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Questões - UEFS 2014 | Gabarito e resoluções


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) TEXTO: Heads in the cloud It all started with the wall. In 1999 education researcher Sugata Mitra and his colleagues thought it would be interesting to install a computer in a wall bordering an urban slum in New Delhi to see what the 5 kids there might make of it. The results were stunning. With no supervision, the children taught themselves how to use the computer, including picking up English to look for answers to all sorts of questions. Subsequent similar experiments led Mitra to conclude that the most creative 10 and productive education comes when children arent threatened but inspired especially by their peers. The traditional approach was created by the British to train the subjects of the empire, and, he argues, the system continues to produce identical people for a machine that 15 no longer exists. Instead, what he calls a self-organized learning environment is all about getting kids excited about what they can know. In a proposal that won Mitra the TED award this year, he suggests creating an enormous self-organized school in the cloud, where, with 20 a little guidance but minimal interference from grandmothers, kids can explore the universe at will to answer their own questions and those that are put to them. DICKEY, Christopher. Heads in the cloud. In: Big Think, Around the world in six ideas. Newsweek, Mar 25, 2013. p. 8. The phrase picking up English (l. 7) should be understood as


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) TEXTO: Heads in the cloud It all started with the wall. In 1999 education researcher Sugata Mitra and his colleagues thought it would be interesting to install a computer in a wall bordering an urban slum in New Delhi to see what the 5 kids there might make of it. The results were stunning. With no supervision, the children taught themselves how to use the computer, including picking up English to look for answers to all sorts of questions. Subsequent similar experiments led Mitra to conclude that the most creative 10 and productive education comes when children arent threatened but inspired especially by their peers. The traditional approach was created by the British to train the subjects of the empire, and, he argues, the system continues to produce identical people for a machine that 15 no longer exists. Instead, what he calls a self-organized learning environment is all about getting kids excited about what they can know. In a proposal that won Mitra the TED award this year, he suggests creating an enormous self-organized school in the cloud, where, with 20 a little guidance but minimal interference from grandmothers, kids can explore the universe at will to answer their own questions and those that are put to them. DICKEY, Christopher. Heads in the cloud. In: Big Think, Around the world in six ideas. Newsweek, Mar 25, 2013. p. 8. The phrase With no supervision (l. 6) can be exactly rephrased as


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)É praticada principalmente na Ásia das Monções, região superpovoada, onde existe um sistema agrário tradicional, que utiliza técnicas mais ou menos aprimoradas (irrigação, adubação e terraceamento), toma cuidados especiais em relação aos vegetais e ao solo, atingindo boa produtividade por hectare (obtém-se o máximo de produção no menor espaço de tempo possível). É uma área policultora, com grande destaque para a produção de arroz. O texto descreve a agricultura de


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)Os fluidos desempenham papel fundamental em muitos aspectos da vida cotidiana. Bebe-se, respira-se e nada-se em fluidos, os aviões voam através deles e os navios flutuam sobre eles. Considerando-se um vaso cilíndrico cheio de um líquido homogêneo de densidade , é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Em relação às características da organização do espaço terrestre clima, modelado terrestre, solos como matrizes à produção do espaço socioeconômico e populacional , é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)Os ecossistemas existentes na Terra devem ser protegidos e preservados porque são fontes de matérias-primas e de substâncias químicas necessárias à vida, a exemplo da água, do oxigênio e dos nutrientes constituintes de alimentos. Com base nessas considerações, é correto destacar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Os elementos químicos que formam as substâncias estão organizados em grupos e períodos na Tabela Periódica, ferramenta utilizada para verificar tendências gerais de algumas propriedades desses elementos, a exemplo da energia de ionização e do raio covalente. Com base na análise dos dados da tabela e na posição do sódio, do magnésio e do alumínio na Tabela Periódica, é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)A água captada de rios, lagos ou reservatórios pode conter poluentes, a exemplo de pesticidas e efluentes industriais, além de micro-organismos nocivos à saúde. Para torná-la potável, é necessária a utilização de uma série de processos físicos e químicos para a retirada de impurezas, desinfecção e controle da acidez, dentre outros, realizados em uma estação de tratamento, antes de essa água ser distribuída para a população. Considerando-se as informações e os processos de tratamento da água, é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)Dados os pontos P = (3, 2) e Q = (5, 2), seja r a mediatriz do segmento PQ. A distância de r à circunferência C: + 4x + = 1 é igual a


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Os cidos so substncias qumicas que se ionizam e liberam ons H+ em soluo aquosa. A constante de ionizao de um cido, Ka, expressa a tendncia do equilbrio qumico para a reao reversvel de ionizao de cidos em soluo aquosa. Considerando-se as propriedades dos cidos e a anlise das informaes da tabela, correto concluir:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Mal magnífico, prazer funesto, venenosa e enganadora, a mulher foi acusada pelo outro sexo de ter introduzido na Terra o pecado, a desgraça e a morte. Pandora grega ou Eva judaica, ela cometeu a falta original ao abrir a urna que continha todos os males ou a comer o fruto proibido. O homem procurou um responsável para o sofrimento, para o malogro, para o desaparecimento do paraíso terrestre, e encontrou a mulher. (DELUMEAU, 1989, p. 314). A visão medieval judaico-cristã sobre a mulher, descrita no texto, encontra, na contemporaneidade, ressonância em atitudes autoritárias contra o gênero feminino, praticadas


(UEFS 2014- Meio do ano) TEXTO: Chinas one-child policy Chinas top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child. The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down Chinas rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families. Some critics say the law hurts Chinas elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children. 20 The worlds most populous nation will soon have too few people or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and Chinas population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the Peoples Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly. 30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality, said Jiang Fan, a National Peoples Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. We cannot risk the population growing out of control. PARK, Madison. Chinas one-child policy. Disponível em: http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. The birth rate in China has __________ since the end of the last century. According to the text, the alternative that completes the blank correctly is


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)As soluções da equação + bx + c = 0 são números complexos distintos que, no plano de Argand-Gauss, estão na circunferência de raio 2 centrada na origem. Portanto, as constantes reais b e c são tais que


(UEFS - 2014/2) TEXTO: Chinas one-child policy Chinas top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child. The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down Chinas rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families. Some critics say the law hurts Chinas elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children. 20 The worlds most populous nation will soon have too few people or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and Chinas population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the Peoples Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly. 30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality, said Jiang Fan, a National Peoples Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. We cannot risk the population growing out of control. PARK, Madison. Chinas one-child policy. Disponvel em: http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. The conjunction Although (l. 10) is synonymous with


(UEFS 2014- Meio do ano) TEXTO: Chinas one-child policy Chinas top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child. The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down Chinas rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families. Some critics say the law hurts Chinas elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children. 20 The worlds most populous nation will soon have too few people or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and Chinas population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the Peoples Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly. 30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality, said Jiang Fan, a National Peoples Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. We cannot risk the population growing out of control. PARK, Madison. Chinas one-child policy. Disponível em: http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. Critics of the one-child policy argue that it