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Questões - ITA 2002 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 8

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) A diviso de um polinmio f(x) portem resto . Se os restos das divises de f(x) por e so, respectivamente, os nmeros a e b, ento vale:

Questão 8

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Considere as seguintes afirmaes relativas ao grfico apresentado a seguir: I. Se a ordenada representar a constante de equilbrio de uma reao qumica exotrmica e a abscissa, a temperatura, o grfico pode representar um trecho da curva relativa ao efeito da temperatura sobre a constante de equilbrio dessa reao. II. Se a ordenada representar a massa de um catalisador existente em um sistema reagente e a abscissa, o tempo, o grfico pode representar um trecho relativo variao da massa do catalisador em funo do tempo de uma reao. III. Se a ordenada representar a concentrao de um sal em soluo aquosa e a abscissa, a temperatura, o grfico pode representar um trecho da curva de solubilidade deste sal em gua. IV. Se a ordenada representar a presso de vapor de um equilbrio lquido gs e a abscissa, a temperatura, o grfico pode representar um trecho da curva de presso de vapor deste lquido. V. Se a ordenada representar a concentrao de NO2(g) existente dentro de um cilindro provido de um pisto mvel, sem atrito, onde se estabeleceu o equilbrio N2O4(g) 2 NO2(g), e a abscissa, a presso externa exercida sobre o pisto, o grfico pode representar um trecho da curva relativa variao da concentrao de NO2 em funo da presso externa exercida sobre o pisto, temperatura constante. Destas afirmaes, esto CORRETAS

Questão 9

(ITA - 2002- 1a Fase) Give Us the Olympics, or Well Shoot By June Thomas Posted Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. PT With the International Olympic Committee set to announce the 2008 Olympic Games venue on Friday, several newspapers editorialized about Beijings suitability. Canadas Globe and Mail admitted bias in favor of its hometown (Toronto and Paris are Beijings strongest rivals), but declared: Regardless of who the other contenders are, it would be wrong to award the Games to Beijing... It would reward an authoritarian regime that tramples on the most basic rights of the Chinese people. The Financial Times counseled the IOC members to ignore political factors when making their selection: Despite the ugliness of the Chinese regime, the world is willing to deal with it in political, institutional, cultural and economic terms. Why should the Olympic Games be something different? An op-ed in the Sydney Morning Herald argued that China doesnt deserve to host: There is no point in isolating China. It makes sense to trade with China and to facilitate its entry into the World Trade Organisation. But there is no reason to indulge the Beijing regime. The Heralds China correspondent offered a pragmatic argument: Giving the Games to Beijing will probably do nothing to advance human rights in China. The authorities will be keen to keep a lid on dissent before the Games. But not granting Beijing the Games is unlikely to help promote greater human rights in the short or long term... Passing over Beijing may lead to a hardening of Chinas attitudes in its relations with the West. It would certainly lead to a binge of nationalistic outrage with unforeseeable results. In a worst-case scenario it may encourage Chinas leadership to speed up its plans to forcibly reunify Taiwan with the motherland. An op-ed in Hong Kongs South China Morning Post struck a similar note of alarm: By stirring up the publics feelings to a frenzy over the Olympic bid, the Government plans to distract peoples attention from the problems of rampant corruption, a rising unemployment rate and a lack of confidence in the Communist Party. In the scenario that China loses the bid, the government-controlled media will direct the blame onto the United States and Western countries and once again incite anti-Western sentiments. With an almost paranoid mentality that the whole world is against them over their Olympic bid, the Chinese Government will be more militarily aggressive and refuse to co-operate with the west on such important issues as nuclear non-proliferation and regional peace. www.slate.com N.B. Op-ed: (Am E) the page opposite the EDITORIAL page in many American newspapers, which usually contains interesting feature articles on current subjects (LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF ENG. LANGUAGE AND CULTURE). Considere as afrmaes abaixo: I. us, no ttulo do texto, refere-se ao povo chins. II. O ttulo do texto pode ser entendido como um pedido da populao chinesa para o mundo ocidental. III. O ttulo do texto ilustra uma opinio jornalstica com relao ao governo chins no que diz respeito s Olimpadas de 2008. est(o) condizente(s) com o texto:

Questão 9

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Um dispositivo desloca, com velocidade constante, uma carga de 1,5C por um percurso de 20,0 cm atravs de um campo eltrico uniforme de intensidade 2,0 103 N/C. A fora eletromotriz do dispositivo

Questão 9

(ITA - 2002 - 1 Fase) Para as mesmas condies de temperatura e presso, considere as seguintesafirmaes relativas condutividade eltrica de solues aquosas: I. A condutividade eltrica de uma soluo 0,1 mol/L de cido actico menor do que aquela docido actico glacial (cido actico praticamente puro). II. A condutividade eltrica de uma soluo 1 mol/L de cido actico menor do que aquela deuma soluo de cido tricloroactico com igual concentrao. III. A condutividade eltrica de uma soluo 1 mol/L de cloreto de amnio igual quela de umasoluo de hidrxido de amnio com igual concentrao. IV. A condutividade eltrica de uma soluo 1 mol/L de hidrxido de sdio igual quela deuma soluo de cloreto de sdio com igual concentrao. V. A condutividade eltrica de uma soluo saturada em iodeto de chumbo menor do queaquela do sal fundido. Destas afirmaes, esto ERRADAS

Questão 10

(ITA - 2002- 1a Fase) Give Us the Olympics, or Well Shoot By June Thomas Posted Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. PT With the International Olympic Committee set to announce the 2008 Olympic Games venue on Friday, several newspapers editorialized about Beijings suitability. CanadasGlobe and Mail admitted bias in favor of its hometown (Toronto and Paris are Beijings strongest rivals), but declared: Regardless of who the other contenders are, it would be wrong to award the Games to Beijing... It would reward an authoritarian regime that tramples on the most basic rights of the Chinese people. TheFinancial Times counseled the IOC members to ignore political factors when making their selection: Despite the ugliness of the Chinese regime, the world is willing to deal with it in political, institutional, cultural and economic terms. Why should the Olympic Games be something different? An op-ed in theSydney Morning Heraldargued that China doesnt deserve to host: There is no point in isolating China. It makes sense to trade with China and to facilitate its entry into the World Trade Organisation. But there is no reason to indulge the Beijing regime. TheHeralds Chinacorrespondent offered a pragmatic argument: Giving the Games to Beijing will probably do nothing to advance human rights in China. The authorities will be keen to keep a lid on dissent before the Games. But not granting Beijing the Games is unlikely to help promote greater human rights in the short or long term... Passing over Beijing may lead to a hardening of Chinas attitudes in its relations with the West. It would certainly lead to a binge of nationalistic outrage with unforeseeable results. In a worst-case scenario it may encourage Chinas leadership to speed up its plans to forcibly reunify Taiwan with the motherland. An op-ed in Hong KongsSouth China Morning Poststruck a similar note of alarm: By stirring up the publics feelings to a frenzy over the Olympic bid, the Government plans to distract peoples attention from the problems of rampant corruption, a rising unemployment rate and a lack of confidence in the Communist Party. In the scenario that China loses the bid, the government-controlled media will direct the blame onto the United States and Western countries and once again incite anti-Western sentiments. With an almost paranoid mentality that the whole world is against them over their Olympic bid, the Chinese Government will be more militarily aggressive and refuse to co-operate with the west on such important issues as nuclear non-proliferation and regional peace. www.slate.com N.B. Op-ed: (Am E) the page opposite the EDITORIAL page in many American newspapers, which usually contains interesting feature articles on current subjects (LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF ENG. LANGUAGE AND CULTURE). Qual das afirmaes abaixo NO est de acordo com as snteses dos jornais?

Questão 10

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Dada a funo quadrtica temos que

Questão 10

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Sendo dado que 1 J = 0,239 cal, o valor que melhor expressa, em calorias, o calor produzido em 5 minutos de funcionamento de um ferro eltrico, ligado a uma fonte de 120 V e atravessado por uma corrente de 5,0 A,

Questão 10

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Seja S a solubilidade de Ag3PO4 em 100g de gua pura numa dada temperatura. A seguir, para a mesma temperatura, so feitas as seguintes afirmaes a respeito da solubilidade de Ag3PO4 em 100g de diferentes solues aquosas: I. A solubilidade do Ag3PO4 em soluo aquosa 1 mol/L de HNO3 maior do que S. II. A solubilidade do Ag3PO4 em soluo aquosa 1 mol/L de AgNO3 menor do que S. III. A solubilidade do Ag3PO4 em soluo aquosa 1 mol/L de Na3PO4 menor do que S. IV. A solubilidade do Ag3PO4 em soluo aquosa 1 mol/L de KCN maior do que S. V. A solubilidade do Ag3PO4 em soluo aquosa 1 mol/L de NaNO3 praticamente igual a S. Destas afirmaes, esto CORRETAS

Questão 11

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) A massa de um certo hidrocarboneto igual a 2,60 g. As concentraes, em porcentagem em massa, de carbono e de hidrognio neste hidrocarboneto so iguais a 82,7% e 17,3%, respectivamente. A frmula molecular do hidrocarboneto

Questão 11

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Para se proteger do apago, o dono de um bar conectou uma lmpada a uma bateria de automvel (12,0 V). Sabendo que a lmpada dissipa 40,0 W, os valores que melhor representam a corrente I que a atravessa e sua resistncia R so, respectivamente, dados por

Questão 11

(ITA - 2002- 1a Fase) Give Us the Olympics, or Well Shoot By June Thomas Posted Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. PT With the International Olympic Committee set to announce the 2008 Olympic Games venue on Friday, several newspapers editorialized about Beijings suitability. CanadasGlobe and Mail admitted bias in favor of its hometown (Toronto and Paris are Beijings strongest rivals), but declared: Regardless of who the other contenders are, it would be wrong to award the Games to Beijing... It would reward an authoritarian regime that tramples on the most basic rights of the Chinese people. TheFinancial Times counseled the IOC members to ignore political factors when making their selection: Despite the ugliness of the Chinese regime, the world is willing to deal with it in political, institutional, cultural and economic terms. Why should the Olympic Games be something different? An op-ed in theSydney Morning Heraldargued that China doesnt deserve to host: There is no point in isolating China. It makes sense to trade with China and to facilitate its entry into the World Trade Organisation. But there is no reason to indulge the Beijing regime. TheHeralds Chinacorrespondent offered a pragmatic argument: Giving the Games to Beijing will probably do nothing to advance human rights in China. The authorities will be keen to keep a lid on dissent before the Games. But not granting Beijing the Games is unlikely to help promote greater human rights in the short or long term... Passing over Beijing may lead to a hardening of Chinas attitudes in its relations with the West. It would certainly lead to a binge of nationalistic outrage with unforeseeable results. In a worst-case scenario it may encourage Chinas leadership to speed up its plans to forcibly reunify Taiwan with the motherland. An op-ed in Hong KongsSouth China Morning Poststruck a similar note of alarm: By stirring up the publics feelings to a frenzy over the Olympic bid, the Government plans to distract peoples attention from the problems of rampant corruption, a rising unemployment rate and a lack of confidence in the Communist Party. In the scenario that China loses the bid, the government-controlled media will direct the blame onto the United States and Western countries and once again incite anti-Western sentiments. With an almost paranoid mentality that the whole world is against them over their Olympic bid, the Chinese Government will be more militarily aggressive and refuse to co-operate with the west on such important issues as nuclear non-proliferation and regional peace. www.slate.com N.B. Op-ed: (Am E) the page opposite the EDITORIAL page in many American newspapers, which usually contains interesting feature articles on current subjects (LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF ENG. LANGUAGE AND CULTURE). A expresso Despite the ugliness of the Chinese regime... (linha 16/17) NO pode ser substituda por:

Questão 11

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Quantos anagramas com 4 letras distintas podemos formar com as 10 primeiras letras do alfabeto e que contenham 2 das letras a, b e c?

Questão 12

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) O seguinte trecho de artigo de um jornal local relata uma corrida beneficente de bicicletas: Alguns segundos aps a largada, Ralf tomou a liderana, seguido de perto por David e Rubinho, nesta ordem. Da em diante, eles no mais deixaram as primeiras trs posies e, em nenhum momento da corrida, estiveram lado a lado mais do que dois competidores. A liderana, no entanto, mudou de mos nove vezes entre os trs, enquanto que em mais oito ocasies diferentes aqueles que corriam na segunda e terceira posies trocaram de lugar entre si. Aps o trmino da corrida, Rubinho reclamou para nossos reprteres que David havia conduzido sua bicicleta de forma imprudente pouco antes da bandeirada de chegada. Desse modo, logo atrs de David, Rubinho no pde ultrapass-lo no final da corrida. Com base no trecho acima, voc conclui que

Questão 12

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Um elemento galvnico constitudo pelos eletrodos a seguir especificados e separados por uma ponte salina. ELETRODO I: placa de chumbo metlico mergulhada em uma soluo aquosa 1 mol/L de nitrato de chumbo. ELETRODO II: sulfato de chumbo slido prensado contra uma peneira de chumbo metlico mergulhada em uma soluo aquosa 1 mol/L de cido sulfrico. Nas condies-padro, o potencial de cada um destes eletrodos, em relao ao eletrodo padro de hidrognio, E0 (Pb/Pb2+) = - 0,1264 V (ELETRODO I). E0 (Pb/PbSO4,SO42-) = - 0,3546 V (ELETRODO II). Assinale a opo que contm a afirmao CORRETA sobre as alteraes ocorridas neste elemento galvnico quando os dois eletrodos so conectados por um fio de baixa resistncia eltrica e circular corrente eltrica no elemento.