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Questões de Inglês - UNICAMP | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 22

(UNICAMP - 2012 - 2 fase - Questo 4) a) Indique dois tipos de gastos especficos do governo federal norte-americano explicitados no cartum. b) Qual a crtica feita pelo cartum ao americano mdio?

Questão 23

(UNICAMP - 2012 - 2 fase - Questo 5) a) O que, segundo o texto, aconteceria em Nova Yorque, caso ocorresse uma repentina extino da espcie humana? b) Segundo o texto, quais poderiam ser as consequncias da permanncia de pneus e plsticos na Terra, milhares de anos aps o desaparecimento dos seres humanos?

Questão 24

(UNICAMP - 2012 - 2 fase - Questo 6) a) Na linguagem metafrica do texto, um trecho do discurso proferido por Martin Luther King em 1963, a que se refere a nota promissria emitida pelos Estados Unidos da Amrica? b) Que crenas levaram os negros norte-americanos a irem a Washington sacar o cheque que a Amrica lhes deu?

Questão 19

(UNICAMP - 2011) a) No que reside a ironia do primeiro cartum? b) O humor do segundo cartum deriva de uma contradio. Que contradio essa?

Questão 20

(UNICAMP - 2011) Laughter is the Best Medicine Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sigh, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. (Adaptado de http://www.helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_health.htm. Acesso em 21/08/2010.) a) O texto considera o riso mais contagioso do que outras manifestaes fsicas. Indique duas dessas outras manifestaes. b) Explicite os efeitos positivos do bom humor e do riso para a sade fsica das pessoas.

Questão 21

(UNICAMP - 2011) a) Cite os conselhos irnicos que o primeiro pster d aos adolescentes que se sentem incomodados pelos pais. b) Explique as duas leituras possveis do segundo pster.

Questão 22

(UNICAMP - 2011) Public Health Cholera tightens grip on Haiti by Declan Butler As cholera rampages through Haiti, some epidemiologists are warning that the country could face more than half a million cases over the coming year. Its spreading like wildfire, says Andrew Camilli, a cholera researcher at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. As the current Haitian population has never been exposed to cholera, they lack any immunity to the disease, which makes the toll even greater. Vaccination might have helped, but it was not an option in Haiti because of the vaccines scarcity and the logistical difficulties in getting it to people in time (Adaptado de Nature, vol. 468, p. 483-484, 2010.) a) Qual a expectativa dos epidemiologistas com relao disseminao do clera no Haiti? O que explica a expanso dessa doena no pas? b) Por que a vacinao no foi utilizada no combate ao clera no Haiti?

Questão 23

(UNICAMP - 2011) Some say the world will end in fire; Some say in ice. From what Ive tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction Ice is also great And would suffice. Robert Frost (1874-1963) (Retirado de A pocket book of Robert Frosts poems. New York: Washington Square Press, 1966, p. 242.) a) Explicite a comparao que o poema faz entre elementos da natureza e sentimentos humanos. b) Como o eu potico sabe que esses sentimentos so destrutivos?

Questão 24

(UNICAMP - 2011 - 2 fase) Did Charles Darwin Delay in Publishing Origins of Species? Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) began working on his theories of the Origins of Species in 1837; however his works were published more than twenty years after that. There is much speculation as to why it took so long to publish the groundbreaking book; some suggest that he was afraid to challenge the scientific community and upset the Church. After first positing his ideas regarding how species underwent a natural selection and could possibly adapt over time, the text provoked adverted reactions from his intellectual mentors, Charles Lyell and Sir John Herschel. Still, Darwin continued working on his theory; if he really was affected by the potential of a negative response to his ideas, some believe that it seems more plausible that he would have abandoned research completely. Throughout the period during which he was working on the Origins of Species, he published essays revealing his work in progress. Many now believe that Darwin did not delay publishing, but rather, took over two decades to complete his work. (Adaptado de http://www.suite101.com/greatthinkers/4. Acesso em 21/09/2010.) a) Que hiptese levantada por algumas pessoas para justificar o fato de Darwin ter demorado mais de duas dcadas para publicar Origins of Species? b) Indique duas evidncias que contrariam essa hiptese.

Questão 11

(UNICAMP - 2010 - 2 fase - Questo 23) a) O que o escritor Stefan Zweig teve que fazer em 1934? Por qu? b) Que tipo de passaporte Zweig teve que obter depois de 1934? Esse novo passaporte o fez se sentir como?

Questão 13

(UNICAMP - 2010 - 2 fase - Questo 13) a) O texto acima corresponde ao modelo de um documento. De que documento se trata? Qual seria a cor dos olhos da sua pretensa portadora? b) Em que ms a pretensa portadora do documento teria nascido e a que se refere a data expressa pela sequncia numrica 09-30-08?

Questão 14

(UNICAMP - 2010 - 2 fase - Questo 14) a) O que, segundo o texto acima, inevitvel que acontea? b) Isso que inevitvel pode, de acordo com o texto, ser apenas uma situao temporria ou pode se manter para o resto da vida. Em que outras circunstncias essa situao pode acontecer?

Questão 15

(UNICAMP - 2010 - 2 fase) O excerto abaixo foi adaptado do conto True Love de Isaac Asimov. My name is Joe. That is what my colleague, Milton Davidson, calls me. He is a programmer and I am a computer. I am Miltons experimental model. His Joe. Milton has never married, though he is nearly 40 years old. He has never found the right woman, he told me. One day he said, Ill find her yet, Joe. Im going to find the best. Im going to have true love and youre going to help me. Im tired of improving you in order to solve the problems of the world. Solve my problem. Find me true love. (T. Kral (org.), Being People An Anthology. Washington, D.C.: USIA, s/d, p. 183.) a) Do que Milton Davidson est cansado? b) Por que Milton Davidson no se casou e o que ele espera que Joe faa por ele?

Questão 16

(UNICAMP - 2010 - 2 fase - Questo 16) a) O texto faz referncia a uma expectativa derivada de um fato ocorrido no passado. Que fato foi esse e qual era a expectativa? b) No caso relatado no texto, essa expectativa se concretizou? Justifique sua resposta.

Questão 17

(UNICAMP - 2010 - 2 fase) Global Handwashing Day October 15, 2009 Although people around the world wash their hands with water, very few wash their hands with soap at critical moments. Global Handwashing Day will be the centerpiece of a week of activities that will mobilize millions of people across five continents to turn handwashing with soap before eating and after using the toilet into an ingrained habit. This could save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention, cutting deaths from diarrhea by almost half and deaths from acute respiratory infections by about a quarter. (Adaptado de http://www.globalhandwashingday.org/Global_Handwashing _Day_2nd_Edition.pdf. Acessado em 16/07/2009.) a) Que hbito a campanha descrita no texto pretende incentivar? b) Segundo o texto, em quanto esse hbito pode reduzir as taxas de mortalidade?