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Questões - PUC | Gabarito e resoluções


(PUC Gois - 2020) Leia o trecho de Vidas Secas, de Graciliano Ramos: Baleia, imvel, paciente, olhava os carves e esperava que a famlia se recolhesse. Enfastiava-a o barulho que Fabiano fazia. No campo, seguindo uma rs, se esgoelava demais. Natural. Mas ali, beira do fogo, para que tanto grito? Fabiano estava-se cansando toa. Baleia se enjoava, cochilava e no podia dormir. Sinha Vitria devia retirar os carves e a cinza, varrer o cho, deitar-se na cama de varas com Fabiano. Os meninos se arrumariam na esteira, por baixo do carit, na sala. Era bom que a deixassem em paz. O dia todo espiava os movimentos das pessoas, tentando adivinhar coisas incompreensveis. Agora precisava dormir, livrar-se das pulgas e daquela vigilncia a que a tinham habituado. Varrido o cho com vassourinha, escorregaria entre as pedras, enroscar-se-ia, adormeceria no calor, sentindo o cheiro das cabras molhadas e ouvindo rumores desconhecidos o tique-taque das pingueiras, a cantiga dos sapos, o sopro do rio cheio. Bichos midos e sem dono iriam visit-la. (RAMOS, Graciliano. Vidas secas. 53. ed. Rio, So Paulo: Record, 1984, pp. 69-70.) Marque a alternativa que indica corretamente o processo de formao das palavras sublinhadas no texto:


(PUC - GO - 2020/1) Consider the grammatical rules of the standard English to choose the option that could fill in the blank. Lets talk to the politicians ____________ we voted last year. They must discuss the topic tomorrow. Maybe we convince them. Mark the alternative with the correct answer:


9. (Puccamp 2020) Em um levantamento dos indivduos presentes em um costo rochoso foram encontradas oito espcies, sendo contados 83 mariscos, 62 cracas, 45 caramujos, 25 algas verdes, 30 algas pardas, 6 estrelas-do-mar, 18 ourios-do-mar e 11 anmonas. Este levantamento apresentou


(PUC-MG) Considere a circunferncia C de equao (x + 1)2+ (y - 1)2= 9 e a reta r de equao x + y = 0. CORRETO afirmar


(PUC-PR2020)Suponha que um geneticista tenha descoberto um novo sistema de tipagem sangunea para seres humanos. Esse sistema apresenta dois novos antgenos X e W, ambos, determinados por alelos diferentes de um gene T, os alelos X e W, que tm frequncia praticamente idntica na populao. Sabendo que esses alelos Tx e Tw so codominantes, um exame para determinao desse tipo de tipagem sangunea, qual(is) antgeno(s) devem ser detectados no sangue de um indivduo heterozigoto?


(PUC-Rio - 2020) How robot carers could be the future for lonely elderly people Alessandro Di Nuovo December 6, 2018 The film Robot and Frank imagined a near-future where robots could do almost everything humans could. The elderly title character was given a robot butler to help him continue living on his own. The robot was capable of everything from cooking and [5] cleaning to socializing and, it turned out, burglary. This kind of science fiction may turn out to be remarkably prescient. As growing numbers of elderly people require care, researchers believe that robots could be [10] one way to address the overwhelming demand. But even though robots might be able to provide care and, in some cases, social interaction, many wonder if they really are the right solution to this uniquely human issue. [15] Loneliness and social isolation are already problems for many seniors and are even linked to cognitive decline and a higher death rate. With the population of seniors expected to rise, many worry that experiences of loneliness will increase, especially [20] if access to care is even more limited. But despite concerns, early studies already show that social robots autonomous robots trained to interact and communicate with humans really could address issues of care and social interaction. The [25] majority of robotics researchers are largely in favour of introducing robotic technology on a wider scale and believe it could reduce loneliness and increase independence in elderly patients. The Japanese government even supports introducing robots in [30] care homes to solve the countrys ageing population problem. However, many strongly recommend carefully balancing the care benefits against the ethical costs. A class of social robots mobile robotic [35] telepresence systems (MRTs) have already been shown to generate positive social interactions withelderly patients. MRTs are essentially video screens on wheels raised to head height that can be controlled remotely using a simple smartphone app. They allow [40] relatives and social workers to visit elderly people more often, even if they live in rural or distant places. Elderly patients dont need to operate the device, leaving them free to interact with their social worker or family. Communication still happens through a [45] computer screen, but the robots physical presence mimics face-to-face interaction for elderly people. Research has shown that people reacted more positively when talking with someone through an MRT than through a regular video call or computer avatar [50] especially lonely people. However, MRTs still require a human operator, which limits the amount of social interaction seniors can have daily. To tackle this, developers worldwide have started creating robot companions programmed with [55] advanced artificial intelligence (AI), which can interact with people on their own. Some examples include pet-like companion robots, including Aibo and Paro, which are made by Japanese developers, and MiRo, which is manufactured in the UK. Other humanoid [60] robots, such as the Care-O-bot and Pepper, are able to provide more complex and comprehensive care. Though pet robots offer limited interaction, they have proved as effective or even more so than real pets in reducing loneliness for elderly people in [65] care homes. Robotic dogs introduced in one UK care home this year were reported to bring happiness and comfort to residents. On the other hand, humanoid robots are already advanced enough to provide much-needed care to [70] elderly people. These robots can pick things up and move independently, and have a more natural, human way of interacting, for example, using arm and hand gestures. More advanced versions have additional sensors and devices, including touchscreens. Many [75] elderly people, finding the touchscreens hard to use, preferred giving spoken commands to the robot and reading its response off the screen. But for those with age-related hearing loss or vision impairment, having the option to use the touchscreen was indispensable. [80] Humanoid robots are still being developed, so their capabilities are still limited. Moreover, studies of humanoid robots have mainly focused on evaluating how well the technology functions without really considering the social impact. There is also a general [85] assumption that it will naturally reduce loneliness. Though research into social robots is just beginning, we do know they can provide some solutions to the challenges mounted by ageing populations, and could even help reduce social isolation and loneliness. [90] At this point, humans are still better in providing care and social contact to the elderly, but robots might be able to fill any gaps, especially as technologies continue to improve. However, before social robots can be fully integrated into care homes, researchers [95] and service providers must address public anxiety and make it clear that robots are designed to assist social workers, not replace them. As long as humans remain in full control to prevent any danger, robots might well be the future of care. Available at:https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgetsand-tech/features/robot-carer-elderly-people-lonelinessageing-population-care-homes-a8659801.html. Retrieved on: July 2, 2019. Adapted. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam os nmeros das linhas do texto original. The option in which the expression inboldfaceconveys an idea of condition is


(Pucrj 2020) A figura acima ilustra a teoria da endossimbiose. Tal teoria explica a evoluo de uma organela, presente em todas as clulas eucariticas, denominada


(PUC2019)A madeira um recurso natural renovvel, amplamente utilizado, por exemplo, na construo civil, movelaria e indstria de celulose. O tipo especfico de tecido da planta que nos fornece a madeira o(a)


(PUC-RJ2019)A epiderme das plantas apresenta vrias estruturas com funes especficas. Entre essas estruturas, pode-se destacar os tricomas e as lenticelas, que tm respectivamente as seguintes funes:


(PUC RJ- 2019) How robot carers could be the future for lonely elderly people Alessandro Di Nuovo December 6, 2018 The film Robot and Frank imagined a near-future where robots could do almost everything humans could. The elderly title character was given a robot butler to help him continue living on his own. The robot was capable of everything from cooking and [5] cleaning to socializing and, it turned out, burglary. This kind of science fiction may turn out to be remarkably prescient. As growing numbers of elderly people require care, researchers believe that robots could be [10] one way to address the overwhelming demand. But even though robots might be able to provide care and, in some cases, social interaction, many wonder if they really are the right solution to this uniquely human issue. [15] Loneliness and social isolation are already problems for many seniors and are even linked to cognitive decline and a higher death rate. With the population of seniors expected to rise, many worry that experiences of loneliness will increase, especially [20] if access to care is even more limited. But despite concerns, early studies already show that social robots autonomous robots trained to interact and communicate with humans really could address issues of care and social interaction. The [25] majority of robotics researchers are largely in favour of introducing robotic technology on a wider scale and believe it could reduce loneliness and increase independence in elderly patients. The Japanese government even supports introducing robots in [30] care homes to solve the countrys ageing population problem. However, many strongly recommend carefully balancing the care benefits against the ethical costs. A class of social robots mobile robotic [35] telepresence systems (MRTs) have already been shown to generate positive social interactions withelderly patients. MRTs are essentially video screens on wheels raised to head height that can be controlled remotely using a simple smartphone app. They allow [40] relatives and social workers to visit elderly people more often, even if they live in rural or distant places. Elderly patients dont need to operate the device, leaving them free to interact with their social worker or family. Communication still happens through a [45] computer screen, but the robots physical presence mimics face-to-face interaction for elderly people. Research has shown that people reacted more positively when talking with someone through an MRT than through a regular video call or computer avatar [50] especially lonely people. However, MRTs still require a human operator, which limits the amount of social interaction seniors can have daily. To tackle this, developers worldwide have started creating robot companions programmed with [55] advanced artificial intelligence (AI), which can interact with people on their own. Some examples include pet-like companion robots, including Aibo and Paro, which are made by Japanese developers, and MiRo, which is manufactured in the UK. Other humanoid [60] robots, such as the Care-O-bot and Pepper, are able to provide more complex and comprehensive care. Though pet robots offer limited interaction, they have proved as effective or even more so than real pets in reducing loneliness for elderly people in [65] care homes. Robotic dogs introduced in one UK care home this year were reported to bring happiness and comfort to residents. On the other hand, humanoid robots are already advanced enough to provide much-needed care to [70] elderly people. These robots can pick things up and move independently, and have a more natural, human way of interacting, for example, using arm and hand gestures. More advanced versions have additional sensors and devices, including touchscreens. Many [75] elderly people, finding the touchscreens hard to use, preferred giving spoken commands to the robot and reading its response off the screen. But for those with age-related hearing loss or vision impairment, having the option to use the touchscreen was indispensable. [80] Humanoid robots are still being developed, so their capabilities are still limited. Moreover, studies of humanoid robots have mainly focused on evaluating how well the technology functions without really considering the social impact. There is also a general [85] assumption that it will naturally reduce loneliness. Though research into social robots is just beginning, we do know they can provide some solutions to the challenges mounted by ageing populations, and could even help reduce social isolation and loneliness. [90] At this point, humans are still better in providing care and social contact to the elderly, but robots might be able to fill any gaps, especially as technologies continue to improve. However, before social robots can be fully integrated into care homes, researchers [95] and service providers must address public anxiety and make it clear that robots are designed to assist social workers, not replace them. As long as humans remain in full control to prevent any danger, robots might well be the future of care. Available at:https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgetsand-tech/features/robot-carer-elderly-people-lonelinessageing-population-care-homes-a8659801.html. Retrieved on: July 2, 2019. Adapted. In the fragment researchers and service providers must address public anxiety and make it clear that robots are designed to assist social workers, not replace them. (lines 94-97), the verb form must conveys an idea of


(PUC 2019)Em quatro lcus autossmicos e de segregao independente, um homem apresenta o gentipo AA Bb CC dd; sua esposa apresenta o gentipo aa Bb CC DD. A probabilidade desse casal ter um filho do sexo masculino de gentipo Aa bb CC Dd de


(PUC 2019) A morfologia das flores apresenta uma estreita com o seu sistema de polinizao. Um colecionador de plantas estcultivando uma especie que apresenta flores pequenas, petalas no vtgosas, sem perfume, grandes anteras versteis e altaproduo de plen. O colecionador, para garantr a reproduo, gostaria de conhecer o agente de dessa espcie, que nesse casoser o(a)


(Pucrs 2019) O ciclo reprodutivo de um pteridfito envolve quatro etapas, conforme mostra a figura a seguir. Com base na figura, relacione o processo com a etapa que o representa.


(PUC/RS - 2019) Consagrai-vos a dois gneros de estudos. Em primeiro lugar deveis adquirir um conhecimento das letras, no vulgar, mas srio e aprofundado.... Depois, familiarizai-vos com a vida e as boas maneiras aquilo a que se chamam de estudos humanos, pois que eles embelezam os homens. Neste domnio os vossos conhecimentos devem ser extensos, variados e hauridos em todas as espcies de experincias, sem nada negligenciar daquilo que possa contribuir para a conduta da vossa vida, para a vossa glria e a vossa reputao. Aconselho-vos a ler os autores que possam ajudar-vos, no somente pelo seu assunto, mas tambm pelo esplendor de seu estilo e seu talento literrio, a saber: as obras de Ccero e as de todos aqueles que se aproximam do seu nvel..., pois quereria que um homem distinto seja muito erudito e capaz de dar aos seus conhecimentos uma formulao elegante... por isso que no se deve somente seguir as lies dos mestres, mas tambm instruir-se com os poetas, os oradores e os historiadores, para adquirir um estilo elegante, eloquente... BRUNI, Leonardo. Correspondncia. In: FREITAS, Gustavo. 900 Textos e documentos de Histria. Lisboa: Bertrand, 1976. p. 143. Com qual dos movimentos intelectuais do perodo moderno o texto se relaciona?


(PUC-PR) Durante o lanamento de sua campanha, em junho de 2015, Donald Trump discursou sobre sua posio oficial em relao imigrao mexicana para os Estados Unidos. Quando o Mxico envia seu povo para c, ele no est enviando o seu melhor. Est mandando pessoas que tm muitos problemas. Eles esto trazendo drogas. Eles esto trazendo crime. Eles so estupradores, disse. Veja, 29 out. 2016. (Adaptado) No sei qual a adeso dos comandantes, mas, caso venham reduzir o efetivo [das Foras Armadas] menos gente nas ruas para fazer frente aos marginais do MST, dos haitianos, senegaleses, bolivianos e tudo que escria do mundo que, agora, est chegando os srios tambm. A escria do mundo est chegando ao Brasil como se ns no tivssemos problema demais para resolver, disse o deputado Jair Bolsonaro. Exame, 22 set. 2015. (Adaptado) Quando pessoas pblicas, grandes lderes ou polticos expem problemas contemporneos complexos com superficialidade e desconhecimento de causa, podem, mesmo que sem inteno, criar atrito diplomtico e insuflar problemas sociais internos, como a