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Questões de Inglês - UNICAMP | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 8

(UNICAMP - 2024) Leia o texto a seguir e responda, em portugus, s questes. The disciplinary regime works with commands and restraints, while the neoliberal exploits freedom instead of suppressing it. So, we dont live in a disciplinary society but in a meritocracy. The subjects of neoliberal meritocracy, believing themselves to be free, are in reality servants, exploiting themselves without a master. Self-exploitation is more efficient than exploitation by others, because it goes hand in hand with a feeling of freedom. [] It is especially this internal pressure, this pressure to perform and optimise, that makes us tired and depressed. So, it is not oppression but depression that is the pathological sign of our times. Therefore, only an oppressive regime provokes resistance, which is why the neoliberal regime does not encounter resistance: authority is complete when it masquerades as freedom. (Adaptado de: Byung Chul-Han. I practice philosophy as art. ArtReview. 02/12/2021.) a) A quais regimes o autor relaciona a opresso e a depresso? Cite, com base em seus conhecimentos, uma caracterstica de cada um desses regimes. b) Com base no texto e em seus conhecimentos, explique como se d, para cada regime citado no texto, a relao entre os conceitos de liberdade e de explorao.

Questão 19

(UNICAMP - 2024) Texto 1 I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; that one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers (Martin Luther King, 1963). (Adaptado de: https://kr.usembassy.gov/martin-luther-king-jr-dream-speech-1963/. Acesso em 26/05/2023.) Texto 2 Considere os dois textos e assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 20

(UNICAMP - 2024) Em uma visita a um museu de arte indgena, um estudante observou uma obra seguida de uma placa explicativa: In some indigenous cultures, headdresses represent Native peoples right to govern themselves according to their own laws. The materials they are constructed with can vary greatly, including wood, iron, feathers, and ivory. Rather thanusing gridded designs (symbols of spiritual beliefs) or putting birds or mammals at center stage, as several others do, horns were attached to this headdress, an emblem of power reserved for those whose exceeding worth and power is admitted by all the nation. (Imagens (nas alternativas) e texto (acima) adaptados de: https://americanindian.si.edu/ exhibitions/infinityofnations/introduction.html. Acesso em 31/05/2023.) Qual das imagens corresponde descrio da placa?

Questão 21

(UNICAMP - 2024) O texto a seguir parte de uma chamada para publicao de artigos em uma edio especial da revista Nature. The environmental and ethical implications of traditional livestock rearing, combined with an increasing global population and demand for protein-rich nutrition, has led to investments in alternative protein research. One emerging approach is cellular agriculture, in which traditional meat tissues, such as muscle and fat cells from cows, chicken and fish, or alternative protein sources, such as algae, are cultivated under controlled laboratory conditions. However, the optimisation of these protocols is highly dependent on cell types, and further development is required to make cellular agriculture an economically viable alternative to traditional sources of protein. This special issue welcomes research on improvements to cellular agriculture protocols to maximize sustainable protein production. (Adaptado de: https://www.nature.com/collections/chhdggaffd. Acesso em 12/05/2023.) Qual seria o tpico especfico da edio especial ao qual o texto se refere?

Questão 22

(UNICAMP - 2024) Em uma matria para um site, jornalistas fizeram interaes com o ChatGPT a fim de analisar sua capacidade de criar textos possivelmente problemticos. Para tanto, eles pediram que o programa de inteligncia artificial reescrevesse um e-mail que seria, hipoteticamente, usado como golpe. Eis o texto reescrito pelo ChatGPT: Hey there. Youre probably wondering why youre getting this e-mail. The truth is, I put some malware on a website that you visited. My malware took control of your browser and recorded everything, including your contacts from your messenger, Facebook, and e-mail account. To top it all off, I also took videos of you. So Ill give you the option to make a deal before I do anything with it. (Adaptado de: https://mashable.com/article/chatgpt-scary-uses. Acesso em 12/05/2023.) O e-mail criado pelo programa chama a ateno

Questão 23

(UNICAMP - 2024) Netflixs Wednesday draws many real-world parallels. It features unusual creatures (werewolves and psychics) collectively referred to as Outcasts, while they refer to non-supernatural humans as Normies. The Outcasts are stand-ins for anyone othered by society, such as indigenous people, People of Color, the LGBT+, and the neurodivergent. Every so often, the Normies distrust in the Outcasts boils over into hatred and violence, and the othering and dehumanization normalizes violence against the Outcasts in day-to-day life. In the show, the towns colonial era saw Outcasts not only being othered, but also murdered by Pilgrims. These acts of butchery were all but erased from their history books. Its a distressingly familiar story. (Adaptado de: https://atribecalledgeek.com/woe-to-the-colonizer-an-indigenous-perspective-of-wednesday/. Acesso em 12/05/2023.) A anlise do autor sobre Wednesday se apoia em

Questão 24

(UNICAMP - 2024) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 does something few movies have ever done: it tells a compassionate story about testing on animals to a Marvel-size audience. The film features gorgeously animated animals who take moviegoers on an emotional rollercoaster while exposing the evils of animal testing. The strength of James Gunns screenplay lies in the fact that it doesnt back away from the tough subject matter, and were thrilled by a story about having empathy for all animals. For his compelling portrayal of Rocket and for reminding moviegoers that animals tortured in laboratories are not the numbers tattooed on them, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is honoring Gunn with the Not a Number Award. (Adaptado de: https://www.peta.org/blog/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3/. Acesso em 19/05/2023.) Para a autora dessa crtica, o diferencial do filme est

Questão 25

(UNICAMP - 2024) No trecho a seguir, observa-se o uso de uma variedade lingustica de ingls conhecida como African American Vernacular English (AAVE). Ainda que to diversa e sofisticada quanto quaisquer outras variedades, a AAVE ainda estigmatizada por ter caractersticas lingusticas diferentes daquelas que marcam a variedade de prestgio, isto , a padro. Listen, God love everything you love and a mess of stuff you dont. () It always making little surprises and springing them on us when us least expect. () Man corrupt everything () He try to make you think he everywhere (), you think he God. But he aint. () I start to wonder why us suffer. Why us black. It didnt take long to realize I didnt hardly know nothing. (Adaptado de: WALKER, Alice. The Color Purple. London: The Orion Publishing Group, 1983.) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas no trecho a seguir: correto dizer que o excerto apresenta aspectos lingusticos que diferem dos observados na variedade padro como (i) _________, e que sua temtica central a (ii) ________.

Questão 7

(UNICAMP - 2023- 2 fase) Leia o texto e responda, em portugus, s questes. Glass impacts in our lives in myriad ways. To celebrate its pivotal role in moving us towards a more sustainable future and how it supports the evolution of a fairer society, the United Nations has declared 2022 to be the International Year of Glass. Alicia Durn, President of the International Commission on Glass, highlights its importance in the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines: Glass is vital in making sure we can preserve these vaccines. That is because glass does not leach chemicals into the vaccine, nor does it alter the chemistry of the drug. Being 100% recyclable and inherently sustainable, glass can be infinitely melted and reformed. Melting glass requires considerable energy to reach the necessary high temperatures (1500C) and, currently, 95% of all glass melting uses fossil fuels, mostly natural gas or heavy oil. Melting soda-lime-silica glass from raw materials requires a theoretical energy of about 2.6 MJ/kg. When only cullet* is used instead of raw materials, this is reduced to 1.9 MJ/kg. *cullet: recycled broken or waste glass used in glassmaking (Adaptado de: https://www.saint-gobain.com/en/magazine/why-2022-international-year-glass, acessado em 14/10/2022; DURN, Alicia; PARKER, John M. (Eds.). Welcome to the Glass Age. Madri: Editorial CSC, 2022.) a) Por que o material abordado no texto foi escolhido pelas Naes Unidas como o material do ano de 2022? Cite duas razes que reforam a relevncia desse material na entrega das vacinas contra COVID-19. b) Um forno usado para produzir o material descrito acima. Nesse forno, j em operao, so adicionados insumos para produo de uma massa do referido material, de forma que tais materiais sejam fundidos em um intervalo de tempo . Para isso, necessrio que haja um aumento na potncia fornecida ao forno. Sem considerar qualquer nova perda de calor pelo forno, calcule a diferena entre os aumentos de potncia para as duas seguintes situaes: i) se o insumo for 100% composto por material reciclado (100% glass), ii) se o insumo no contiver material reciclado (100% raw materials). Alm disso, em qual situao o consumo de potncia menor?

Questão 8

(UNICAMP - 2023- 2 fase) Texto A The heat generated by humans is altering the earths weather through an increase in temperature, which leads to sea level rise. This increases the threat of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes. To reduce the risk of such events in the future, communities can bolster their resilience to the impacts of hurricanes by: Preserving coastal wetlands, dunes, and reefs to absorb storm surge. Improving beaches infrastructure that affords coastal protection, such as seawalls. Encouraging residents in areas that have had historically low hurricane risk to buy flood insurance. Preparing directly prior to a storms arrival by boarding windows, clearing property of potential flying debris, and having an evacuation plan. Texto B (https://theweek.com/cartoons/811037/editorial-cartoon-gulf-coast-climate-change-hoax-rising-ocean-levels-property-value-decline. Acesso em 29/08/2022.) Transcrio dos textos: Placa menor, dentro do barco: RISING SEAS Barco: GOLF COAST a)Cite um efeito do aquecimento global citado tanto no texto A quanto no texto B e indique o fenmeno meteorolgico extremo abordado no texto A. Em seguida, explique por que os dizeres da placa maior, na charge, evidenciam uma contradio. b)Aponte uma condio da atmosfera e uma condio do oceano relacionadas gnese do fenmeno meteorolgico abordado no texto A. Cite, ainda com base no texto A, uma medida individual e uma medida coletiva atravs das quais as comunidades podem se tornar mais resilientes frente aos eventos climticos extremos.

Questão 64

(UNICAMP - 2023- 1 fase) Os textos A e B so postagens no perfil do The New York Times na rede social Instagram. Texto A Texto B Qual a relao que se estabelece entre os textos A e B?

Questão 66

(UNICAMP - 2023- 1 fase) Leia um trecho de um romance publicado em 1985. But if you happen to be a man sometime in the future, and youve made it this far, please remember you will never be subject to the temptation or feeling you must forgive, a man, as a woman. But remember that forgiveness too is a power. To beg for it is a power, and to withhold or bestow it is a power, perhaps the greatest. Maybe none of this is about control. Maybe it isnt really about who can own whom, who can do what to whom and get away with it, even as far as death. Maybe it isnt about who can sit and who has to kneel or stand or lie down (). Maybe its about who can do what to whom and be forgiven for it. Never tell me it amounts to the same thing. (Adaptado de ATWOOD, Margaret. The Handmaids Tale. New York: HMH, p. 134, 1985.) No depoimento, a personagem explicita a relao entre

Questão 67

(UNICAMP - 2023- 1 fase) O texto a seguir focaliza o termo audism, que pode ser traduzido para o portugus como ouvintismo. Audism is an attitude based on thinking that results in a negative stigma toward anyone who does not hear. Like racism or sexism, audism judges, labels, and limits individuals based on whether a person hears and speaks. Audism reflects the medical view of deafness as a disability that must be fixed. It is rooted in the historical belief that deaf people were savages without language. Because many deaf people grew up in hearing families who did not learn to sign, audism may be ingrained. Audism occurs when one: Asks a deaf person to read your lips or write when s/he has indicated this isnt preferred. Asks a deaf person to tone down their facial expressions because they make others uncomfortable. Devotes a significant amount of instructional time for a deaf child to lipreading and speech therapy, rather than educational subjects. (Adaptado de: https://vawnet.org/sc/audism-oppression-lives-deaf-individuals. Acesso em 21/06/2022.) correto afirmar que o texto

Questão 68

(UNICAMP - 2023- 1 fase) Leia os textos a seguir para responder s questes 68 e 69. Texto 1 In history, the rise of street art around the world has mirrored multiple waves of political unrest. The use of this avantgarde art style for political activism has spread to the Bay Area, California. As an influx of white upper-class residents displaced low-income households, the anger of local people fueled a movement to take back the streets via spray paint, video projections, stenciling any street art medium. Bay Area activists are weaponizing street art to unite the masses and reclaim their communities stolen narratives, re-imagining better futures alongside comrades across the nation. Their freeing and colorful art combats the virulent systems of oppression that white supremacy has entrenched in our society, those same systems which mark their craft as illegal under the guise of vandalism. Street art democratizes public spaces and takes back the streets as effectively as physical protests. As a street artist, Nancypili Hernandez says that her art transforms locations that feel like a parking lot or private property, to feeling like a collective community commons. (Adaptado de: https://harvardpolitics.com/street-art-activism/. Acesso em 20/06/2022.) Texto 2 Segundo o Texto 1, correto afirmar que a arte de rua

Questão 69

(UNICAMP - 2023- 1 fase) Leia os textos a seguir para responder s questes 68 e 69. Texto 1 In history, the rise of street art around the world has mirrored multiple waves of political unrest. The use of this avantgarde art style for political activism has spread to the Bay Area, California. As an influx of white upper-class residents displaced low-income households, the anger of local people fueled a movement to take back the streets via spray paint, video projections, stenciling any street art medium. Bay Area activists are weaponizing street art to unite the masses and reclaim their communities stolen narratives, re-imagining better futures alongside comrades across the nation. Their freeing and colorful art combats the virulent systems of oppression that white supremacy has entrenched in our society, those same systems which mark their craft as illegal under the guise of vandalism. Street art democratizes public spaces and takes back the streets as effectively as physical protests. As a street artist, Nancypili Hernandez says that her art transforms locations that feel like a parking lot or private property, to feeling like a collective community commons. (Adaptado de: https://harvardpolitics.com/street-art-activism/. Acesso em 20/06/2022.) Texto 2 Considerando os Textos 1 e 2, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do trecho a seguir. A construo de sentidos na fotografia (Texto 2) se d, entre outras coisas, por meio da (i) _____________ da palavra pintada no muro. Alm disso, a fotografia retrata (ii) ______________ citada no texto apresentado anteriormente (Texto 1).