VestibularEdição do vestibular

(UNICAMP - 2024)Leia o texto a seguir e responda,

(UNICAMP - 2024)

Leia o texto a seguir e responda, em português, às questões.


The disciplinary regime works with commands and restraints, while the neoliberal exploits freedom instead of suppressing it. So, we don’t live in a disciplinary society but in a meritocracy. The subjects of neoliberal meritocracy, believing themselves to be free, are in reality servants, exploiting themselves without a master. Self-exploitation is more efficient than exploitation by others, because it goes hand in hand with a feeling of freedom. […] It is especially this internal pressure, this pressure to perform and optimise, that makes us tired and depressed. So, it is not oppression but depression that is the pathological sign of our times. Therefore, only an oppressive regime provokes resistance, which is why the neoliberal regime does not encounter resistance: authority is complete when it masquerades as freedom.

(Adaptado de: Byung Chul-Han. I practice philosophy as art. ArtReview. 02/12/2021.)


a) A quais regimes o autor relaciona a opressão e a depressão? Cite, com base em seus conhecimentos, uma característica de cada um desses regimes.

b) Com base no texto e em seus conhecimentos, explique como se dá, para cada regime citado no texto, a relação entre os conceitos de liberdade e de exploração.