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Questões - UECE | Gabarito e resoluções


(UECE - 1998) Cuando Bentos Sagrera oy ladrar los perros, dej el mate en el suelo, apoyando la bombilla en el1asa de la caldera, se2puso de pie y sali del comedor6apurando el paso para ver quin se acercaba y tomar prontamente providencia. 7Era la tarde, estaba oscureciendo y un gran viento soplaba del Este arrastrando grandes nubes negras y pesadas, que amenazaban tormenta. Quien a esas horas y con ese tiempo3llegara a la estancia, indudablemente llevara nimo de pernoctar, cosa que Bentos Sagrera no permita sino a determinadas personas de su ntima relacin. Por eso se apuraba, a fin de llegar a los galpones antes de que el forastero4hubiera aflojado la cincha a su caballo, disponindose a desensillar. Su estancia no era posada, canejo! - lo5haba dicho muchas veces; y el que llegase, que se fuera y buscase fonda, o durmiera en el campo, que al fin y al cabo dorman en el campo animales suyos de ms valor que la mayora de los desocupados harapientos que8solan caer por all demandando albergue! En muchas ocasiones habase visto en apuros, porque sus peones, ms bondadosos - claro, como no era de sus cueros que haban de salir los maneadores! -, permitan a algunos desensillar; y luego9era ya mucho ms difcil hacerles seguir la marcha. La estancia de Sagrera era uno de esos viejos establecimientos de10origen brasileo, que abundan en la frontera y que semejan11crceles o fortalezas. Un largo edificio de paredes de piedras y techo de azotea; unos galpones, tambin de piedra, enfrente, y a los lados un alto muro con slo una puerta pequea dando al campo. La cocina, la despensa, el horno, los cuartos de los peones, todo estaba encerrado dentro de la muralla. El patrn, que era un hombre bajo y grueso, casi cuadrado, cruz el patio13haciendo crujir el balasto bajo sus gruesos pies, calzados con pesadas botas de becerro colorado. Abri con precaucin la puertecilla y asom su cabeza melenuda para observar al recin llegado,14que se debata entre una majada de perros, los cuales, ladrando enfurecidos, le saltaban al estribo y a las12narices y la cola del caballo, haciendo que ste, encabritado, bufara y retrocediera. - Fuera,17cachorros! -15repiti varias veces el amo, hasta conseguir que los perros se fueran alejando, uno a uno, y ganaran el galpn16gruendo algunos, mientras otros olfateaban18an con desconfianza al caballero que, no del todo tranquilo, titubeaba en desmontar. MENTON, Seymour.El Cuento Hispanoamericano. Mxico, Fondo de Cultura Econmica, 1992. Respecto al verbo OSCURECER (Era la tarde, estaba oscureciendo... ref. 7) es EXACTO afirmar:


(UECE - 1997) O coeficiente de x6 no desenvolvimento de:


(UECE- 1997) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: Read the following passage carefully: After getting stores and various other commodities together in Mamfe, 1John and I decided to split up. John wanted to go to a village called Bakebe, some twenty-five miles from Mamfe, which he thought would be a good place for birds. I, on the other hand, wished to go to Eshobi. This village is situated north of the Cross River on the edge of a section of forest that stretches unbroken and almost uninhabited hundreds of miles northwards until 2it reaches the desolate mountains where the gorilla has its stronghold. I set about the task of obtaining carriers for the treck to Eshobi (for there was no road to it), and hiring a lorry to transport John to his village, which was, fortunately, on a road. The morning of our separation arrived and, with it, my ten carriers. John and I surveyed them as we ate breakfast under the trees on the rest house lawn. 3They were an unprepossessing lot. I shouldnt think, said John, eyeing them, that you will even reach Eshobi with that lot. At this moment, however, the barber arrived. It had been John who had suggested that I 4should get my hair cut before plunging off to Eshobi, and the suggestion was sound. As I seated myself, and the barber placed his robe reverently round me, I noticed that the carriers were dancing about, slapping themselves and cursing. I thought nothing of it until I was suddenly assailed with a series of agonizing bites on my leg, and I looked down and got my first view of a driver ant column spread out to attack. The ground was a seething black mass of ants. I roared for rescue, and two of the staff came dashing to my aid, rolled up my trousers and started to pick the ants off my legs. Just at that moment a small boy wandered on to the scene carrying two baby Drills clasped round his waist. Now I was very anxious to obtain some of these baboos, so I bargained furiously with the lad, 5and eventually bought them. He planted them both in my lap and departed hurriedly, for the ants were already investigating his legs. The Drills decided that this change of ownership did not appeal to 6them at all, and they both started to kick and scream and bite like spoilt children. The scene in the compound now beggared description: the carriers were leaping about to keep clear of the ants, our staff were trying to get the ants out of the carriers loads, I was struggling with the Drills, finding myself very much hampered by the barbers cloak, and two members of the staff were still working on ant extermination on my upper calves. The barber had not enjoyed himself so much for years: he gazed at the lively scene, occasionally exchanging a bit of good advice or an insult with one of the carriers or the staff, and absent-mindedly chopping in the general direction of my scalp. Once, when he told a carrier which load to take, the argument waxed so fierce that I expected an ear to fall in my lap at any moment. Eventually we sorted things out, and John accompanied us to the rusty suspension bridge which spanned the Cross River. On the other side was the forest and Eshobi. We stood there, watching the line of carriers make their way across, a hundred feet above the dark waters. As they reached the other side they were swallowed up in the multicolored undergrowth of the forest. When the last had disappeared, and only their voices came faintly to us, I turned to John. Well, dear boy, I said. I must brave the unknown. See you in about three months time. Good luck, said John, and, as an afterthought, youll need it I expect ... Choose the best alternative according to the text. Split up in ...John and I decided to split up... (ref. 1) means that...


(UECE) - Se um arquiteto constri uma casa para algum, porm no a faz slida, resultando da que a casa venha a ruir e matar o proprietrio, este arquiteto passvel de morte. - Se, ao desmoronar, ela mata o filho do proprietrio, matar-se- o filho deste arquiteto. O preceito legal anterior pertence ao seguinte Cdigo:


(Uece 1997) Leia o texto a seguir com atenção: Trata-se de um dos mais esplendorosos ecossistemas do planeta. Desenvolvendo-se na zona intertropical, próximo ao equador, apresenta elevadas e constantes taxas de umidade, sendo muito rica e variada a sua flora e a sua fauna. O texto trata do domínio natural da:


(Uece 1996) Os vapores de HCℓ e de NH4OH reagem no ar e formam um composto que aparece como fumaça branca. O composto é:


(Uece 1996) Excesso de ácido clorídrico, HCℓ, é o responsável pela acidez estomacal, e para combatê-lo, deve-se ingerir um antiácido à base de bicarbonato de sódio, NaHCO3. Se um indivíduo foi acometido por uma forte azia, cuja quantidade de ácido deve ser neutralizado no estômago é de 0,03 mols; então ele deverá ingerir a seguinte quantidade de bicarbonato de sódio: Dados: Na = 23; H = 1; O = 16; C = 12


(UECE - 1996) Se, ento igual a:


(UECE 1996) No processo de reprodução de uma GIMNOSPERMA:


(Uece 1996) dado um vaso de forma esfrica, de raio R. Uma torneira, com vazoconstante, jorra gua dentro do vaso, inicialmente vazio, conforme a figura. Sendo y a altura dasuperfcie livre da gua, em relao ao fundo do vaso, e t o tempo, o grfico que melhorrepresenta a variao de y em funo de t, :


(UECE 1996) Indique a opção que só contenha exemplos de animais pertencentes à ordem CETÁCEA da classe Mammalia:


(Uece) Tratando-se da questo energtica brasileira, correta a afirmativa:


(Uece 1996) Uma das principais aplicações do ácido nítrico é na produção de fertilizantes. Industrialmente este ácido é obtido a partir do oxigênio e nitrogênio do ar e da água, de acordo com o seguinte esquema. Para obtenção do HNO3, a sequência das reações químicas que ocorrem são


(Uece 1996) Segue a gramática normativa a colocação do pronome átono da opção:


(UECE) Marque a opo verdadeira: