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Questões - IME | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 30

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia as passagens seguintes e marque a alternativa correta de acordo com a pergunta que segue cada texto. Fisheries may be an ancient economic activity, but nowadays they are at the forefront of globalization. For instance, when it comes to the trade itself: a blue hake caught off the coast of New Zealand by a Japanese vessel may be processed in China before being flown to a market in London or Paris. Saying that fisheries are at the forefront of globalization means that

Questão 30

(IME - 2008/2009) Um corpo est a 40 cm de distncia de uma lente cuja distncia focal -10 cm. A imagem deste corpo

Questão 31

(IME - 2008/2009)Considere as seguintes afirmativas: I. A molcula de SO2 linear e possui hibridao sp. II. O hexafluoreto de enxofre possui estrutura octadrica. III. Em virtude da posio do tomo de carbono na Tabela Peridica, pode-se afirmar que no existem compostos orgnicos contendo orbitais hbridos sp3d ou sp3d2 . IV. O nmero total de orbitais hbridos sempre igual ao nmero total de orbitais atmicos puros empregados na sua formao. As afirmativas corretas so apenas:

Questão 31

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. O quadro abaixo apresenta um ttulo apropriado para cada pargrafo do texto, conforme seu contedo. Observe o quadro e responda s questes de 31 a 35. A) The innovative material B) Personified inanimate objects C) Past-inspired sci-fi D) Already in the market E) Allying technologies promise the product accessible in ten years Atribua o ttulo apropriado a cada pargrafo, de acordo com o quadro acima Ttulo para o primeiro pargrafo?

Questão 32

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. O quadro abaixo apresenta um ttulo apropriado para cada pargrafo do texto, conforme seu contedo. Observe o quadro e responda s questes de 31 a 35. A) The innovative material B) Personified inanimate objects C) Past-inspired sci-fi D) Already in the market E) Allying technologies promise the product accessible in ten years Atribua o ttulo apropriado a cada pargrafo, de acordo com o quadro acima Ttulo para o segundo pargrafo

Questão 32

(IME - 2008/2009) No processo de refino eletroltico do cobre utilizam-se eletrodos deste metal e soluo aquosa de sulfato de cobre (II). Neste processo correto afirmar que

Questão 33

(IME - 2008/2009) Uma massa x de CaCO3reagiu com 50 mL de HCl 0,20 mol/L aquoso, sendo o meio reacional, posteriormente, neutralizado com 12 mL de NaOH aquoso. Sabe-se que 20 mL dessa soluo foram titulados com 25 mL de HCl 0,20 M. A massa x de CaCO3 :

Questão 33

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. O quadro abaixo apresenta um ttulo apropriado para cada pargrafo do texto, conforme seu contedo. Observe o quadro e responda s questes de 31 a 35. A) The innovative material B) Personified inanimate objects C) Past-inspired sci-fi D) Already in the market E) Allying technologies promise the product accessible in ten years Atribua o ttulo apropriado a cada pargrafo, de acordo com o quadro acima Ttulo para o terceiro pargrafo

Questão 34

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. O quadro abaixo apresenta um ttulo apropriado para cada pargrafo do texto, conforme seu contedo. Observe o quadro e responda s questes de 31 a 35. A) The innovative material B) Personified inanimate objects C) Past-inspired sci-fi D) Already in the market E) Allying technologies promise the product accessible in ten years Atribua o ttulo apropriado a cada pargrafo, de acordo com o quadro acima Ttulo para o quarto pargrafo

Questão 34

(IME - 2008/2009) O osso humano constitudo por uma fase mineral e uma fase orgnica, sendo a primeira correspondente a cerca de 70% da massa ssea do ser humano. Dentre os minerais conhecidos, a hidroxiapatita, , o mineral de estrutura cristalina e estequiometria mais prxima dos nanocristais constituintes da fase mineral dos tecidos sseos. Considere que os tomos de clcio esto na fase mineral dos tecidos sseos e que o esqueleto de um indivduo corresponde a um tero do seu peso. O nmero de tomos de clcio em uma pessoa de 60 kg (Dados: massas atmicas Ca = 40 u.m.a.; P = 31 u.m.a.; O = 16 u.m.a.; H = 1 u.m.a.; Nmero de Avogadro = 6,02 x 1023)

Questão 35

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. O quadro abaixo apresenta um ttulo apropriado para cada pargrafo do texto, conforme seu contedo. Observe o quadro e responda s questes de 31 a 35. A) The innovative material B) Personified inanimate objects C) Past-inspired sci-fi D) Already in the market E) Allying technologies promise the product accessible in ten years Atribua o ttulo apropriado a cada pargrafo, de acordo com o quadro acima Ttulo para o quinto pargrafo

Questão 35

(IME - 2008/2009) Foram introduzidos 10 mols de uma substncia X no interior de um conjunto cilindropisto adiabtico, sujeito a uma presso constante de 1atm. X reage espontnea e irreversivelmente segundo a reao: Considere que a temperatura no incio da reao 300 K e que as capacidades calorficas molares das substncias X e Y so constantes e iguais a 5,0 cal.mol-1.K-1 e 1,0 cal.mol-1.K-1, respectivamente. O volume final do conjunto cilindro-pisto (Dado: R = 0,082 atm.L.mol-1.K-1)

Questão 36

(IME - 2008/2009) Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 36

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. In which of the following you are likely to find the text E-NOSE?

Questão 37

(IME - 2008/2009) Considere a seqncia de reaes e o perfil energtico associados ao processo de oxidao do dixido de enxofre. A alternativa que apresenta corretamente os compostos no estgio II, o catalisador e a lei de velocidade para a reao global Obs:. Escolha, no gabarito da plataforma, a opo que marca corretamente os itens tomando como referncia a seguinte tabela: