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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - AFA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 3

(AFA - 2009) Uma bola de basquete descreve a trajetria mostrada na figura aps ser arremessada por um jovem atleta que tenta bater um recorde de arremesso. A bola lanada com uma velocidade de 10 m/s e, ao cair na cesta, sua componente horizontal vale 6,0 m/s. Despreze a resistncia do ar e considere g = 10 m/s2. Pode-se afirmar que a distncia horizontal (x) percorrida pela bola desde o lanamento at cair na cesta, em metros, vale

Questão 4

(AFA - 2009) Uma pessoa, brincando em uma roda-gigante, ao passar pelo ponto mais alto, arremessa uma pequena bola (Figura 1), de forma que esta descreve, em relao ao solo, a trajetria de um lanamento vertical para cima. A velocidade de lanamento da bola na direo vertical tem o mesmo mdulo da velocidade escalar (v) da roda-gigante, que executa um movimento circular uniforme. Despreze a resistncia do ar, considere a acelerao da gravidade igual a g e = 3. Se a pessoa consegue pegar a bola no ponto mais prximo do solo (Figura 2), o perodo de rotao da roda-gigante pode ser igual a

Questão 4

(AFA - 2021) Upside Down Whos to say Whats impossible Well they forgot This world keeps spinning And with each new day I can feel a change in everything And as the surface breaks reflections fade But in some ways they remain the same And as my mind begins to spread its wings Theres no stopping curiosity (Jack Johnson) Mark the right definition for the title of the lyrics above.

Questão 5

(AFA - 2009) Uma partcula abandonada de uma determinada altura e percorre o trilho esquematizado na figura abaixo, sem perder contato com ele. Considere que no h atrito entre a partcula e o trilho, que a resistncia do ar seja desprezvel e que a acelerao da gravidade seja g. Nessas condies, a menor velocidade possvel da partcula ao terminar de executar o terceiro looping

Questão 5

(AFA - 2021) Upside Down Whos to say Whats impossible Well they forgot This world keeps spinning And with each new day I can feel a change in everything And as the surface breaks reflections fade But in some ways they remain the same And as my mind begins to spread its wings Theres no stopping curiosity (Jack Johnson) In the lyrics the author affirms that

Questão 6

(AFA - 2009) Dispe-se de quatro polias ideais de raios RA= R, RB= 3R, RC=eRD=que podem ser combinadas e acopladas a um motor cujafreqncia de funcionamento tem valor f. As polias podem ser ligadas por correias ideais ou unidas por eixos rgidos e, nos acoplamentos, no ocorre escorregamento. Considere que a combinao dessas polias com o motor deve acionar uma serra circular (S) para que ela tenha uma freqncia de rotao igual a 5/3 da freqncia do motor. Sendo assim, marque a alternativa que representa essa combinao de polias.

Questão 6

(AFA - 2009) The Car Washer Who Became An Executive Robert L. Johnson is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of BET. Black Entertainment Television, a cable TV channel in the United States, BET specializes in producing programs for the African-American community. [5] Read what this successful executive says about his first job. I ________ in Freeport, Illinois. My first job was at the local carwash. I ________ sixteen years old. I ________ every day, all summer, for a dollar an hour. I worked with ten other [10]guys. All of us ________from different racial, religious and economic backgrounds. We had to clean cars in teams, and we quickly learned to work together. I learned the better way to become indispensable: you know how to do all aspects of your job. At the carwash, all [15]aspects included vacuuming the interior, scrubbing whitewalls and polishing chrome until it shined. Sixteen years later, when I started my own business, I again had to know how to do every job in the company advertising, marketing, producing and negotiation contracts. [20] Working at the carwash taught me that there is a direct connection between work and a feeling of self-esteem. Young people who refuse jobs that they consider inferior or low-paying are only hurting themselves. As long as you do your best, every job is a learning experience and a step to a better job. (Adapted from Readers Digest, January, 1999) Mark the option that completes the gaps respectively

Questão 7

(AFA - 2009) Um planeta Alpha descreve uma trajetria elptica em torno do seu sol como mostra a figura abaixo. Considere que as reas A1, A2e A3so varridas pelo raio vetor que une o centro do planeta ao centro do sol quando Alpha se move respectivamente das posies de 1 a 2, de 2 a 3 e de 4 a 5. Os trajetos de 1 a 2 e de 2 a 3 so realizados no mesmo intervalo de tempo t e o trajeto de 4 a 5 num intervalo t t. Nessascondies correto afirmar que

Questão 7

(AFA - 2009) The Car Washer Who Became An Executive Robert L. Johnson is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of BET. Black Entertainment Television, a cable TV channel in the United States, BET specializes in producing programs for the African-American community. Read what this successful executive says about his first job. I ________ in Freeport, Illinois. My first job was at the local carwash. I ________ sixteen years old. I ________ every day, all summer, for a dollar an hour. I worked with ten other [10]guys. All of us ________from different racial, religious and economic backgrounds. We had to clean cars in teams, and we quickly learned to work together. I learned the better1way to become indispensable: you know how to do all aspects of your2 job. At the carwash, all aspects included vacuuming the interior, scrubbing whitewalls and polishing chrome until it shined. Sixteen years later, when I started my own business, I again had to know how to do every job in the company advertising, marketing, producing and negotiation contracts. Working at the carwash taught me that there is a direct connection between work and a feeling of self-esteem. Young people who refuse jobs that they consider inferior or low-payingare only hurting themselves3. As long as you do your best, everyjob is a learning experience and a step to a better4 job. (Adapted from Readers Digest, January, 1999) Mark the option which ISNT applied correctly in the text.

Questão 8

QUESTO ANULADA!! (AFA - 2009) The Car Washer Who Became An Executive Robert L. Johnson is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of BET. Black Entertainment Television, a cable TV channel in the United States, BET specializes in producing programs for the African-American community. Read what this successful executive says about his first job. I ________ in Freeport, Illinois. My first job was at the local carwash. I ________ sixteen years old. I ________ every day, all summer, for a dollar an hour. I worked with ten other [10]guys. All of us ________from different racial, religious and economic backgrounds. We had to clean cars in teams, and we quickly learned to work together. I learned the better1way to become indispensable: you know how to do all aspects of your2job. At the carwash, all aspects included vacuuming the interior, scrubbing whitewalls and polishing chrome until it shined. Sixteen years later, when I started my own business, I again had to know how to do every job in the company advertising, marketing, producing and negotiation contracts. Working at the carwash taught me that there is a direct connection between work and a feeling of self-esteem. Young people who refuse jobs that they consider inferior or low-payingare only hurting themselves3. As long as you do your best, everyjob is a learning experience and a step to a better4job. (Adapted from Readers Digest, January, 1999) Another way to write the sentence BET specializes in producing programs for the African-American community (lines 3 and 4), is a)the African-American community is specialized in producing programs by BET. b)programs are specialized for the African-American community by BET. c)producing programs is a specialization for the African-American community in BET. d)BET isspecialized in producing The African-American community. QUESTO ANULADA!!

Questão 8

(AFA - 2009) Dois corpos A e B, esfricos, inicialmente estacionrios no espao, com massas respectivamente iguais a mAe mB, encontram-se separados, centro a centro, de uma distncia x muito maior que os seus raios, conforme figura abaixo. Na ausncia de outras foras de interao, existe um ponto P do espao que se localiza a uma distncia d do centro do corpo A. Nesse ponto P nula a intensidade da fora gravitacional resultante, devido ao dos corpos A e B sobre um corpo de prova de massa m, ali colocado. Considere que os corpos A e B passem a se afastar com uma velocidade constante ao longo de uma trajetria retilnea que une os seus centros e que mA= 16mB. Nessas condies, o grfico que melhor representa d em funo de x

Questão 9

(AFA - 2009) Read the cartoon and answer questions 09 and 10 according to it. When Charlie Brown was asked by Lucy he

Questão 9

(AFA - 2009) Na situao de equilbrio abaixo, os fios e as polias so ideais e a acelerao da gravidade g. Considere eo coeficiente de atrito esttico entre o bloco A, de massa mA, e o plano horizontal em que se apia. A maior massa que o bloco B pode ter, de modo que o equilbrio se mantenha,

Questão 10

(AFA - 2009) Read the cartoon and answer questions 09 and 10 according to it. The cartoons also show that Charlie Brown

Questão 10

(AFA - 2009) A figura abaixo representa um vago em repouso, no interior do qual se encontram um pndulo simples e um recipiente fixo no piso, cheio de gua. O pndulo simples composto de uma bolinha de ferro presa ao teto do vago por um fio ideal e, dentro do recipiente, existe uma bolinha de isopor, totalmente imersa na gua e presa no seu fundo tambm por um fio ideal. Assinale a alternativa que melhor representa a situao fsica no interior do vago, se este comear a se mover com acelerao constante para a direita.