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No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - MACKENZIE | Gabarito e resoluções


(MACKENZIE - 2000) Indicate the alternativethat best completes the following sentence. _________ plan that was presented_________.


(MACKENZIE/2000) Creo que deberías hablar con Raúl ......... Sandra.


(Mackenzie 2000) Si no se cuida un poco, .......... que operarle el estómago.


(Mackenzie - 2000) LEARNING TO THINK Asians (I) proud of how well they educate their children. Thanks to the prodding of their determined parents, Asians score highest in science and math in worldwide comparisons. But from Tokyo to Taipei and Singapore, governments are realizing their children are so overstressed and overtested that they are ill equipped for the Information Age, (II) thinking and creativity hold a premium. Reform-minded educators share a similar complaint: ask a Korean student to write a creative essay or a Japanese student to pose a challenging question and or a Hong Kong student to even ask a question and, more often than not, they will be unable to stray from the script. Two years ago Kishore Mahbubani, a senior official in Singapore, posed a challenging question at a conference: Can Asians think? It was a remarkable moment of self-doubt. For years, Singapores leaders had been 1crowing about the advantages of Asian values, the idea that order in schools and government alike works better in Asia than Western-style freedom. But across Asia, that approach (III) efficient, obedient workers (IV) let their bosses do the thinking for them. Governments merrily invested in production lines and gleaming skyscrapers, and even school buildings, but skimped on developing modern teaching methods and training teachers. The result: Asias schools (V) so neglected that in many countries kids attend for half-day sessions in classrooms so crowded they are ready to bust. Asian students are too busy memorizing deadening answers to learn to think. In too many Asian classrooms, thinking actually 2gets in the way. (Adapted from Newsweek. September 6, 1999.) The sentence He said, Can Asians think? in the reported speech would be:


(Mackenzie - 2000) DO PARENTS KNOW THEIR KIDS? There are now 31 million kids in the 12-to-19 age group, and demographers predict that there will be 35 million teens by 2010, a population bulge bigger than even the baby boom at ___(I)___ peak. In many ways, these teens are uniquely privileged. Theyve grown up in a period of sustained prosperity and havent had to worry about the draft (as ___(II)___ fathers did) or cataclysmic global conflicts (as ___(III)___ grandparents did). Cable and the Internet ___(IV)___ them access to an almost infinite amount of information. In survey after survey, many kids - even those on the honor roll - say they feel increasingly alone and alienated, unable to connect with ___(V)___ parents, teachers, and sometimes even classmates. Theyre desperate for guidance, and when they dont get ___(VI)___ they need at home or in school, they cling to cliques or immerse themselves in a universe out of their parents reach, a world defined by computer games, TV and movies, ___(VII)___ brutality is so common it ___(VIII)___ mundane. Many teens say they feel 1overwhelmed by pressure and responsibilities. They are juggling part-time jobs and hours of homework every night; sometimes theyre so exhausted that theyre nearly asleep in early-morning classes. Half ___(IX)___ through their parents divorce. Sixty-three percent are in households ___(X)___ both parents work outside the home, and many look after younger siblings in the afternoon. Still others are home by themselves after school. That unwelcome 2solitude can extend well into the evening; mealtime for this generation too often begins with a 3forlorn touch of the microwave. In fact, of all the issues that trouble adolescents, loneliness ranks at the top of the list. University of Chicago sociologist Barbara Schneider ___(XI)___ 7,000 teenagers for five years and ___(XII)___ they spend an average of 3 and 1/2 hours alone every day. Teenagers may claim they want privacy, but they also crave and need attention - and theyre not getting it. (Adapted from Newsweek. May 10, 1999.) The sentence They said, Do parents know their kids? in the reported speech would be:


(MACKENZIE - 2000) Si me .... caso, no te habras roto el brazo.


(Mackenzie - 2000) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence. ______ plan that was presented __________


(Mackenzie 2000) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence. Thanks ______ the financial aid he ______, he __________ to attend the university.


(Mackenzie - 2000) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase abaixo. Era un incendio importante pero en pocos minutos los bomberos .......... apagarlo.


(MACKENZIE/ adaptada) Assinale a alternativa que completa a frase com os pronomesdemonstrativos adequados, na ordem: ................ poca la he borrado de mi memoria. Ni siquiera me acuerdo por qu hice .......... viaje a Estambul


(Mackenzie 2000) Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA sobre a região do Cáucaso.


(Mackenzie 1999) Num mesmo plano vertical, perpendicular à rua, temos os segmentos de reta ABe CD, paralelos entre si. Um ônibus se desloca com velocidade constante de módulov1, em relação à rua, ao longo de , no sentido de A para B, enquanto um passageiro sedesloca no interior do ônibus, com velocidade constante de módulo v2, em relação ao veículo,ao longo de , no sentido de C para D. Sendo v1 v2, o módulo da velocidade o passageiro em relação ao ponto B da rua é:


(Mackenzie - 1999) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: He ___________ the ___________ now.


(Mackenzie 1999) Em [0, 2], se é a maior raiz da equação mostrada na figura adiante então o vale:


(Mackenzie) Foram caractersticas do breve governo Jnio Quadros em 1961: