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No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - PUC | Gabarito e resoluções


(Pucrj 2007) En el fragmento y por qué LA seguía (viñeta 6), el elemento destacado se refiere


(Pucsp 2007) Um objeto é colocado a 30 cm de um espelho esférico côncavoperpendicularmente ao eixo óptico deste espelho. A imagem que se obtém é classificada comoreal e se localiza a 60 cm do espelho. Se o objeto for colocado a 10 cm do espelho, sua novaimagem


(Pucpr 2007) Assinale a alternativa que contém a afirmação correta sobre o Naturalismo no Brasil.


(PUC - PR-2007) A clorao total do metano produz tetracloreto de carbono. Conhecendo as entalpias de formao dos reagentes e produtos na tabela abaixo, determine o valor do H para esta reao.


(PUC-PR - 2007) O conto A felicidade clandestina narra um episdio de crueldade entre adolescentes. O motivo o emprstimo de um livro de Monteiro Lobato. Assinale a alternativa que contm a resposta correta para qualificar a situao narrada.


(PUC - SP-2007) O romance A Cidade e as Serras, de Eça de Queirós, publicado em 1901, é desenvolvimento de um conto chamado Civilização. Do romance como um todo pode afirmar-se que


(Pucpr 2007) We dont know with __________ he was talking on the phone.


(PUC Minas - 2007) ... o que me interessa um pouco exercitar o absurdo, afirma Jos Eduardo Agualusa sobre sua produo literria. Em O vendedor de passados, esse exerccio do absurdo s NO propicia:


(PUC Minas -2007) THE KITE RUNNER As anyone who has read the best-selling novel The Kite Runner knows, springtime in Kabul is announced by flocks of kites. But these arent the kites of lazy weekend picnics. They are flying machines. The Afghan tendency for competition and gambling means that almost anything offers opportunity for a fight, from dogs to cocks, and even kites. The object of this cruel ballet is to slice your opponents string with yours, sending the defeated paper jewel spiraling to the streets below. Packs of boys too poor to buy their own kites, race for it so that they too can enter the dispute. They are the kite runners. In a country where most success stories are haunted by failure, about the only thing going right these days is the kite making industry. One of the impulsive moves of the Taliban regime, along with the banning of music and the requirement that all men grow beards, was a total prohibition of kite flying. In the first days after the fall of the Taliban in December 2001, men shaved, music was played on car stereos and kites took to the air. For Noor Agha, Kabuls best kite maker, business has been soaring ever since. Agha has been feverishly at work producing hundreds of kites for use in China on the set of the highly anticipated adaptation of Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner. Agha says he treats every kite he is making for the movie as a work of art, marking each with his name and signature scorpion image. Even though few of the kites will be used in competition, he incorporates in their manufacture the techniques he has developed through years of flying and fighting. Making kites is my job, he says. Fighting them is my disease. (Adapted from: Time, February 22, 2007) The fact that Agha has been feverishly at work indicates that


(PUC-RJ 2007) Uma chapa quadrada, feita de um material encontrado no planeta Marte, tem rea A = 100,0 cm2 a uma temperatura de 100 C. A uma temperatura de 0,0 C, qual ser a rea da chapa em cm2? Considere que o coeficiente de expanso linear do material = 2,0 10-3/ C.


(PUCRJ - 2007)Uma caracterstica gentica recessiva presente no cromossomo Y :


(PUC/RJ - 2006) Observe a charge anteriormente apresentada. Ela se refere a uma liderana poltica da Amrica do Sul bastante controversa: o presidente Hugo Chvez. Em relao a ele e ao pas por ele representado, CORRETO afirmar que:


(PUC Minas - 2007) THE KITE RUNNER As anyone who has read the best-selling novel The Kite Runner knows, springtime in Kabul is announced by flocks of kites. But these arent the kites of lazy weekend picnics. They are flying machines. The Afghan tendency for competition and gambling means that almost anything offers opportunity for a fight, from dogs to cocks, and even kites. The object of this cruel ballet is to slice your opponents string with yours, sending the defeated paper jewel spiraling to the streets below. Packs of boys too poor to buy their own kites, race for it so that they too can enter the dispute. They are the kite runners. In a country where most success stories are haunted by failure, about the only thing going right these days is the kite making industry. One of the impulsive moves of the Taliban regime, along with the banning of music and the requirement that all men grow beards, was a total prohibition of kite flying. In the first days after the fall of the Taliban in December 2001, men shaved, music was played on car stereos and kites took to the air. For Noor Agha, Kabuls best kite maker, business has been soaring ever since. Agha has been feverishly at work producing hundreds of kites for use in China on the set of the highly anticipated adaptation of Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner. Agha says he treats every kite he is making for the movie as a work of art, marking each with his name and signature scorpion image. Even though few of the kites will be used in competition, he incorporates in their manufacture the techniques he has developed through years of flying and fighting. Making kites is my job, he says. Fighting them is my disease. (Adapted from:Time, February 22, 2007) Kite runners are


(PUCPR 2007) Os reforços apresentados pelas paredes dos vasos lenhosos (anelados, espiralados, etc.) têm por função:


(PUC Minas -2007) THE KITE RUNNER As anyone who has read the best-selling novel The Kite Runner knows, springtime in Kabul is announced by flocks of kites. But these arent the kites of lazy weekend picnics. They are flying machines. The Afghan tendency for competition and gambling means that almost anything offers opportunity for a fight, from dogs to cocks, and even kites. The object of this cruel ballet is to slice your opponents string with yours, sending the defeated paper jewel spiraling to the streets below. Packs of boys too poor to buy their own kites, race for it so that they too can enter the dispute. They are the kite runners. In a country where most success stories are haunted by failure, about the only thing going right these days is the kite making industry. One of the impulsive moves of the Taliban regime, along with the banning of music and the requirement that all men grow beards, was a total prohibition of kite flying. In the first days after the fall of the Taliban in December 2001, men shaved, music was played on car stereos and kites took to the air. For Noor Agha, Kabuls best kite maker, business has been soaring ever since. Agha has been feverishly at work producing hundreds of kites for use in China on the set of the highly anticipated adaptation of Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner. Agha says he treats every kite he is making for the movie as a work of art, marking each with his name and signature scorpion image. Even though few of the kites will be used in competition, he incorporates in their manufacture the techniques he has developed through years of flying and fighting. Making kites is my job, he says. Fighting them is my disease. (Adapted from: Time, February 22, 2007) The Taliban regime