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Questões - PUC | Gabarito e resoluções


(PUCRS 2013) O duende Xass vive com seus pais, que o sustentam com muito custo. Xass afirma que enfrentará o que for preciso para casar-se com a fada Iefa. Mas ela já tem um pretendente, com o qual desenvolveu uma afinidade quase vital. E esse pretendente, Derih, um bruxo que se alimenta unicamente das pétalas caídas dos girassóis do bosque, não deseja perder o amor de Iefa para Xass. Usando a terminologia própria da ecologia, as relações entre Xass e seus pais; Iefa e Derih; Xass e Derih; Derih e os girassóis seriam correta e respectivamente nominadas como:  


(Pucsp 2013) Ao assumir a presidência em março de 1967, Costa e Silva ainda patrocinava a política recessiva do governo anterior. A ditadura parecia não ter nada a oferecer à sociedade. A impopularidade do regime, a formação da Frente Ampla e o movimento estudantil nas ruas convenceram os grupos militares mais duros a pressionar o governo a alterar a política econômica. Com isso, a prioridade de reduzir a inflação por métodos recessivos teria que ser substituída por outra: o crescimento econômico com um controle menos rígido do processo inflacionário. Com o AI-5 e a posse do general Médici na presidência, a nova proposta foi vitoriosa. Jorge Ferreira. João Goulart, uma biografia.Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2011, p. 642. Entre as características dessa nova proposta, que alterou o rumo da condução econômica durante os anos do regime militar, podemos citar a


(PUC RJ - 2013) Recentemente, os produtores de laranja do Brasil foram supreendidos com a notcia de que a exportao de suco de laranja para os Estados Unidos poderia ser suspensa por causa da contaminao pelo agrotxico carbendazim, representado abaixo: De acordo com a estrutura, afirma-se que o carbendazim possui:


A uma certa hora da manhã, a inclinação dos raios solares é tal que um muro de 4,0 m de altura projeta, no chão horizontal, uma sombra de comprimento 6,0 m. Uma senhora de 1,6 m de altura, caminhando na direção do muro, é totalmente coberta pela sombra quando se encontra a quantos metros do muro?


(PUC-Rio - 2013 Vero) Why are we so curious? Cooking is something we all take for granted but a new theory suggests that if we had not learned to cook food, not only would we still look like chimps but, like them, we would also be compelled to spend most [5] of the day chewing. I hate to disappoint you, but whatever your ambitions, whatever your long-term goals, Im pretty sure that reading this column isnt going to further them. It wont stop you feeling hungry. It wont provide [10] any information that might save your life. Its unlikely to make you attractive to the opposite sex. And yet if I were to say that I will teach you a valuable lesson about your inner child, I hope you will want to carry on reading, driven by nothing more than [15] your curiosity to find out a little more. What could be going on in your brain to make you so inquisitive? We humans have a deeply curious nature, and more often than not it is about the minor tittletattle in our lives. Our curiosity has us doing utterly [20] unproductive things like reading news about people we will never meet, learning topics we will never have use for, or exploring places we will never come back to. We just love to know the answers to things, even if theres no obvious benefit. [25] From the perspective of evolution this appears to be something of a mystery. We associate evolution with survival-of-the-fittest traits that support the essentials of day-to-day survival and reproduction. So why did we evolve to waste so much time? Shouldnt [30] evolution have selected for a species which was you know a bit more focussed? Childs play The roots of our peculiar curiosity can be linked to a trait of the human species called neoteny. [35] This is a term from evolutionary theory that means the retention of juvenile characteristics. It means that as a species we are more child-like than other mammals. Being relatively hairless is one physical example. A large brain relative to body size is another. [40] Our lifelong curiosity and playfulness is a behavioural characteristic of neoteny. Neoteny is a short-cut taken by evolution a route that brings about a whole bundle of changes in one go, rather than selecting for them one by one. [45] Evolution, by making us a more juvenile species, has made us weaker than our primate cousins, but it has also given us our childs curiosity, our capacity to learn and our deep sense of attachment to each other. And of course the lifelong capacity to learn is [50] the reason why neoteny has worked so well for our species. Our extended childhood means we can absorb so much more from our environment, including our shared culture. Even in adulthood we can pick up new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking, [55] allowing us to adapt to new circumstances. Exploration bonus In the world of artificial intelligence, computer scientists have explored how behaviour evolves when guided by different learning algorithms. An important [60] result is that even the best learning algorithms fall down if they are not encouraged to explore a little. Without a little something to distract them from what they should be doing, these algorithms get stuck in a rut, relying on the same responses time and time [65] again. Computer scientists have learnt to adjust how these algorithms rate different possible actions with an exploration bonus that is, a reward just for trying something new. Weighted like this, the algorithms then [70] occasionally leave the beaten track to explore. These exploratory actions cost them some opportunities, but leave them better off in the long run because theyve gained knowledge about what they might do, even if it didnt benefit them immediately. [75] The implication for the evolution of our own brain is clear. Curiosity is natures built-in exploration bonus. Were evolved to leave the beaten track, to try things out, to get distracted and generally look like were wasting time. Maybe we are wasting time [80] today, but the learning algorithms in our brain know that something we learnt by chance today will come in useful tomorrow. Obviously it would be best if we knew what we needed to know, and just concentrated on that. [85] Fortunately, in a complex world it is impossible to know what might be useful in the future. And thank goodness otherwise we would have evolved to be a deadly-boring species which never wanted to get lost, never tried things to just see what happened or did [90] things for the hell of it. Evolution made us the ultimate learning machines, and the ultimate learning machines need a healthy dash of curiosity to help us take full advantage of this learning capacity. [95] Or, as Kurt Vonnegut said, We are here on Earth to fart around. Dont let anybody tell you any different. NEUROHACKS 19 June 2012 Why are we so curious? Tom Stafford . Retrieved on July 28, 2012. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam o nmero das linhas do texto original. In lines 91-94, the author states that Evolution made us the ultimate learningmachines, and the ultimate learning machines need a healthy dash of curiosity to help us take full advantage of this learning capacity, which means that


(PUCSP 2013) O cruzamento entre um heterozigoto AaBb e um homozigoto recessivo aabb produziu uma descendncia com as seguintes taxas: AaBb - 2,5% Aabb - 47,5% aaBb - 47,5% aabb - 2,5% Em relao ao resultado obtido, foram feitas cinco afirmaes. Assinale a nica INCORRETA.


(PUC-Rio - 2013 Vero) Why are we so curious? Cooking is something we all take for granted but a new theory suggests that if we had not learned to cook food, not only would we still look like chimps but, like them, we would also be compelled to spend most [5] of the day chewing. I hate to disappoint you, but whatever your ambitions, whatever your long-term goals, Im pretty sure that reading this column isnt going to further them. It wont stop you feeling hungry. It wont provide [10] any information that might save your life. Its unlikely to make you attractive to the opposite sex. And yet if I were to say that I will teach you a valuable lesson about your inner child, I hope you will want to carry on reading, driven by nothing more than [15] your curiosity to find out a little more. What could be going on in your brain to make you so inquisitive? We humans have a deeply curious nature, and more often than not it is about the minor tittletattle in our lives. Our curiosity has us doing utterly [20] unproductive things like reading news about people we will never meet, learning topics we will never have use for, or exploring places we will never come back to. We just love to know the answers to things, even if theres no obvious benefit. [25] From the perspective of evolution this appears to be something of a mystery. We associate evolution with survival-of-the-fittest traits that support the essentials of day-to-day survival and reproduction. So why did we evolve to waste so much time? Shouldnt [30] evolution have selected for a species which was you know a bit more focussed? Childs play The roots of our peculiar curiosity can be linked to a trait of the human species called neoteny. [35] This is a term from evolutionary theory that means the retention of juvenile characteristics. It means that as a species we are more child-like than other mammals. Being relatively hairless is one physical example. A large brain relative to body size is another. [40] Our lifelong curiosity and playfulness is a behavioural characteristic of neoteny. Neoteny is a short-cut taken by evolution a route that brings about a whole bundle of changes in one go, rather than selecting for them one by one. [45] Evolution, by making us a more juvenile species, has made us weaker than our primate cousins, but it has also given us our childs curiosity, our capacity to learn and our deep sense of attachment to each other. And of course the lifelong capacity to learn is [50] the reason why neoteny has worked so well for our species. Our extended childhood means we can absorb so much more from our environment, including our shared culture. Even in adulthood we can pick up new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking, [55] allowing us to adapt to new circumstances. Exploration bonus In the world of artificial intelligence, computer scientists have explored how behaviour evolves when guided by different learning algorithms. An important [60] result is that even the best learning algorithms fall down if they are not encouraged to explore a little. Without a little something to distract them from what they should be doing, these algorithms get stuck in a rut, relying on the same responses time and time [65] again. Computer scientists have learnt to adjust how these algorithms rate different possible actions with an exploration bonus that is, a reward just for trying something new. Weighted like this, the algorithms then [70] occasionally leave the beaten track to explore. These exploratory actions cost them some opportunities, but leave them better off in the long run because theyve gained knowledge about what they might do, even if it didnt benefit them immediately. [75] The implication for the evolution of our own brain is clear. Curiosity is natures built-in exploration bonus. Were evolved to leave the beaten track, to try things out, to get distracted and generally look like were wasting time. Maybe we are wasting time [80] today, but the learning algorithms in our brain know that something we learnt by chance today will come in useful tomorrow. Obviously it would be best if we knew what we needed to know, and just concentrated on that. [85] Fortunately, in a complex world it is impossible to know what might be useful in the future. And thank goodness otherwise we would have evolved to be a deadly-boring species which never wanted to get lost, never tried things to just see what happened or did [90] things for the hell of it. Evolution made us the ultimate learning machines, and the ultimate learning machines need a healthy dash of curiosity to help us take full advantage of this learning capacity. [95] Or, as Kurt Vonnegut said, We are here on Earth to fart around. Dont let anybody tell you any different. NEUROHACKS 19 June 2012 Why are we so curious? Tom Stafford . Retrieved on July 28, 2012. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam o nmero das linhas do texto original. The author defines neoteny as (l. 42)


(Pucsp 2013) O estudo da energia reticular de um retículo cristalino iônico envolve a análise do ciclo de Born-Haber. O diagrama de entalpia a seguir exemplifica o ciclo de BornHaber do cloreto de potássio (KCl). A partir da análise do diagrama é INCORRETO afirmar que


(PUC/RS- 2013) O feudalismo europeu foi resultante de uma lenta e complexa integrao de estruturas sociais romanas com estruturas dos povos conhecidos como germanos, ocorrida entre os sculos V e IX. Uma das principais estruturas germnicas que compuseram o feudalismo foi


(PUC/RJ) Dos movimentos ligados s lutas sociais na Amrica Latina, um deles se projetou na Amrica do Sul, a partir dos anos de 1980, quando passou a cunhar discursos libertadores, nacionalistas e emancipatrios na regio, originados nos ideais liberais e anti-imperialistas do incio do sculo XIX. Tal movimento vem se espalhando, na atualidade, nos pases sul-americanos, consolidando-se como uma importante fora geopoltica continental chamada:


(PUC SP/2013) O sistema nervoso autnomo formado por fibras simpticas e parassimpticas que atuam nos rgos viscerais de maneira antagnica. A liberao de adrenalina pelo sistema nervoso


(PUC-Rio - 2013) Al mundo le sobran 15 millones de toneladas de peso Un estudio alerta del incremento del consumo de comida por la obesidad. Sobre una bscula, la humanidad pesara 287 millones de toneladas, de las que 15 millones son de sobrepeso. Lo afirma un estudio de la Escuela de Higiene y Medicina Tropical de Londres. Es como si hubiera 242 millones de personas ms en el mundo, anota el texto. Y 5tambin hay que alimentarlas. 1La obesidad es una epidemia y el quinto factor de muerte en el mundo, segn la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud. Los kilos de ms son una cuestin de salud, pero tambin social, dicen los investigadores. Las personas con sobrepeso necesitan ms cantidad de energa para moverse. Eso significa ms comida. Todo el arroz, los cereales o la carne que EE UU emplea en alimentar su gordura podra sustentar a 22 millones de personas al da, explica David Prieto-Merino, coautor del estudio junto a otros cinco expertos. El 4dato en todo el mundo asciende a 111 millones de personas que podran comer de lo que ahora consumen de ms los adultos con un ndice de masa corporal superior a 25, para mantener (que no aumentar) su sobrepeso. 2La investigacin muestra que ese peso extra no est uniformemente repartido. Los pases ricos son los ms gordos, 3mientras que los pobres tienen serias dificultades para cubrir sus necesidades nutricionales. Segn sus clculos, 12 norteamericanos adultos pesan una tonelada (81 kilogramos de media), mientras que haran falta 17 asiticos para llegar a esa cantidad (59 kilos). La lucha contra la gordura puede ser crucial para la seguridad alimentaria y 8la sostenibilidad ecolgica, escriben los autores. Tanto como el crecimiento poblacional, aaden. El pasado octubre la cantidad de habitantes sobre el planeta alcanz los 7.000 millones. La ONU estima que en 2050 habr 2.300 millones ms. Lo que ha avivado el debate de si habr recursos suficientes para sustentar a tanta gente. El sobrepeso incrementa la demanda de alimentos. Si todo el mundo pesara lo mismo que la media norteamericana (81 kilos), sera como si hubiera 500 millones de personas ms sobre la tierra en trminos de consumo de comestibles. Y esa parece ser la tendencia. Nuestro cuerpo est genticamente programado para comer todo lo que podamos. Pero, con los avances tecnolgicos, ahora no gastamos esa energa, dice Prieto-Merino. El experto aade: Si dejramos de consumir ms de lo que necesitamos, esa comida podra ir a pases donde no se cubren las necesidades alimenticias. La produccin mundial de alimentos dara para comer a toda la poblacin, pero el acceso es desigual, aade Amador Gmez, director tcnico de Accin Contra el Hambre. 9Es un contrasentido que una parte del mundo se muera de sobrepeso y otra de desnutricin, 6zanja. Pero la solucin no es fcil. Hara falta una adaptacin muy fuerte para vencer nuestra tendencia gentica a comer todo lo que disponemos, explica Prieto-Merino. Por eso propone un estilo de vida ms activo, para quemar energa. Para Gmez, 10la estrategia de fondo es la erradicacin de la pobreza, que mejorara la posibilidad de acceso a los alimentos de las naciones que ahora no pueden competir en el mercado. 12Si producimos demasiado lo tiramos antes que mandarlo a pases pobres para que no bajen los precios. 11Es la perversin total, denuncia Prieto-Merino. Un informe del Parlamento Europeo el pasado febrero confirma que el 7derroche de comida es una realidad: los europeos desperdiciamos 89 millones de toneladas al ao de productos que seran comestibles. Los pases ricos estamos ms gordos y desperdiciamos ms. El crecimiento descontrolado de la poblacin es ms propio de los pases pobres. Todo amenaza la sostenibilidad del planeta. Por eso la comunidad cientfica ha querido llevar este tema a la Cumbre de Ro+20. En un documento rubricado por Global Network of Science Academies (IAP), se alerta por primera vez de los riesgos del consumo voraz en el primer mundo y de la falta de control demogrfico, sobre todo en las naciones en vas de desarrollo. Alejandra Agudo. El Pas. Madrid, 22 jun. 2012. Marca la nica alternativa donde la correspondencia semntica NO es correcta.


O dicromato de potssio (K2Cr2O7) pode ser utilizado para a determinao do teor de carbono orgnico do solo. A reao no balanceada est representada a seguir: Sobre esse processo foram feitas algumas afirmaes: I. O nion dicromato o agente oxidante, possibilitando a oxidao da matria orgnica a dixido de carbono. II. necessrio 0,5 Lde soluo aquosa de dicromato de concentrao 0,20 molL-1para oxidar completamente, em meio cido, 4,50 gde matria orgnica presente no solo. III. Na reao para cada mol de dicromato (Cr2O7-2)que reage so consumidos 8 molde ctions H+. Sobre essas sentenas pode-se afirmar que


(PUCRS 2013)INSTRUÇÃO: Responder à questão com base no texto a seguir, sobre a história da cerveja. Há evidências de que a prática da cervejaria originou-se há mais de 5 mil anos na região da Mesopotâmia, onde a cevada cresce em estado selvagem. Gravuras, inscrições, poemas e registros arqueológicos deste período sugerem o uso da cerveja. Outros documentos históricos mostram, em 2100 a.C., sumérios alegrando-se com uma bebida fermentada, obtida de cereais. Mais tarde, a cerveja passou a ser produzida por padeiros, devido à natureza dos ingredientes que utilizavam: leveduras e grãos de cereais. A cevada era deixada de molho até germinar e, então, moída e moldada em bolos, aos quais se adicionava a levedura. Os bolos, após parcialmente assados e desfeitos, eram colocados em jarras com água e deixados fermentar. Com o passar do tempo, cada família produzia a sua própria bebida. A expansão da produção se deu com o Império Romano. E foram os gauleses que cunharam o nome atualmente usado, denominando essa bebida de cevada de cerevisia, ou cervisia, em homenagem a Ceres, deusa da agricultura e da fertilidade. Na Idade Média, os conventos assumiram a fabricação da cerveja, e os monges reproduziram em manuscritos a técnica de fabricação. Artesãos, pequenas fábricas e, por fim, grandes indústrias trouxeram, de então, esse nobre líquido aos dias atuais. Elaborado com base em informações obtidas em http:// www.brejas.com.br O lúpulo (Humulus lupulus) é uma liana que cresce em regiões temperadas e frias, cuja inflorescência também é usada na fabricação da cerveja. Ao observar o lúpulo, constata-se que nele


(PUC/RS - 2013) Leia o trecho a seguir. Minha terra tem palmeiras, Onde canta o Sabi; As aves que aqui gorjeiam No gorjeiam como l. (...) No permita Deus que eu morra, Sem que eu volte para l; Sem que desfrute os primores Que no encontro por c; Sem quinda aviste as palmeiras, Onde canta o Sabi. Os versos do famoso poema Cano do Exlio evi denciam um grande amor ptria, simbolizada por sua natureza. Criado por _________ e pertencente escola _________, o poema revela, em tom _________, um eu lrico que exterioriza sua _________. A alternativa correta para o preenchimento das lacunas acima :