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Questões - ESPCEX | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 54

(EsPCEx - 2014) Brazils Rolezinhos The Kids Are All Right Shopping Metr Itaquera, a gleaming mall amid the favelas (shantytowns) of eastern SoPaulo, gained notoriety on January 11th, when the police used rubber bullets and tear gas todisperse a crowd of 3,000 youths. The youngsters were participating in a rolezinho, a gathering of tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of youngsters which is convened via social networks. Mall owners and shopkeepers have reasons to be cautious. A few rolezinhos have led to muggings and robberies. But most do not end in Itaquera-like chaos: the words true meaning is closer to little outing. And theories that rolezeiros are class warriors or favela dwellers tired ofthe countrys veiled racism are not correct. Their battle cry is not Less oppression! says RenatoBarreiros, who has directed a documentary about them. Its More Adidas! The point of a rolezinho is to hang out, chill, buy nice things, meet people, explains ViniciusAndrade, a 17-year-old from Capo Redondo, a favela in western So Paulo. He has taken part in 18 big rolezinhos and helped organise a few, drawing some of his 89,000 Facebook followers. His 15-year-old girlfriend, Yasmin Oliveira, a rolezeiro sweetheart with 94,000 fans of her own on the social network, says that shopping centres make good meeting places because they are safe an important consideration in a crime-ridden city. There are few other public venues for kids, especially in poorer neighbourhoods. As well as air conditioning, shopping centres also confer something no open-air space can: status. Rolezeiros enjoy walking around in a branded T-shirt and bermudas, with a pair of 400- reais ($170) shades perched on a baseball cap. Vinicius confesses to spending 800-1,000 reais a month on clothes and accessories, most of what he makes as a helper at a local Adventist church. Just 8% of Itaquera shoppers enjoy a monthly income in excess of 2,780 reais. Some rolezeirossupport their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to poorer neighbours. Shopkeepers in the local malls have mixed feelings about the gatherings. On the one hand, the youngsters make ideal clients: they often pay cash and can spend 2,000-3,000 reais in one go. On the other, larger groups can scare away customers. Adapted from http://www.economist.com Another title for this article could be

Questão 55

(EsPCEx - 2014) Brazils Rolezinhos The Kids Are All Right Shopping Metr Itaquera, a gleaming mall amid the favelas (shantytowns) of eastern SoPaulo, gained notoriety on January 11th, when the police used rubber bullets and tear gas todisperse a crowd of 3,000 youths. The youngsters were participating in a rolezinho, a gathering of tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of youngsters which is convened via social networks. Mall owners and shopkeepers have reasons to be cautious. A few rolezinhos have led to muggings and robberies. But most do not end in Itaquera-like chaos: the words true meaning is closer to little outing. And theories that rolezeiros are class warriors or favela dwellers tired ofthe countrys veiled racism are not correct. Their battle cry is not Less oppression! says RenatoBarreiros, who has directed a documentary about them. Its More Adidas! The point of a rolezinho is to hang out, chill, buy nice things, meet people, explains ViniciusAndrade, a 17-year-old from Capo Redondo, a favela in western So Paulo. He has taken part in 18 big rolezinhos and helped organise a few, drawing some of his 89,000 Facebook followers. His 15-year-old girlfriend, Yasmin Oliveira, a rolezeiro sweetheart with 94,000 fans of her own on the social network, says that shopping centres make good meeting places because they are safe an important consideration in a crime-ridden city. There are few other public venues for kids, especially in poorer neighbourhoods. As well as air conditioning, shopping centres also confer something no open-air space can: status. Rolezeiros enjoy walking around in a branded T-shirt and bermudas, with a pair of 400- reais ($170) shades perched on a baseball cap. Vinicius confesses to spending 800-1,000 reais a month on clothes and accessories, most of what he makes as a helper at a local Adventist church. Just 8% of Itaquera shoppers enjoy a monthly income in excess of 2,780 reais. Some rolezeirossupport their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to poorer neighbours. Shopkeepers in the local malls have mixed feelings about the gatherings. On the one hand, the youngsters make ideal clients: they often pay cash and can spend 2,000-3,000 reais in one go. On the other, larger groups can scare away customers. Adapted from http://www.economist.com In the sentence Some rolezeiros support their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to poorer neighbours. (paragraph 4), the expression outmoded attire means

Questão 56

(EsPCEx - 2014) Brazils Rolezinhos The Kids Are All Right Shopping Metr Itaquera, a gleaming mall amid thefavelas(shantytowns) of eastern SoPaulo, gained notoriety on January 11th, when the police used rubber bullets and tear gas todisperse a crowd of 3,000 youths. The youngsters were participating in arolezinho, a gathering of tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of youngsters which is convened via social networks. Mall owners and shopkeepers have reasons to be cautious. A fewrolezinhoshave led to muggings and robberies. But most do not end in Itaquera-like chaos: the words true meaning is closer to little outing. And theories thatrolezeirosare class warriors orfaveladwellers tired ofthe countrys veiled racism are not correct. Their battle cry is not Less oppression! says RenatoBarreiros, who has directed a documentary about them. Its More Adidas! The point of arolezinhois to hang out, chill, buy nice things, meet people, explains ViniciusAndrade, a 17-year-old from Capo Redondo, afavelain western So Paulo. He has taken part in 18 bigrolezinhosand helped organise a few, drawing some of his 89,000 Facebook followers. His 15-year-old girlfriend, Yasmin Oliveira, arolezeirosweetheart with 94,000 fans of her own on the social network, says that shopping centres make good meeting places because they are safe an important consideration in a crime-ridden city. There are few other public venues for kids, especially in poorer neighbourhoods. As well as air conditioning, shopping centres also confer something no open-air space can: status.Rolezeirosenjoy walking around in a branded T-shirt and bermudas, with a pair of 400- reais ($170) shades perched on a baseball cap. Vinicius confesses to spending 800-1,000 reais a month on clothes and accessories, most of what he makes as a helper at a local Adventist church. Just 8% of Itaquera shoppers enjoy a monthly income in excess of 2,780 reais. Somerolezeirossupport their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to poorer neighbours. Shopkeepers in the local malls have mixed feelings about the gatherings. On the one hand, the youngsters make ideal clients: they often pay cash and can spend 2,000-3,000 reais in one go. On the other, larger groups can scare away customers. Adapted from http://www.economist.com In the sentence ...shopping centres make good meeting places because they are safe... (paragraph 3), the word they refers to


(EsPCEx - 2014) Leia os textos abaixo. Com base nos textos, construa uma dissertao argumentativa, de 25 a 30 linhas, sobre o tema:


(EsPCEx - 2014) Uma criana de massa 25 kg brinca em um balano cuja haste rgida no deformvel e de massa desprezvel, presa ao teto, tem 1,60 m de comprimento. Ela executa um movimento harmnico simples que atinge uma altura mxima de 80 cm em relao ao solo, conforme representado no desenho abaixo, de forma que o sistema criana mais balano passa a ser considerado como um pndulo simples com centro de massa na extremidade P da haste. Pode-se afirmar, com relao situao exposta, que

Questão 1

(EsPCEx - 2013)Na figura abaixo est representado o grfico da funo polinomial f, definida no intervalo real [a,b]. Com base nas informaes fornecidas pela figura, podemos afirmar que:

Questão 1

(EsPCEx - 2013) Assinale a alternativa que contm um grupo de palavras cujos prefixos possuem o mesmo significado.

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2013)Um tenente do Exrcito est fazendo um levantamento topogrfico da regio onde ser realizado um exerccio de campo. Ele quer determinar a largura do rio que corta a regio e por isso adotou os seguintes procedimentos: marcou dois pontos, A (uma rvore que ele observou na outra margem) e B (uma estaca que ele fincou no cho na margem onde ele se encontra); marcou um ponto C distante 9 metros de B, fixou um aparelho de medir ngulo (teodolito) de tal modoque o ngulo no ponto B seja reto e obteve uma medida derad para o ngulo ACB. Qual foi a largura do rio que ele encontrou?

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2013) Assinale o sujeito do verbo forjarno perodo abaixo. Chama ateno das pessoas atentas, cada vez mais, o quanto se forjam nos meios de comunicao modelos de comportamento ao sabor de modismos lanados pelas celebridades do momento.

Questão 3

(EsPCEx - 2013) Em um treinamento da arma de Artilharia, existem 3 canhes A, B e C. Cada canho, de acordo com o seu modelo, tem um raio de alcance diferente e os trs tm capacidade de giro horizontal de 360. Sabendo que as distncias entre A e B de 9 km, entre B e C de 8 km e entre A e C de 6 km, determine, em km2, a rea total que est protegida por esses 3 canhes, admitindo que os crculos so tangentes entre si.

Questão 3

(EsPCEx - 2013) Evadiu-se do acampamento durante uma tempestade terrvel. Assinale a alternativa cujo fragmento sublinhado possui a mesma classificao sinttica do termo terrvel, sublinhado no trecho acima.

Questão 4

(EsPCEx - 2013)Se escolhermos, ao acaso, um elemento do conjunto dos divisores inteiros positivos do nmero 360, a probabilidade de esse elemento ser um nmero mltiplo de 12 :

Questão 4

(EsPCEx - 2013) Assinale a alternativa em que o trecho sublinhado pode ser substitudo por lhe, sem modificar o sentido original.

Questão 5

(EsPCEx - 2013) Ao se alistar, no imaginava que o combate pudesse se realizar em to curto prazo, embora o ribombar dos canhes j se fizesse ouvir ao longe. Quanto ao processo de formao das palavras sublinhadas, correto afirmar que sejam, respectivamente, casos de

Questão 5

(EsPCEx - 2013) Uma indstria produz mensalmente x lotes de um produto. O valormensal resultante da venda deste produto V(x) = 3x2 12xe o custo mensal da produo dado por C(x) = 5x2 40x 40. Sabendo que o lucro obtido pela diferena entre o valorresultante das vendas e o custo da produo, ento o nmero de lotes mensais que essaindstria deve vender para obter lucro mximo igual a