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Questões - IME | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 37

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. Escolha a palavra ou expresso que apresenta um significado DIFERENTE do significado da palavra sublinhada em: This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories

Questão 38

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. De acordo com o contedo do texto E-nose, qual das seguintes frases provvel ser encontrada no texto?

Questão 38

(IME - 2008/2009) Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 39

(IME - 2008/2009)A neocarzinostatina uma molcula da famlia das enediinas que so produtos naturais isolados de microrganismos e apresentam poderosa atividade anti-tumoral, por serem capazes de agir como intercalantes nas molculas de DNA, interrompendo, dessa forma, o rpido crescimento celular caracterstico das clulas tumorais. Analisando a estrutura da neocarzinostatina acima, pode-se afirmar que esta forma cannica da molcula possui

Questão 39

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. Qual o significado do seguinte fragmento retirado do texto E-nose: Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers?

Questão 40

(IME - 2008/2009) Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 40

(IME - 2008/2009 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e resolva as questes que o seguem. E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08 Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the characteristically sweet smell of a patients breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patients breath again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets. This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories, where researchers have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of their contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs. Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until now, its been just so much sci-fi. E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today theyre used to distinguish wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtop systems are also used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable unitsare used to monitor air quality. But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to 100,000. A coming convergence between e-nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down way down. Within a decade well see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliancespicture a refrigerator that knows when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020. The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life. Qual dos ttulos seguintes pode ser usado apropriadamente para substituir o ttulo do texto E-nose?

Questão 1

(IME - 2007)A figura abaixo ilustra um pequeno bloco e uma mola sobre uma mesa retangular de largura d, vista de cima. A mesa constituda por dois materiais diferentes, um sem atrito e o outro com coeficiente de atrito cintico igual a 0,5. A mola tem uma de suas extremidades fixada no ponto A e a outra no bloco. A mola est inicialmente comprimida de 4 cm, sendo liberada para que o bloco oscile na regio sem atrito na direo y. Depois de vrias oscilaes, ao passar pela posio na qual tem mxima velocidade, o bloco atingido por uma bolinha que se move com velocidade de m/s2na direo x e se aloja nele. O sistema imediatamente liberado da mola e se desloca na parte spera da mesa. Determine: a) o vetor quantidade de movimento do sistema bloco + bolinha no instante em que ele liberado da mola; b) a menor largura e o menor comprimento da mesa para que o sistema pare antes de cair. Dados: comprimento da mole = 25 cm; constante elstica da mola = 10 N/cm; massa da bolinha = 0,2 kg; massa do bloco = 0,4 kg; acelerao da gravidade = 10 m/s

Questão 1

(IME - 2007/2008)A configurao eletrnica de um tomo [X]. Determine: a) os valores de Z e de n, para que a configurao eletrnica [X] represente um elemento qumico da famlia dos halognios; e b) o elemento qumico representado por X.

Questão 1

(IME - 2007/2008 - 1 FASE) LEIA O TEXTO A SEGUIR E RESPONDA S QUESTES 1, 2 e 3. Babies can spot languages on facial clues alone (Adapted from NewScientist.com, May 2007) 1 Young babies can discriminate between different languages just by looking at an adults face, even if they do not hear a single spoken word. And babies who grow up bilingual can do this for longer than monolingual infants. The work suggests that visual information helps to tell languages apart. 2 This supports the idea that infants come prepared to learn multiple languages and to discriminate them both auditorily and visually, says Whitney Weikum from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, who discovered babies keen eye for speech. Looking at a face may help identify speakers of your native language. 3 Weikum and her colleagues, showed babies videos of adults speaking various sentences, but with the sound turned off. The infants soon got bored, but as soon as speakers switched from English to French, they noticed the change and watched with renewed interest. 4 Laura-Ann Petitto, who researches language and child development at Dartmouth College in Hanover, US, previously studied visual language perception in deaf babies who were learning sign language. She is excited by Weikums results: Never did we dream that young hearing babies also use visual cues in this stunning way. Bilingual asset 5 A good eye for different languages appears to be especially important if you need to tell them apart regularly. At eight months old, bilingual babies could still see the switch happen, but their monolingual peers stopped noticing it after the age of six months. 6 This shows us how a babys language development is closely related to their learning environment, says Weikum. Only if they are exposed to more than one language, do they remain able to discriminate the languages visually. 7 However, Weikum does not think that parents who are keen to help their babies learn to speak need to introduce a second language before the visual discrimination ability disappears, or start using visually exaggerated speech. Our study does not show visual speech cues help infants learn languages, only to tell them apart. Parents should just continue talking to their babies in fun, engaging conversations. 8 The researchers now want to discover more about how bilingual babies maintain and take advantage of visual discrimination, and find out what the precise visual cues are in a speakers face that help a baby to identify different languages. Uma das frases a seguir expressa a ideia Principal (P) do texto, uma outra expressa uma idia muito Ampla (A) para ser considerada a ideia principal e uma terceira expressa uma idia muito Restrita (R) para ser a ideia principal do texto. Identifique-as. 1.1. ( ) Visual language perception is the focus of different researches. 1.2. ( ) Young babies have a keen eye for identifying language switch. 1.3. ( ) Parents should not worry about introducing a second language to their kids before the visual discrimination ability disappears.

Questão 1

(IME - 2007/2008) QUESTO ANULADA De quantas maneiras n bolas idnticas podem ser distribudas em trs cestos de cores verde, amarelo e azul? a) b) c) d) e)

Questão 1

(IME - 2007) Texto I Empresa produz biodiesel com sobra de leo de dend Depois de mais de duas dcadas produzindo leo de dend, conhecido como azeite-de- dend, h dois anos, foi descoberto que se poderia obter economia, gerar negcio e diminuir a poluio atmosfrica, simplesmente utilizando-se as sementes do dend no apropriadas para o consumo humano, que antes eram descartadas. Esta sobra da produo do leo, em vez de ir para olixo, agora transformada em biodiesel. O combustvel renovvel foi batizado de palmdiesel e, para obt-lo, cerca de 95% dos cidos graxos do leo de dend so aproveitados. O biodiesel isento de glicerina e custa muito menos que o combustvel fssil, alm de ter o mesmo rendimento. Hoje, entre todas as matrias-primas cotadas para a produo de biodiesel no Brasil, o dend a que mais produz leo por rea plantada. Para se ter uma idia, um hectare de dend pode produzir de 20 at 30 toneladas de cachos. O dendezeiro a oleaginosa de maior produtividade conhecida, alm de fornecer o leo mais consumido no mundo. Por este e outros motivos, o cultivo do dend constitui uma alternativa vivel e rentvel para a recuperao de reas alteradas, alm de ser uma cultura extremamente verstil, sendo dela aproveitados os leos da semente (leo de dend) edo mesocarpo (leo de palmiste), os cachos e os resduos do processo de extrao de leo(glicerina). Atualmente, est entre as principais oleaginosas para produo de biodiesel. No Par, a matria-prima no falta. O estado o maior produtor de dend do Brasil, alm de possuir cinco milhes de hectares aptos cultura. Considerando que, a totalidade de reas ou zonas classificadas como de alta e mdia potencialidades correspondem aproximadamente a 23,7% do territrio paraense. Essas reas tm condies de produzir dend para absorver grandes demandas internas e externas, o que tornaria o Estado do Par (e o Brasil), no ranking mundial, o maior produtor e exportador de leo de dend do mundo. PEDROZO, Soraia Abreu. Empresa produz biodiesel com sobra de leo de dend. Disponvel em: www.biodisel.com. Acesso em: 11 ago 2007. (com adaptaes) Sobre o Texto I correto afirmar que:

Questão 1

(IME - 2007/2008) Determine o conjunto-soluo da equao:

Questão 2

(IME - 2007/2008)Um plano corta um cubo com aresta de comprimento 1 passando pelo ponto mdio de trs arestas concorrentes no vrtice A e formando uma pirmide, conforme a figura a seguir. Este processo repetido para todos os vrtices. As pirmides obtidas so agrupadas formando um octaedro cuja rea da superfcie externa igual a:

Questão 2

(IME - 2007) Em um recipiente, hermeticamente fechado por uma tampa de massa M, com volume interno na forma de um cubo de lado a, encontram-se n mols de um gs ideal a uma temperatura absoluta T. A tampa est presa a uma massa m por um fio que passa por uma roldana, ambos ideais. A massa m encontra-se na iminncia de subir um plano inclinado de ngulo com a horizontal e coeficiente de atrito esttico . Considerando que as variveis estejam no Sistema Internacional e que no exista atrito entre a tampa M e as paredes do recipiente, determine m em funo das demais variveis. Dados: acelerao da gravidade = g ; constante universal dos gases perfeitos = R .