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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

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Questões - AFA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 59

(AFA - 2011) Um diapaso de frequncia conhecida igual a 340 Hz posto a vibrarcontinuamente prximo boca de um tubo, de 1 m de comprimento, que possui em sua baseum dispositivo que permite a entrada lenta e gradativa de gua como mostra o desenho abaixo. Quando a gua no interior do tubo atinge uma determinada altura h a partir da base, o somemitido pelo tubo muito reforado. Considerando a velocidade do som no local de 340 m/s, aopo que melhor representa as ondas estacionrias que se formam no interior do tubo nomomento do reforo

Questão 60

(AFA - 2011) Considere um eltron partindo do repouso e percorrendo uma distncia retilnea, somente sob a ao de um campo eltrico uniforme gerado por uma ddp U, at passar por um orifcio e penetrar numa regio na qual atua somente um campo magntico uniforme de intensidade B. Devido ao desse campo magntico, o eltron descreve uma semicircunferncia atingindo um segundo orifcio, diametralmente oposto ao primeiro. Considerando o mdulo da carga do eltron igual a q e sua massa igual a m, o raio da semicircunferncia descrita igual a

Questão 78

(AFA - 2011) QUESTO ANULADA!! Texto III O adolescente A vida to bela que chega a dar medo. No o medo que paralisa e gela, esttua sbita. mas 05esse medo fascinante e fremente de curiosidades que faz o jovem felino seguir para frente farejando o vento ao sair, a primeira vez, da gruta. Medo que ofusca: luz! Cumplicemente, 10as folhas contam-te um segredo velho como o mundo: Adolescente, olha! A vida nova... A vida nova e anda nua vestida apenas com teu desejo! QUINTANA, Mrio. Nariz de vidro . So Paulo, Moderna, 1984, p. 7. Analise as proposies abaixo, considerando o Texto III. I. O adolescente aquele que segue em frente procura de desafios. II. Encontram-se, na 1 estrofe, apenas termos verbais flexionados no indicativo. III. O verso 6 o jovem felino seguir para frente... um objeto direto. IV. Nas palavras adolescente, fascinante e gruta, as letras destacadas formam encontros consonantais Esto corretas apenas a) I e III. c) I e IV. b) III e IV. d) II e III. QUESTO ANULADA!!


(AFA - 2011) Dois corpos, de dimenses desprezveis, A e B presos a molas ideais, nodeformadas, de constantes elsticas kA e kB , respectivamente, esto, inicialmente, separadosde uma distncia d numa plataforma sem atrito como mostra a figura a seguir. A partir dessa situao, os blocos so ento lentamente puxados por foras de mesmaintensidade, aproximando-se, at se encostarem. Em seguida, so abandonados, passando aoscilar em movimento harmnico simples. Considere que no haja interao entre os blocos quando esses se encontram. Nessas condies, a soma das energias mecnicas dos corpos A e B ser


(AFA - 2011) Duas esferinhas A e B, de massas 2m e m, respectivamente, solanadas com a mesma energia cintica do ponto P e seguem as trajetrias indicadas na figuraabaixo. Sendo a acelerao da gravidade local constante e a resistncia do ar desprezvel, corretoafirmar que a razo (VA/VB)entre as velocidades das esferinhas A e B imediatamente antes deatingir o solo :

Questão 1

(AFA - 2010) O grfico da posio (S) em funo do tempo (t) a seguir representa o movimento retilneo de um mvel . A partir do grfico correto afirmar que,

Questão 1

(AFA - 2010) Read the text below to answer the following questions. Spectacular Northern Lights linked to suicidal depression Alaskas tragically high number of suicide may be related to cosmic storms and the Northern Lights (aurora borealis), according to an expert in the study of brainwaves. Depression in the Far North has in general been attributed to the deep, dark and long winters. But Dr Anita Bush, __________1 specialises inelectroencephalography, has complicated matters by discovering a link between solar flames and brainwaveactivity in two sets of Alaskans she has studied for the past five years. The microscopic electric impulses were concentrated in an area of the brain known also to cause seasonal affective depression (SAD), thecondition up to now blamed for dozens of suicides each year in the remote Alaskan coast. Suicide levels among the states 15 to 24-year-olds have risen sharply in recent years, to six times the national average, says Dr Bush. She has not yet demonstrated a link between increased brainwaves and suicidal tendencies but she thinks existing data on supposed SAD cases may in fact include cases of suicide induced by geomagnetism. For now she has suggested that special dark glasses,worn against solar flames and the Northern Lights, ______________2 elevate morale among the suicidal. Some of her sceptical colleagues as Professor Tom Hallinan, one of a team studying the aurora, recently insisted that the most serious health risk in watchingthe Alaskan night sky was a cricked neck. Adapted from Advance Your English - Cambridge University Press The correct words to fill the gaps (ref. 1 and 2) are

Questão 2

(AFA - 2010) Read the text below to answer the following questions. Spectacular Northern Lights linked to suicidal depression Alaskas tragically high number of suicide may be related to cosmic storms and the Northern Lights (aurora borealis), according to an expert in the study of brainwaves. Depression in the Far North has in general been attributed to the deep, dark and long winters. But Dr Anita Bush,________specialises inelectroencephalography, has complicated matters by discovering a link between solar flames and brainwaveactivity in two sets of Alaskans she has studied for the past five years. The microscopic electric impulses were concentrated in an area of the brain known also to cause seasonal affective depression (SAD), thecondition up to now blamed for dozens of suicides each year in the remote Alaskan coast. Suicide levels among the states 15 to 24-year-olds have risen sharply in recent years, to six times the national average, says Dr Bush. She has not yet demonstrated a link between increased brainwaves and suicidal tendencies but she thinks existing data on supposed SAD cases may in fact include cases of suicide induced by geomagnetism. For now she has suggested that special dark glasses,worn against solar flames and the Northern Lights, ________elevate morale among the suicidal. Some of her sceptical colleagues as Professor Tom Hallinan, one of a team studying the aurora, recently insisted that the most serious health risk in watchingthe Alaskan night sky was a cricked neck. Adapted from Advance Your English - Cambridge University Press One of the causes of the high number of suicides in the FarNorth may be the

Questão 2

(AFA - 2010) Um carro percorre uma curva circular com velocidade linear constante de 15 m/s completando-a em 52 s, conforme figura abaixo. correto afirmar que o mdulo da acelerao mdia experimentada pelo carro nesse trecho, em m/s,

Questão 3

(AFA - 2010) Read the text below to answer the following questions. Spectacular Northern Lights linked to suicidal depression Alaskas tragically high number of suicide may be related to cosmic storms and the Northern Lights (aurora borealis), according to an expert in the study of brainwaves. Depression in the Far North has in general been attributed to the deep, dark and long winters. But Dr Anita Bush,________specialises inelectroencephalography, has complicated matters by discovering a link between solar flames and brainwaveactivity in two sets of Alaskans she has studied for the past five years. The microscopic electric impulses were concentrated in an area of the brain known also to cause seasonal affective depression (SAD), thecondition up to now blamed for dozens of suicides each year in the remote Alaskan coast. Suicide levels among the states 15 to 24-year-olds have risen sharply in recent years, to six times the national average, says Dr Bush. She has not yet demonstrated a link between increased brainwaves and suicidal tendencies but she thinks existing data on supposed SAD cases may in fact include cases of suicide induced by geomagnetism. For now she has suggested that special dark glasses,worn against solar flames and the Northern Lights, ________elevate morale among the suicidal. Some of her sceptical colleagues as Professor Tom Hallinan, one of a team studying the aurora, recently insisted that the most serious health risk in watchingthe Alaskan night sky was a cricked neck. Adapted from Advance Your English - Cambridge University Press The best word to describe Professor Hallinans reaction to Dr Bushs proposition is

Questão 3

QUESTO ANULADA!! (AFA - 2010) No instante t = 0, uma partcula A lanada obliquamente, a partir do solo, com velocidade de 80 m/s sob um ngulo de 30 com a horizontal. No instante t = 2 s, outra partcula B lanada verticalmente para cima, tambm a partir do solo, com velocidade de 70 m/s, de um ponto situado a m da posio de lanamento da primeira. Sabendo-se que essas duas partculas colidem no ar, pode-se afirmar que no momento do encontro a)ambas esto subindo. b)A est subindo e B descendo. c)B est subindo e A descendo. d)ambas esto descendo. QUESTO ANULADA!!

Questão 4

(AFA - 2010) Spectacular Northern Lights linked to suicidal depression Alaskas tragically high number of suicide may be related to cosmic storms and the Northern Lights (aurora borealis), according to an expert in the study of brainwaves. [05]Depression in the Far North has in general been attributed to the deep, dark and long winters. But Dr Anita Bush , ________ specialises in electroencephalography, has complicated matters by discovering a link between solar flames and brainwave [10] activity in two sets of Alaskans she has studied for the past five years. The microscopic electric impulses were concentrated in an area of the brain known also to cause seasonal affective depression (SAD), the [15] condition up to now blamed for dozens of suicides each year in the remote Alaskan coast. Suicide levels among the states 15 to 24-year-olds have risen sharply in recent years, to six times the national average, says Dr Bush. [20] She has not yet demonstrated a link between increased brainwaves and suicidal tendencies but she thinks existing data on supposed SAD cases may in fact include cases of suicide induced by geomagnetism. For now she has suggested that special dark glasses, [25] worn against solar flames and the Northern Lights, ________ elevate morale among the suicidal. Some of her sceptical colleagues as Professor Tom Hallinan, one of a team studying the aurora, recently insisted that the most serious health risk in watching [30] the Alaskan night sky was a cricked neck. Adapted from Advance Your English - Cambridge University Press * Os nmeros entre colchetes correspondem s linhas do texto original. Mark the option which contains the correct Question Tag of the following sentence. She has not yet demonstrated a link between increased brainwaves and suicidal tendencies...

Questão 4

(AFA - 2010) Um satlite cujo raio da rbita vale R gira ao redor da Terra com velocidade angular constante. Por necessidade tcnica ser feito um ajuste na trajetria que dobrar o raio orbital desse satlite, fazendo-o girar com uma nova velocidade angular constante . A razo / vale

Questão 5

(AFA - 2010) Um vago movimenta-se sobre trilhos retos e horizontais obedecendo equao horria S = 20t 5t (SI). Um fio ideal tem uma de suas extremidades presa ao teto do vago e, na outra, existe uma esfera formando um pndulo. As figuras que melhor representam as configuraes do sistema vago-pndulo de velocidade e acelerao , nos instantes 1 s, 2 s e 3 s, so respectivamente

Questão 5

(AFA - 2010) Read the text below to answer the following questions. Spectacular Northern Lights linked to suicidal depression Alaskas tragically high number of suicide may be related to cosmic storms and the Northern Lights (aurora borealis), according to an expert in the study of brainwaves. Depression in the Far North has in general been attributed to the deep, dark and long winters. But Dr Anita Bush,________specialises inelectroencephalography, has complicated matters by discovering a link between solar flames and brainwaveactivity in two sets of Alaskans she has studied for the past five years. The microscopic electric impulses were concentrated in an area of the brain known also to cause seasonal affective depression (SAD), thecondition up to now blamed for dozens of suicides each year in the remote Alaskan coast. Suicide levels among the states 15 to 24-year-olds have risen sharply in recent years, to six times the national average, says Dr Bush. She has not yet demonstrated a link between increased brainwaves and suicidal tendencies but she thinks existing data on supposed SAD cases may in fact include cases of suicide induced by geomagnetism. For now she has suggested that special dark glasses,worn against solar flames and the Northern Lights, ________elevate morale among the suicidal. Some of her sceptical colleagues as Professor Tom Hallinan, one of a team studying the aurora, recently insisted that the most serious health risk in watchingthe Alaskan night sky was a cricked neck. Adapted from Advance Your English - Cambridge University Press Considering the Reported Speech, Dr. Bush said that