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Questões - UEFS | Gabarito e resoluções


Senhor Antão de Sousa Meneses, Quem sobe a alto lugar, que não merece, Homem sobe, asno vai, burro parece, Que o subir é desgraça muitas vezes. A fortunilha autora de entremezes Transpõe em burro o herói, que indigno cresce: Desanda a roda, e logo o homem desce, Que é discreta a fortuna em seus reveses. MATOS, Gregório de. Soneto. Poemas escolhidos. São Paulo: Círculo do Livro, s.d. p. 93. Os versos de Gregório de Matos poeta baiano do século XVII buscam


(UEFS - 2012) S que 2me desprecias. Siempre 1lo he sabido. Me lo decan tu mirada y tus falsas promesas. Cuando decas que 4yo para ti era una prioridad y que mi trabajo 3te importaba, saba que me estabas mintiendo. Ahora, ya es pblico tu desprecio. Creo que en realidad me tienes miedo. Sabes que soy quien ensear a leer a alguien para que puedaestudiar, quien ayudar a que otro aprenda un oficio y quien procurar que el padre y la madre de cualquiera se interesen por sus estudios para que no abandone el colegio sin acabar la Secundaria. Sabes que soy el ascensor y soy la puerta. Sabes que soy una amenaza para tu poder porque vengo cargado de ideas y de palabras y a ti te da miedo que se piense y que se hable. Tambin conozco tu estrategia: s que intentars enfrentarme con 6los padres y las madres de mis propios estudiantes. Usars los lugares comunes para intentar que no me apoyen. Buscars 5dividirnos, segmentarnos, fragmentarnos. Pero no lo conseguirs. T quieres construir una sociedad de consumidores obedientes y pagadores devotos mientras que yo procuro una sociedad de ciudadanos libres. T buscas dominar a 8todos sometindome a m; yo busco 7liberarlos a pesar de ti. T crees que estoy solo y, sin embargo, yo s que somos miles. Muy pronto saldrs a la calle a pedir mi voto. No te creer, porque s que me desprecias, pero s te doy un consejo: cuando vayas por la calle, mira la cara de 10la gente. Podrs verme en cada rostro porque dentro de nosotros siempre vive la profesora o el profesor que 9nos hizo libres. TRUJILLO, Fernando. Tu desprecio ser mi fuerza. Disponvel em: http:/ /deestranjis.blogspot.com/2011/09/tu-desprecio-sera-mi-fuerza.html Acesso em: 7 jun.2012. Adaptado. Se indica la relacin correcta entre el pronombre y su referente en


A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asias major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the worlds biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakorams glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas theyd been shrinking. Its unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern thats not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow. Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012. Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). The text says: ( ) Lately, the slow melting of ice rivers and polar ice caps has been a general pattern. ( ) The Karakoram range is on the border between Pakistan, India and China. ( ) The Karakoram has around two thousand square kilometers of glaciers. ( ) The Karakorams glaciers have showed this tendency towards expansion since the beginning of the twentieth century. According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is


A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asias major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the worlds biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakorams glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas theyd been shrinking. Its unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern thats not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow. Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012. The phenomenon with the Karakoram


A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asias major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the worlds biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakorams glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas theyd been shrinking. Its unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern thats not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow. Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012. The French scientists involved in the survey mentioned in the text are using


(UEFS - 2012) Thickening glaciers A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asias major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the worlds biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakorams glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas theyd been shrinking. Its unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern thats not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow. Thickening glaciers. Disponvel em: https://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/2012/04/120417_witn_glaciers.shtml. Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012. The only false cognate from the text is in alternative


A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asias major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the worlds biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakorams glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas theyd been shrinking. Its unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern thats not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow. Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012. Considering language use in the text, its correct to say


Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near São Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out. The mushrooms are part of 5 the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent capable of producing light through a chemical reaction. Since 2002, Cassius Stevani, professor of Chemistry 10 at the University of São Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California, and Marina Capelari of Brazils Institute of Botany have discovered 10 more bioluminescent fungi species four of which are new to science in Brazils 15 tropical forests. The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent. In addition to mushrooms, a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids 20 (earthworms) are known to be bioluminescent. Bioluminescence creates cold light emissions with low thermal radiation. An enzyme called luciferase triggers a pigment called luciferin to oxidize, and the reaction emits light. But why the fungi evolved to glow 25 this way remains a mystery, Stevani says. To get the green glow of the new specimens of bioluminescent mushrooms, Dr Desjardin and Dr Stevani had to go out on new moon nights and stumble around in the forest, running into trees, while keeping an eye out for poisonous 30 snakes and prowling jaguars. Besides helping researchers decipher how and why mushrooms glow, Stevani is studying the bioluminescent fungis ability to signal the presence of toxins in the soil. In the lab, his team has developed a procedure that 35 shows that fungi emit less light when exposed to several metals and organic pollutants. In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said in an email to National Geographic News. The researcher also says 40 that the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation (cleanup using living organisms) of contaminated soil. New glowing mushrooms found in Brazil. Disponível em: . Acesso em: The text says that the discovery of the new Brazilian glowers


Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near São Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out. The mushrooms are part of 5 the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent capable of producing light through a chemical reaction. Since 2002, Cassius Stevani, professor of Chemistry 10 at the University of São Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California, and Marina Capelari of Brazils Institute of Botany have discovered 10 more bioluminescent fungi species four of which are new to science in Brazils 15 tropical forests. The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent. In addition to mushrooms, a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids 20 (earthworms) are known to be bioluminescent. Bioluminescence creates cold light emissions with low thermal radiation. An enzyme called luciferase triggers a pigment called luciferin to oxidize, and the reaction emits light. But why the fungi evolved to glow 25 this way remains a mystery, Stevani says. To get the green glow of the new specimens of bioluminescent mushrooms, Dr Desjardin and Dr Stevani had to go out on new moon nights and stumble around in the forest, running into trees, while keeping an eye out for poisonous 30 snakes and prowling jaguars. Besides helping researchers decipher how and why mushrooms glow, Stevani is studying the bioluminescent fungis ability to signal the presence of toxins in the soil. In the lab, his team has developed a procedure that 35 shows that fungi emit less light when exposed to several metals and organic pollutants. In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said in an email to National Geographic News. The researcher also says 40 that the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation (cleanup using living organisms) of contaminated soil. New glowing mushrooms found in Brazil. Disponível em: . Acesso em: the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation [...] of contaminated soil. (l. 40-41) This fragment of the text refers to the use of


Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near São Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out. The mushrooms are part of 5 the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent capable of producing light through a chemical reaction. Since 2002, Cassius Stevani, professor of Chemistry 10 at the University of São Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California, and Marina Capelari of Brazils Institute of Botany have discovered 10 more bioluminescent fungi species four of which are new to science in Brazils 15 tropical forests. The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent. In addition to mushrooms, a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids 20 (earthworms) are known to be bioluminescent. Bioluminescence creates cold light emissions with low thermal radiation. An enzyme called luciferase triggers a pigment called luciferin to oxidize, and the reaction emits light. But why the fungi evolved to glow 25 this way remains a mystery, Stevani says. To get the green glow of the new specimens of bioluminescent mushrooms, Dr Desjardin and Dr Stevani had to go out on new moon nights and stumble around in the forest, running into trees, while keeping an eye out for poisonous 30 snakes and prowling jaguars. Besides helping researchers decipher how and why mushrooms glow, Stevani is studying the bioluminescent fungis ability to signal the presence of toxins in the soil. In the lab, his team has developed a procedure that 35 shows that fungi emit less light when exposed to several metals and organic pollutants. In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said in an email to National Geographic News. The researcher also says 40 that the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation (cleanup using living organisms) of contaminated soil. New glowing mushrooms found in Brazil. Disponível em: . Acesso em: ______ mushrooms______ a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids are known to be bioluminescent. According to paragraph 3, the only alternative that does not suitably complete the two blanks is


Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near São Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out. The mushrooms are part of 5 the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent capable of producing light through a chemical reaction. Since 2002, Cassius Stevani, professor of Chemistry 10 at the University of São Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California, and Marina Capelari of Brazils Institute of Botany have discovered 10 more bioluminescent fungi species four of which are new to science in Brazils 15 tropical forests. The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent. In addition to mushrooms, a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids 20 (earthworms) are known to be bioluminescent. Bioluminescence creates cold light emissions with low thermal radiation. An enzyme called luciferase triggers a pigment called luciferin to oxidize, and the reaction emits light. But why the fungi evolved to glow 25 this way remains a mystery, Stevani says. To get the green glow of the new specimens of bioluminescent mushrooms, Dr Desjardin and Dr Stevani had to go out on new moon nights and stumble around in the forest, running into trees, while keeping an eye out for poisonous 30 snakes and prowling jaguars. Besides helping researchers decipher how and why mushrooms glow, Stevani is studying the bioluminescent fungis ability to signal the presence of toxins in the soil. In the lab, his team has developed a procedure that 35 shows that fungi emit less light when exposed to several metals and organic pollutants. In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said in an email to National Geographic News. The researcher also says 40 that the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation (cleanup using living organisms) of contaminated soil. New glowing mushrooms found in Brazil. Disponível em: . Acesso em: The expression keeping an eye out for (l. 29) is nearest in meaning to


(UEFS - 2012/1) Steve Jobs early life and education Steven Paul Steve Jobs was an American businessman and visionary widely recognized (along with his Apple business partner[5]Steve Wozniak) as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. [10]Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955, and adopted at birth by Paul Reinhold Jobs (19221993) and Clara Jobs (19241986). When asked about his adoptive parents, Jobs replied emphatically[15]that Paul and Clara Jobs were my parents 1,000%. Asked in a 1995 interview what he wanted to pass on to his children, Jobs replied, Just to try to be as good a father to them as my father was to me. I think about that every day of my life. [20]Jobs told an interviewer, I was very lucky. My father, Paul, was a pretty remarkable man, a genius with his hands. When his son was five or six, Paul Jobs sectioned a piece of his workbench and gave it to Jobs,[25]saying Steve, this is your workbench now. And he gave me some of his smaller tools and showed me how to use a hammer and saw and how to build things. It really was very good for me. He spent a lot of time with me... teaching me how to build things, how to take things apart,[30]put things back together. Jobs also noted that while his father did not have a deep understanding of electronics [...] hed encountered electronics a lot in automobiles and other things he would fix. He showed me the rudiments of electronics and I got very interested in that. [35]Jobs went to elementary school and high school in Cupertino, California. He attended after-school lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto, California, and was later hired there, working with Steve Wozniak as a summer employee. Following high school graduation[40]in 1972, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Although he dropped out after only one semester, he continued auditing classes at Reed, while sleeping on the floor in friends rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money, and getting weekly free meals at[45]the local Hare Krishna temple. Jobs later said, If I had never dropped in on that single calligraphy course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. STEVE Jobs early life and education. Disponvel em: . Acesso em: 8 dez. 2011. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam os nmeros das linhas do texto original. Paul Jobs[] gave it to Jobs, saying Steve, this is your workbench now. (l. 22-25) This sentence can be exactly rephrased in Indirect Speech as:


TEXTO: Tu desprecio será mi fuerza Sé que me desprecias. Siempre lo he sabido. Me lo decían tu mirada y tus falsas promesas. Cuando decías que yo para ti era una prioridad y que mi trabajo te importaba, sabía que me estabas mintiendo. Ahora, 5 ya es público tu desprecio. Creo que en realidad me tienes miedo. Sabes que soy quien enseñará a leer a alguien para que pueda estudiar, quien ayudará a que otro aprenda un oficio y quien procurará que el padre y la madre de cualquiera 10 se interesen por sus estudios para que no abandone el colegio sin acabar la Secundaria. Sabes que soy el ascensor y soy la puerta. Sabes que soy una amenaza para tu poder porque vengo cargado de ideas y de palabras y a ti te da miedo que se piense y que se 15 hable. También conozco tu estrategia: sé que intentarás enfrentarme con los padres y las madres de mis propios estudiantes. Usarás los lugares comunes para intentar que no me apoyen. Buscarás dividirnos, segmentarnos, 20 fragmentarnos. Pero no lo conseguirás. Tú quieres construir una sociedad de consumidores obedientes y pagadores devotos mientras que yo procuro una sociedad de ciudadanos libres. Tú buscas dominar a todos sometiéndome a mí; yo busco liberarlos a pesar 25 de ti. Tú crees que estoy solo y, sin embargo, yo sé que somos miles. Muy pronto saldrás a la calle a pedir mi voto. No te creeré, porque sé que me desprecias, pero sí te doy un consejo: cuando vayas por la calle, mira la cara de la 30 gente. Podrás verme en cada rostro porque dentro de nosotros siempre vive la profesora o el profesor que nos hizo libres. TRUJILLO, Fernando. Tu desprecio será mi fuerza. Disponível em: http:/ /deestranjis.blogspot.com/2011/09/tu-desprecio-sera-mi-fuerza.html Acesso em: 7 jun.2012. (Adaptado.) La lectura del texto permite afirmar que su autor es un


Usain S. Leo Bolt é um atleta (corredor velocista) que participa das provas de 100,0m e 200,0m rasos. É dele o recorde mundial das provas de 100,0m e 200,0m, com tempos respectivos de 9,58s e 19,19s. Considerando-se que, na prova de 200,0m rasos, Usain Bolt realizou um movimento uniformemente acelerado durante toda a prova, a aceleração, em m/s2, que ele imprimiu durante a corrida, para atingir a marca do tempo do recorde mundial, foi, aproximadamente, igual a


Um projétil é lançado obliquamente a partir do solo horizontal com velocidade V0, cujo módulo é igual a 108,0km/h, segundo um ângulo , conforme a figura. Considerando-se o módulo da aceleração da gravidade igual a 10,0m/s2, sen = 0,6, cos = 0,8 e desprezando-se a resistência do ar, a altura máxima atingida pelo projétil e o seu alcance horizontal correspondem, respectivamente, a