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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - AFA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 13

(AFA - 2010) Nick, a British tourist, is telling his American girlfriend about the questions he was asked at Kennedy Airport, New York. To start with the immigration officer ____________1me where I was from and why Id3come to the States. That wasnt a problem. But then she wanted to know how much money I had. When I told her, she said $800 wasnt enough for three weeks. She wondered why I hadnt brought more. She then ___________2me if I intended to work. She wanted to know if I really planned to go back to the UK after three weeks. English Grammar in Steps - Richmond. At the airport Nick

Questão 14

(AFA - 2010) Nick, a British tourist, is telling his American girlfriend about the questions he was asked at Kennedy Airport, New York. To start with the immigration officer ____________1me where I was from and why Id3come to the States. That wasnt a problem. But then she wanted to know how much money I had. When I told her, she said $800 wasnt enough4 for three weeks. She wondered why I hadnt brought more. She then ___________2me if I intended to work. She wanted to know if I really planned to go back to the UK after three weeks. English Grammar in Steps - Richmond. The word enough (ref. 4) can be replaced in the text above by

Questão 14

(AFA - 2010) A figura abaixo representa a variao da intensidade luminosa I das franjas de interferncia, em funo da posio x, resultado da montagem experimental, conhecida como Experincia de Young. A razo entre as distncias e

Questão 15

(AFA - 2010) Dois anis idnticos de centros O e O, uniformemente eletrizados com cargas de naturezas opostas e mesmo mdulo, so mantidos em planos paralelos conforme indica a figura. Os pontos O,O e B so colineares e A pertence mediatriz do segmento OO. O trabalho realizado pela fora aplicada por um agente externo para deslocar uma carga de prova negativa do pontoA at o ponto B, com velocidade constante,

Questão 15

(AFA - 2010) Rosana Fisher works at an outdoor activities centre on the west coast of Scotland. She teaches mountain climbing, scuba diving and hang-gliding. Shes talking to some young people whove just arrived at the centre: I - You cant do any of the activities unless youre with an instructor. II - We wont let you start an activity if you dont have the correct equipment. III - You cant go scuba diving unless youve done the training course. IV - Remember you cant leave the centre unless you say where youre going. English Grammar in Steps - Richmond Mark the option which shows another way to rewrite the conditional sentences above, correctly. I - You can do none of the activities if you dont be with an instructor. II - We will not let you start an activity unless you have thecorrect equipment. III - You cannot going scuba diving if you havent done the training course. IV - Remember you cant leave the centre if you dont say where you go.

Questão 16

(AFA - 2010) Uma esfera de massa m, eletrizada positivamente com carga q, est fixada na extremidade de um fio ideal e isolante de comprimento . O pndulo, assim constitudo, est imerso em uma regio onde alm do campo gravitacional atua um campo eltrico horizontal e uniforme . Este pndulo abandonado do ponto A e faz um ngulo com a vertical conforme mostra a figura. Desprezando-se quaisquer resistncias, ao passar pelo ponto B, simtrico de A em relao vertical, sua energia cintica vale

Questão 16

(AFA - 2010) Rosana Fisher works at an outdoor activities centre on the west coast of Scotland. She teaches mountain climbing, scuba diving and hang-gliding. Shes talking to some young people whove just arrived at the centre: I - You cant do any of the activities unless youre with aninstructor. II - We wont let you start an activity if you dont have thecorrect equipment. III - You cant go scuba diving unless youve done the trainingcourse. IV - Remember you cant leave the centre unless you say whereyoure going. English Grammar in Steps - Richmond According to the text, Rosana Fisher is

Questão 17

(AFA - 2010) No circuito abaixo, alimentado por trs pilhas ideais de 1,5 V cada, o ampermetro A e os voltmetros V1e V2so considerados ideais. Sabe-se que o voltmetro V2indica 2,0 V e que as resistncias eltricas dos resistores R1 e R3 so, respectivamente, 2,5 e 3,0 . Nestas condies, as indicaes de V1, em volts, de A, em ampres, e o valor da resistncia eltrica do resistor R2, em ohms, so, respectivamente

Questão 17

(AFA - 2010) All light on the night Our cities and towns are far from silent at night. As most of______are going to bed, a lot ofworkers are just going to their jobs. It is estimated that up to a fifth of the working population carriesout its duties at night - running hospitals and maintaining power stations, for example.There is one problem: They have the same biological clock as day workers. Night workers often have trouble sleeping through the day, andsometimes find______harder to stay awake, whichmeans mistakes are more likely to happen. Dr Lawrence Smith, a psychologist, discovered that among people who do the same job, night workers suffered 20% more injuries than day workers.He is now testing the theory that the light canbe used to fool the human body clock. The body clock appears to be influenced by light, because one chemical at its disposal is sensitive to light. Adapted from Advance your English Mark the correct pronouns to fill in the blanks

Questão 18

(AFA - 2010) All light on the night Our cities and towns are far from silent at night. As most of______are going to bed, a lot ofworkers are just going to their jobs. It is estimated that up to a fifth of the working population carriesout its duties at night - running hospitals and maintaining power stations, for example.There is one problem: They have the same biological clock as day workers. Night workers often have trouble sleeping through the day, andsometimes find______harder to stay awake, whichmeans mistakes are more likely to happen. Dr Lawrence Smith, a psychologist, discovered that among people who do the same job, night workers suffered 20% more injuries than day workers. [15] He is now testing the theory that the light canbe used to fool the human body clock. The body clock appears to be influenced by light, because one chemical at its disposal is sensitive to light. Adapted from Advance your English The Passive Voice of the sentence He is now testing the theory... (line 15) is

Questão 18

(AFA - 2010) No circuito eltrico abaixo, a carga eltrica do capacitor, em C,

Questão 19

(AFA - 2010) All light on the night Our cities and towns are far from silent at night. As most of ______ are going to bed, a lot of workers are just going to their jobs. It is estimated that up to a fifth of the working population carriesout its duties at night - running hospitals and maintaining power stations, for example. There is one problem: They have the same biological clock as day workers. Night workers often have trouble sleeping through the day, andsometimes find ______ harder to stay awake, which means mistakes are more likely to happen. Dr Lawrence Smith, a psychologist, [13] discovered that among people who1 do the same job, night workers suffered 20% more injuries than day workers. He is now testing the theory that the light can be used to fool the human body clock.The body clock appears to be influenced by light, because one chemical at its disposal is sensitive to light. Adapted from Advance your English We can replace the pronoun who (ref. 1) by

Questão 19

(AFA - 2010) Uma partcula de massa m carregada eletricamente com carga q, solta em queda livre de uma altura h acima do plano horizontal xy, conforme ilustra a figura abaixo. Se nesta regio, alm do campo gravitacional , atua tambm um campo magntico uniforme na direo Oy, a energia cintica da partcula ao passar pelo plano xy valer

Questão 20

(AFA - 2010) No time to relax Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galeries they spend ten seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds! Oxford, New English File According to the paragraph

Questão 20

(AFA - 2010) Considere um campo magntico uniforme de intensidade B e um condutor metlico retilneo deslocando-se com velocidade vetorial constante , perpendicularmente s linhas desse campo, conforme a figura abaixo. Sobre a situao descrita acima, so feitas as seguintes afirmaes: I) A separao de cargas nas extremidades do condutor d origem a um campo eltrico que exerce sobre os portadores de carga uma fora eltrica . II) A fora eltrica , que surge devido a separao de cargas no condutor, tende a equilibrar a ao da fora magntica exercida pelo campo magntico uniforme. III) O campo eltrico , que surge devido a separao de cargas no condutor, d origem a uma fora eletromotriz ,que a diferena de potencial nas extremidades do condutor. So corretas