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(IME - 2007/2008 - 2 FASE)Transcreva no caderno de

(IME - 2007/2008 - 2ª FASE)

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Microwave Ovens Kill Bacteria in Food (Adapted from BBC, May 2007)


Many people rely on the microwave oven to make their food safe to eat. But it may not always do the trick.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, microwaves heat food from the outside in, not from the inside out. For example, soup is a typical dish to be taken hot. That can result in those all too familiar cold spots, which act as small pockets where bacteria can thrive. A number of studies have linked this phenomenon to small outbreaks of food poisoning. The poison of the Naja is one of the most lethal.

One study, by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was published in The American Journal of Epidemiology. On the other hand, the avian flu may become the worst epidemic ever recorded. It looked at a salmonella outbreak after a picnic where dozens of people ate reheated roast pork. Of 30 people studied, all 10 who used a microwave oven became sick, compared with none of the 20 who used a conventional oven or skillet. Conventional cookers are more demanding once the cook must remain by it while preparing meals.

The problem, studies show, is that microwave users often ignore recommendations like stirring and rotating food for even cooking and checking its temperature.

The conclusion it that microwave cooking does not always eliminate harmful bacteria.