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Questões - ESPCEX | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 40

(EsPCEx - 2015) Os fragmentos de texto abaixo foram extrados de VICENTINO e DORIGO (2011) e se referem Igreja Medieval. I. Pouco a pouco, a Igreja foi se transformando na maior proprietria de terras da Idade Mdia e construindo fortes vnculos com a estrutura feudal. II. Viviam afastados das tentaes do mundo por meio do isolamento em abadias e de votos de castidade, pobreza e silncio. Com o tempo, num mundo em que uma restrita minoria era alfabetizada, as igrejas, os mosteiros e as abadias converteram-se nos principais centros da cultura letrada. III. Viviam apegados aos bens materiais e em contacto com a sociedade, a terra, a administrao e a explorao das riquezas. IV. A proibio de casamento rigorosamente aplicada a partir do Sculo XI liberava os padres dos compromissos conjugais e contribua, alm disso, para a manuteno do patrimnio eclesistico feudal, ao evitar a diviso entre possveis herdeiros dos membros do clero. Os fragmentos I, II, III e IV referem-se, respectivamente, ao

Questão 41

(EsPCEx - 2015) No perodo compreendido entre o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial e o incio da dcada de 1980, a Unio Sovitica se consolidou como uma superpotncia, polarizando com os Estados Unidos da Amrica a disputa pela hegemonia mundial. (AZEVEDO e SERIACOPI, 2013). Dentro do bloco comunista a insatisfao aumentava cada vez mais, sobretudo nos pases do Leste Europeu. Na Polnia , operrios do estaleiro de Gdansk organizaram o sindicato Solidariedade, liderados por Lech Walesa. Sobre o sindicato Solidariedade, no perodo assinalado, podemos afirmar que

Questão 41

(EsPCEx - 2015)O composto denominado comercialmente porAspartame comumente utilizado como adoante artificial, na sua verso enantiomrica denominada S, Saspartamo. A nomenclatura oficial do Aspartame especificada pelaUnio Internacional de Qumica Pura e Aplicada(IUPAC) cido 3-amino-4-[(benzil-2-metxi-2-oxoetil)amino]-4-oxobutanoico e sua estrutura qumica de funo mista pode ser vista abaixo A frmula molecular e as funes orgnicas que podem ser reconhecidas na estrutura doAspartameso:

Questão 42

(EsPCEx - 2015) Considere dois elementos qumicos cujos tomos fornecem ons bivalentes isoeletrnicos, o ction X+2e o nion Y2-. Pode-se afirmar que os elementos qumicos dos tomos X e Y referem-se, respectivamente, a

Questão 42

(EsPCEx - 2015) Acreditando que somente atravs da renncia aos desejos e s necessidades mundiais ele iria ao encontro da verdade espiritual, limitou suas posses ao essencial. Dentre os seus poucos pertences pessoais, conservava um exemplar do Bhagavad Gita, texto sagrado para os hindus. Violncia e excessos eram igualmente repugnantes para ele. (Adaptado de A Sombra dos Ditadores. So Paulo, Abril Livros, 1992. p. 113. Coleo Time-Life, In COTRIM, 2007) O texto acima descreve parte do temperamento de

Questão 43

(EsPCEx - 2015) Em 1985, toma posse na Presidncia da Repblica o Sr. Jos Sarney. Com o objetivo de ganhar apoio popular e se firmar no poder, implantou, no incio de seu mandato, o Plano Cruzado, que, entre outras medidas, estabelecia

Questão 43

(EsPCEx - 2015) O carvo e os derivados do petrleo so utilizados como combustveis para gerar energia para maquinrios industriais. A queima destes combustveis libera grande quantidade de gs carbnico como produto. Em relao ao gs carbnico, so feitas as seguintes afirmativas: I. um composto covalente de geometria molecular linear. II. apresenta geometria molecular angular e ligaes triplas, por possuir um tomo de oxignio ligado a um carbono. III. um composto apolar. Das afirmativas apresentadas est(o) correta(as)

Questão 44

(EsPCEx - 2015) No fim do Sculo XVIII, era grande a insatisfao com a carestia e a opresso colonial. A isso se somava a simpatia que muitas pessoas demonstravam em relao s lutas pela emancipao do Haiti (1791-1804) e Revoluo Francesa (1789). Para difundir esta ideia fundou-se a loja manica Cavaleiros da Luz. Em agosto de 1798, alguns conspiradores afixaram em muros e postes da cidade manifestos exortando a populao revoluo. Os panfletos pregavam a proclamao da Repblica, a abolio da escravido, melhores soldos para os militares, promoo de oficiais, liberdade de comrcio, etc. Denunciado por um traidor, o movimento foi esfacelado. Alguns participantes foram presos, outros fugiram e quatro foram condenados morte: Lus Gonzaga das Virgens, Lucas Dantas de Amorim Torres, Joo de Deus do Nascimento e Manuel Faustino dos Santos. (adaptado de ARRUDA PILETTI, p.351) O texto acima descreve, em parte, a

Questão 44

(EsPCEx - 2015) O rtulo de uma garrafa de gua mineral apresenta a seguinte descrio: COMPOSIO QUMICA PROVVEL (mg/L): bicarbonato de brio = 0,38; bicarbonato de estrncio = 0,03; bicarbonato de clcio = 66,33; bicarbonato de magnsio = 50,18; bicarbonato de potssio = 2,05; bicarbonato de sdio = 3,04; nitrato de sdio = 0,82; cloreto de sdio = 0,35. CARACTERSTICAS FSICO-QUMICAS: pH medido a 25 C = 7,8; temperatura da gua na fonte = 18 C; condutividade eltrica a 25 C = 1,4510-4 mhos/cm; resduo de evaporao a 180 C = 85,00 mg/L; radioatividade na fonte a 20 C e 760 mm Hg = 15,64 maches. A respeito da gua mineral citada, de sua composio e caractersticas, so feitas as seguintes afirmativas: I esta gua apresenta carter bsico nas condies citadas. II a gua mineral citada pode ser classificada como uma soluo, em razo da presena de substncias dissolvidas. III todas as substncias qumicas presentes na composio provvel apresentada so da funo inorgnica Sal. Das afirmativas feitas esto corretas:

Questão 45

(EsPCEx- 2015) Chapter 1 - Madras 1986 He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing. But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt. I said he knows too much! The company cant afford to have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this country. We cant afford to take risks. I am telling you once again you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, Im afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be sensible for once in your life. I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right? I didnt put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What Vish does or doesnt do is a minor matter compared with the companys global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. After all, you wont be stuck in Madras for ever Ill make sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. When youre in your next post this will all seem a very long way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope Ive made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye. Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises Lennox had made. Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge University Press, 1999. p. 6. In the sentences Our position is very sensitive in this country. and So be sensible for once in your life. (paragraph 3), sensitive and sensible mean respectively

Questão 46

(EsPCEx - 2015) Chapter 1 - Madras 1986 He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing. But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt. I said he knows too much! The company cant afford to have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this country. We cant afford to take risks. I am telling you once again you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, Im afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be sensible for once in your life. I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right? I didnt put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What Vish does or doesnt do is a minor matter compared with the companys global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. After all, you wont be stuck in Madras for ever Ill make sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. When youre in your next post this will all seem a very long way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope Ive made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye. Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises Lennox had made. Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.6 The sentence So just go with the flow for a bit longer. (paragraph 5), the expression go with the flow means

Questão 47

(EsPCEx - 2015) Chapter 1 - Madras 1986 He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing. But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt. I said he knows too much! The company cant afford to have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this country. We cant afford to take risks. I am telling you once again you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, Im afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be sensible for once in your life. I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right? I didnt put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What Vish does or doesnt do is a minor matter compared with the companys global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. After all, you wont be stuck in Madras for ever Ill make sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. When youre in your next post this will all seem a very long way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope Ive made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye. Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises Lennox had made. Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.6 According to the text, Keith Lennox and Dick Sterling are

Questão 48

(EsPCEx - 2015) Frequently Asked Questions Instagram What is Instagram? Its an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other peoples pictures and follow other users. How much is your app? $0.00. Where does the name come from? When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as instant - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two? How did the idea come about? We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems: - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots. - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services. - Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - weve optimized the experience to be fast and efficient. How does privacy work? We have adopted a follower model that means if youre public on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through. Who can see my photos? All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos. Adapted from https://instagram.com/about/faq/# According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative. I.The user is able to control who is going to be a follower. II. Anyone can see your pictures when you use the private mode. III. The name Instagram comes from instant + telegram. IV. Creators of Instagram think that all mobile pictures look good. V. The application software is available for free. VI. You can post your Instagram photos directly to other social platforms.

Questão 49

(EsPCEx - 2015) Frequently Asked Questions Instagram What is Instagram? Its an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other peoples pictures and follow other users. How much is your app? $0.00. Where does the name come from? When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as instant - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two? How did the idea come about? We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems: - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots. - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services. - Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - weve optimized the experience to be fast and efficient. How does privacy work? We have adopted a follower model that means if youre public on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through. Who can see my photos? All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos. Adapted from https://instagram.com/about/faq/# In the sentence We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as instant - something we take for granted today. (question 3), the expression something we take for granted means

Questão 50

(EsPCEx - 2015) Frequently Asked Questions Instagram What is Instagram? Its an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other peoples pictures and follow other users. How much is your app? $0.00. Where does the name come from? When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as instant - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two? How did the idea come about? We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems: - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots. - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services. - Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - weve optimized the experience to be fast and efficient. How does privacy work? We have adopted a follower model that means if youre public on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through. Who can see my photos? All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos. Adapted from https://instagram.com/about/faq/# Which words are synonyms for photos in the text?