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Questões - ITA 2019 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 31

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Fonte:http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/10/26/journalists-today/? Acesso em maio de 2018. No ltimo quadrinho, o chefe do jornalista:

Questão 32

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) A questo se refere tirinha a seguir: No contexto da tirinha, todas as palavras pertencentes mesma classe gramatical, EXCETO:

Questão 33

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to play an enormous role in our lives and in the global economy. It is the key to self-driving cars, the AmazonAlexa in your home, autonomous trading desks on Wall Street, innovation in medicine, and cyberwar defenses. Technology is rarely good nor evil its all in how humans use it. AI could do anenormous amount of goodand solve some of the worlds hardest problems, but that same power could beturned against us. AI could be set up to inflict bias based on race or beliefs, invade our privacy, learn about and exploit our personal weaknesses and do a lot of nefarious things we cant yet foresee. Which means that our policymakers must understand and help guide AI so it benefits society. [...] We dont wantoverreaching regulationthat goes beyond keeping us safe and ends up stifling innovation. Regulators helped make it so difficult to develop atomic energy, today the U.S. gets only 20% of its electricity from nuclear power. So while we need a Federal Artificial Intelligence Agency, or FAIA, I would prefer to see it created as a public-private partnership. Washington should bring in AI experts from the tech industry to a federal agency designed to understand and direct AI and to inform lawmakers. Perhaps the AI experts would rotate through Washington on a kind of public service tour of duty. Importantly, were at the beginning of a new era in government one where governance is software-defined. The nature of AI and algorithms means we need to develop a new kind of agency one that includes both humans and software. The software will help monitor algorithms. Existing, old-school regulations that rely on manual enforcement are too cumbersome to keep up with technology and too dumb to monitor algorithms in a timely way. Software-defined regulation can monitor software-driven industries better than regulations enforced by squads of regulators. Algorithms can continuously watch emerging utilities such as Facebook, looking for details and patterns that humans might never catch, but nonetheless signal abuses. If Congress wants to make sure Facebook doesnt exploit political biases, it could direct the FAIA to write an algorithm to look for the behavior. Its just as important to have algorithms that keep an eye on the role of humans inside these companies. We want technology that can tell ifAirbnb hosts are illegally turning down minoritiesor if Facebooks human editors aresquashing conservative news headlines. The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source software open to examination by anyone, while the companies keep private proprietary algorithms and data. If the algorithms are public, anyone can run various datasets against them and analyze for off the rails behaviors and unexpected results. Clearly, AI needs some governance. As Facebook is proving, we cant rely on companies to monitor and regulate themselves. Public companies, especially, are incentivized to make the biggest profits possible, and their algorithms will optimize for financial goals, not societal goals. But as a tech investor, I dont want to see an ill-informed Congress set up regulatory schemes for social networks, search and other key services that then make our dynamic tech companies as dull and bureaucratic as electric companies. [...] Technology companies and policymakers need to come together soon and share ideas about AI governance and the establishment of a software-driven AI agency.[...] Lets do this before bad regulations get enacted and before AI gets away from us and does more damage. We have a chance right now to tee up AI so it does tremendous good. To unleash it in a positive direction, we need to get the checks and balances in place right now. Adaptado de: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/artificial-intelligence-is-too-powerful-to-be-left-to-facebook-amazon-and-other-tech-giants-2018-04-23 Acesso em: jun. 2018. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA. No texto, o autor afirma que

Questão 34

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to play an enormous role in our lives and in the global economy. It is the key to self-driving cars, the AmazonAlexa in your home, autonomous trading desks on Wall Street, innovation in medicine, and cyberwar defenses. Technology is rarely good nor evil its all in how humans use it. AI could do anenormous amount of goodand solve some of the worlds hardest problems, but that same power could beturned against us. AI could be set up to inflict bias based on race or beliefs, invade our privacy, learn about and exploit our personal weaknesses and do a lot of nefarious things we cant yet foresee. Which means that our policymakers must understand and help guide AI so it benefits society. [...] We dont wantoverreaching regulationthat goes beyond keeping us safe and ends up stifling innovation. Regulators helped make it so difficult to develop atomic energy, today the U.S. gets only 20% of its electricity from nuclear power. So while we need a Federal Artificial Intelligence Agency, or FAIA, I would prefer to see it created as a public-private partnership. Washington should bring in AI experts from the tech industry to a federal agency designed to understand and direct AI and to inform lawmakers. Perhaps the AI experts would rotate through Washington on a kind of public service tour of duty. Importantly, were at the beginning of a new era in government one where governance is software-defined. The nature of AI and algorithms means we need to develop a new kind of agency one that includes both humans and software. The software will help monitor algorithms. Existing, old-school regulations that rely on manual enforcement are too cumbersome to keep up with technology and too dumb to monitor algorithms in a timely way. Software-defined regulation can monitor software-driven industries better than regulations enforced by squads of regulators. Algorithms can continuously watch emerging utilities such as Facebook, looking for details and patterns that humans might never catch, but nonetheless signal abuses. If Congress wants to make sure Facebook doesnt exploit political biases, it could direct the FAIA to write an algorithm to look for the behavior. Its just as important to have algorithms that keep an eye on the role of humans inside these companies. We want technology that can tell ifAirbnb hosts are illegally turning down minoritiesor if Facebooks human editors aresquashing conservative news headlines. The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source software open to examination by anyone, while the companies keep private proprietary algorithms and data. If the algorithms are public, anyone can run various datasets against them and analyze for off the rails behaviors and unexpected results. Clearly, AI needs some governance. As Facebook is proving, we cant rely on companies to monitor and regulate themselves. Public companies, especially, are incentivized to make the biggest profits possible, and their algorithms will optimize for financial goals, not societal goals. But as a tech investor, I dont want to see an ill-informed Congress set up regulatory schemes for social networks, search and other key services that then make our dynamic tech companies as dull and bureaucratic as electric companies. [...] Technology companies and policymakers need to come together soon and share ideas about AI governance and the establishment of a software-driven AI agency.[...] Lets do this before bad regulations get enacted and before AI gets away from us and does more damage. We have a chance right now to tee up AI so it does tremendous good. To unleash it in a positive direction, we need to get the checks and balances in place right now. Adaptado de: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/artificial-intelligence-is-too-powerful-to-be-left-to-facebook-amazon-and-other-tech-giants-2018-04-23 Acesso em: jun. 2018. O autor defende uma regulao definida por software, pois I. a considera mais adequada para monitorar indstrias orientadas por software do que regulaes impostas por equipes de reguladores humanos. II. algoritmos podem procurar por detalhes e padres que os seres humanos talvez nunca pudessem descobrir, mas que, no obstante, so indicativos de abusos. III. precisamos de tecnologia que seja capaz de identificar comportamento como o do Facebook que, ao explorar vieses polticos, difundiu manchetes de partidos conservadores. IV. importante que algoritmos monitorem o papel dos seres humanos em empresas orientadas por software para evitar que minorias sejam prejudicadas na utilizao de servios.

Questão 35

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to play an enormous role in our lives and in the global economy. It is the key to self-driving cars, the AmazonAlexa in your home, autonomous trading desks on Wall Street, innovation in medicine, and cyberwar defenses. Technology is rarely good nor evil its all in how humans use it. AI could do anenormous amount of goodand solve some of the worlds hardest problems, but that same power could beturned against us. AI could be set up to inflict bias based on race or beliefs, invade our privacy, learn about and exploit our personal weaknesses and do a lot of nefarious things we cant yet foresee. Which means that our policymakers must understand and help guide AI so it benefits society. [...] We dont wantoverreaching regulationthat goes beyond keeping us safe and ends up stifling innovation. Regulators helped make it so difficult to develop atomic energy, today the U.S. gets only 20% of its electricity from nuclear power. So while we need a Federal Artificial Intelligence Agency, or FAIA, I would prefer to see it created as a public-private partnership. Washington should bring in AI experts from the tech industry to a federal agency designed to understand and direct AI and to inform lawmakers. Perhaps the AI experts would rotate through Washington on a kind of public service tour of duty. Importantly, were at the beginning of a new era in government one where governance is software-defined. The nature of AI and algorithms means we need to develop a new kind of agency one that includes both humans and software. The software will help monitor algorithms. Existing, old-school regulations that rely on manual enforcement are too cumbersome to keep up with technology and too dumb to monitor algorithms in a timely way. Software-defined regulation can monitor software-driven industries better than regulations enforced by squads of regulators. Algorithms can continuously watch emerging utilities such as Facebook, looking for details and patterns that humans might never catch, but nonetheless signal abuses. If Congress wants to make sure Facebook doesnt exploit political biases, it could direct the FAIA to write an algorithm to look for the behavior. Its just as important to have algorithms that keep an eye on the role of humans inside these companies. We want technology that can tell ifAirbnb hosts are illegally turning down minoritiesor if Facebooks human editors aresquashing conservative news headlines. The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source software open to examination by anyone, while the companies keep private proprietary algorithms and data. If the algorithms are public, anyone can run various datasets against them and analyze for off the rails behaviors and unexpected results. Clearly, AI needs some governance. As Facebook is proving, we cant rely on companies to monitor and regulate themselves. Public companies, especially, are incentivized to make the biggest profits possible, and their algorithms will optimize for financial goals, not societal goals. But as a tech investor, I dont want to see an ill-informed Congress set up regulatory schemes for social networks, search and other key services that then make our dynamic tech companies as dull and bureaucratic as electric companies. [...] Technology companies and policymakers need to come together soon and share ideas about AI governance and the establishment of a software-driven AI agency.[...] Lets do this before bad regulations get enacted and before AI gets away from us and does more damage. We have a chance right now to tee up AI so it does tremendous good. To unleash it in a positive direction, we need to get the checks and balances in place right now. Adaptado de: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/artificial-intelligence-is-too-powerful-to-be-left-to-facebook-amazon-and-other-tech-giants-2018-04-23 Acesso em: jun. 2018. A palavra ou expresso sublinhada na primeira coluna, pode ser substituda pelapalavra ou expresso na segunda coluna em todas as opes, mantendo o mesmo sentido, EXCETO em:

Questão 36

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to play an enormous role in our lives and in the global economy. It is the key to self-driving cars, the AmazonAlexa in your home, autonomous trading desks on Wall Street, innovation in medicine, and cyberwar defenses. Technology is rarely good nor evil its all in how humans use it. AI could do anenormous amount of goodand solve some of the worlds hardest problems, but that same power could beturned against us. AI could be set up to inflict bias based on race or beliefs, invade our privacy, learn about and exploit our personal weaknesses and do a lot of nefarious things we cant yet foresee. Which means that our policymakers must understand and help guide AI so it benefits society. [...] We dont wantoverreaching regulationthat goes beyond keeping us safe and ends up stifling innovation. Regulators helped make it so difficult to develop atomic energy, today the U.S. gets only 20% of its electricity from nuclear power. So while we need a Federal Artificial Intelligence Agency, or FAIA, I would prefer to see it created as a public-private partnership. Washington should bring in AI experts from the tech industry to a federal agency designed to understand and direct AI and to inform lawmakers. Perhaps the AI experts would rotate through Washington on a kind of public service tour of duty. Importantly, were at the beginning of a new era in government one where governance is software-defined. The nature of AI and algorithms means we need to develop a new kind of agency one that includes both humans and software. The software will help monitor algorithms. Existing, old-school regulations that rely on manual enforcement are too cumbersome to keep up with technology and too dumb to monitor algorithms in a timely way. Software-defined regulation can monitor software-driven industries better than regulations enforced by squads of regulators. Algorithms can continuously watch emerging utilities such as Facebook, looking for details and patterns that humans might never catch, but nonetheless signal abuses. If Congress wants to make sure Facebook doesnt exploit political biases, it could direct the FAIA to write an algorithm to look for the behavior. Its just as important to have algorithms that keep an eye on the role of humans inside these companies. We want technology that can tell ifAirbnb hosts are illegally turning down minoritiesor if Facebooks human editors aresquashing conservative news headlines. The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source software open to examination by anyone, while the companies keep private proprietary algorithms and data. If the algorithms are public, anyone can run various datasets against them and analyze for off the rails behaviors and unexpected results. Clearly, AI needs some governance. As Facebook is proving, we cant rely on companies to monitor and regulate themselves. Public companies, especially, are incentivized to make the biggest profits possible, and their algorithms will optimize for financial goals, not societal goals. But as a tech investor, I dont want to see an ill-informed Congress set up regulatory schemes for social networks, search and other key services that then make our dynamic tech companies as dull and bureaucratic as electric companies. [...] Technology companies and policymakers need to come together soon and share ideas about AI governance and the establishment of a software-driven AI agency.[...] Lets do this before bad regulations get enacted and before AI gets away from us and does more damage. We have a chance right now to tee up AI so it does tremendous good. To unleash it in a positive direction, we need to get the checks and balances in place right now. Adaptado de: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/artificial-intelligence-is-too-powerful-to-be-left-to-facebook-amazon-and-other-tech-giants-2018-04-23 Acesso em: jun. 2018. Observe o uso da palavra sonas frases abaixo: I- (...) and helps guide Al so it benefits society(...) (linha 8) II- Regulators helped make it so difficult to develop(...) (linha 9 e 10) III- So, while we need a Federal Artificial Intelligence Agency, or FAIA(...) (linha 10 e 11) Assinale a alternativa que explica, respectivamente, o uso de so.

Questão 37

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Considere um retngulo ABCD em que o comprimento do lado AB o dobro do comprimento do lado BC. Sejam M o ponto mdio de BC e N o ponto mdio de CM. A tangente do ngulo MN igual a

Questão 38

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Sejap(x) = x3+ ax2+ bxum polinmio cujas razes so no negativas e esto em progresso aritmtica. Sabendo que a soma de seus coeficientes igual a 10, podemos afirmar que a soma das razes dep(x) igual a

Questão 39

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Seja a circunferncia de equao .Seeso duas retas que se interceptam no pontoe so tangentes a, ento o cosseno do ngulo entree igual a

Questão 40

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) A superfcie lateral de um cone circular reto corresponde a um setor circular de 216, quando planificada. Se a geratriz do cone mede 10 cm, ento a medida de sua altura, em cm, igual:

Questão 41

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Assinale a opo que identifica o lugar geomtrico de todos os pares ordenadosque tornam impossvel o sistema linear

Questão 42

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Sabe-se que -2+2i uma das razes quartas de um nmero complexo z. Ento, no plano de Argand-Gauss, a rea do tringulo, cujos vrtices so as razes cbicas de z, igual a

Questão 43

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. se um nmero natural, ento II. se um nmero real e, ento III. se,eso nmeros reais positivos que formam, nessa ordem, uma progresso aritmtica, entoformam, nesta ordem, uma progresso aritmtica. (so) VERDADEIRA(S)

Questão 44

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) As faces de dez moedas so numeradas de modo que: a primeira moeda tem faces 1 e 2; a segunda, 2 e 3; a terceira, 3 e 4, e assim sucessivamente at a dcima moeda, com faces 10 e 11. As dez moedas so lanadas aleatoriamente e os nmeros exibidos so somados. Ento, a probabilidade de que essa soma seja igual a 60 :

Questão 45

(ITA - 2019 - 1 FASE) Considere as seguintes afirmaes a respeito de matrizes A de ordem n n inversveis, tais que os seus elementos e os de sua inversa sejam todos nmeros inteiros: I. . II. . III. uma matriz diagonal. (so) sempre VERDADEIRA(S)

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