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Questões - UFU | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 22

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Wichy de Vedado (Yoel Antonio Diguez) no se lo pens dos veces. Habituado a brillar en la oscuridad de las noches que se convierten en una vitrina potente para mostrar lo que ms vale de la msica electrnica, aprovech la oportunidad de llevar su cuartel general ms all de las fronteras insulares y colocarse el traje de maestro de la electrnica cubana en los ambientes de vrtigo de la escena europea. Durante su gira, se ha presentado junto a los djs Pushin Woods y Planet Monkey en las ciudades holandesas de Groningen, Harlem y msterdam, donde ech mano a su nuevo lbum con el que ha ingresado en una nueva etapa como dj y productor. Sus servicios fueron requeridos en los pases bajos por los encargados del sello Bambeats Records, una disquera de msica electrnica, funk y jazz con la que public un disco con temas ―muy nuevos y otros que tena engavetados desde hace tiempo‖, comenta a Granma por correo electrnico desde Alemania. HERNNDEZ, Michel. Disponvel em: . Acesso em: 23 jan. 2015. (Fragmento) Publicado por el peridico cubano Granma en la seccin de Cultura, el texto informa sobre

Questão 22

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Drug-Resistant Super Bacteria Reportedly Found in Rios Olympic Water By Lucy Westcott A man sits on a deck over the Rio Carioca, near Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 16, 2014. Windsurfers and sailors beware: Drug-resistant ―super bacteria‖ have been found by researchers in the same waters off Rio de Janeiro where many water-sports events are scheduled to take place during the Summer Olympic Games in July 2016. Researchers at Brazils Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a scientific research center, discovered the bacteria in samples collected from three locations, including Rios Flamengo Beach, popular among swimmers, and the Rio Carioca, a river that runs into the Guanabara Bay, where sailing and windsurfing events will take place, Reuters reports Rios residents have been told to exercise caution when swimming off Flamengo Beach, another area studied by researchers that is ―frequently declared unfit for swimming,‖ the BBC reports, although most people ignore the warning. As part of their Olympic bid, Rio agreed to clean Guanabara Bay by up to 80 percent, although the citys Mayor Eduardo Paes has said that target would not be met. Ana Paula DAlincourt Carvalho Assef, coordinator of the study, said the bacteria has potential to cause infections that could result in hospitalization. So far, there have been no recorded infections from the contaminated waters. Since the super-bacteria are resistant to the most modern medications, doctors need to rely on drugs that are rarely used because they are toxic to the organism, she told the Associated Press. Disponvel no site:http://www.newsweek.com/drug-resistant-super-bacteria-reportedly-lurking-rios-olympic-waters-292582 . Acesso em 25 jan. de 2015 (fragmento) Em relao bactria mencionada no texto, correto afirmar que ela representa I. uma ameaa para os Jogos Olmpicos de 2016. II. um avano nas pesquisas do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. III. um risco para surfistas e banhistas do Rio de Janeiro. IV. um motivo de pnico para os moradores do Rio de Janeiro. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.

Questão 22

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) A economia mundial passa por um momento de mudana relevante, com incio de um ciclo de fortalecimento do dlar longo e persistente, avalia Affonso Celso Pastore, economista e ex-presidente do Banco Central (BC). Estamos assistindo ao comeo do ciclo de valorizao do dlar. A depreciao aqui (no Brasil) vai ter que ser maior, uma valorizao do dlar em relao a todo mundo, afirmou durante o 1 Seminrio de Poltica Monetria, realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Economia da Fundao Getulio Vargas (Ibre/FGV), no Rio. Disponvel em: http://www.diariodepernambuco.com.br/app/noticia/economia/2015/03/12/ internas_economia,565885/pastore-avalia-que-economia-mundial-passa-por-fortalecimento-persistente-dodolar.shtml Acesso em: 20 de mar. 2015. Para o Brasil, o cenrio econmico exposto implica o (a)

Questão 23

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Tiradito de lubina Qu tipo de comida se encuentra en su nueva casa? Recetas peruanas de rango casero con detalles de originalidad y toques de fusin. Tendencias que se aprecian en el tiradito de lubina, que adereza con lima y especias orientales y acompaa de esferificaciones (bolitas) de aj amarillo. Y tambin en las finas lonchas de pulpo cubiertas por una sabrosa mayonesa roscea de aceitunas botijas recibidas de Per que, en parte, desdibujan el gusto del cefalpodo. Es muy suave la causa limea con atn, magnfico el pastel de choclo (maz) con carne picada, y ms que aceptable el ceviche de dados de mango con langostinos. Especialidad ms conseguida que el ceviche tradicional, que elabora con bacalao fresco y no acaba de entusiasmar. Tampoco convencen sus hamburguesas, pero merece la pena el aj de gallina con arroz De postre no hay que olvidarse de la tarta de zanahoria y la bruselina, dos hitos golosos de la casa. CAPEL, Jos Carlos. Ceviche y aj amarillo. El Pas. Disponvel em: https://elpais.com/diario/2011/03/12/viajero/1299965044_850215.html . Acesso em: 20 jan. 2015. (Fragmento) Textos variados sobre temticas igualmente diversificadas podem ser lidos ao longo das pginas de um jornal. Retirado do jornal espanhol El Pas, o fragmento parte de

Questão 23

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) O territrio brasileiro [...] comporta um mostrurio bastante completo das principais paisagens e ecologias do mundo Tropical [...]. At o momento foram reconhecidos seis grandes domnios paisagsticos e macroecolgicos em nosso pas. AZIZ N. ABSABER. Os domnios da natureza no Brasil: potencialidades paisagsticas. So Paulo: Ateli Editorial, 2003, p. 10. Com relao aos domnios paisagsticos e macroecolgicos do Brasil, referenciados no texto, correto afirmar que, na regio

Questão 23

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Snowden on Cyberwar: America Is Its Own Worst Enemy By Lauren Walker A hand is silhouetted in front of a computer screen. After a year punctuated by hacks and data breaches, most notably a cyberattack against Sony, President Barack Obama used part of his State of the Union address on Tuesday to mention the growing threat to cybersecurity. ―No foreign nation, no hacker, should be able to shut down our networks, steal our trade secrets or invade the privacy of American families, especially our kids,‖ he said. The presidents speech came a week after the White House outlined a cybersecurity policy proposal that calls for more information sharing between the private sector and government, an increase in penalties for hacking and an update in the standards for when companies have to report that their customers data has been compromised. Disponvel no site: http://www.newsweek.com/snowden-cyber-war-america-its-own-worst-enemy301175. Acesso em 25 jan. 2015 (fragmento). Based on the text, it is possible to state that, concerning cybersecurity, the US Government, now, I. wants their network operating system to be terminated. II. worries about the security of American families privacy. III. needs the exchange of information with the private sector. IV. requires customers to be more committed to security issues. V. demands some more security measurements against hacking. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas as afirmativas corretas.

Questão 24

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Scientists Figure Out How to Unboil an Egg By Zo Schlanger Chemistry major Stephan Kudlacek is part of the team that has developed a way of unboiling a hen egg. Scientists at the University of California Irvine have developed a way to unboil egg whites by ―untangling‖ their proteins, a development that has the potential to significantly reduce costs for any biotechnology process that requires the folding of proteins. Yes, we have invented a way to unboil a hen egg,‖ UCI biochemistry professor Gregory Weiss said in a statement. ―We start with egg whites boiled for 20 minutes at 90 degrees Celsius and return a key protein in the egg to working order. Proteins are the workhorses within human cells. They copy DNA, and make it possible for the body to read the DNA. The folding of proteins is key to several fields; industrial chemists use it to make chemical reactions possible, and the medical industry needs to fold proteins for therapeutic treatments of diseases such as cancer. Often, though, when scientists attempt to fold proteins, they come out as ―scrambled messes,Weiss says The process doesnt result in a gooey raw egg you would want to cook up and eat, because the egg white has been dissolved in other compounds. But one of the key proteins found in egg white is returned. Weiss and his team have filed for a patent, and are raising funds to scale up the process to meet the needs of biotech companies. If all goes well, the invention has the potential to save several industries a lot of headache, and money. Disponvel no site:http://www.newsweek.com/scientists-figure-out-how-unboil-egg-chemistry-301791 . Acesso em: 25 jan. 2015 (fragmento). After reading the text ―Scientists Figure Out How to Unboil an Egg‖, one can say that the main objective of the author was to

Questão 24

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) O intenso processo de imigrao no Brasil, principalmente entre a segunda metade do sculo XIX e primeiras dcadas do sculo XX, deixou fortes marcas de mestiagem e hibridismo cultural, constituindo um importante fator na demografia, cultura, economia e educao deste pas. Fonte: https://centraldefavoritos.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/politicas-de-colonizacao-migracaoimigracao-e-emigracao-no-brasil-nos-seculos-xix-e-xx/ Acesso em: 25 de fev.2015. O processo de imigrao retratado teve como principal atrativo a

Questão 24

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Mafalda, la chica de pelo negro que odia la sopa y se muestra preocupada por la humanidad y la paz mundial, es un personaje creado por el dibujante argentino Quino. En la historieta, el humor resulta de la

Questão 25

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Considere a figura e assinale a quadrcula de curvas de nvel que se adqua paisagem exposta.

Questão 25

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) El caf disminuye los dolores musculares y el cansancio causado por el ejercicio Un estudio realizado por la Universidad de Illinois, Estados unidos, determin que aquellos jvenes deportistas que bebieron un par de tazas de caf antes de realizar una sesin de ejercicio fsico fuerte, tuvieron menos fatiga y dolores musculares al da siguiente. El consumo regular y moderado (unas tres tazas de caf diarias), ha probado tener muchos beneficios. El reducir la fatiga fsica es uno de ellos, explic Mara Isabel Piedra, nutricionista asesora de la Cmara de Tostadores de Caf. La investigacin seala que el efecto positivo en la posible disminucin de dolores musculares, se dio tanto en personas que beben habitualmente caf, como en quienes no lo hacen con frecuencia, pero que al consumirlo antes del ejercicio, se aprovechan los beneficios que aporta esta bebida. Disponvel em:http://aliciacrocco.com.ar/2014/03/el-cafe-disminuye-los-dolores-musculares-y-el-cansancio-causado-por-el-ejercicio/ . Acesso em: 15 jan. 2015 (fragmento). A pesquisa divulgada no texto aponta que

Questão 25

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) The Case of the Sleepy Spy By Jeff Stein The lobby of the CIA Headquarters Building in McLean, Virginia in August 2008. The case of the sleepy spy is not over. Although a federal judge ruled in favor of the CIA this week in a discrimination suit brought by an employee who claimed he was harassed out of his job because of his narcolepsy and race, the AfricanAmerican man is back in court with another complaint. Jacob Abilt,the pseudonym for the CIA technical operations officer ― the bland description for someone who works in bugging, photo surveillance and similar clandestine operations--claimed in a February 2014 suit that his medical ailment, which causes him to fall into a deep sleep with little warning, and his race led his supervisors to treat him differently than they would a white employee. The CIA chose not to argue the case in court, but instead invoked the ―state secrets privilege ― a legal ploy that critics claim has been routinely used to cover up human rights and other abuses during the so-called war on terror ― claiming that ―Abilts case would expose classified information about the National Clandestine Service, a branch of the CIA which oversees foreign and counter intelligence affairs within the agency, according to Courthouse News, which first reported on the decision. According to the scant personnel information listed in his complaint, Abilt was hired in 2006 as an ―applications developer, and ―at or around the time plaintiff was hired, he informed his superiors of his disability narcolepsy.‖ The CIA and Abilt worked out a plan that accommodated his forced naps, his suit suggests, which included making up for time lost in deep sleep. Disponvel no site: http://www.newsweek.com/cia-narcolepsy-race-african-american-lawsuit308494. Acesso em 22 fevf. 2015 (fragmento). According to the text about The Case of the Sleepy Spy, it is correct to say that Jacob Abilt I. worked with secretly listening to or recording conversations using a hidden electronic device. II. was fired because he unveiled classified information about the National Clandestine Service III. sued the CIA because he felt discriminated due to his disease and to his race. IV. disregarded the agreement he made with the CIA to compensate for the working hours he missed. V. omitted information about his disability narcolepsy when he was first hired by the CIA. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.

Questão 26

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Fotografa Cada vez que yo me voy Llevo al lado de mi piel tus fotografas Para verlas cada vez Que tu ausencia me devora entero el corazn Y yo no tengo remedio ms Que amarte... En la distancia te puedo ver Cuando tus fotos me siento a ver En las estrellas tus ojos ver Cuando tus fotos me siento a ver Cada vez que te busco te vas Y cada vez que te llamo no ests Es por eso que debo decir que t solo en mis fotos ests Cuando hay un abismo desnudo que se pone entre los dos Yo me valgo del recuerdo taciturno de tu voz Y de nuevo siento enfermo este corazn Que no le quede remedio ms que amarte Disponvel em: http://www.juanes.net/music/un-dia-normal/. Acesso em: 23 jan. 2015. En la letra de la cancin Fotografa, grabada por los cantantes Juanes y Nelly Furtado, el yo lrico

Questão 26

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) A agricultura tem grande importncia na economia brasileira. Alm de gerar empregos e fornecer alimentos, fonte de matrias-primas industriais e geradoras de receitas obtidas com as exportaes. Sobre a agricultura brasileira assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

Questão 26

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Tattoo Regret? A Topical Removal Cream May Help By Paula Mejia Tats all, folks: A Ph.D. student has developed a cream that targets cells, not pigments, to get rid of unwanted ink. Hannibal Hanschke/Reuters Today, before getting inked, one must have a serious think so as to avoid tattoo remorse. In the future, though, you may not have to worry about laser removal, or surgery, or a touch-up tattoo for those inky regrets anymore, though. Alec Falkenham, a Ph.D. candidate at Halifax, Nova Scotias Dalhousie University, has developed a painless tattoo removal cream that causes tats to gradually fade away. The application of the cream, which he hopes will eventually become commercially available, involves none of the inflammation, redness, blistering or scarring side effects that traditional tattoo removal procedures can have, either. He believes the procedure might even be antiinflammatory. All you have to do is apply the topical cream to your skin. Unlike lasers, which target the pigments in tattoos, the Bisphosphonate Liposomal Tattoo Removal (BLTR) cream targets macrophages, immune system cells that work to rid foreign agents from your body. When you tattoo your body, you are injecting ink deep into the dermisand the macrophages recognize tattoo ink as ―foreign‖ invaders. Some of these macrophages absorb the ink and then carry it to lymph nodes, where both cells and ink are destroyed. Em relao ao processo descrito no texto, para a remoo de tatuagens, correto afirmar que ele