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Questões - ESPCEX | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 40

(EsPCEx - 2022) A partir do Sec XVII, foram organizadas expedies patrocinadas por particulares, as bandeiras, a maioria partindo da Vila de So Paulo, com fins diversos e em direo ao interior do territrio. Atualmente, h rodovias partindo de So Paulo capital, com traado aproximado de rotas de bandeiras do passado e que levam o nome de antigos bandeirantes, a saber: Rodovia Ferno Dias (em direo a Belo Horizonte / MG); Rodovia Raposo Tavares (em direo a Curitiba / PR); e Rodovia Anhanguera (em direo a Braslia / DF). correto afirmar que as rotas que inspiraram essas denominaes referem-se, respectivamente, a bandeiras de

Questão 41

(EsPCEx - 2022) O movimento tenentista, na dcada de 1920, engloba a Revolta do Forte Copacabana (1922), as Revoltas de 1924 (SP e RS) e a Coluna Prestes (1924-1926). Nenhuma dessas revoltas produziu efeitos imediatos na estrutura poltica brasileira, mas mantiveram acesa a chama da revolta contra o poder e os privilgios das oligarquias. Associado a outras questes econmicas e polticas nos anos que se seguiram, esse movimento levou

Questão 41

(EsPCEx - 2022) Em relao equao no balanceada a seguir, que representa o processo de obteno de ferro a partir do xido de ferro III presente no minrio hematita, so feitas as seguintes afirmaes: Dados: volume molar gasoso nas Condies Normais de Temperatura e Presso (CNTP) = 22,4 L mol-1 constante de Avogadro = 6,0 x 1023mol-1 I A partir de 25 mol de xido de ferro III e 960,0 g de carbono, podem ser obtidos 4,50 x 1025molculas de monxido de carbono, considerando-se rendimento de 100% na reao. II O estabelecimento da ligao qumica entre um tomo de ferro e um tomo de oxignio, no xido de ferro III, ocorre atravs de uma ligao covalente polar. III A partir de 200,0 kg de hematita com 80% de pureza em relao ao xido de ferro III, e quantidade suficiente de carbono, podem ser obtidos 67200 L de monxido de carbono nas CNTP, considerando-se rendimento de 100% na reao. IV O monxido de carbono apresenta geometria linear e classificado como um xido anftero. V A obteno de 130 mol de ferro, a partir de 100 mol de xido de ferro III e quantidade suficiente de carbono, representaria um rendimento da reao de 65%. Das afirmativas feitas, esto corretas apenas

Questão 42

(EsPCEx - 2022) No final da dcada de 1950, reagindo situao de dependncia em relao aos EUA, um grupo de guerrilheiros comandados por Fidel Castro e Ernesto Che Guevara derrubou Fulgncio Batista do poder em Cuba, na chamada Revoluo Cubana. Fidel permaneceria autocraticamente no poder por 49 anos. A respeito do assunto, correto afirmar que

Questão 42

(EsPCEx - 2022) As recentes tenses militares no leste europeu reacenderam preocupaes mundiais sobre um local sensvel: a Usina Nuclear de Chernobyl. Na madrugada do dia 26 de abril de 1986, em decorrncia de falhas estruturais e humanas, um dos reatores da Usina explodiu, expondo parte do seu material radioativo. Um dos istopos radioativos presentes na Usina no momento do acidente era o Csio-137, cuja meia-vida de aproximadamente 30 anos. Dado: Baseado nestas informaes, so feitas as seguintes afirmativas: I O porcentual de Csio-137 que permanecia na Usina no dia 26 de abril de 2022, em relao quantidade presente no momento da exploso, desconsiderando quaisquer perdas de material no relacionadas ao decaimento radioativo, era de aproximadamente 43%. II O decaimento de um tomo de formando um tomo de evidencia a emisso de uma partcula alfa . III Quando uma partcula beta emitida, o nmero atmico (Z) aumenta em uma unidade, pois surge um novo prton da decomposio de um nutron presente no ncleo, porm o nmero de massa (A) no se altera. IV a radiao gama emitida por um tomo de permanece no organismo humano por um perodo de meia-vida semelhante ao do radioistopo. Das afirmativas feitas, esto corretas apenas

Questão 43

(EsPCEx - 2022) Em 11 de setembro de 2001, num contexto de radicalizao crescente, um grupo fundamentalista islmico lanou avies comerciais sequestrados contra smbolos do poderio econmico norte-americano. A respeito do assunto correto afirmar que

Questão 43

(EsPCEx - 2022) A elaborao de representaes cientficas muito importante para organizar observaes e concluses resultantes do trabalho de pesquisa dos cientistas. Na Qumica, um dos mais emblemticos exemplos dessa prtica so os modelos atmicos. Cada um rene a contribuio de diversos estudiosos, apesar de geralmente ser atribudo a apenas um deles. Nas alternativas abaixo, so apresentados alguns dos modelos atmicos (por meio da referncia nominal aos seus respectivos elaboradores) e os nomes de alguns cientistas cujos trabalhos, citados entre parnteses, contriburam para a elaborao de alguns desses modelos. Podemos afirmar que a relao entre o modelo atmico e o estudioso cujo trabalho contribuiu para a construo do respectivo modelo est corretamente apresentada na alternativa:

Questão 44

(EsPCEx - 2022) Considere as seguintes descries de um composto orgnico A: 1 Apresenta 5 (cinco) tomos de carbono em sua cadeia carbnica, classificada como aberta, ramificada e insaturada. 2 A estrutura da cadeia carbnica apresenta apenas 1 (um) carbono com hibridizao do tipo sp, apenas 2 (dois) carbonos com hibridizao sp2 e os demais carbonos com hibridizao sp3. 3 O composto um alcadieno com massa molar de 68,0 g mol-1. Em relao ao composto acima descrito so feitas as seguintes afirmativas: I Considerando as caractersticas descritas do composto A, a nomenclatura regulada pela Unio Internacional de Qumica Pura e Aplicada (IUPAC) 3-metilbut-1,2-dieno. II O volume liberado, nas Condies Normais de Temperatura e Presso, a partir de 20,4 g do composto A, de 6,72 L de CO2, considerando a combusto completa, rendimento de 100% e comportamento de gs ideal. III O composto A completamente solvel em gua. IV A entalpia de combusto terica do composto A de 3001 kJ mol-1. V O composto A apresenta em sua estrutura apenas 1 (um) carbono secundrio. Das afirmativas feitas, esto corretas apenas

Questão 44

(EsPCEx - 2022) Durante o sculo XIX, a escravido africana atingiu seu ponto mximo no Brasil, perodo em que o nmero de africanos obrigados a vir para o Brasil correspondeu a mais de 40% do total trazido desde o incio do comrcio negreiro, no sculo XVI. Todavia, pode-se afirmar que a escravido foi formalmente extinta no Brasil em 13 de maio de 1888, com a promulgao da Lei urea

Questão 45

(EsPCEx - 2022) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 45, 46 e 47. (Ttulo omitido propositadamente) Often when mentoring, in a one-to-one session, it will be clear that the mentees worst critic is the one they see very regularly daily, in fact. Often when they are tired and stressed. Often when they are at a low point. Its the one they look (1)________ the mirror. I mean most of the time, the worst critic lives inside peoples head. It might be the criticism that you heard at school or college. It might be the voice of so-called friends. It might be a parent or guardian, sibling or perfect cousin. You cant always shut those voices up. No matter how much you want to. You can, however, recognise that they are internal voices and cultivate a strategy to counteract them. If you can have an internal critic, you can also have an internal cheerleader. One technique is to give yourself advice that you would give your best friend in that situation. If youre worrying about not being good (2)________ something, what would you say to your best friend in that state? Youd probably tell them that it would be alright, theyll sail through it, that you believe (3)________ them. If you can do it for your best friend, you can do it for yourself. Adapted from https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article. Choose the most appropriate title for the text

Questão 46

(EsPCEx - 2022) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 45, 46 e 47. (Ttulo omitido propositadamente) Often when mentoring, in a one-to-one session, it will be clear that the mentees worst critic is the one they see very regularly daily, in fact. Often when they are tired and stressed. Often when they are at a low point. Its the one they look (1)________ the mirror. I mean most of the time, the worst critic lives inside peoples head. It might be the criticism that you heard at school or college. It might be the voice of so-called friends. It might be a parent or guardian, sibling or perfect cousin. You cant always shut those voices up. No matter how much you want to. You can, however, recognise that they are internal voices and cultivate a strategy to counteract them. If you can have an internal critic, you can also have an internal cheerleader. One technique is to give yourself advice that you would give your best friend in that situation. If youre worrying about not being good (2)________ something, what would you say to your best friend in that state? Youd probably tell them that it would be alright, theyll sail through it, that you believe (3)________ them. If you can do it for your best friend, you can do it for yourself. Adapted from https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article. Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes counteract in the sentence You can, however, recognise that they are internal voices and cultivate a strategy to counteract them. (paragraph 2).

Questão 47

(EsPCEx - 2022) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 45, 46 e 47. (Ttulo omitido propositadamente) Often when mentoring, in a one-to-one session, it will be clear that the mentees worst critic is the one they see very regularly daily, in fact. Often when they are tired and stressed. Often when they are at a low point. Its the one they look (1)________ the mirror. I mean most of the time, the worst critic lives inside peoples head. It might be the criticism that you heard at school or college. It might be the voice of so-called friends. It might be a parent or guardian, sibling or perfect cousin. You cant always shut those voices up. No matter how much you want to. You can, however, recognise that they are internal voices and cultivate a strategy to counteract them. If you can have an internal critic, you can also have an internal cheerleader. One technique is to give yourself advice that you would give your best friend in that situation. If youre worrying about not being good (2)________ something, what would you say to your best friend in that state? Youd probably tell them that it would be alright, theyll sail through it, that you believe (3)________ them. If you can do it for your best friend, you can do it for yourself. Adapted from https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article. Choose the alternative with prepositions that respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in the correct way.

Questão 48

(EsPCEx - 2022) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 48, 49 e 50. Cornelius Ryan, the Irish D-Day Reporter Who Re-Invented Journalism The father of modern literary journalism is Cornelius Ryan, whose massive I was there coverage of D-Day and its aftermath led to two incredible books and movies, The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far. He was an unlikely war correspondent. Ryan was on a boat that ditched on Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944. He followed the Allied invasion attached to General Pattons army. Years later he put together perhaps the best book about war ever written. It was exquisite writing and research, and as Michael Shapiro wrote in the Columbia Journalism Review in 2010, it broke completely new ground. Shapiro wrote, The book (The Longest Day) was a triumph, earning rave reviews and sales that, within a few years, would stretch into the tens of millions in eighteen different languages. I opened the book on the eve of a long weekend. I was hooked after a single page. Something was taking place in the telling of this story that transcended journalism. The book was written when Ryan placed an ad in several newspapers in 1957 which went, June 6th, 1944: Were You There? One thousand, one hundred, and fifty people wrote back. And of that group, he interviewed 172 alone or with his assistants. Out of that came a book that puts you at the heart of the greatest invasion of all time. You are there as the invasion forces first gain the beaches and the Germans, taken by surprise, fight back furiously. Ryan died at just 54 from prostate cancer. On his gravestone in Connecticut is his name and one word: Reporter. No one has earned that title more. He deserves to be remembered. Adapted from https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/cornelius-ryan-irish-dday-reporter. In the sentence ...whose massive I was there coverage of D-Day (paragraph 1), the word whose refers to

Questão 49

(EsPCEx - 2022) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 48, 49 e 50. Cornelius Ryan, the Irish D-Day Reporter Who Re-Invented Journalism The father of modern literary journalism is Cornelius Ryan, whose massive I was there coverage of D-Day and its aftermath led to two incredible books and movies, The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far. He was an unlikely war correspondent. Ryan was on a boat that ditched on Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944. He followed the Allied invasion attached to General Pattons army. Years later he put together perhaps the best book about war ever written. It was exquisite writing and research, and as Michael Shapiro wrote in the Columbia Journalism Review in 2010, it broke completely new ground. Shapiro wrote, The book (The Longest Day) was a triumph, earning rave reviews and sales that, within a few years, would stretch into the tens of millions in eighteen different languages. I opened the book on the eve of a long weekend. I was hooked after a single page. Something was taking place in the telling of this story that transcended journalism. The book was written when Ryan placed an ad in several newspapers in 1957 which went, June 6th, 1944: Were You There? One thousand, one hundred, and fifty people wrote back. And of that group, he interviewed 172 alone or with his assistants. Out of that came a book that puts you at the heart of the greatest invasion of all time. You are there as the invasion forces first gain the beaches and the Germans, taken by surprise, fight back furiously. Ryan died at just 54 from prostate cancer. On his gravestone in Connecticut is his name and one word: Reporter. No one has earned that title more. He deserves to be remembered. Adapted from https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/cornelius-ryan-irish-dday-reporter. How many people wrote back when Ryan placed an ad in the newspapers in 1957 (paragraph 4)?

Questão 50

(EsPCEx - 2022) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 48, 49 e 50. Cornelius Ryan, the Irish D-Day Reporter Who Re-Invented Journalism The father of modern literary journalism is Cornelius Ryan, whose massive I was there coverage of D-Day and its aftermath led to two incredible books and movies, The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far. He was an unlikely war correspondent. Ryan was on a boat that ditched on Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944. He followed the Allied invasion attached to General Pattons army. Years later he put together perhaps the best book about war ever written. It was exquisite writing and research, and as Michael Shapiro wrote in the Columbia Journalism Review in 2010, it broke completely new ground. Shapiro wrote, The book (The Longest Day) was a triumph, earning rave reviews and sales that, within a few years, would stretch into the tens of millions in eighteen different languages. I opened the book on the eve of a long weekend. I was hooked after a single page. Something was taking place in the telling of this story that transcended journalism. The book was written when Ryan placed an ad in several newspapers in 1957 which went, June 6th, 1944: Were You There? One thousand, one hundred, and fifty people wrote back. And of that group, he interviewed 172 alone or with his assistants. Out of that came a book that puts you at the heart of the greatest invasion of all time. You are there as the invasion forces first gain the beaches and the Germans, taken by surprise, fight back furiously. Ryan died at just 54 from prostate cancer. On his gravestone in Connecticut is his name and one word: Reporter. No one has earned that title more. He deserves to be remembered. Adapted from https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/cornelius-ryan-irish-dday-reporter. According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative. I Cornelius Ryan was a reporter who documented WWIIs D-day and made history in journalism. II The book The Longest Day was written in 1944 on the eve of a long weekend. III It broke completely new ground (paragraph 2) means Ryans book was different from anything that had been done before. IV Ryans book The Longest Day was published in 18 different countries, but only in English. V The interviews of 1957 took place on several beaches, but were not used in the book The Longest Day.