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Questões de Inglês - UNICAMP | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 22

(UNICAMP - 2009 - 2 FASE - Questo 22) As imagens abaixo foram encontradas em ms para geladeiras vendidos nos Estados Unidos. a) O que a mulher do primeiro m no consegue entender? b) O texto do segundo m faz referncia a uma tarefa domstica. Que tarefa essa e o que, na lngua inglesa, possibilita que ela seja associada ao estresse?

Questão 23

(UNICAMP - 2009 - 2 FASE - Questo 23) Em 1931, William Faulkner escreveu The Sound and the Fury, um clssico da literatura norte-americana. O excerto abaixo parte da introduo, escrita por Richard Hughes, edio do romance publicada pela Penguin Books, em 1971 a) Segundo Hughes, em que circunstncias a suposta obscuridade de uma obra de arte se justifica? b) Que razo apresenta Hughes para no resumir nem explicar The Sound and The Fury?

Questão 24

(UNICAMP - 2009 - 2 fase) Environment: the case of DDT and the Peregrine The most reliable evidence of the damaging effect of organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT, on wildlife was demonstrated in 1967 by Dr. D. A. Ratcliffe of the Nature Conservancy in the United Kingdom. The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) was protected in Britain after 1945 and showed a dramatic increase in numbers until, in the mid-1950s, the population went into a sharp decline. This proved to be due to reproductive failure: birds went laying eggs with abnormally thin shells and a large proportion of them were broken during incubation. High concentrations of DDT residues were found in peregrines and in the yolk of their eggs during the mid-1960s. There was no doubt that DDT was the cause of the population decline of these birds , and with the cessation of the use of DDT for agricultural purposes in Britain, peregrine numbers have increased to their formal level. Adaptado de R. B. Clark, Marine Pollution. Oxford: OUP, p. 142-143. a) Que problemas comearam a ocorrer no processo de reproduo dos falces peregrinos, levando ao decrscimo de sua populao? b) Que fatos levaram concluso, em meados da dcada de 60, de que o uso do pesticida DDT estava diretamente relacionado diminuio do nmero de falces peregrinos?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 9) Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes. We suffer increasingly from a process of historical amnesia in which we think that just because we are thinking about an idea it has only started says Stuart Hall in reference to the current excitement about processes of globalization. It may be true that the first documented use of the term globalization in the dictionary dates to 1961. But the phenomenon is by no means new. It could be argued that globalization started when the first ships from Europe arrived in my part of the world (i.e. South Asia) in the 15th century. Some may go even further to see in the development of maps and maritime travel, the collapse of Christendom and the rise of the nation-state certain forms of translocal connection developing between communities. (Adaptado de CANAGARAJAH, A. S. Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005.) a) De onde o autor? b) O autor do texto cita alguns fatos histricos que podem ter dado origem ao fenmeno da globalizao. Indique dois desses fatos.


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 8) Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes. We suffer increasingly from a process of historical amnesia in which we think that just because we are thinking about an idea it has only started says Stuart Hall in reference to the current excitement about processes of globalization. It may be true that the first documented use of the term globalization in the dictionary dates to 1961. But the phenomenon is by no means new. It could be argued that globalization started when the first ships from Europe arrived in my part of the world (i.e. South Asia) in the 15th century. Some may go even further to see in the development of maps and maritime travel, the collapse of Christendom and the rise of the nation-state certain forms of translocal connection developing between communities. (Adaptado de CANAGARAJAH, A. S. Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005.) a) O autor do texto concorda, ou no, com o que afirma Stuart Hall a respeito do fenmeno da globalizao? Por qu? b) Por que o ano de 1961 mencionado no texto?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 7) Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes. a) Antigamente, para se tirar a impresso digital de uma pessoa, passava-se tinta em seus dedos e pressionavam-se os mesmos em um carto. De que outra forma, segundo o texto, isso est sendo feito hoje? b) O que acontece com as impresses digitais tiradas dessa outra forma?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 6) Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes. a) De quem o FBI mantm impresses digitais em seus arquivos? b) De acordo com o texto, as impresses digitais encontradas na cena de um crime no so sempre confiveis. Por qu?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 5) Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes. a) Qual foi a concluso da pesquisa conduzida por Simon Cole? b) Segundo o texto, as impresses digitais de uma pessoa podero, no futuro, ser utilizadas para fins outros que no apenas o de auxiliar na resoluo de crimes. Que fins so esses?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 4) O texto abaixo foi adaptado a partir de uma passagem do artigo Billie Holiday, de Charles E. Smith. Leia-o e responda s questes Billie Holiday (Eleanora Fagan Gough) was born in Baltimore, April 7, 1915, of teen-age parents who married three years later. When she says she was a woman at six she may have been thinking of other things than physical development. Her father, Clarence Holiday, was a musician who played the guitar with the McKinneys Cotton Pickers group (hed formerly played trumpet) and who was almost always on the road. He and Billies mother had separated when Billie was little more than a baby, so that she was, in effect, a fatherless child. And even her mother left her with relatives, to go up North in search of work. It wasnt merely that Billie had traumatic experiences life slaps all of us around but it slapped her viciously, when she was very young and didnt know what it was all about. (Shapiro, N. e Hentoff, N. (orgs.), The Jazz Makers. New York: Grove, 1956.) a) O que a me de Billie Holiday foi fazer no norte do pas? Nessa ocasio, o que ela fez com a filha? b) Segundo o autor, a vida cruel com todos ns, mas ela foi particularmente cruel com Billie Holiday. Por qu?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 3) O texto abaixo foi adaptado a partir de uma passagem do artigo Billie Holiday, de Charles E. Smith. Leia-o e responda s questes Billie Holiday (Eleanora Fagan Gough) was born in Baltimore, April 7, 1915, of teen-age parents who married three years later. When she says she was a woman at six she may have been thinking of other things than physical development. Her father, Clarence Holiday, was a musician who played the guitar with the McKinneys Cotton Pickers group (hed formerly played trumpet) and who was almost always on the road. He and Billies mother had separated when Billie was little more than a baby, so that she was, in effect, a fatherless child. And even her mother left her with relatives, to go up North in search of work. It wasnt merely that Billie had traumatic experiences life slaps all of us around but it slapped her viciously, when she was very young and didnt know what it was all about. (Shapiro, N. e Hentoff, N. (orgs.), The Jazz Makers. New York: Grove, 1956.) a) Qual era a faixa etria dos pais de Billie Holiday quando ela nasceu? Em que ano eles se casaram? b) Qual era a profisso do pai de Billie Holiday? Nessa profisso, qual foi sua primeira atividade?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 2) Escrito por D.H. Lawrence, o poema abaixo foi publicado, em 1929, no livro Pansies: Poems (Londres: Martin Secker). Leia-o e responda questo. a) Que teorias Lawrence menciona em seu poema? b) De que modo, a partir das teorias mencionadas, o poeta imagina o tomo?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 12) A evoluo biolgica tema amplamente debatido e as teorias evolucionistas mais conhecidas so as de Lamarck e Darwin, a que remete a tira do Calvin abaixo. (Adaptado de http://rocko.blogia.com/2005/050602-comic-06.05.05-calvinhobbes-lamarck-y-la-evolucion.php-, acessado em 08/12/07.) Traduo: Quadro 1: Uma das criaturas mais peculiares da natureza, a girafa, est singularmente adaptada ao seu ambiente. Quadro 2: Sua tremenda altura lhe permite mastigar os suculentos petiscos mais difceis de alcanar. Quadro 3: Biscoitos. a) Como a altura da girafa, lembrada pela tira do Calvin, foi utilizada para explicar a teoria de Lamarck? b) Como a teoria de Darwin poderia explicar a situao relacionada com a altura da girafa?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 1) Leia os cartes abaixo e responda questo. a) Qual a profisso de Peter OConnor e em que pas ele trabalha? b) Que tipo de atividade profissional exerce Kalid Al Naimi e em que regio do mundo ele atua?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 10) Leia o texto abaixo e responda questo. Coping with water scarcity Global water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population growth in the last century. Water scarcity already affects every continent and more than 40 percent of the people on our planet. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the worlds population could be living under water stressed conditions. In order to really understand how serious the problem is we must take stock of the immense impact water has on our daily lives. Lack of access to adequate, safe water limits our ability to produce enough food to eat or earn enough income. It limits our ability to operate industries and provide energy. Without access to water for drinking and proper hygiene it is more difficult to reduce the spread and impact of life-threatening diseases like HIV/AIDS. Every day, 3,800 children die from diseases associated with a lack of safe drinking water and proper sanitation. (Adaptado de http://www.fao.org/newsroom/en/focus/2007/1000521/index.html, 14/06/2007.) a) Qual a relao estabelecida no texto entre o ndice de utilizao de gua no planeta e o crescimento populacional? b) Que previso feita no texto para o ano 2025?


(UNICAMP - 2008 - 2fase - Questo 11) Leia o texto abaixo e responda questo. Coping with water scarcity Global water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population growth in the last century. Water scarcity already affects every continent and more than 40 percent of the people on our planet. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the worlds population could be living under water stressed conditions. In order to really understand how serious the problem is we must take stock of the immense impact water has on our daily lives. Lack of access to adequate, safe water limits our ability to produce enough food to eat or earn enough income. It limits our ability to operate industries and provide energy. Without access to water for drinking and proper hygiene it is more difficult to reduce the spread and impact of life-threatening diseases like HIV/AIDS. Every day, 3,800 children die from diseases associated with a lack of safe drinking water and proper sanitation. (Adaptado de http://www.fao.org/newsroom/en/focus/2007/1000521/index.html, 14/06/2007.) a) O que, segundo o autor do texto, necessrio para que entendamos a gravidade do problema nele apontado? b) A que se refere a cifra 3.800 mencionada no texto?