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(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase)Curiosity killed a cat.That

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase)

"Curiosity killed a cat." That cautionary cliché has passed through my mind several times in the last few years, once or twice even giving me pause. For it was curiosity that first tempted me to investigate computer graphics. Nothing in my training or professional background prepared me for something as foreign as a computer paint system. But it sounded intriguing, so I decided to see one firsthand. (...)
While touring the Computer Graphics Lab at the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, New York - a research and development facility - I was invited to draw on a paint system. I picked up the stylus and drew a simple sketch of a horse. It was surprisingly easy and felt very natural - but it wasn't unforgettable. What happened next was that the demonstrator reached out to the keyboard and hit a couple of buttons; instantly my simple drawing became a brilliant kaleidoscopic chain of moving colors. It was as if my horse had suddenly come alive.
I was thrilled - and hooked. Since that time, in professional workshops at colleges, or with clients, I have seen my own initial reaction repeated in others, an experience akin to magic.
Now, six years later, wiser and more experienced, my enthusiasm is still intact, and I am more deeply involved than ever in this art form. Mastering this medium is, as with most complex techniques, an ongoing process, in which each new plateau reveals another height to be challenged. (...)
What is needed is an adventurous, risk-taking approach - a curiosity about the new, much of which lies, unknown and unseen, around a dozen corners. Yes, curiosity, - that word again. Of course, today we don't take those old sayings seriously. Anyhow, there's another old adage about cats, reassuring us that after all "a cat has nine lives". Well, so do artists.

Don Bolognese

Watson-Guptill Publications 1988. (adapted) p.8/9.


As expressões populares sobre gatos foram utilizadas no início e no final do texto para:


chamar a atenção do leitor para as qualidades dos gatos e compará-las ao desenvolvimento de qualquer profissional.


revelar o interesse do autor pelas características desses animais, usando-os como exemplo em sua carreira.


levar o leitor a compreender a importância da criatividade no uso de programas de computação gráfica.


exemplificar maneiras de desenvolver no computador possíveis formas de desenhar animais.


ilustrar a curiosidade que impulsionou a carreira do autor e ressaltar a importância de novos desafios profissionais