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(UNESP - 2012- 2 fase)Personal Marketing: Selling

(UNESP - 2012 - 2ª fase) 

Personal Marketing: Selling yourself

Before you begin a job search campaign you must have a personal marketing strategy. A personal marketing strategy provides you with a game plan for your job search campaign.

You should look at the job search as a marketing campaign, with you, the job seeker, as the product. Every product, even the best ones, won’t succeed without a strong marketing strategy. This begins with a comprehensive, yet flexible plan. First you must know to whom you are marketing. You must identify the types of employers who would be looking for an employee with your qualifications. Are they all within a certain industry? Are there many industries that hire employees with your background?

You already know that personal marketing skills are important to your career and perhaps to find a better job, but the only problem is that the art of self marketing is difficult for a lot of people.

Selling yourself well doesn’t mean talking just about yourself or arrogantly telling others how great you are. By selling yourself, in an interview or an informal networking meeting, I mean thinking first about the employer’s needs and expectations and figuring out how you can create value for their organization. What does the potential employer really need from a new employee? What specific technical skills, workplace competencies and personal qualities is the employer looking for? Now if you can ask those questions dispassionately, you should be able to identify your own strengths that match and gently weave them into every conversation you have in the world of good jobs and prospective careers.

(Adaptado de http://careerplanning.about.com e www.your-career-change.com)

Liste quatro aspectos importantes a serem considerados, segundo o texto, para se realizar uma propaganda de si mesmo com a finalidade de conseguir um emprego.