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Questões - UFMG | Gabarito e resoluções


(UFMG) Revolta da Vacina o nome pelo qual ficou conhecido o conjunto de manifestaes populares ocorridas, no Rio de Janeiro, no incio do sculo XX, em oposio lei de vacinao obrigatria contra a varola. Os conflitos, ocorridos a partir de novembro de 1904, tinham como um dos principais pontos de tenso a oposio entre alguns interesses de diferentes setores da populao e as polticas pblicas que se implementavam no alvorecer da Repblica no Brasil. Considerando-se esse movimento, CORRETO afirmar que os revoltosos:


(UFMG - 2001) O nmero natural n o mximo divisor comum dos nmeros 756 e 2205. Ento, a soma dos algarismos de n igual a


(Ufmg 2001) Um menino flutua em uma boia que está se movimentando, levada pela correnteza de um rio. Uma outra boia, que flutua no mesmo rio a uma certa distância do menino, também está descendo com a correnteza.A posição das duas boias e o sentido da correnteza estão indicados nesta figura:Considere que a velocidade da correnteza é a mesma em todos os pontos do rio.Nesse caso, para alcançar a segunda boia, o menino deve nadar na direção indicada pela linha


(Ufmg 2001) Um gás ideal, em um estado inicial i, pode ser levado a um estado final f por meio dos processos I, II e III, representados neste diagrama de pressão versus volume: Sejam WI, WII e WIII os módulos dos trabalhos realizados pelo gás nos processos I, II e III, respectivamente. Com base nessas informações, é CORRETO afirmar que


(UFMG - 2001) O sculo XVII decisivo na histria da Inglaterra. a poca em que a Idade Mdia chega ao fim. HILL, Christopher. O eleito de Deus. So Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1988. p. 13. Considerando-se que o marco tradicional do final da Idade Mdia o sculo XV, tal afirmao sobre esse perodo da histria inglesa justifica-se em razo da


(UFMG 2001) Observe esta figura do corte de um ovo: Com base nas informações dessa figura e em outros conhecimentos sobre o assunto, é CORRETO afirmar que:


(Ufmg 2001) Com relação aos íons K+ e C-, é INCORRETO afirmar que Dados Números atômicos: K = 19; C = 17; Ar = 18


(Ufmg 2001) LAS NUEVAS LEYENDAS URBANAS SE MULTIPLICAN POR INTERNET La historia es más o menos así. Un grupo de amigos va a cenar a un restaurante chino para celebrar un cumpleaños. En medio del festejo, uno de los invitados empieza a toser, atragantado con un bocado. 9Al borde de la asfixia, los amigos deciden llevarlo a un hospital, donde lo someten a una intervención quirúrgica de urgencia para extraerle algo de la garganta, supuestamente una astilla de pollo. Después de la operación, los médicos se sorprenden al no poder identificar la astilla. La envían a analizar al laboratorio y descubren que se trata, en realidad, de un hueso de rata. El cliente, indignado, decide hacer la denuncia policial. Las autoridades sanitarias envían una inspección al local. Cuando revisan la cocina, descubren en el freezer 7trozos de gatos, perros y ratas congelados y listos para ser cocinados. El relato es conocido y tiene muchas variantes. Pero quienes creyeran que ocurrió, alguna vez, en algún restaurante porteño, gracias a Internet podrán descubrir ahora con sorpresa su difusión global. Como una más de las tantas cadenas que circulan a través del correo electrónico, y que, en general, terminan con la advertencia por favor, envíe este mensaje a la mayor cantidad de gente que pueda..., las leyendas urbanas (eso es el cuento de los restaurantes chinos) encontraron en la red un medio ideal para 8expandir el boca a boca más allá de las fronteras territoriales y a una velocidad inimaginable. Horrorosas o humorísticas, bizarras o sobrenaturales, estas narraciones atraviesan los temas más diversos: sexo, religión, espectáculos, comida, negocios, animales, enfermedades, drogas, medicinas. Y 2aunque en su mayoría son falsas, siempre contienen elementos verosímiles e inquietantes, que 1las vuelven creíbles. Algo 3clave para entender el funcionamiento de estas historias parece ser cómo y cuándo se cuentan. Se trata, en general, de lo que le pasó a alguien más o menos conocido (el hermano del cuñado de mi sobrino...), y que se transmite, como curiosidad, en una reunión de amigos o en una 4charla de vecinos. Internet y el correo electrónico parecen querer recuperar la inocencia perdida, para devolverles a relatos antiquísimos (las viejas narraciones populares, difundidas boca a boca - la leyenda del lobisón, las historias de brujas, los superhéroes de historietas, etc) todo su poder de persuasión. Incluso, la red supo 6proveerse de sus propias leyendas, sus propios dioses y demonios. Para qué sirven estas historias? Como los mitos de la antigüedad, podrían condensar temores, fantasías, 5prejuicios asociados con cuestiones más o menos primitivas y universales: la muerte, el amor, los peligros, las supersticiones y creencias. Pero de dónde surgen estas historias, sigue siendo un misterio. En uno de esos sitios se propone una explicación: se trataría, en realidad, de hechos verdaderos y comprobados, que los gobiernos, empresas o instituciones afectadas por sus contenidos hacen circular como leyenda para desmentir su veracidad, ya que, de conocerse, les ocasionaría graves perjuicios. Resulta verosímil. Es decir, tiene todos los elementos para ser, eso también, una leyenda. La Nación on line, mayo 2000. (Texto adaptado) Según el texto, la expresión EXPANDIR EL BOCA A BOCA (ref. 8) puede ser sustituida por:


(UFMG 2000) HOW ARE YOUR GENES? 1 Some 200,000 babies are born in the United States each year with deformed bodies, impaired minds and possibly fatal abnormalities in body chemistry - often because of defective genes or chromosomes. If a way could be found to test routinely the genes of prospective married couples - much as the couples now take Wassermann tests to detect syphilis - the toll might be reduced drastically. This is the goal of genetic counseling. And while it is still far off - testing is expensive and elaborate - genetic counseling centers in hospitals and clinics across the United States are already helping parents. Such centers help the parents of a defective child in their decision whether or not to have more children, and they advise couples with family histories of genetic diseases even before marriage. 2 The genes that help determine a persons individual characteristics - from the color of his eyes to the score he makes on an IQ test - are located on chromosomes within the cells of his body. Half of a persons chromosomes come from his father, half from his mother. Many diseases are the result of a single defective gene on one of the chromosomes. Achondroplastic dwarfism, for example, is caused by a dominant gene and any child who inherits it will have the disease. A genetic counselor confronted by a parent with such a disease could warn that half of his children risk the disease. More often, genetic diseases are caused by recessive genes. The most common is cystic fibrosis, a disorder that affects at least one in every 1,600 babies and causes their lungs and other body organs to become congested with mucus. A child who inherits only one of these recessive genes will not have the disease, but will be a carrier. If both parents are carriers, one in four of (2) their children will have cystic fibrosis, two will be carriers, and one will be normal. 3 Some diseases, (1) such as the blood clotting disorder, hemophilia, are sex-linked recessive defects carried on the female X chromosome. These genes generally produce disease only in male children when the X chromosome bearing the (3) faulty gene pairs with the fathers Y chromosome. Half the sons of a female hemophilia carrier risk the disease; half the daughters may be carriers. 4 Until recently, much of genetic counseling has relied on estimates based on the law of averages. But researchers have begun to develop lab tests for carriers. There are blood, urine and other tests which show promise in detecting more than 100 genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria (PKU), hemophilia and some forms of muscular dystrophy. As a result, a genetic counselor can tell the sister of a man with hemophilia with reasonable certainty whether she is a carrier. 5 Researchers are also detecting genetic defects even before a child is born. By amniocentesis, a process in which a needle is inserted through the mothers abdomen and into her uterus, researchers can withdraw samples of the fluid surrounding the fetus. By growing these fetal cells in tissue culture, researchers can detect chromosome defects or chemical abnormalities. Intra-uterine detection, notes Dr. Henry L. Nadler of Northwestern University Medical School, brings a new dimension to genetic counseling. The physician may now inform the parents that they will have either an affected or a normal child. HIRASAWA, L. MARKSTEIN, L. Developing reading skills. Rowley, Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, 1978. p. 76-79. (Adapted text) In the text, the word FAULTY (ref.3) means:


(UFMG - 2000) O Estado apareceu como um agente econmico particular, cuja interveno assumia um carter legtimo, no mais em tempo de guerra apenas, mas tambm em tempo de paz, para sustentar o crescimento econmico. Mudana ideolgica considervel, que dominou as ideias desde a Grande Depresso dos anos 30 at meados dos anos 70 - perodo keynesiano -, ligada ao advento da poltica econmica. O keynesianismo caracterizou programas ao redor do mundo, tal como a(o)


(UFMG - 2000) Entre algumas famlias de um bairro, foi distribudo um total de 144 cadernos, 192 lpis e 216 borrachas. Essa distribuio foi feita de modo que o maior nmero possvel de famlias fosse contemplado e todas recebessem o mesmo nmero de cadernos, o mesmo nmero de lpis e o mesmo nmero de borrachas, sem haver sobra de qualquer material. Nesse caso, o nmero de CADERNOS que cada famlia ganhou foi


(UFMG 2000) Observe a figura. Ela representa o gráfico da função y = f ( x ), que está definida no intervalo [- 3 , 6]. A respeito dessa função, é INCORRETO afirmar que


(UFMG 2000) HOW ARE YOUR GENES? 1 Some 200,000 babies are born in the United States each year with deformed bodies, impaired minds and possibly fatal abnormalities in body chemistry - often because of defective genes or chromosomes. If a way could be found to test routinely the genes of prospective married couples - much as the couples now take Wassermann tests to detect syphilis - the toll might be reduced drastically. This is the goal of genetic counseling. And while it is still far off - testing is expensive and elaborate - genetic counseling centers in hospitals and clinics across the United States are already helping parents. Such centers help the parents of a defective child in their decision whether or not to have more children, and they advise couples with family histories of genetic diseases even before marriage. 2 The genes that help determine a persons individual characteristics - from the color of his eyes to the score he makes on an IQ test - are located on chromosomes within the cells of his body. Half of a persons chromosomes come from his father, half from his mother. Many diseases are the result of a single defective gene on one of the chromosomes. Achondroplastic dwarfism, for example, is caused by a dominant gene and any child who inherits it will have the disease. A genetic counselor confronted by a parent with such a disease could warn that half of his children risk the disease. More often, genetic diseases are caused by recessive genes. The most common is cystic fibrosis, a disorder that affects at least one in every 1,600 babies and causes their lungs and other body organs to become congested with mucus. A child who inherits only one of these recessive genes will not have the disease, but will be a carrier. If both parents are carriers, one in four of (2) their children will have cystic fibrosis, two will be carriers, and one will be normal. 3 Some diseases, (1) such as the blood clotting disorder, hemophilia, are sex-linked recessive defects carried on the female X chromosome. These genes generally produce disease only in male children when the X chromosome bearing the (3) faulty gene pairs with the fathers Y chromosome. Half the sons of a female hemophilia carrier risk the disease; half the daughters may be carriers. 4 Until recently, much of genetic counseling has relied on estimates based on the law of averages. But researchers have begun to develop lab tests for carriers. There are blood, urine and other tests which show promise in detecting more than 100 genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria (PKU), hemophilia and some forms of muscular dystrophy. As a result, a genetic counselor can tell the sister of a man with hemophilia with reasonable certainty whether she is a carrier. 5 Researchers are also detecting genetic defects even before a child is born. By amniocentesis, a process in which a needle is inserted through the mothers abdomen and into her uterus, researchers can withdraw samples of the fluid surrounding the fetus. By growing these fetal cells in tissue culture, researchers can detect chromosome defects or chemical abnormalities. Intra-uterine detection, notes Dr. Henry L. Nadler of Northwestern University Medical School, brings a new dimension to genetic counseling. The physician may now inform the parents that they will have either an affected or a normal child. HIRASAWA, L. MARKSTEIN, L. Developing reading skills. Rowley, Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, 1978. p. 76-79. (Adapted text) More often, genetic diseases are caused by recessive genes (par.2).The sentence above is connected in the text with:


(UFMG) Considerando-se os fatos relacionados Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870), CORRETO afirmar que


(UFMG 2000) Um dos fatores que favorecem a solubilidade de um metal em outro a semelhana de suas redes cristalinas. No entanto preciso, tambm, que os seus tomos no sejam muito diferentes quanto a - raio atmico; - eletronegatividade; e - valncia. Os metais alcalinos e o ferro, que apresentam redes cristalinas semelhantes, no formam ligas por causa das grandes diferenas quanto a essas propriedades. Considerando-se as propriedades peridicas do ferro e dos metais alcalinos, INCORRETO afirmar que