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(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 3)O texto abaixo

(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2 fase - Questão 3)

O texto abaixo foi adaptado a partir de uma passagem do artigo “Billie Holiday”, de Charles E. Smith. Leia-o e responda às questões

Billie Holiday (Eleanora Fagan Gough) was born in Baltimore, April 7, 1915, of teen-age parents who married three years later. When she says she was a woman at six she may have been thinking of other things than physical development. Her father, Clarence Holiday, was a musician who played the guitar with the McKinney’s Cotton Pickers group (he’d formerly played trumpet) and who was almost always on the road. He and Billie’s mother had separated when Billie was little more than a baby, so that she was, in effect, a fatherless child. And even her mother left her with relatives, to go up North in search of work. It wasn’t merely that Billie had traumatic experiences – life slaps all of us around – but it slapped her viciously, when she was very young and didn’t know what it was all about.

(Shapiro, N. e Hentoff, N. (orgs.), The Jazz Makers. New York: Grove, 1956.)


a) Qual era a faixa etária dos pais de Billie Holiday quando ela nasceu? Em que ano eles se casaram?

b) Qual era a profissão do pai de Billie Holiday? Nessa profissão, qual foi sua primeira atividade?