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(UNICAMP - 2020 - 2 fase)An international group pr

(UNICAMP - 2020 - 2ª fase)

An international group proposed a framework of nine planetary boundaries that underpin the stability of the global ecosystem. Since the mid-1950s, many elements that ensure the habitability of the planet are degrading at an accelerating pace. The latest research indicates that, as a result of human activity, we have now exceeded the “safe” levels for four planetary boundaries. Considering these changes, some people believe that human beings can adapt with the help of technology, but that’s not based on fact. “There is no convincing evidence that a large mammal, with a core body temperature of 37° C, will be able to evolve that quickly,” said Prof. Will Steffen of the Australian National University and the  Stockholm Resilience Centre.

(Fonte: K. L. Nash e outros, Planetary boundaries for a blue planet. Nature ecology & evolution, v. 1, p. 625-1634, out. 2017. Adaptado de https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/ jan/15/rate-of- -environmental-degradation-puts-life-on-earth-at-risk-say-scientists. Acessado em 26/09/2019.)

a) Considerando as informações da figura, cite um dos limites planetários que apresenta alto risco. Explique como podemos associá-lo à atividade humana no planeta.

b) A afirmação do Prof. Will Steffen se refere a um processo biológico para manter a homeostase corporal nos seres humanos. Que processo é esse e qual a sua importância para os seres humanos?