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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - IME | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 26

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Uma fina placa metlica , apoiada em um tablete de cortia no fundo de um frasco cilndrico, dista 5 metros de uma placa idntica , fixa no teto, conforme a figura acima. As duas placas formam um capacitor carregado com Q coulombs. Enche-se o referido frasco com um lquido de ndice de refrao n = 2,5, at a altura de h metros. Em seguida, lana-se sobre o centro da superfcie um raio de luz monocromtica, sob um ngulo de 30 com a vertical. Sabendo que a energia armazenada no capacitor fica reduzida a 0,6 do valor inicial, que o raio refratado atinge um ponto situado a x metros do centro do fundo do frasco e desprezando o efeito de borda do capacitor, podemos dizer que o valor aproximado de x : Observao: A espessura da cortia desprezvel em relao altura h.

Questão 26

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) The history of technology is full of breakthroughs in one field that wound up working wonders in a related one. The 300B vacuum tube, introduced by Western Electric in 1937 to amplify telephone signals, found a far more enduring use as a high-fidelity audio amplifier. The atomic clocks first used in the 1960s by the U.S. military to track Sputnik and later to validate Albert Einsteins relativity theories are now the basis of Global Positioning System. And of course, the magnetron, invented in the 1920s at General Electric and used in radars during World War II, later found itself repurposed as the basis for the microwave oven. According to the text, complete the sentence: The microwave oven

Questão 27

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) Soon enough, say some engineers, miniature wireless sensors will be located in spots where it would be inconvenient, to say the least, to change their batteries inside your body, within the steel and concrete of buildings, in the dangerous innards of chemical plants. But today, even the most robust nodes can be counted on to last only a few years. Ideally, engineers need wireless sensors that can last forever without external power sources or battery changes. According to research presented in December at the International Electron Devices Meeting, in Baltimore, that dream is within reach. What inconvenience is mentioned in the text?

Questão 27

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Uma pedra est presa a um fio e oscila da maneira mostrada na figura acima. Chamando T a trao no fio e o ngulo entre o fio e a vertical, considere as seguintes afirmativas: I) O mdulo da fora resultante que atua na pedra igual a T sen. II) O mdulo da componente, na direo do movimento, da fora resultante que atua na pedra mximo quando a pedra atinge a altura mxima. III) A componente, na direo do fio, da fora resultante que atua na pedra nula no ponto em que a pedra atinge a altura mxima. Est(o) correta(s) a(s) afirmativa(s):

Questão 28

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] A figura acima representa o sistema de bombeamento de gua de uma residncia. As alturas de suco () e recalque () valem, respectivamente, 10 e 15 m. O sistema projetado para trabalhar com uma vazo de . A bomba que efetua o recalque da gua acionada por um motor eltrico, de corrente contnua, que alimentado por uma tenso de 200 V. A corrente de operao do motor, em ampres, para que o sistema opere com a vazo projetada , aproximadamente: Observao: as perdas internas do motor eltrico e da bomba so desprezveis. Dados: as perdas devido ao acoplamento entre o motor e a bomba so de 30%; acelerao da gravidade: massa especfica da gua: 1 kg/L

Questão 28

(IME -2010/2011 - 1 FASE) Soon enough, say some engineers, miniature wireless sensors will be located in spots where it would be inconvenient, to say the least, to change their batteries inside your body, within the steel and concrete of buildings, in the dangerous innards of chemical plants. But today, even the most robust nodes can be counted on to last only a few years. Ideally, engineers need wireless sensors that can last forever without external power sources or battery changes. According to research presented in December at the International Electron Devices Meeting, in Baltimore, that dream is within reach. What does the sentence According to research presented in December at the International Electron Devices Meeting, in Baltimore, that dream is within reach. imply about the text?

Questão 29

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) Soon enough, say some engineers, miniature wireless sensors will be located in spots where it would be inconvenient, to say the least, to change their batteries inside your body, within the steel and concrete of buildings, in the dangerous innards of chemical plants. But today, even the most robust nodes can be counted on to last only a few years. Ideally, engineers need wireless sensors that can last forever without external power sources or battery changes. According to research presented in December at the International Electron Devices Meeting, in Baltimore, that dream is within reach. The expression to say the least in the text suggests that

Questão 29

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Um sistema composto por dois geradores denominados e , cuja tenso de sada , apresentado na figura acima. Este sistema alimenta uma carga que opera com uma tenso V e demanda da rede uma corrente I. O valor de em funo de , de modo que o gerador atenda 40% da potncia da carga, :

Questão 30

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] A gua que alimenta um reservatrio, inicialmente vazio, escoa por uma tubulao de 2 m de comprimento e seo reta circular. Percebe-se que uma escala no reservatrio registra um volume de 36 L aps 30 min de operao. Nota-se tambm que a temperatura na entrada da tubulao 25 C e a temperatura na sada 57 C. A gua aquecida por um dispositivo que fornece 16,8 kW para cada metro quadrado da superfcie do tubo. Dessa forma, o dimetro da tubulao, em mm, e a velocidade da gua no interior do tubo, em cm/s, valem, respectivamente: Dados: /4 = 0,8; massa especfica da gua: 1 kg/L; calor especfico da gua: 4200 J/ kgC

Questão 30

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) Recently, I was looking for something online, or probably browsing aimlessly, when I happened on a name I hadnt thought of since I was a child: Alfred P. Morgan. Someone had uploaded a digitized version of The Boy Electrician. I was instantly swept back more than half a century to my local library. In my mind I saw the familiar metal shelving and the blue-gray binding of my favorite book, also written and illustrated by Morgan: The Boys First Book of Radio and Electronics. What is known about Alfred P. Morgan?

Questão 31

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) Recently, I was looking for something online, or probably browsing aimlessly, when I happened on a name I hadnt thought of since I was a child: Alfred P. Morgan. Someone had uploaded a digitized version of The Boy Electrician. I was instantly swept back more than half a century to my local library. In my mind I saw the familiar metal shelving and the blue-gray binding of my favorite book, also written and illustrated by Morgan: The Boys First Book of Radio and Electronics. Which of the following expressions is a synonym for aimlessly on the first line of the text?

Questão 32

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) An old axiom says that in order to know where you are going, you first have to know where you are. To that, add that you should know which way you are facing. Makers of wireless handsets, proving the old axiom true, have already installed Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and are now poised to flood the market with phones containing tiny electronic compasses that allow the gadget to sense exactly what direction its facing. What general idea underlies the paragraph?

Questão 33

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) An old axiom says that in order to know where you are going, you first have to know where you are. To that, add that you should know which way you are facing. Makers of wireless handsets, proving the old axiom true, have already installed Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and are now poised to flood the market with phones containing tiny electronic compasses that allow the gadget to sense exactly what direction its facing. Complete the sentence according to the text: A (an) _____ will let you know where you are, whereas to know which direction you are looking you need a (an) ______.

Questão 33

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Marque a resposta certa, correspondente aos nmeros de oxidao dos elementos sublinhados em cada frmula, na ordem em que esto apresentados.

Questão 34

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) An old axiom says that in order to know where you are going, you first have to know where you are. To that, add that you should know which way you are facing. Makers of wireless handsets, proving the old axiom true, have already installed Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and are now poised to flood the market with phones containing tiny electronic compasses that allow the gadget to sense exactly what direction its facing. What is known about the makers of wireless handsets?