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Questões - ITA 2018 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 12

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Com relao equao, podemos afirmar que

Questão 13

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Sejam A e B matrizes quadradastais queea matriz identidade. Das afirmaes: I. inversvel; II. inversvel; III.. (so) verdadeira(s)

Questão 14

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Se o sistema admite infinitas solues, ento os possveis valores do parmetro a so

Questão 15

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Considere a matriz A=,. Se o polinmio p(x) dado por p(x) = detA, ento o produto das razes de p(x)

Questão 16

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Considere a classificao: dois vrtices de um paraleleppedo so no adjacentes quando no pertencem mesma aresta. Um tetraedro formado por vrtices no adjacentes de um paraleleppedo de arestas 3 cm, 4 cm e 5 cm. Se o tetraedro tem suas arestas opostas de mesmo comprimento, ento o volume do tetraedro , em cm3:

Questão 17

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Os tringulos equilteros ABC e ABD tm lado comum AB. Seja M o ponto mdio de AB e N o ponto mdio de CD. Se MN = CN = 2 cm, ento a altura relativa ao lado CD do tringulo ACD mede, em cm,

Questão 17

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) AUGMENTATION OF BRAIN FUNCTION: FACTS, FICTION AND CONTROVERSY Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a theme of science fiction. _____(I)_____ advances in neural sciences, 1it has become a matter of reality that a person may consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain functions, _____(II)_____ for mood and emotions. Such enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug delivery, _____(III)_____ employing brain-machine interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas. In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation, introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists from different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to systems neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural engineering. The work can be experimental or computational. Reviews and papers on philosophical and ethical issues are _____(IV)_____ welcome. While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies address the announced theme of brain augmentation. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review. Fonte: http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1563/augmentation-of-brain-function-facts-fiction-and-controversy. Acesso em: 15 jul. 2017. O texto um(a):

Questão 18

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) AUGMENTATION OF BRAIN FUNCTION: FACTS, FICTION AND CONTROVERSY Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a theme of science fiction. _____(I)_____ advances in neural sciences, 1it has become a matter of reality that a person may consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain functions, _____(II)_____ for mood and emotions. Such enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug delivery, _____(III)_____ employing brain-machine interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas. In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation, introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists from different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to systems neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural engineering. The work can be experimental or computational. Reviews and papers on philosophical and ethical issues are _____(IV)_____ welcome. While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies address the announced theme of brain augmentation. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review. Fonte: http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1563/augmentation-of-brain-function-facts-fiction-and-controversy. Acesso em: 15 jul. 2017. Considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. A melhoria ou o aumento das funes cerebrais pode ser obtida via: estimulao farmacolgica, interface crebro-mquina, implantes cerebrais ou mesmo remoo de determinadas reas do crebro. II. Atualmente, abordagens para melhoria das funes cerebrais envolvem exclusivamente funes sensoriais, cognitivas e motoras. III. O aumento das funes cerebrais pode vir a ser usado no tratamento de doenas neurodegenerativas. Com base no texto, esto corretas

Questão 18

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Uma progresso aritmtica (a1, a2, . . . , an)satisfaz a propriedade: para cadaa soma da progresso igual a 2n + 5n.Nessas condies, o determinante da matriz

Questão 19

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) So dadas duas caixas, uma delas contm trs bolas brancas e duas pretas e a outra contm duas bolas brancas e uma preta. Retira-se, ao acaso, uma bola de cada caixa. Se P1 a probabilidade de que pelo menos uma bola seja preta e P2 a probabilidade de as duas bolas serem da mesma cor, ento P1 + P2 vale

Questão 19

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) AUGMENTATION OF BRAIN FUNCTION: FACTS, FICTION AND CONTROVERSY Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a theme of science fiction. _____(I)_____ advances in neural sciences, 1it has become a matter of reality that a person may consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain functions, _____(II)_____ for mood and emotions. Such enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug delivery, _____(III)_____ employing brain-machine interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas. In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation, introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists from different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to systems neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural engineering. The work can be experimental or computational. Reviews and papers on philosophical and ethical issues are _____(IV)_____ welcome. While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies address the announced theme of brain augmentation. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review. Fonte: http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1563/augmentation-of-brain-function-facts-fiction-and-controversy. Acesso em: 15 jul. 2017. Com base no texto, INCORRETO afirmar que estudos sobre a melhoria das funes cerebrais

Questão 20

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) AUGMENTATION OF BRAIN FUNCTION: FACTS, FICTION AND CONTROVERSY Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a theme of science fiction. _____(I)_____ advances in neural sciences, 1it has become a matter of reality that a person may consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain functions, _____(II)_____ for mood and emotions. Such enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug delivery, _____(III)_____ employing brain-machine interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas. In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation, introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists from different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to systems neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural engineering. The work can be experimental or computational. Reviews and papers on philosophical and ethical issues are _____(IV)_____ welcome. While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies address the announced theme of brain augmentation. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review. Fonte: http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1563/augmentation-of-brain-function-facts-fiction-and-controversy. Acesso em: 15 jul. 2017. Marque a opo que indica a que it se refere no seguinte excerto: ... it has become a matter of reality (ref. 1).

Questão 20

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Para que o sistema admita apenas solues reais, todos os valores reais de c pertencem ao conjunto

Questão 21

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Em Senhora, de Jos de Alencar, h uma cena em que Aurlia sai bruscamente do jardim, onde estava com Seixas, vai para a sala e fecha as cortinas para apagar os reflexos da claridade argentina da lua. Assinale a opo que explica esse comportamento da personagem.

Questão 22

(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Em vrias passagens de Quincas Borba, de Machado de Assis, as personagens interpretam erroneamente alguns fatos ou fazem ilaes equivocadas a partir de algumas falas. Vemos isso, por exemplo, no episdio em que, a partir do relato que ouve de um cocheiro, Rubio se convence de que