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Questões - AFA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 20

(AFA - 2017) Num auditrio da Academia da Fora Area esto presentes20alunosdo Curso de Formao de Oficiais Aviadores dos quais apenas10usam agasalho. Estopresentes, tambm,25alunos do Curso de Formao de Oficiais Intendentes dos quaisapenas15usam agasalho. Um dos alunos presentes escolhido ao acaso. correto afirmar que igual a2/9a probabilidade de que o aluno escolhido

Questão 21

(AFA - 2017) No grfico abaixo esto representadas as funes e Sobre estas funes correto afirmar que

Questão 22

(AFA - 2017) Seja a matriz Considere a funof: R R definida porf(x) = det A. Sobre a funog:R R definida por em que| f(x) | o mdulo def(x),correto afirmar que:

Questão 23

(AFA - 2017) A soluo do sistema: tal que x+y igual a

Questão 24

(AFA - 2017) Resolva a equao z31 = 0 no conjunto dos nmeros complexos. Considerando as razes encontradas, analise as proposies abaixo e classifique-as em V (VERDADEIRA) ou F (FALSA). ( ) A equao possui trs razes de multiplicidade 1. ( ) Os afixos das razes formam um tringulo equiltero cuja rea unidades de rea. ( ) Duas das razes so conjugadas. ( ) Todas as razes tm o mesmo mdulo. A sequncia correta

Questão 25

(AFA - 2017) Seja : 3x2 + 3y2- 6x - 12y + k = 0,uma circunferncia que no plano cartesiano tem interseco vazia com os eixos coordenados. Considerando kR, correto afirmar que

Questão 26

(AFA - 2017) No plano cartesiano abaixo esto representados o grfico da funo real f(x) = x x + 2 e o polgono ABCDE Considere que: - o ponto C vrtice da funo f. - os pontos B e D possuem ordenadas iguais. - as abscissas dos pontos A e E so razes da funo f. Pode-se afirmar que a rea do polgono ABCDE, em unidades de rea,

Questão 27

(AFA - 2017) Considere A, B, Ce Xmatrizes quadradas de ordem ne inversveis. Assinale a alternativa FALSA.

Questão 28

(AFA - 2017) Sejam os nmeros reais a = b = comprimento de uma circunferncia de raio 1 c = Sendo,,eos conjuntos numricos, assinale a alternativaFALSA.

Questão 29

(AFA - 2017) Um baralho composto por 52 cartas divididas em 4 naipes distintos (copas, paus, ouros e espadas). Cada naipe constitudo por 13 cartas, das quais 9 so numeradas de 2 a 10 e as outras 4 so 1 valete (J), 1 dama (Q), 1 rei (K) e 1 s (A). Ao serem retiradas desse baralho duas cartas, uma a uma e sem reposio, a quantidade de sequncias que se pode obter em que a primeira carta seja de ouros e a segunda no seja um s igual a

Questão 30

(AFA - 2017) Durante 16 horas, desde a abertura de certa confeitaria, observou-se que a quantidade q(t) de unidades vendidas do doce amor em pedao, entre os instantes (t-1) e t, dada pela lei ,em que t representa o tempo, em horas, e correto afirmar que

Questão 31

(AFA - 2017)Se uma pirmide hexagonal regular est inscrita num cone equiltero cujo volume igual a cm, ento o volume dessa pirmide, em cm, igual a

Questão 32

(AFA - 2017) As notas de oito alunos numa prova de matemtica foram escritas pelo professor numa tabela como a que segue: Sabe-se que a mdia aritmtica dessas notas 8,2. Considerando as notas dos oito alunos, correto afirmar que a nota do aluno G

Questão 36

QUESTO ANULADA (AFA - 2017) Howard Gardner: Multiple intelligences are not learning styles by Valerie Strauss The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized30 years ago when we now world renowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went beyond the traditional view that 1there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized tests. Gardners theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly popular with 2K-12 educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not respond to traditional approaches, but over time, multiple intelligences somehow became synonymous with the concept of learning styles. In this important post, Gardner explains 3why the former is not the latter. 4Its been 30 years since I developed the notion of multiple intelligences. I have been gratified by the interest shown in this idea and the ways its been used in schools, museums, and business around the world. But 5one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction and thats the tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with the notion of learning styles or to collapse multiple intelligences with learning styles. 6Its high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight. First a word about MI theory. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study of how 7human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our multiple intelligences. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7to 10distinct intelligences. Even before I spoke and wrote about MI, the term learning styles was being bandied about in educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above all, are effective. Two problems: first, the notion of learning styles is itself not coherent. Those who use this term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are recognized/assessed/exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is impulsive. Does that mean that Johnny is impulsive about everything? How do we know this? What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach impulsively, or should we compensate by teaching reflectively? What of learning style is right-brained or visual or tactile? Same issues apply. Problem #2: when 8researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style analysis produces more effective outcomes than a 9one size fits all approach. Of course, the learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that one intervention did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect; another intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not prove non-existence of a 10phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: 11back to the drawing boards. Heres my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain: Intelligence: We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where the person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how an individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a reflective style, he/she is hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in ones interaction with the others. Senses: Sometimes people speak about a visual learner or an auditory learner. The implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up. 12These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about an impulsive style or a visual learner, thats their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful, at best, and ill-conceived at worst. In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or self-assessors, we can decide how best to make use of this information. (Adapted from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet) Glossary: 2K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for teaching with objects. In the third paragraph, the author (a)delves into the mind of human beings. (b)reinforces the importance of a thirty-year study. (c)tries to make controversial issues clear. (d)apologizes for the fact that his theory has collapsed.

Questão 44

(AFA - 2017) TEXT Howard Gardner: Multiple intelligences are not learning styles by Valerie Strauss The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now world- renowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized tests. Gardners theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly popular with K-12 educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not respond to traditional approaches, but over time, multiple intelligences somehow became synonymous with the concept of learning styles. In this important post, Gardner explains why the former is not the latter. Its been 30 years since I developed the notion of multiple intelligences. I have been gratified by the interest shown in this idea and the ways its been used in schools, museums, and business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction and thats the tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with the notion of learning styles or to collapse multiple intelligences with learning styles. Its high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight. First a word about MI theory. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study of how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our multiple intelligences. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to 10 distinct intelligences. Even before I spoke and wrote about MI, the term learning styles was being bandied about in educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of us) have distinctive minds 45 and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above all, are effective. Two problems: first, the notion of learning styles is itself not coherent. Those who use this term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is impulsive. Does that mean that Johnny is impulsive about everything? How do we know this? What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach impulsively, or should we compensate by teaching reflectively? What of learning style is right-brained or visual or tactile? Same issues apply. Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style analysis produces more effective outcomes than a one size fits all approach. Of course, the learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that one intervention did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect; another intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: back to the drawing boards. Heres my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain:Intelligence: We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where the person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how an individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a reflective style, he/she is hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in ones interaction with the others. Senses: Sometimes people speak about a visual learner or an auditory learner. The implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up. These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about an impulsive style or a visual learner, thats their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful, at best, and ill-conceived at worst. In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or self- assessors, we can decide how best to make use of this information. (Adapted from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet) Glossary: 1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for teaching with objects. The expression one size fits all approach (line 64) means