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Questões - UEFS | Gabarito e resoluções


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) According to this comic strip, the big cat, Garfield,


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) A eletrólise da solução aquosa de cloreto de sódio ocorre pela passagem de corrente elétrica através da solução, representada, de maneira simplificada, pela equação química e leva à obtenção dos gases hidrogênio, H2(g), e cloro, Cl2(g), e de solução de hidróxido de sódio, NaOH(aq), sendo uma aplicação das reações de oxirredução Considerando-se essas informações e a reação de oxirredução, representada pela equação química, é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Um tipo de bola de futebol é inspirado no icosaedro truncado, que é um poliedro convexo formado por 12 faces pentagonais e 20 faces hexagonais. O número de vértices desse poliedro é


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) TEXTO: A team of Peruvian archaeologists has found a new trail leading to the Machu Picchu complex in Cusco, Peru even if much of the road is still heavily covered by thick vegetation. The discovery was announced by 5 the director of the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu, Fernando Astete. The new road, almost a mile long, leads to the Wayraqtambo area located in the rear section of the citadel. A team of workers are still on site cleaning the path, 10 whose width varies between 3.9 and 4.5 feet, to clean the road of brushes and trees. At the moment, only intermittent retaining walls, up to 10 feet high, holding back Machu Picchu mountain can be seen. We dont know yet exactly how long or how tall the tunnel is, 15 Astete told Fox News Latino, explaining that much excavation needs to be done. The tunnel was built after 20 feet of earth and rock collapsed over the road, he added. [The Incas] had to break up all those rocks to construct the tunnel. 20 The road includes a tunnelaround 15 feet long and as much as 12 feet highbuilt with the rocks typical of Inca architecture. It is one of the finest examples of Inca engineering, Astete has said. Astete told FNL that the newly-discovered road 25 probably predates Machu Picchu itself, which was built at the height of the Inca Empire, around 1450, and was unknown to the outside world before being discovered in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham. While Machu Picchus original purpose is still 30 unknown, one of the most popular theories about the site is that it was the royal retreat of the 15th-century Inca Emperor Pachacuti. According to a National Geographic report published in 2011, this idea maintains that Machu Picchu was a place for Pachacuti and his 35 royal court to relax, hunt, and entertain guests. Machu Picchu, which covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys, was declared one of UNESCOs World Heritage Sites in 1983. New Trail to Machu Picchu. Disponível em: http:// latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2014/06/06/new-trail-to-machupicchu-found-in-peru-nearly-mile-long-and-wit-tunnel/. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). The text has answers to the following questions: ( ) Who discovered Machu Picchu? ( ) How big is Machu Picchu? ( ) What do some people believe Machu Picchu was used for? ( ) When exactly did the Incas leave Machu Picchu? According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is


(UEFS - 2014/2) TEXTO: a descoberta Seguimos nosso caminho por este mar de longo At a oitava da Pscoa Topamos aves E houvemos vista de terra os selvagens Mostraram-lhes uma galinha Quase haviam medo dela E no queriam pr a mo E depois a tomaram como espantados primeiro ch Depois de danarem Diogo Dias Fez o salto real as meninas da gare Eram trs ou quatro moas bem moas e bem gentis Com cabelos mui pretos pelas espduas E suas vergonhas to altas e to saradinhas Que de ns as muito bem olharmos No tnhamos nenhuma vergonha. ANDRADE, Oswald de. Descoberta. Poesias Reunidas. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizao Brasileira, 1971. Disponvel em: http://www. entrevista. agulha.nom.br/oswal.html#adescoberta. Acesso em: 5 maio 2014. Nesse texto, a intertextualidade identificada por meio de


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)Um indivíduo recém-nascido, sexo feminino, foi diagnosticado com Síndrome de Down Sobre esse indivíduo, é incorreto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014- Meio do ano) TEXTO: Chinas one-child policy Chinas top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child. The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down Chinas rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families. Some critics say the law hurts Chinas elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children. 20 The worlds most populous nation will soon have too few people or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and Chinas population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the Peoples Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly. 30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality, said Jiang Fan, a National Peoples Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. We cannot risk the population growing out of control. PARK, Madison. Chinas one-child policy. Disponível em: http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. The birth rate in China has __________ since the end of the last century. According to the text, the alternative that completes the blank correctly is


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Objetos de prata expostos a poluentes, como o sulfeto de hidrogênio, H2S(g), na presença do oxigênio, escurecem devido à formação de uma camada de sulfeto de prata, Ag2S(s), sobre a superfície, de acordo com a reação química representada pela equação química não balanceada. Após o balanceamento da equação química com os menores coeficientes estequiométricos e considerando-se as propriedades das substâncias químicas, é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)O tamanho das populações deve-se manter mais ou menos constante ao longo do tempo nos ecossistemas em equilíbrio. Sobre as principais características de uma população e os principais fatores responsáveis pela sua regulação, é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)Um corpo de 2,0kg, com velocidade de 8,0m/s, colide de frente com outro corpo de massa 5,0kg movendo-se com uma velocidade de 4,0m/s. O corpo de 5,0kg permanece em repouso após a colisão. Dessa forma, o módulo da velocidade final do corpo de 2,0 kg é igual, em m/s, a


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)Uma aplicação de R$ 10 000,00 é feita a juros compostos de 21% ao ano, ao mesmo tempo em que outra aplicação, no mesmo valor, é feita a juros compostos de 10% ao ano. Considerando-se log11 1,04, se preciso, e supondo que não haja mais aplicações nem retiradas, calcula-se que o número de anos para que o juro total da primeira aplicação seja 11 vezes maior do que o da segunda, é, aproximadamente, igual a


(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)As soluções da equação + bx + c = 0 são números complexos distintos que, no plano de Argand-Gauss, estão na circunferência de raio 2 centrada na origem. Portanto, as constantes reais b e c são tais que


(UEFS - 2014/2) TEXTO: Chinas one-child policy Chinas top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child. The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down Chinas rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families. Some critics say the law hurts Chinas elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children. 20 The worlds most populous nation will soon have too few people or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and Chinas population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the Peoples Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly. 30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality, said Jiang Fan, a National Peoples Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. We cannot risk the population growing out of control. PARK, Madison. Chinas one-child policy. Disponvel em: http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. The conjunction Although (l. 10) is synonymous with


(UEFS 2014- Meio do ano) TEXTO: Chinas one-child policy Chinas top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child. The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down Chinas rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families. Some critics say the law hurts Chinas elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children. 20 The worlds most populous nation will soon have too few people or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and Chinas population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the Peoples Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly. 30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality, said Jiang Fan, a National Peoples Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. We cannot risk the population growing out of control. PARK, Madison. Chinas one-child policy. Disponível em: http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. Critics of the one-child policy argue that it


(UEFS 2014- Meio do ano) TEXTO: Chinas one-child policy Chinas top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child. The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down Chinas rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families. Some critics say the law hurts Chinas elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children. 20 The worlds most populous nation will soon have too few people or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and Chinas population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the Peoples Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly. 30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality, said Jiang Fan, a National Peoples Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. We cannot risk the population growing out of control. PARK, Madison. Chinas one-child policy. Disponível em: http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado. Considering the primary concern of the government-mandated family planning in China, the author of the text recognizes that it has