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Questões - UFU | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 41

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)As researchers fight to stop the spread of a novel coronavirus that originated in a seafood market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, they are facing a counter-intuitive problem: the symptoms can sometimes be so mild in patients that the virus is very difficult to detect. The coronavirus initially came to authorities attention in December after patients began exhibiting symptoms of viral pneumonia, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. But researchers, including those at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have noted that some of those with the Wuhan coronavirus have shown little to no symptoms. A study published in the medical journal the Lancet on Jan. 24 reported that a 10-year-old who was infected with the virus had no symptoms at all. We have seen patients, especially children, who have pneumonia, but have no symptoms, no fever or cough, which means that its not easy to recognize these cases of novel coronavirus infection, which makes the control of this outbreak more difficult, says Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, and one of the authors of the Lancet study. Amy Gunia Disponvel em: . Acesso em: https://time.com/ 01 fev. 2020. According to the text, one of the challenges presented by this new coronavirus is the fact that

Questão 41

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)da especial: el papa Francisco se comunic de manera directa al celular de ellos y se solidariz con el dolor de la familia. Si bien no trascendi qu fue lo que charlaron, la informacin fue confirmada a Clarn por alguien cercano a la familia. Los Bez Sosa son muy creyentes y lo que trascendi que se trat de un mensaje dirigido a la sociedad, ante las situaciones de violencia que se vive en estos momentos en la Argentina y el mundo. Disponvel em: https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/crimen-villa-gesell-papa-francisco-hablo-padres-fernando-baezsosa_0_-lY-WYwp.html. Acesso em: 03 fev. 2020. (Adaptado) Sobre la llamada del papa Francisco a los padres de Fernando Bez Sosa, el joven asesinado por unos rugbistas dos semanas antes, se puede comprender que

Questão 42

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition in which there is compression of the nerves, arteries, or veins in the passageway from the lower neck to the armpit. There are three main types: neurogenic, venous, and arterial. The neurogenic type is the most common and presents with pain, weakness, and occasionally loss of muscle at the base of the thumb. The venous type results in swelling, pain, and possibly a bluish coloration of the arm. The arterial type results in pain, coldness, and paleness of the arm. TOS may result from trauma, repetitive arm movements, tumors, pregnancy, or anatomical variations such as a cervical rib. Initial treatment for the neurogenic type is with exercises to strengthen the chest muscles and improve posture. NSAIDs such as naproxen may be used for pain. Surgery is typically done for the arterial and venous types and for the neurogenic type if it does not improve with other treatments. Blood thinners may be used to treat or prevent blood clots. The condition affects about 1% of the population. It is more common in women than men and it occurs most commonly between 20 and 50 years of age. Disponvel em: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page. Acesso em: 01 fev. 2020. Com base no texto, afirma-se que I. a sndrome descrita pode ser provocada por compresso venal. II. grvidas no apresentam casos do Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. III. h tratamentos menos invasivos, alm de procedimentos cirrgicos. IV. TOS ocorre principalmente em homens mais velhos, com sade frgil. V. TOS pode ocasionar dores, inchao e, at mesmo, perda muscular. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

Questão 42

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Dice la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud (OMS): cada ao se cometen en todo el mundo 200.000 homicidios entre jvenes de 10 a 29 aos, lo que supone el 43% del total mundial anual de homicidios. Adems, el homicidio es la cuarta causa de muerte en el mismo grupo etario, en el mundo. Y en todos los pases la mayora de los homicidas es varn. La mayora de las vctimas tambin. Estos datos muestran a las claras que lo ocurrido en Villa Gesell, donde una patota de 10 rugbistas, aparentemente alcoholizados, mataron a golpes a Fernando Bez Sosa, el sbado 18, a la salida de un boliche, no es un hecho aislado ni circunscripto a la Argentina. El brutal episodio volvi a poner en el escenario central del debate el tema de la violencia juvenil. Y como suele ocurrir generalmente, las especulaciones rondan la bsqueda del culpable de lo ocurrido. Los ms sealados fueron el alcohol y el rugby. Sin dudas el alcohol contribuye a los hechos de violencia, porque saca toda inhibicin. Pero crea violentos? Un deporte rudo como el rugby tambin tiene su incidencia, porque promueve el moverse en grupo y el uso de la fuerza para lograr objetivos. Pero ensea a resolver conflictos por va de la violencia y del homicidio? Pareciera que deben buscarse las causas en razones ms profundas. Volviendo a las cifras de la OMS, la notoria masculinizacin en las muertes relacionadas con la violencia hace necesario reflexionar sobre cmo nuestra sociedad construye la masculinidad. Disponvel em: http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/832493/opinion/que-genera-violencia-entre-jovenes.html. Acesso em: 01 fev. 2020.(Adaptado) No terceiro pargrafo do texto, o autor lana mo de perguntas e de respostas com o objetivo de demonstrar que

Questão 43

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Scientists have developed what they call living concrete by using sand, gel and bacteria. Researchers said this building material has structural load-bearing function, is capable of self-healing and is more environmentally friendly than concrete which is the second most-consumed material on Earth after water. The team from the University of Colorado Boulder believe their work paves the way for future building structures that could heal their own cracks, suck up dangerous toxins from the air or even glow on command. Disponvel em: https://www.sciencefocus.com/. Acesso em: 01 fev. 2020. Based on the text, we can state that

Questão 43

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)La Autoridad Palestina ha estado enfrentando una crisis financiera severa despus de que Israel decidiera en febrero reducir el pago de los ingresos fiscales en la cantidad que la Autoridad Palestina paga a los prisioneros y familias palestinas de los palestinos muertos a manos de Israel. Bajo un tratado econmico alcanzado en 1995 entre Israel y los palestinos, Israel recauda los impuestos del comercio palestino en nombre de la Autoridad Palestina, a la cual se los entrega para que pague los salarios de sus empleados. Disponvel em: http://spanish.xinhuanet.com/2019-10/08/c_138454215.htm. Acesso em: 03 fev. 2020. (Fragmento) En el fragmento [...] se los entrega [], en el segundo prrafo, la partcula se se refiere a

Questão 44

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Inequality between men and women results in poorer health for children and greater poverty for the family, (1) ________________ to a new study. The UN agency Unicef found that in places where women are (2) __________ from family decisions, children are more likely to suffer from malnutrition. There would be 13 million (3) __________ malnourished children in South Asia if women had an equal say in the family, Unicef said. Unicef surveyed family decision-making in 30 countries around the world. Their chief finding is that equality between men and women is vital to (4) __________ poverty and improving health, especially that of children, in developing countries. Disponvel em: https://www.usingenglish.com/ Acesso em: 02 fev. 2020. Choose the alternative with the words which best complete the text above

Questão 44

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)La verdad es: le tenemos miedo a la sexualidad de nuestros hijos. En general, preferimos dejar el espacio vaco para que se las arreglen como puedan. Y eso es un error. Siempre es mejor tomar la iniciativa para que, cuando el momento llegue, tengan una versin formada de las cosas, cmo deben cuidar su salud, su integridad, sus cuerpos. Hoy est comprobado que los chicos que ms formacin tienen son los que encaran de manera ms racional y, al mismo tiempo, ms afectiva sus relaciones. Exploran con conciencia, se desbocan menos. Por otro lado, hay chicos a los que la sexualidad ni fu ni fa. Hace poco, en una charla, una chica levant la mano para preguntar si estaba bien ser asexual, es decir, no tener deseo. Esa es otra cosa que no les estamos enseando: que el sexo no es ninguna obligacin. Disponvel em: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/lifestyle/como-hablar-sexo-tus-hijos-nid2225396 (fragmento adaptado) Acesso em: 15 mar. 2020. De acordo com o texto, a expresso ni fu ni fa encerra a ideia de que, para alguns jovens, a sexualidade

Questão 45

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)La proximidad entre la resea que publiqu hace apenas tres semanas sobre la pelcula de Juan Jos Campanella, y la lectura de la novela El secreto de sus ojos (este es el ttulo del libro en la edicin espaola de Alfaguara; la novela publicada en Argentina se titulaba, originalmente, La pregunta de sus ojos) constituye una buena oportunidad para una breve reflexin sobre una de las constantes o reglas no escritas de la relacin entre cine y literatura, la que afirma que de una gran novela no suele obtenerse una gran pelcula, pero s, y a menudo, de libros no especialmente memorables. Con todos los respetos que a buen seguro merece la obra del novelista argentino (debo advertir que de ella slo conozco el libro que acabo de citar, por lo que mis opiniones tienen una validez muy discutible), creo que se es justamente el caso de la novela de Eduardo Sacheri, cuyo valor literario me parece ms bien escaso, pero cuya adaptacin cinematogrfica y hay que recordar que el guin es obra conjunta del novelista y del director del largometraje, Juan Jos Campanella - tiene un mrito indiscutible. Reconozco que en esta valoracin puede haber influido el hecho de que hubiera visto la pelcula antes de leer la novela, pues la configuracin imaginativa que todo receptor se construye para s mismo a partir de un texto de ficcin y en ello poco importa que sea literario o cinematogrfico - est especialmente determinada por la forma inicial en que dicho texto se presenta. Disponvel em: http://www.labitacoradeltigre.com/2009/10/27/la-pregunta-de-sus-ojos-vs-el-secreto-de-sus-ojos/ Acesso em: 04 fev. 2020 De acordo com o texto, correto afirmar que o autor

Questão 45

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)On Tuesday, Merriam-Webster selected its word of the year, not some viral neologism like post-truth or selfie but a word that has been around since the Middle Ages: the pronoun they. Pronouns are tools that people typically use with all the thought one gives to using doorknobs. Students are taught in early language lessons that every sentence needs a subject and are given a short list of usual suspects: words like he, she, you and they. The latter, they are told, is used to refer to more than one person. Yet thats not always the case. Merriam-Webster chose the singular form, one that has been gaining currency and causing controversy. There are two reasons that singular they is on the upswing. One is that its a convenient way to refer to an unknown person in a gender-neutral way, versus using cumbersome constructions like he or she. In recent years, it has been far easier to find this generic they in mass media because using it makes life easier for readers and writers alike. Katy Steinmetz Disponvel em: https://time.com/. Acesso em: 08 fev. 2020. Com base no texto acima, INCORRETO afirmar que

Questão 46

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Taurus April 20 - May 20 (TEXT A) Sophisticated language can be a veil hiding what you truly mean but are too afraid to say. But fancy talk can also be a tool to help folks understand what exactly it is that you mean at a high level. Which way you choose to use your stunning vocabulary is up to you, but it would be a shame to waste all your verbal skills by encouraging miscommunication. Camouflage is not your object. Dont be afraid to speak the truth, and dont cater to the lowest common denominator. Disponvel em: https://www.washingtonpost.com/. Acesso em: 12 fev 2020 Taurus April 20 - May 20 (TEXT B) Work could be a bit challenging today and you may even be asked to assume more responsibility on the job. Be open to attending a long-term training program to increase your talents and your professional value. Once you graduate from this program of study, give yourself a lavish reward that serves as a perpetual reminder of your achievement. But dont wait until the end to treat yourself. Attending to self-care can have an especially restorative effect now, so make time for a spa treatment or hot bath after hours. Nothing perks you up like the prospect of a prize at the end of the day. Disponvel em: https://www.tribpub.com/gdpr/nydailynews.com/ . Acesso em: 12 fev. 2020. Horoscopes in newspapers are very common, although they do not always focus on the same topics. When reading these two horoscopes, we can infer that I. both horoscopes were written by the same astrologer. II. horoscopes in texts A and B cover the same subjects. III. the horoscope in text A says taureans are good with words. IV. according to text B a taurean enjoys receiving prizes. V. both text A and text B show taureans as hard workers. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

Questão 46

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Tanto el panel intergubernamental sobre cambio climtico (IPCC) como el de biodiversidad y servicios ecosistmicos (Ipbes), que integran a ms de un centenar de pases, vienen publicando abundante informacin acerca de cmo los seres humanos estamos recalentando el planeta y destruyendo la naturaleza (dos fenmenos que se potencian entre s). Con suficiente evidencia de que estamos poniendo en riesgo nuestra supervivencia, los expertos subrayan la imperiosa necesidad de encarar cuanto antes profundas transformaciones en nuestros estilos de vida. Debido a que el 75% de los gases de efecto invernadero que emitimos provienen del petrleo, el gas y el carbn (sumemos que contaminan el aire que respiramos cuando se queman), el IPCC insta a dejar de extraerlos y recurrir a fuentes limpias y renovables para generar energa, optimizando su eficiencia y aplicndola a lo estrictamente necesario. En su reporte de 2018 se describen cules seran las catastrficas consecuencias si el aumento de la temperatura sobrepasara los 1,5 desde la era preindustrial (ya lleg a 1). Para cumplir dicha meta, se afirma que el uso de fsiles deber reducirse por lo menos a la mitad hacia 2030 y ser eliminado por completo a ms tardar para 2050. Disponvel em: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/opinion/columnistas/hacia-el-desarrollo-de-las-ecoenergias-y-laagroecologia-nid2331909. Acesso em: 08 fev. 2020. Considera las siguientes afirmaciones presentes en el texto. I. Los datos estadsticos se presentan para basar las acciones de IPCC y los cambios de obtencin de energa, adems de probar la opinin del columnista. II. La comparacin entre el recalentamiento del planeta y la destruccin de la naturaleza gua al lector a comprender cul tiene ms relacin con el tema del artculo de opinin. III. La ejemplificacin de los gases que producen el efecto invernadero justifica lo que se defiende en este artculo de opinin: el cambio para fuentes limpias y renovables. IV. La relacin de causa-consecuencia entre la diminucin del uso de fsiles seguida de su eliminacin como fuente de energa y el xito de la meta ayuda a convencer al lector. V. La enumeracin de los malos efectos para la salud que provoca el uso del petrleo, el gas y el carbn corroboran con el punto de vista defendido por el columnista. Son verdaderas las afirmaciones presentadas en

Questão 47

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Cncer Atravesar un perodo donde deber avanzar sin miedo y enfocarse en planificar un nuevo proyecto de vida que lo haga sentir an ms gratificado. Amor: Gracias a la Luna en su signo, ser un perodo muy favorable en el amor y la pasin. Acrquese a su alma gemela y organice una salida romntica. Riqueza: Evale si est en condiciones de cumplir a trmino con lo que le exigen a diario en su trabajo, as podr alcanzar el xito econmico rpido. Bienestar: Prstele una debida atencin a su sistema nervioso. Muchas de las situaciones que transite en este da podran desequilibrarlo anmica y fsicamente. Disponvel em: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/lifestyle/horoscopo-de-cancer-de-hoy-viernes-7-de-febrero-de-2020-nid2331502/ Acesso em: 07 fev. 2020. Cncer Horscopo de hoy: Hoy se suscitan problemas de confianza con una amistad destacada. Te opones a revelar un secreto incluso bajo presin. Amor: Aceptars algunas crticas y acto seguido dejars de estar a la defensiva. Hallars quin te devuelva la fe en el amor. Riqueza: Las finanzas estn fuertes y tienes algunos ahorros, pero no ests seguro de cunto te van a durar. Haz un presupuesto. Bienestar: Permtete rechazar alguna salida o fiesta para poder gozar de la tranquilidad, el silencio y la soledad que tanto necesitas. Ser reparador. Disponvel em: https://www.clarin.com/horoscopo/ Acesso em: 07 fev. 2020. A partir da leitura e da comparao entre os textos, correto afirmar que

Questão 47

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)Our tongues can get fat. And scientists say losing tongue weight might be an effective way to manage obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that affects an estimated 22 million Americans.Thats according to a study published this week in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania exploring the surprising relationship between tongue fat and sleep apnea. The researchers found that when overweight people with sleep apnea lost pounds, their tongues also got smaller. And, of all the changes that occurred as a result of slimming down, a reduction in tongue fat had the biggest impact on improving sleep apnea. Until now, it was unclear why weight loss helps manage the sleep condition. Disponvel em: https://www.discovermagazine.com/Acesso em: 02 fev. 2020. De acordo com o texto, o que pode auxiliar na reduo de altos nveis de apneia do sono?

Questão 48

(UFU - 2020 - 1 FASE)You can start when children are very young, said Kari Kivinen. In fact, you should: Fairytales work well. Take the wily fox who always cheats the other animals with his sly words. Thats not a bad metaphor for a certain kind of politician, is it? With democracies around the world threatened by the seemingly unstoppable onslaught of false information, Finland recently rated Europes most resistant nation to fake news takes the fight seriously enough to teach it in primary school. In secondary schools, such as the state-run college in Helsinki where Kivinen is head teacher, multiplatform information literacy and strong critical thinking have become a core, cross-subject component of a national curriculum that was introduced in 2016. In maths lessons, Kivinens pupils learn how easy it is to lie with statistics. In art, they see how an images meaning can be manipulated. In history, they analyse notable propaganda campaigns, while Finnish language teachers work with them on the many ways in which words can be used to confuse, mislead and deceive. The goal is active, responsible citizens and voters, Kivinen said. Thinking critically, factchecking, interpreting and evaluating all the information you receive, wherever it appears, is crucial. Weve made it a core part of what we teach, across all subjects. Jon Henley Disponvel em:https://www.theguardian.com/international. Acesso em: 08 fev. 2020. Finish education rates among the best in the world. According to the text, we can state that I. children are taught early on how to identify fake from real news. II. politicians in Finland are interested in more responsible voters. III. democratic states are not threatened by the waves of fake news. IV. the school curriculum focuses on developing critical thinkers. V. different disciplines cover topics regarding information literacy. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.