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Questões - UNESP | Gabarito e resoluções


(UNESP - 2005) Durante o imprio de Napoleo Bonaparte (1804-1814), foi institudo um Catecismo, que orientava a relao dos indivduos com o Estado. O cristo deve aos prncipes que o governam, e ns devemos particularmente a Napoleo 1o, nosso imperador, amor, respeito, obedincia, fidelidade, servio militar, os impostos exigidos para a conservao e defesa do imprio e de seu trono; ns lhe devemos ainda oraes fervorosas pela sua salvao, e pela prosperidade espiritual e material do Estado. (Catecismo Imperial de 1806.) O contedo do Catecismo contradiz o princpio poltico da cidadania estabelecido pela Revoluo de 1789, porque


(UNESP - 2005) Uma faixa retangular de tecido dever ser totalmente recortada emquadrados, todos de mesmo tamanho e sem deixar sobras. Esses quadrados devero ter omaior tamanho (rea) possvel. Se as dimenses da faixa so 105 cm de largura por 700 cm decomprimento, o permetro de cada quadrado, em centmetros, ser:


(UNESP - 2005) Texto 1: Teen depression Depression is defined as an illness when the feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair persist and interfere with a child or adolescents ability to function. Though the term depression can describe a normal human emotion, it also can refer to a mental health illness. Depressive illness in children and teens is defined when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with a child or adolescents ability to function. Depression is common in teens and younger children. About 5 percent of children and adolescents in the general population suffer from depression at any given point in time. Children under stress, who experience loss, or who have attentional, learning, conduct or anxiety disorders are at a higher risk for depression. Teenager girls are at especially high risk, as are minority youth. Depressed youth often have problems at home. In many cases, the parents are depressed, as depression tends to run in families. Over the past 50 years, depression rises, so does the teen suicide rate. It is important to remember that the behavior of depressed children and teenagers may differ from the behavior of depressed adults. The characteristics vary, with most children and teens having additional psychiatric disorders, such as behavior disorders or substance abuse problems. Mental health professionals advise parents to be aware of signs of depression in their children. Some of these signs may be: frequent sadness, tearfulness, crying; hopelessness; decreased interest in activities or inability to enjoy previously favorite activities; persistent boredom; low energy; social isolation; poor communication; poor concentration; extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure, and increased irritability, anger, or hostility; among others. (Extrado de: www.focusas.com/Depression.html) Texto 2: Adolescent Depression: Helping depressed teens Its not unusual for young people to experience the blues or feel down in the dumps occasionally. Adolescence is always an unsetting time, with the many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that accompany this stage of life. Unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations can create a strong sense of rejections and can lead to deep disappointment. When things go wrong at schools or at home, teens often overreact. Many young people feel that life is not fair or that things never go their way. They feel stressed out and confused. To make matters worse, teens are bombarded by conflicting messages from parents, friends and society. Todays teens see more of what life has to offer - both good and bad - on television, at school, in magazines and on the Internet. They are also forced to learn about the threat of AIDS, even if they are not sexually active or using drugs. Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing. When teens moods disrupt their ability to function on a day-to-day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that needs attention - adolescent depression. Parents or caregivers must take action. Depressions can be difficult to diagnose in teens because adults may expect teens to act moody. Also, adolescents do not always understand or express their feelings very well. They may not be aware of the symptoms of depression and may not seek help. (Extrado de www.nmha.org/infoctr/factsheets/24.cfm) De acordo com o texto 1, indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: Depression is defined by doctors as an illness that affects the ability to function.


(Unesp 2005) Observe o mapa. Juntando-se as três legendas que representam as mais baixas altitudes do relevo brasileiro, é possível afirmar que a maioria dessas terras apresenta


(Unesp 2005) Dois blocos idênticos, A e B, se deslocam sobre uma mesa plana sob açãode uma força de 10 N, aplicada em A, conforme ilustrado na figura. Se o movimento é uniformemente acelerado, e considerando que o coeficiente de atrito cinéticoentre os blocos e a mesa é = 0,5, a força que A exerce sobre B é:


(UNESP 2005) Ao longo da história humana, uma das principais doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST) tem sido a sífilis. Atualmente, milhares de novos casos/ano são registrados em muitos países. Sobre as DST, foram apresentadas as afirmações seguintes. I. A sífilis é uma doença causada por uma bactéria. II. Uma mãe portadora de sífilis pode transmitir a doença ao feto durante a gravidez. III. Além da sífilis e da AIDS, gonorreia e úlcera de Bauru (ou leishmaniose) são DST que também ocorrem no Brasil. Estão corretas as afirmações:


(UNESP - 2005) A Exposio Internacional de Eletricidade foi aberta ao pblico no Palcio da Indstria em Paris, em agosto de 1881 [...]. A maior parte dos aparelhos expostos resultaram de descobertas modernssimas [...]. O bonde que transporta os visitantes; as mquinas eletromagnticas e o dnamo-eltrico em funcionamento; os focos luminosos brilhando; os telefones que nos permitem ouvir distncia representaes de pera tudo isto to novo que nem sequer seu nome era conhecido cinco anos atrs. (Revista A Natureza, 1881.) As inovaes mencionadas:


S1, S2 e S3 são três substâncias distintas. Inicialmente no estado sólido, foram aquecidas independentemente até a fusão completa enquanto se determinavam suas condutividades elétricas. Os resultados das observações estão resumidos na tabela. S1, S2 e S3 correspondem, respectivamente, a compostos


(Unesp 2005) Considere as matrizes e com x, y, z números reais. Se A  B = C, a soma dos elementos da matriz A é:        


Os metais alcalino-terrosos, como o estrncio, pertencentes ao grupo 2 da Tabela Peridica, tm a tendncia de perder dois eltrons para a formao de sais com os halognios pertencentes ao grupo 17, como o iodo. Considerando o istopo 38Sr88, assinale a alternativa em que todas as informaes esto corretas. Frmula do iodeto de estrncio Representao do ction # de nutrons # de prtons # de eltrons a) SrI 88 38 37 b) SrI 50 37 37 c) SrI2 88 37 37 d) SrI2 50 38 36 e) SrI2 88 38 36


(UNESP - 2005) Texto 1 Teen depression Depression is defined as an illness when the feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair persist and interfere with a child or adolescents ability to function. Though the term depression can describe a normal human emotion, it also can refer to a mental health illness. Depressive illness in children and teens is defined when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with a child or adolescents ability to function. Depression is common in teens and younger children. About 5 percent of children and adolescents in the general population suffer from depression at any given point in time. Children under stress, who experience loss, or who have attentional, learning, conduct or anxiety disorders are at a higher risk for depression. Teenager girls are at especially high risk, as are minority youth. Depressed youth often have problems at home. In many cases, the parents are depressed, as depression tends to run in families. Over the past 50 years, depression rises, so does the teen suicide rate. It is important to remember that the behavior of depressed children and teenagers may differ from the behavior of depressed adults. The characteristics vary, with most children and teens having additional psychiatric disorders, such as behavior disorders or substance abuse problems. Mental health professionals advise parents to be aware of signs of depression in their children. Some of these signs may be: frequent sadness, tearfulness, crying; hopelessness; decreased interest in activities or inability to enjoy previously favorite activities; persistent boredom; low energy; social isolation; poor communication; poor concentration; extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure, and increased irritability, anger, or hostility; among others. (Extrado de: www.focusas.com/Depression.html) Texto 2 Adolescent Depression: Helping depressed teens Its not unusual for young people to experience the blues or feel down in the dumps occasionally. Adolescence is always an unsetting time, with the many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that accompany this stage of life. Unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations can create a strong sense of rejections and can lead to deep disappointment. When things go wrong at schools or at home, teens often overreact. Many young people feel that life is not fair or that things never go their way. They feel stressed out and confused. To make matters worse, teens are bombarded by conflicting messages from parents, friends and society. Todays teens see more of what life has to offer - both good and bad - on television, at school, in magazines and on the Internet. They are also forced to learn about the threat of AIDS, even if they are not sexually active or using drugs. Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing. When teens moods disrupt their ability to function on a day-to-day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that needs attention - adolescent depression. Parents or caregivers must take action. Depressions can be difficult to diagnose in teens because adults may expect teens to act moody. Also, adolescents do not always understand or express their feelings very well. They may not be aware of the symptoms of depression and may not seek help. (Extrado de www.nmha.org/infoctr/factsheets/24.cfm) De acordo com o texto 2, indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo sentido da expresso em destaque na sentena: Parents and caregivers have to try to help teenagers when they FEEL DEPRESSED.


(Unesp 2005) Em um jogo eletrônico, o monstro tem a forma de um setor circular de raio 1 cm, como mostra a figura. A parte que falta no círculo é a boca do monstro, e o ângulo de abertura mede 1 radiano. O perímetro do monstro, em cm, é:


(Unesp 2005) Se uma garrafa contendo vinho permanecer aberta, exposta ao ar, por alguns dias, o álcool etílico presente será oxidado, transformando o vinho em vinagre - uma solução de ácido etanoico (também denominado ácido acético). A equação química que representa esta reação é:


Em 05 de junho de 2004, foi inaugurada uma pizzaria que só abre aos sábados. No dia da inauguração, a pizzaria recebeu 40 fregueses. A partir daí, o número de fregueses que passaram a frequentar a pizzaria cresceu em progressão aritmética de razão 6, até que atingiu a cota máxima de 136 pessoas, a qual tem se mantido. O número de sábados que se passaram, excluindo-se o sábado de inauguração, para que a cota máxima de fregueses fosse atingida pela primeira vez, foi:


(Unesp 2005) Um corpo A de massa m, movendo-se com velocidade constante, colidefrontalmente com um corpo B, de massa M, inicialmente em repouso. Após a colisão,unidimensional e inelástica, o corpo A permanece em repouso e B adquire uma velocidadedesconhecida. Pode-se afirmar que a razão entre a energia cinética final de B e a inicial de A é: