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No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - AFA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 13

(AFA - 2007) Uma prancha de comprimento 4m e de massa 2Kg est apoiada nos pontos A e B, conforme a figura. Um bloco de massa igual a 10Kg colocado sobre a prancha distncia x = 1m da extremidade da direita e o sistema permanece em repouso. Nessas condies, o mdulo da fora que a prancha exerce sobre o apoio no ponto B , em newtons,

Questão 13

(AFA - 2007) Read the article below carefully and answer questions 12 to 14. Fireworks Fireworks constitute a variety of devices used for religious or entertainment purposes. They contain incendiary compounds that produce sound, color, smoke, or movement, or combinations of these. The ingredients consist of fuels, oxidizers, and modifying agents. The fuels used are charcoal, sulfur, antimony, sulfide, and powdered metals. Chlorates and nitrates usually provide oxygen for the reaction, since fireworks do not use atmospheric oxygen. Various colors are abtained from metals salts. Sodium produces yellow; copper, blue green; calcium, red; strontium, scarlet; and barium, green. Picric acid or sulfur tends to intensify the colors, and ammonium salts increase the shades obtainable. Addition of iron and aluminum powder provides sparks and fiery displays. The craft of blending mixtures packaging them is an ancient one in China, where firewoks for entertainment have been manufactured since the 13th century. In many places throughout the United States and Canada the sale of fireworks is restricted by law because of the danger of injury. (The International Encyclopedia) Change the sentence extracted from the text into passive voice. Chlorates and nitrates usually provide oxygen for the reaction.

Questão 14

QUESTO ANULADA!! (AFA - 2007) Na figura abaixo, as polias e os fios so ideais. Se o sistema est em quilbrio, pode-se afirmar que a razo a) b) c) d) QUESTO ANULADA!!

Questão 15

(AFA - 2007) O recipiente mostrado na figura apresenta 80% de sua capacidade ocupada por um lquido. Verifica-se que, para qualquer variao de temperatura, o volume da parte vazia permanece constante. Pode-se afirmar que a razo entre os coeficientes de dilatao volumtrica do recipiemte e do lquido vale:

Questão 15

(AFA - 2007) Read the passage below and answer questions 15 to 17. Who Moved My Cheese? Who Moved My Cheese? Its a parable that reveals deep truths about changes. Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching for some cheese - a metaphor used to express what we wish to have in life, from a good job to spiritual peace. One of them is successful and writes what he learnt from his experiences on the walls of the labyrinths. The scribbled words on the walls teach us how to deal with the changes to live with less stress and achieve much more success at work and personal life. Its clear that Who moved my cheese ? is

Questão 16

(AFA - 2007) Read the passage below and answer questions 15 to 17. Who Moved My Cheese? Who Moved My Cheese? Its a parable that reveals deep truths about changes. Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching for some cheese - a metaphor used to express what we wish to have in life, from a good job to spiritual peace. One of them is successful and writes what he learnt from his experiences on the walls of the labyrinths. The scribbled words on the walls teach us how to deal with the changes to live with less stress and achieve much more success at work and personal life. Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching for some cheese. The word little can only be substituted for ______ and refers to the ______.

Questão 16

(AFA - 2007) Trs barras cildricas idnticas em comprimento e seco so ligadas formando uma nica barra, cujas extremidades so mantdas a 0 C e 100 C. A partir da extremidade mais quente, as condutividades trmicas dos materiais das barras valem k, k/2 e k/5. Supondo-se que, em volta das barras, existia um isolamento de l de vidro e desprezando quaisquer perdas de calor, a razo/entre as temperaturas nas junes onde uma barra ligada outra, conforme mostra a figura

Questão 17

(AFA - 2007) O grfico abaixo representa o diagrama de fases de uma determinada substncia. Da anlise do grfico, conclui-se que

Questão 17

(AFA - 2007) Read the passage below and answer questions 15 to 17. Who Moved My Cheese? Who Moved My Cheese? Its a parable that reveals deep truths about changes. Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching for some cheese - a metaphor used to express what we wish to have in life, from a good job to spiritual peace. One of them is successful and writes what he learnt from his experiences on the walls of the labyrinths. The scribbled words on the walls teach us how to deal with the changes to live with less stress and achieve much more success at work and personal life. Who moved my cheese ? Whats expected from the one who reads it?

Questão 18

(AFA - 2007) N mols de um gs ideal possui volume v e presso p.quando sofre as seguintes transformaes sucessivas: l- expanso isobrica at atingir o volume 2v; ll- aquecimento isomtrico at a presso tornar-se igual a 3p; lll- compresso isobrica at retornar ao volume v; e lV- resfriamento isomrico at retornar ao estado inicial. Assim, o trabalho trocado pelo gs, ao percorrer o ciclo descrito pelas transformaes acima, vale

Questão 18

(AFA - 2007) Read a letter and answer questions 18 to 20. As a survivor of the Holocaust, I lost the life I led more than 60 years, when the world didnt give a damn on, like today, acknowledge that a storm of destruction was imminent (The lost City, Sept, 12). Sitting in my comfortable, dry home watching the horror of New Orleans made me cry the tears I didnt have when I was a child losing everything, feeling with just the clothing I wore that day. More than 60 years ago, I was on a different continent. The disaster that unfolded in front of my eyes today took place in my adopted country, among my adopted people. We didnt know is an unpardonable excuse. We didnt care is more like it. Without hesitation, America spends billions and wastes human life in a country that is not interested in democracy. Yet we quibble about the cost of Katrina, a cost that will afect everyone in our own backyard for years to come. (Lucie L. Liebman - Staten Island, New York) The letter was written by someone who

Questão 19

(AFA - 2007) Read a letter and answer questions 18 to 20. As a survivor of the Holocaust, I lost the life I led more than 60 years, when the world didnt give a damn on, like today, acknowledge that a storm of destruction was imminent (The lost City, Sept, 12). Sitting in my comfortable, dry home watching the horror of New Orleans made me cry the tears I didnt have when I was a child losing everything, feeling with just the clothing I wore that day. More than 60 years ago, I was on a different continent. The disaster that unfolded in front of my eyes today took place in my adopted country, among my adopted people. We didnt know is an unpardonable excuse. We didnt care is more like it. Without hesitation, America spends billions and wastes human life in a country that is not interested in democracy. Yet we quibble about the cost of Katrina, a cost that will afect everyone in our own backyard for years to come. (Lucie L. Liebman - Staten Island, New York) The Present Tense of the underlined verb in the first line is

Questão 19

(AFA - 2007) A variao volumtrica de um gs, em funo da temperatura, presso constante de 6 N/m2est indicada no grfico. Se, durante a transformao de A para B, o gs receber uma quantidade de calor igual a 20 joules, a variao da energia interna do gs ser igual, em joules, a:

Questão 20

(AFA - 2007) Read a letter and answer questions 18 to 20. As a survivor of the Holocaust, I lost the life I led more than 60 years, when the world didnt give a damn on, like today, acknowledge that a storm of destruction was imminent (The lost City, Sept, 12). Sitting in my comfortable, dry home watching the horror of New Orleans made me cry the tears I didnt have when I was a child losing everything, feeling with just the clothing I wore that day. More than 60 years ago, I was on a different continent. The disaster that unfolded in front of my eyes today took place in my adopted country, among my adopted people. We didnt know is an unpardonable excuse. We didnt care is more like it. Without hesitation, America spends billions and wastes human life in a country that is not interested in democracy. Yet we quibble about the cost of Katrina, a cost that will afect everyone in our own backyard for years to come. (Lucie L. Liebman - Staten Island, New York) We realize that Lucie feels extremely sorry about ______ because ______.

Questão 20

(AFA - 2007) Pela manh, um motorista calibra os pneus de seu carro sob uma presso de 28,0 lb/pol2quando a temperatura era de 7 C. tarde, aps rodar bastante, a temperatura dos pneus passou a ser 37 C. Considerando que o volume dos pneus se mantm constante e que o comportamento do ar seja de um gs ideal, a presso nos pneus aquecidos, em lb/pol2, passou a ser.