier, where it is still possible for a bold and lucky pioneer to grab some land or find a voice.Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Most voices on the internet never travel beyond a relatively small network, and much of the content that goes viral on platforms such as TikTok, YouTube or Instagram does so because of unseen institutions at work (for example, a public relations team aiming to boost a celebritys profile). Fame can suddenly appear and then just as suddenly be taken away again, because the audience gets bored, the platforms algorithms change or the cultural trend that a breakout video has tapped into goes out of fashion. For a teenager, social media can seem like a summer garden at dusk filled with fireflies: spots of lights suddenly flare up and then die down, moving in an unpredictable, capricious display. Is this a bad thing? We will not know for several years. Financial Times. 5 February 2020.Adaptado. No texto, a referncia a um jardim de vero ao entardecer, repleto de vagalumes, sugere que, para os adolescentes, as mdias sociais

Questão 61

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) I aint gonna work on Maggies farm no more No, I aint gonna work on Maggies farm no more Well, I wake in the morning Fold my hands and pray for rain I got a head full of ideas That are drivin me insane Its a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor I aint gonna work on Maggies farm no more I aint gonna work for Maggies brother no more I aint gonna work for Maggies brother no more Well, he hands you a nickel He hands you a dime He asks you with a grin If youre havin a good time Then he fines you every time you slam the door I aint gonna work for Maggies brother no more I aint gonna work for Maggies pa no more No, I aint gonna work for Maggies pa no more Well, he puts his cigar out in your face just for kicks His bedroom window it is made out of bricks The National Guard stands around his door Ah, I aint gonna work for Maggies pa no more, alright Bon Dylan, Maggies Farm, do lbumBringing it all home, 1965. Nestes estrofes, o conjunto de cenas descritas mostra que a principal dificuldade experimentada pela pessoa cuja histria contada na letra da msica refere-se

Questão 62

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 FASE) Leia os provrbios: 1.Dont count your chickens before they lay eggs. 2.Dont bite the hand that feeds you. 3.Every cloud has a silver lining. A alternativa que melhor expressa a ideia contida em cada um dos trs provrios, na ordem em que aparecem, :

Questão 63

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 Fase) Uma ltima gargalhada estrondosa. E depois, o silncio. O palhao jazia imvel no cho. Mas seu rosto continua sorrindo, para sempre. Porque a carreira original do Coringa era para durar apenas 30 pginas. O tempo de evenenar Gotham, sequestrar Robin, enfiar um par de sopapos no Homem-Morcego e disparar o primeiro vou te matar na sua relao. Na briga final do Batman n 1, o horripilante bufo sofria um final digno de sua desumana ironia: ao tropear, cravava sua prpria adaga no peito. Assim decidiram e desenharam seus pais, os artistas Bill Finger, Bob Kane e Jerry Robinson. Entretanto, o criminoso mostrou, j em sua primeira aventura, um enorme talento para se rebelar contra a ordem estabelecida. Seu carisma seduziu a editora DC Comics, que imps o acrscimo de um quadrinho. J dentro da ambulncia, vinha tona um dado desconcertante. E ento um mdico sentenciava: Continua vivo. E vai sobreviver!. Tommaso Koch. O Coringa completa 80 anos e na Espanha ganha duas HQs, que inspiram debates filosficos sobre a liberdade. El Pas. Junho/2020. No fragmento ao tropear, cravava sua prpria adaga no peito, a orao em negrito abrange, simultaneamente, as noes de

Questão 64

(FUVEST - 2021 - 1 Fase) Uma ltima gargalhada estrondosa. E depois, o silncio. O palhao jazia imvel no cho. Mas seu rosto continua sorrindo, para sempre. Porque a carreira original do Coringa era para durar apenas 30 pginas. O tempo de envenenar Gotham, sequestrar Robin, enfiar um par de sopapos no Homem-Morcego e disparar o primeiro vou te matar na sua relao. Na briga final do Batman n1, o horripilante bufo sofria um final digno de sua desumana ironia: ao tropear, cravava sua prpria adaga no peito. Assim decidiram e desenharam seus pais, os artistas Bill Finger, Bob Kane e Jerry Robinson. Entretanto, o criminoso mostrou, j em sua primeira aventura, um enorme talento para se rebelar contra a ordem estabelecida. Seu carisma seduziu a editora DC Comics, que imps o acrscimo de um quadrinho. J dentro da ambulncia, vinha tona um dado desconcertante. E ento um mdico sentenciava: Continua vivo. E vai sobreviver!. Tommaso Koch. O Coringa completa 80 anos e na Espanha ganha duas HQs, que inspiram debates filosficos sobre a liberdade. El Pas. Junho/2020. As vrgulas em E depois, o silncio. e em Mas seu rosto continua sorrindo, para sempre. so usadas, respectivamente, com a mesma finalidade que as vrgulas em