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Questões - AFA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 11

(AFA - 2009) Questions 11 to 14 are related to the following text. Dealing with Sensitive Materials on the Internet With the emergency of user-friendly online systems, the World Wide Web and its introduction into the classroom, more and more children are taking advantage of the power of the internet. However, it remains largely an adult forum, and so itcarries with it adult subject matter. [6] Does it raise the question of what when adult topics and a childs naive explorations meet? The debate has raised not only questions of obscenity, harassment, free speech, and censorship, but also of government control of theInternet, and its very nature as a communications resource. Whatever the outcome of this war is, it will set a precedent for how society and government deal with the exchange of information in the future. Is the internet a free forum for discussion or is it a broadcasting service and therefore subjectto the same restrictions as television, print, or radio? Are to internet communications on the right privacy covered by the, or can e-mail messages be legally observed.? Are web pages free speech or are some subjects taboo on the internet because a child may stumble uponthem? And who is responsible for internet content in a communications medium where traditional publishing scenarios no longer apply and content can be posted anonymously? For people who wish to control or limit the use of theinternet, the issue of children and pornography has been a valuable tool for gaining public support. The key is to find a solution to protect our children while at the same time, avoid setting up a climate of control that will limit our rights as adults. (Adapted from Framework Level 3 Richmond) Complete the gap (line 6) with the right verbal tense.

Questão 11

(AFA - 2009) Um paciente, aps ser medicado s 10 h, apresentou o seguinte quadro de temperatura: A temperatura desse paciente s 11 h 30 min, em F,

Questão 12

(AFA - 2009) Questions 11 to 14 are related to the following text. Dealing with Sensitive Materials on the Internet With the emergency of user-friendly online systems, the World Wide Web and its introduction into the classroom, more and more children are taking advantage of the power of the internet. However, it remains largely an adult forum, and so itcarries with it adult subject matter. Does it raise the question of what when adult topics and a childs naive explorations meet? The debate has raised not only questions of obscenity, harassment, free speech, and censorship, but also of government control of theInternet, and its very nature as a communications resource. Whatever the outcome of this war is, it will set a precedent for how society and government deal with the exchange of information in the future. Is the internet a free forum for discussion or is it a broadcasting service and therefore subjectto the same restrictions as television, print, or radio? [16] Are to internet communications on the right privacy covered by the, or can e-mail messages be legally observed.? Are web pages free speech or are some subjects taboo on the internet because a child may stumble uponthem? And who is responsible for internet content in a communications medium where traditional publishing scenarios no longer apply and content can be posted anonymously? For people who wish to control or limit the use of theinternet, the issue of children and pornography has been a valuable tool for gaining public support. The key is to find a solution to protect our children while at the same time, avoid setting up a climate of control that will limit our rights as adults. (Adapted from Framework Level 3 Richmond) The underlined question (lines 16 and 17) has been mixed up. Put the words in the right order according to the context.

Questão 12

(AFA - 2009) Um frasco de vidro, cujo volume 2000 cm3a 0 C, est completamente cheio de mercrio a esta temperatura. Sabe-se que o coeficiente de dilatao volumtrica do mercrio 1,8 x 10-4C-1e o coeficiente de dilatao linear do vidro de que feito o frasco 1,0 x 10-5C-1. O volume de mercrio que ir entornar, em cm3, quando o conjunto for aquecido at 100 C, ser

Questão 13

(AFA - 2009) Questions 11 to 14 are related to the following text. Dealing with Sensitive Materials on the Internet With the emergency of user-friendly online systems, the World Wide Web and its introduction into the classroom, more and more children are taking advantage of the power of the internet. However, it remains largely an adult forum, and so itcarries with it adult subject matter. Does it raise the question of what when adult topics and a childs naive explorations meet? [7] The debate has raised not only questions of obscenity, harassment, free speech, and censorship, but also of government control of theInternet, and its very nature as a communications resource. Whatever the outcome of this war is, it will set a precedent for how society and government deal with the exchange of information in the future. Is the internet a free forum for discussion or is it a broadcasting service and therefore subjectto the same restrictions as television, print, or radio? Are to internet communications on the right privacy covered by the, or can e-mail messages be legally observed.? Are web pages free speech or are some subjects taboo on the internet because a child may stumble uponthem? And who is responsible for internet content in a communications medium where traditional publishing scenarios no longer apply and content can be posted anonymously? For people who wish to control or limit the use of theinternet, the issue of children and pornography has been a valuable tool for gaining public support. The key is to find a solution to protect our children while at the same time, avoid setting up a climate of control that will limit our rights as adults. (Adapted from Framework Level 3 Richmond) Mark the correct question to the answer below extracted from the text. The debate (line 7)

Questão 13

(AFA - 2009) Um estudante, querendo determinar o equivalente em gua de um calormetro, colocou em seu interior 250 g de gua fria e, aguardando um certo tempo, verificou que o conjunto alcanou o equilbrio trmico a uma temperatura de 20 C. Em seguida, acrescentou ao mesmo 300 g de gua morna, a 45 C. Fechando rapidamente o aparelho, esperou at que o equilbrio trmico fosse refeito; verificando, ento, que a temperatura final era de 30 C. Baseando-se nesses dados, o equivalente em gua do calormetro vale, em gramas,

Questão 14

(AFA - 2009) O diagrama a seguir representa o ciclo percorrido por 3 mols de um gs perfeito. Sabendo-se que no estado A a temperatura 23 C e considerando R = 8 J/mol K , o trabalho, em joules, realizado pelo gs no ciclo

Questão 14

(AFA - 2009) Questions 11 to 14 are related to the following text. Dealing with Sensitive Materials on the Internet With the emergency of user-friendly online systems, the World Wide Web and its introduction into the classroom, more and more children are taking advantage of the power of the internet. However, it remains largely an adult forum, and so itcarries with it adult subject matter. Does it raise the question of what when adult topics and a childs naive explorations meet?The debate has raised not only questions of obscenity, harassment, free speech, and censorship, but also of government control of theInternet, and its very nature as a communications resource. Whatever the outcome of this war is, it will set a precedent for how society and government deal with the exchange of information in the future. Is the internet a free forum for discussion or is it a broadcasting service and therefore subjectto the same restrictions as television, print, or radio? Are to internet communications on the right privacy covered by the, or can e-mail messages be legally observed.? Are web pages free speech or are some subjects taboo on the internet because a child may stumble uponthem? And who is responsible for internet content in a communications medium where traditional publishing scenarios no longer apply and content can be posted anonymously? For people who wish to control or limit the use of theinternet, the issue of children and pornography has been a valuable tool for gaining public support. The key is to find a solution to protect our children while at the same time, avoid setting up a climate of control that will limit our rights as adults. (Adapted from Framework Level 3 Richmond) Comparing the pieces of content the internet provides, it may be said that

Questão 15

(AFA - 2009) Warning: Flying is bad for your health Flying is the safest way to travel - or is it? Some doctors think the airplane is a dangerous place, especially for the old or the unhealthy. Although the airplane is pressurized, there is less oxygen than on the ground. So anyone who has had a heart attack should not try for at least two weeks after the attack. After an operation, you should stay on the ground for at least ten days. Sitting on a plane for many hours especially in economy class where there isnt very much leg room gives everyone aches and pain, so you should get some exercise, especially on long flights. Flying also causes dehydration. If you drink or eat too much, youll wake up feeling sick. Everyone needs to drink more in the air, but you shouldnt drink alcohol because it makes you even more thirsty. The most common problem is jet lag. You should change to your new time zone as soon as possible, and you shouldnt sleep if its still daylight. Crowded airports, long lines, and delays cause stress and high blood pressure. So, be careful! Flying is the safest way totravel, but is it the healthiest? (Move Up, Heinemann) According to the text its correct to affirm that

Questão 15

(AFA - 2009) O gs contido no balo A de volume V e presso p suavemente escoado atravs de dutos rgidos e de volumes desprezveis, para os bales B, C, D e E, idnticos e inicialmente vazios, aps a abertura simultnea das vlvulas 1, 2, 3 e 4, como mostra a figura abaixo. Aps atingido o equilbrio, a presso no sistema de bales assume o valor . Considerando que no ocorre variao de temperatura, o volume de dois dos bales menores

Questão 16

(AFA - 2009) A figura I representa uma lente delgada convergente com uma de suas faces escurecida por tinta opaca, de forma que a luz s passa pela letra F impressa. Um objeto, considerado muito distante da lente, disposto ao longo do eixo ptico dessa lente, como mostra a figura II. Nessas condies, a imagem fornecida pela lente e projetada no anteparo poder ser

Questão 16

(AFA - 2009) Warning: Flying is bad for your health Flying is the safest way to travel - or is it? Some doctors think the airplane is a dangerous place, especially for the old or the unhealthy. Although the airplane is pressurized, there is less oxygen than on the ground. So anyone who has had a heart attack should not try for at least two weeks after the attack. After an operation, you should stay on the ground for at least ten days. Sitting on a plane for many hours especially in economy class where there isnt very much leg room gives everyone [10] aches and pain, so you should get some exercise, especially on long flights. Flying also causes dehydration. If you drink or eat too much, youll wake up feeling sick. Everyone needs to drink more in the air, but you shouldnt drink alcohol because it makes you even more thirsty. The most common problem is jet lag. You should change to your new time zone as soon as possible, and you shouldnt sleep if its still daylight. Crowded airports, long lines, and delays cause stress and high blood pressure. So, be careful! Flying is the safest way totravel, but is it the healthiest? (Move Up, Heinemann) Aches and pain (line 10)

Questão 17

(AFA - 2009) A imagem de um ponto P, posicionado a uma distncia d de um espelho plano E, pode ser visualizada por dois observadores A e B, como mostra a figura abaixo. A respeito da imagem P do ponto P vista pelos observadores, correto afirmar que

Questão 17

(AFA - 2009) Warning: Flying is bad for your health Flying is the safest way to travel - or is it? Some doctors think the airplane is a dangerous place, especially for the old or the unhealthy. Although the airplane is pressurized, there is less oxygen than on the ground. So anyone who has had a heart attack should not try for at least two weeks after the attack. After an operation, you should stay on the ground for at least ten days. Sitting on a plane for many hours especially in economy class where there isnt very much leg room gives everyone aches and pain, so you should get some exercise, especially on long flights. Flying also causes dehydration. If you drink or eat too much, youll wake up feeling sick. Everyone needs to drink more in the air, but you shouldnt drink alcohol because it makes you even more thirsty. The most common problem is jet lag. You should change to your new time zone as soon as possible, and you shouldnt sleep if its still daylight. Crowded airports, long lines, and delays cause stress and high blood pressure. So, be careful! Flying is the safest way totravel, but is it the healthiest? (Move Up, Heinemann) From the text its also possible to get

Questão 18

(AFA - 2009) Americans are well-known for being friendly. If were [2] taking a walk in the park and we pass someone, we usually [3] say a few words to people in stores, bars and banks. But remember: friendliness is not friendship; its politeness. In the United States, its just as hard to make real friends as it is anywhere else. (Move Up - Heinemann ) In the statement, we usually say a few words to people in stores (lines 2 and 3) the underlined words may be understood as