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(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase)(...)1For about 25 years, I

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase)

1For about 25 years, I have had the opportunity to observe the efforts of many individuals applying
digital image-processing techniques to problems offered by the real world. A few of these individuals have
established an enduring track record of solid success on almost every attempt. They have consistently
contributed innovative and effective solutions that creatively employ the tools of the discipline.

5These highly productive individuals demonstrably hold several characteristics in common. One can
venture to assume that these characteristics constitute a formula for success, to whatever extent such a
thing can exist in this field.

Uniformly, these successful persons have (1) a genuine interest in – even a fascination with – the
technology involved, (2) a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this highly multidisciplinary
10technology, (3) a conceptual type of understanding (as opposed to rote memorization of totally abstract
theory), and (4) a knack for seeing problems visually, graphically, and from more than one viewpoint. In line
with this last point, they often find themselves hard pressed to explain their ideas without the aid of a graph
or drawing.

This book is designed to help the reader develop the last three of these traits and perhaps enhance
15the first as well. The selection of materials for inclusion (and, equally important, for omission), the examples
used, the references cited, and the exercises and suggestions for projects are all directed toward this goal.

In the field of digital image processing, mathematical analysis forms the stable basis upon which one
can make definite predictions regarding the performance of a digital imaging system. In this treatment,
however, mathematics is employed more as a faithful servant than as a ruthless master. The emphasis is
20on developing a conceptual understanding, and the analysis is used to support this goal.

Castleman, K. R. Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, 1996

Assinale a asserção que NÃO indica possíveis objetivos do livro.


Auxiliar no desenvolvimento da compreensão conceitual da teoria de processamento de imagens digitais em contraposição à memorização mecânica da teoria.


Aprofundar a compreensão dos fundamentos da tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.


 Desenvolver a capacidade de enxergar problemas relacionados a processamento de imagens sob pontos de vista variados.


Apresentar exemplos, referências, exercícios e sugestões para o desenvolvimento de projetos usando tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.


Aumentar o interesse genuíno pela tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.