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Questões - IME | Gabarito e resoluções


Segundo os preceitos da gramtica normativa relacionados ao correto emprego das vrgulas, considere as seguintes assertivas relacionadas ao texto 1: I. Em Eu sentia o mesmo, mas de uma outra maneira. (linha 5), a vrgula pode ser retirada sem acarretar prejuzo a norma padro e as informaes originais do perodo por se tratar do uso facultativo da vrgula. II. Em Pode acabar no pas, Kindzu. (linha 19), justifica-se o uso da vrgula por separar facultativamente o termo com a funo de vocativo. III. Nos excertos J em meu concho, remando para terra, surgia clara a razo do meu retorno costa. (linha 24) e Aquelas vises, dias antes, j tinham estado em meus olhos. (linha 30). correto afirmar que ostermos destacados possuem a mesma justificativa para o emprego das vrgulas. Est(o) correta(s) apenas a(s) assertiva(s):


Considere as assertivas relacionadas aos textos 1 e 2: I. O texto 2 apresenta a guerra como uma experincia-limite que pea prova a crena e a descrena do homem. II. O texto 1 considera o amor de Kindzu por Farida como um contrapeso salutar a dor e solido do personagem em um pas fraturado pela guerra civil. III. O texto 1 e o texto 2 enfatizam a dimenso da fora e da resistnciados indivduos em face de situaes desesperadoras e sem sada. Est(o) correta(s) apenas a(s) assertiva(s):


Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good(21)animals, and good for(22)health. Its not all or(23). While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it(24)not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the(25)for intensive farming methods,(26)animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow(27)and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally(28)year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where(29)like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe(30)free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions,(31)more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the(32)largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/why-we-should-eat-lessmeat [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].


Farida queria conhecer mais: saber o motivo da guerra, a razo daquele desfile de infinitos lutos. Lembrei as palavras de Surendra: tinha que haver guerra, tinha que haver morte. (texto 1, linhas 14 a 16). De acordo com a gramtica normativa quanto regncia, a alternativa cuja redaoestcorreta e apresenta o verbo com regncia semelhante ao do termo em destaque no excerto acima :


Os pontos A(1, 3), B(2, 6), C(7, 5) e D(7, 3) situam-se sobre lados distintos de um quadrado EFGH. Determine as coordenadas dos vrtices desse quadrado.


Which of the following issues is not discussed on Texts 2 and 3?


Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good(21)animals, and good for(22)health. Its not all or(23). While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it(24)not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the(25)for intensive farming methods,(26)animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow(27)and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally(28)year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where(29)like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe(30)free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions,(31)more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the(32)largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/why-we-should-eat-lessmeat [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].


Para n natural positivo, o nmero On definido como a soma dos n primeiros termos da progresso aritmtica de razo 6 iniciada em 1. Dos 2024 primeiros nmeros On, quantos apresentam resto 1 na diviso por 8 ?


Em relaoao texto 2, considere as assertivas a seguir: Est(o) correta(s) apenas a(s) assertiva(s):


Based on the tone of Text 2, which of the following options best describes the authors attitude towards global warming?


Em [...] tudo para ela corria no alm-visto (linhas 11 e 12), Mia Couto evidencia uma das suas principais caractersticas, a criao de novas palavras. De acordo com a gramtica normativa, a alternativa em que o emprego do hfen possui a mesma justificativa do vocbulo em destaque alm-visto :


Em relao ao texto 2, pode-se afirmar que o poema


Text 2 The climate is changing the thing is, it isnt just due to humans By Tonya T. Neaves 1 Natural forces beyond human control are also gradually affecting our climate. These geophysical forces are vital to understanding global warming. Man is indeed responsible for a large portion possibly even a majority of global warming. But also in play are complex gravitational interactions, including changes in the Earths orbit, axial tilt and torque. This fact needs to be included in the public debate. Because these gravitational shifts, 5 occurring over millennia, can influence climate patterns and ultimately lead to noticeable variations in seasons. Interestingly, research suggests climate change can alter the tilt of the Earth, but an unrelated change in tilt can also further change the climate. It is a balance-counterbalance relationship. Changes in seasons can also affect other types of storms, including severe winter snowstorms and tornadoes. The variations in the Earths orbit are known as the Milankovitch cycles after the Serbian geophysicist Milutin Milankovic, who hypothesized this 10 phenomenon in the 1920s. He discovered that variations in the Earths path around the Sun, axial tilt and torque could together affect our climate. Even a slight change or orientation in the precession of the Earths rotating body can cause a wobbling effect shifting torque in different areas since the planet is not a perfect sphere to some peoples surprise. Now would seem a particularly apt time to act. The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season was an intense, record-setting period. With several landfall hurricanes barreling their way through the Caribbean and 15 Gulf of Mexico, devastating parts of the Leeward Islands and United States. Still, even President Donald J. Trump has implied the whole of idea climate change may just be a hoax. Most Republicans seem to agree that it is not a serious problem. Meanwhile, while some Democrats have tried to use the frequency and intensity of storms in the hopes of highlighting the climate change conversation, even this effort has seemed muted. The heightened culture of disaster only feeds our attention on political banter and ideological semantics with no room for informed 20 decision-making. Though climate change is inevitable, we also need to have a healthy appreciation of the fact that climate shifts arent just limited to rapidly changing weather patterns. Turning the corner into unexplored territory is always difficult. By having a broader sense of communal resiliency social, political and economic standing we can manage this unavoidable pendulum of climate extremes. Adapted from: THINK - Opinion, Analysis, Essays in: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/climate-changingnot-just-because-humans-here-s-why-matters-ncna824271 [Accessed on March 10th, 2023]. Choose the wrong option according to Text 2:


Acoording to Text 3, there is no correlation between climate conspiration theories and:


Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good(21)animals, and good for(22)health. Its not all or(23). While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it(24)not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the(25)for intensive farming methods,(26)animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow(27)and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally(28)year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where(29)like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe(30)free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions,(31)more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the(32)largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/why-we-should-eat-lessmeat [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].