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Questões - UECE | Gabarito e resoluções


(UECE 2014) Em um aconselhamento gentico, a chance calculada pelo cientista de um casal portador de uma doena recessiva ter uma criana afetada de:


(UECE 2014) Analise as afirmações abaixo. I. A tireoide é uma glândula exócrina responsável pela liberação de dois hormônios, o T3 e o T4; é controlada principalmente pelo TSH secretado pela hipófise. II. A progesterona é um hormônio feminino produzido pelo corpo lúteo responsável pela manutenção das células de revestimento do útero e também pela produção de leite. III. A melatonina, substância produzida pela glândula pineal, é responsável pela regulação do sono. IV. A insulina produzida pelo pâncreas atua no aumento da taxa de glicose no sangue. Está correto o que se afirma somente em


(UECE - 2014) PORTO O porto fica bocejando, aberto para os alunos retardatrios. No h pressa em viver nem nas ladeiras duras de subir, quanto mais para estudar a inspida cartilha. Mas se o pai do menino da oposio, ilustrssima autoridade municipal, prima por sua vez da sacratssima autoridade nacional, ah, isso no: o vagabundo ficar mofando l fora e leva no boletim uma galxia de zeros. A gente aprende muito no porto fechado. ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. In: Carlos Drummond de Andrade: Poesia e Prosa. Editora Nova Aguilar:1988. p. 506-507. Atente para o que se afirma sobre os versos ah, isso no: o vagabundo ficar mofando l fora/ e leva no boletim uma galxia de zeros. I. Eles so construdos sobre duas metforas hiperblicas, isto , metforas que contm um exagero. II. O pronome isso em ah, isso no, aponta para um referente na cena enunciativa. III. O pronome isso, no poema, aponta para o que dito nos dois primeiros versos, sintetizando-os. Est correto o que se diz em


(Uece 2014) Segundo Bill Bryson, autor de Uma Breve História de Quase Tudo, o cientista americano Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1913) foi o mais brilhante ilustre desconhecido da história, por conta de sua modéstia e timidez. Gibbs contribuiu, em vários campos da física e da química, sobretudo na conceituação de energia livre que permitiu definir, através de cálculos singelos, a espontaneidade de uma reação química. Considerando-se o valor da constante de Faraday 96.500 C, conhecendo-se os potenciais de redução para as semirreações que ocorrem na pilha, Sn/Sn2+// Pb2+/Pb, cujas concentrações de Sn e Pb valem, respectivamente, 1,0 M e 10-3 M, e sabendo-se, ainda, que: pode-se afirmar corretamente que a reação global da pilha


(Uece 2014) Em julho de 2005, foram encontrados os primeiros indícios da existência de petróleo na camada pré-sal próximo a Paraty, litoral sul do Rio de Janeiro. Não existem lagoas de petróleo no subsolo; contudo, existem rochas sedimentares impregnadas pelo combustível. Na escala de tempo geológico, as rochas em que o petróleo do pré-sal está impregnado formaram-se antes da camada de sal que o recobre. Por isso, a denominação pré-sal. Esperase que o petróleo bruto encontrado nessa camada tenha baixo teor de enxofre, para que, no processo de combustão da gasolina, ocorra, na atmosfera, pouca emissão de dióxido de enxofre, um dos responsáveis pela chuva ácida. Assinale a opção que corresponde corretamente às equações químicas da chuva ácida.


(UECE 2014) As plantas da caatinga possuem algumas características particulares, como folhas transformadas em espinhos, cutículas altamente impermeáveis, caules suculentos, raízes profundas etc. Essa descrição se refere ao que definimos como


(UECE - 2014) Um poliedro convexo tem 32 faces, sendo 20 hexgonos e 12 pentgonos. O nmero de vrtices deste polgono


(UECE 2014) Uma mutao severa foi identificada numa famlia humana. As sequncias de bases nitrogenadas sem a mutao (normal) e com a mutao (sublinhada e marcada com uma seta) esto representadas no quadro abaixo. Em ambas as sequncias, esto em destaque o stio de incio da traduo e a base alterada. Tomando por base o quadro acima, que apresenta uma sequncia sem mutao (normal) e uma sequncia mutante de uma doena humana severa, assinale a opo que corresponde ao cido nucleico representado e ao nmero de aminocidos codificados pela sequncia de bases entre o stio de incio da traduo e a mutao.


(UECE 2014) A fração que representa a heterozigose no cruzamento entre monoíbridos do modelo mendeliano é


(UECE -2014) Se os nmeros reais x, y, z, m, n, p, u, v, w formam, nesta ordem, uma progresso geomtrica de razo q, ento o valor do determinante da matriz:


(UECE 2014) Um somatório de resultados de pesquisas revelou que plantas da caatinga produzem substâncias antioxidantes e fotoprotetoras. A caatinga apresenta um reduzido potencial hídrico no solo, precipitações escassas e irregulares. Sua flora nativa apresenta espécies vegetais com caracteres anatômicos, morfológicos e funcionais, especializados para a sobrevivência nas condições adversas de clima e solo, típicos desta fisionomia. Com base nessas informações e na Teoria Sintética da Evolução, é correto afirmar-se que


(UECE -2014) TEXT BRASLIA Brazils highest court has long viewed itself as a bastion of manners and formality. Justices call one another Your Excellency, dress in billowing robes and wrap each utterance in grandiloquence, as if little had changed from the era when marquises and dukes held sway from their vast plantations. In one televised feud, Mr. Barbosa questioned another justice about whether he would even be on the court had he not been appointed by his cousin, aformer president impeached in 1992. With another justice, Mr. Barbosa rebuked him over what the chief justice considered his condescending tone, telling him he was not his capanga, a term describing a hired thug. In one of his most scathing comments, Mr. Barbosa, the high courts first and only black justice, took on the entire legal system of Brazil where it is still remarkably rare for politicians to ever spend time in prison, even after being convicted of crimes contending that the mentality of judges was conservative, pro-status-quo and pro-impunity. I have a temperament that doesnt adapt well to politics, Mr. Barbosa, 58, said in a recent interview in his quarters here in the Supreme Federal Tribunal, a modernist landmark designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer. Its because I speak my mind so much. His acknowledged lack of tact notwithstanding, he is the driving force behind a series of socially liberal and establishment-shaking rulings, turning Brazils highest court and him in particular into a newfound political power and the subject of popular fascination. The courts recent rulings include a unanimous decision upholding the University of Braslias admissions policies aimed at increasing the number of black and indigenous students, opening the way for one of the Western Hemispheres most sweeping affirmative action laws for higher education. In another move, Mr. Barbosa used his sway as chief justice and president of the panel overseeing Brazils judiciary to effectively legalize same-sex marriage across the country. And in an anticorruption crusade, he is overseeing the precedent-setting trial of senior political figures in the governing Workers Party for their roles in a vast vote-buying scheme. Ascending to Brazils high court, much less pushing the institution to assert its independence, long seemed out of reach for Mr. Barbosa, the eldest of eight children raised in Paracatu, an impoverished city in Minas Gerais State, where his father worked as a bricklayer. But his prominence not just on the court, but in the streets as well is so well established that masks with his face were sold for Carnival, amateur musicians have composed songs about his handling of the corruption trial and posted them on YouTube, and demonstrators during the huge street protests that shook the nation this year told pollsters that Mr. Barbosa was one of their top choices for president in next years elections. While the protests have subsided since their height in June, the political tumult they set off persists. The race for president, once considered a shoo-in for the incumbent, Dilma Rousseff, is now up in the air, with Mr. Barbosa who is now so much in the public eye that gossip columnists are following his romance with a woman in her 20s repeatedly saying he will not run. Im not a candidate for anything, he says. But the same public glare that has turned him into a celebrity has singed him as well. While he has won widespread admiration for his guidance of the high court, Mr. Barbosa, like almost every other prominent political figure in Brazil, has recently come under scrutiny. And for someone accustomed to criticizing the so-called supersalaries awarded to some members of Brazils legal system, the revelations have put Mr. Barbosa on the defensive. One report in the Brazilian news media described how he received about $180,000 in payments for untaken leaves of absence during his 19 years as a public prosecutor. (Such payments are common in some areas of Brazils large public bureaucracy.) Another noted that he bought an apartment in Miami through a limited liability company, suggesting an effort to pay less taxes on the property. In statements, Mr. Barbosa contends that he has done nothing wrong. In a country where a majority of people now define themselves as black or of mixed race but where blacks remain remarkably rare in the highest echelons of political institutions and corporations Mr. Barbosas trajectory and abrupt manner have elicited both widespread admiration and a fair amount of resistance. As a teenager, Mr. Barbosa moved to the capital, Braslia, finding work as a janitor in a courtroom. Against the odds, he got into the University of Braslia, the only black student in its law program at the time. Wanting to see the world, he later won admission into Brazils diplomatic service, which promptly sent him to Helsinki, the Finnish capital on the shore of the Baltic Sea. Sensing that he would not advance much in the diplomatic service, which he has called one of the most discriminatory institutions of Brazil, Mr. Barbosa opted for a career as a prosecutor. He alternated between legal investigations in Brazil and studies abroad, gaining fluency in English, French and German, and earning a doctorate in law at Pantheon-Assas University in Paris. Fascinated by the legal systems of other countries, Mr. Barbosa wrote a book on affirmative action in the United States. He still voices his admiration for figures like Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice in the United States, and William J. Brennan Jr., who for years embodied the courts liberal vision, clearly drawing inspiration from them as he pushed Brazils high court toward socially liberal rulings. Still, no decision has thrust Mr. Barbosa into Brazils public imagination as much as his handling of the trial of political operatives, legislators and bankers found guilty in a labyrinthine corruption scandal called the mensalo, or big monthly allowance, after the regular payments made to lawmakers in exchange for their votes. Last November, at Mr. Barbosas urging, the high court sentenced some of the most powerful figures in the governing Workers Party to years in prison for their crimes in the scheme, including bribery and unlawful conspiracy, jolting a political system in which impunity for politicians has been the norm. Now the mensalo trial is entering what could be its final phases, and Mr. Barbosa has at times been visibly exasperated that defendants who have already been found guilty and sentenced have managed to avoid hard jail time. He has clashed with other justices over their consideration of a rare legal procedure in which appeals over close votes at the high court are examined. Losing his patience with one prominent justice, Ricardo Lewandowski, who tried to absolve some defendants of certain crimes, Mr. Barbosa publicly accused him this month of chicanery by using legalese to prop up certain positions. An outcry ensued among some who could not stomach Mr. Barbosas talking to a fellow justice like that. Who does Justice Joaquim Barbosa think he is? asked Ricardo Noblat, a columnist for the newspaper O Globo, questioning whether Mr. Barbosa was qualified to preside over the court. What powers does he think he has just because hes sitting in the chair of the chief justice of the Supreme Federal Tribunal? Mr. Barbosa did not apologize. In the interview, he said some tension was necessary for the court to function properly. It was always like this, he said, contending that arguments are now just easier to see because the courts proceedings are televised. Linking the courts work to the recent wave of protests, he explained that he strongly disagreed with the violence of some demonstrators, but he also said he believed that the street movements were a sign of democracys exuberance. People dont want to passively stand by and observe these arrangements of the elite, which were always the Brazilian tradition, he said. In the sentence A political system in which impunity in politics has been the norm, the verb phrase in the future perfect tense becomes


(Uece 2014) Conforme o site De Rerum Natura (http://dererummundi.blogspot.com.br/2010/07/o-negocio-das-pulseiras-quanticas.html), alguns empresários inescrupulosos estão comercializando as chamadas pulseiras quânticas que, segundo eles, teriam poderes extraordinários na cura de determinadas moléstias e teriam sido inventadas por um cientista da NASA. No que concerne à teoria quântica, que não trata de mistificação, assinale a afirmação verdadeira.


O sistema de conduo de qualquer ser vivo deve garantir a distribuio de nutrientes e a retirada de substncias txicas das clulas dos tecidos de todo o organismo. Nos vegetais, a conduo de seiva feita por meio de vasos que se distribuem ao longo do corpo das traquefitas. Podese afirmar corretamente que o transporte de seiva bruta nos vegetais vasculares ocorre devido


(UECE 2014) O aparecimento do oxigênio na atmosfera da Terra provocou diversas alterações na vida terrestre, uma vez que diversos seres vivos não adaptados a esse novo ambiente morreram, enquanto outros desenvolveram estratégias para utilizar esse gás, de maneira eficiente. Com relação à respiração aeróbica, assinale a afirmação correta.