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Questões - UNESP | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 20

(UNESP - 2021- 1 fase - DIA 2) A obra Priso de Tiradentes (datada de 1914), do pintor brasileiro Antnio Parreiras (1860-1937), remete a evento histrico relacionado ao seguinte movimento literrio brasileiro:

Questão 20

(UNESP - 2021 - 2 FASE) Leia a tira. A expresso laugh your head off equivale, em portugus, a

Questão 20

(UNESP - 2021 - 1 FASE) A obra Paisagem italiana (1805), do pintor alemo Jakob Philipp Hackert (1737-1807), remete, sobretudo, ao iderio do

Questão 21

(UNESP 2021 - 2 fase) At o sculo XIV, houve uma doena muito disseminada e muito temida: a lepra. Nas cidades, foram construdos hospitais especializados para os leprosos. [] Como se pensava que a lepra era contagiosa, os leprosos que andavam pelas ruas deviam sacudir uma espcie de sineta, a matraca. (Jacques Le Goff. A Idade Mdia explicada aos meus filhos, 2007.) A lepra (ou hansenase) era temida na Idade Mdia porque

Questão 21

(UNESP - 2021 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 23. Education for Sustainable Development Projects from Botswana, Brazil and Germany win UNESCO-Japan prize on Education for Sustainable Development. With a world population of 7 billion people and limited natural resources, we, as individuals and societies, need to learn to live together sustainably. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future. Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future. UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts, to transform society by reorienting education and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed for sustainable development. It is about including sustainable development issues, such as climate change and biodiversity into teaching and learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity and contribute to creating a more sustainable world. (https://en.unesco.org. Adaptado.) According to the first paragraph, it is important to promote a sustainable development because

Questão 21

(UNESP - 2021- 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 24. When will the Amazon hit a tipping point? Scientists say climate change, deforestation and fires could cause the worlds largest rainforest to dry out. The big question is how soon that might happen. Seen from a monitoring tower above the treetops near Manaus, in the Brazilian Amazon, the rainforest canopy stretches to the horizon as an endless sea of green. It looks like a rich and healthy ecosystem, but appearances are deceiving. This rainforest which holds 16,000 separate tree species is slowly drying out. Over the past century, the average temperature in the forest has risen by 1-1.5 o C. In some parts, the dry season has expanded during the past 50 years, from four months to almost five. Severe droughts have hit three times since 2005. Thats all driving a shift in vegetation. In 2018, a study reported that trees that do best in moist conditions, such as tropical legumes from the genus Inga, are dying. Those adapted to drier climes, such as the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa), are thriving. At the same time, large parts of the Amazon, the worlds largest rainforest, are being cut down and burnt. Tree clearing has already shrunk the forest by around 15% from its 1970s extent of more than 6 million square kilometres; in Brazil, which contains more than half the forest, more than 19% has disappeared. Last year, deforestation in Brazil spiked by around 30% to almost 10,000 km2 , the largest loss in a decade. And in August 2019, videos of wildfires in the Amazon made international headlines. The number of fires that month was the highest for any August since an extreme drought in 2010. (www.nature.com, 25.02.2020. Adaptado.) According to the first paragraph, the Amazon rainforest

Questão 22

(UNESP - 2021 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 23. Education for Sustainable Development Projects from Botswana, Brazil and Germany win UNESCO-Japan prize on Education for Sustainable Development. With a world population of 7 billion people and limited natural resources, we, as individuals and societies, need to learn to live together sustainably. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future. Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future. UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts, to transform society by reorienting education and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed for sustainable development. It is about including sustainable development issues, such as climate change and biodiversity into teaching and learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity and contribute to creating a more sustainable world. (https://en.unesco.org. Adaptado.) According to the second paragraph, one of sustainable development initiatives to be tackled by education should be to

Questão 22

(UNESP - 2021 - 2 fase) Texto 1 Nenhum documento permite afirmar que Pedro lvares Cabral partira de Lisboa com o propsito de descobrir novas terras. A intencionalidade da descoberta no encontra fundamento em nenhuma das testemunhas, seja Pero Vaz de Caminha, Mestre Joo ou o piloto annimo. A armada partiu com destino ndia, e foi s isso. (Joaquim Romero de Magalhes. Quem descobriu o Brasil?. In: Luciano Figueiredo. Histria do Brasil para ocupados, 2013.) Texto 2 Quando Pedro lvares Cabral e seus homens chegaram costa da atual Bahia em 1500, no havia, obviamente, nem Brasil nem brasileiros. Pode ser, como querem muitos historiadores, que outros tenham andado por ali antes, mas disso no ficou registro consistente, e foram Pero Vaz de Caminha e Mestre Joo os autores das primeiras narrativas sobre a nova terra e seu cu. (Laura de Mello e Souza. O nome Brasil. In: Luciano Figueiredo. Histria do Brasil para ocupados, 2013.) Os dois textos referem-se expedio de Cabral, que aportou no litoral do futuro territrio do Brasil em 1500. A documentao citada nos textos , de acordo com os autores,

Questão 22

(UNESP - 2021- 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de21a24. When will the Amazon hit a tipping point? Scientists say climate change, deforestation and fires could cause the worlds largest rainforest to dry out. The big question is how soon that might happen. Seen from a monitoring tower above the treetops near Manaus, in the Brazilian Amazon, the rainforest canopy stretches to the horizon as an endless sea of green. It looks like a rich and healthy ecosystem, but appearances are deceiving. This rainforest which holds 16,000 separate tree species is slowly drying out. Over the past century, the average temperature in the forest has risen by 1-1.5 o C. In some parts, the dry season has expanded during the past 50 years, from four months to almost five. Severe droughts have hit three times since 2005. Thats all driving a shift in vegetation. In 2018, a study reported that trees that do best in moist conditions, such as tropical legumes from the genus Inga, are dying. Those adapted to drier climes, such as the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa), are thriving. At the same time, large parts of the Amazon, the worlds largest rainforest, are being cut down and burnt. Tree clearing has already shrunk the forest by around 15% from its 1970s extent of more than 6 million square kilometres; in Brazil, which contains more than half the forest, more than 19% has disappeared. Last year, deforestation in Brazil spiked by around 30% to almost 10,000 km2 , the largest loss in a decade. And in August 2019, videos of wildfires in the Amazon made international headlines. The number of fires that month was the highest for any August since an extreme drought in 2010. (www.nature.com, 25.02.2020. Adaptado.) According to the second paragraph, a change in vegetation can be noticed by

Questão 23

(UNESP - 2021 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 23. Education for Sustainable Development Projects from Botswana, Brazil and Germany win UNESCO-Japan prize on Education for Sustainable Development. With a world population of 7 billion people and limited natural resources, we, as individuals and societies, need to learn to live together sustainably. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future. Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future. UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts, to transform society by reorienting education and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed for sustainable development. It is about including sustainable development issues, such as climate change and biodiversity into teaching and learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity and contribute to creating a more sustainable world. (https://en.unesco.org. Adaptado.) (https://sustainabilityillustrated.com) O cartum dialoga com o seguinte trecho do texto Education for Sustainable Development:

Questão 23

(UNESP 2021 - 2 fase) Leia os textos para responder s questes 22 e 23. Texto 1 Nenhum documento permite afirmar que Pedro lvares Cabral partira de Lisboa com o propsito de descobrir novas terras. A intencionalidade da descoberta no encontra fundamento em nenhuma das testemunhas, seja Pero Vaz de Caminha, Mestre Joo ou o piloto annimo. A armada partiu com destino ndia, e foi s isso. (Joaquim Romero de Magalhes. Quem descobriu o Brasil?. In: Luciano Figueiredo. Histria do Brasil para ocupados, 2013.) Texto 2 Quando Pedro lvares Cabral e seus homens chegaram costa da atual Bahia em 1500, no havia, obviamente, nem Brasil nem brasileiros. Pode ser, como querem muitos historiadores, que outros tenham andado por ali antes, mas disso no ficou registro consistente, e foram Pero Vaz de Caminha e Mestre Joo os autores das primeiras narrativas sobre a nova terra e seu cu. (Laura de Mello e Souza. O nome Brasil. In: Luciano Figueiredo. Histria do Brasil para ocupados, 2013.) A afirmao do texto 2 de que Quando Pedro lvares Cabral e seus homens chegaram costa da atual Bahia em 1500, no havia, obviamente, nem Brasil nem brasileiros correta, pois

Questão 23

(UNESP - 2021- 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de21a24. When will the Amazon hit a tipping point? Scientists say climate change, deforestation and fires could cause the worlds largest rainforest to dry out. The big question is how soon that might happen. Seen from a monitoring tower above the treetops near Manaus, in the Brazilian Amazon, the rainforest canopy stretches to the horizon as an endless sea of green. It looks like a rich and healthy ecosystem, but appearances are deceiving. This rainforest which holds 16,000 separate tree species is slowly drying out. Over the past century, the average temperature in the forest has risen by 1-1.5 o C. In some parts, the dry season has expanded during the past 50 years, from four months to almost five. Severe droughts have hit three times since 2005. Thats all driving a shift in vegetation. In 2018, a study reported that trees that do best in moist conditions, such as tropical legumes from the genus Inga, are dying. Those adapted to drier climes, such as the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa), are thriving. At the same time, large parts of the Amazon, the worlds largest rainforest, are being cut down and burnt. Tree clearing has already shrunk the forest by around 15% from its 1970s extent of more than 6 million square kilometres; in Brazil, which contains more than half the forest, more than 19% has disappeared. Last year, deforestation in Brazil spiked by around 30% to almost 10,000 km2 , the largest loss in a decade. And in August 2019, videos of wildfires in the Amazon made international headlines. The number of fires that month was the highest for any August since an extreme drought in 2010. (www.nature.com, 25.02.2020. Adaptado.) De acordo com o terceiro pargrafo, a floresta amaznica

Questão 24

(UNESP 2021 - 2 fase) O quilombo significou uma alternativa concreta ordem escravista e, por isso, tornou-se um problema real e bastante amedrontador para a sociedade colonial e para as autoridades, que precisavam combat-lo de modo sistemtico. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, o quilombo era parte da sociedade que o reprimia, em funo dos diversos vnculos que tinha com os diferentes setores desta. Tais vnculos, de natureza muito variada, incluam a criao de toda sorte de relaes comerciais com as populaes vizinhas, a formao de redes mais ou menos complexas para obteno de informaes e, como no poderia deixar de ser, o cultivo de um sem-nmero de laos afetivos e amorosos que se entrecruzavam nas periferias urbanas e nas fazendas. (Lilia M. Schwarcz e Heloisa M. Starling. Brasil: uma biografia, 2018.) Os quilombos existentes no Brasil colonial podem ser caracterizados como espaos

Questão 24

(UNESP - 2021 - 1 FASE) Analise o cartum. A fala do personagem

Questão 24

(UNESP - 2021- 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de21a24. When will the Amazon hit a tipping point? Scientists say climate change, deforestation and fires could cause the worlds largest rainforest to dry out. The big question is how soon that might happen. Seen from a monitoring tower above the treetops near Manaus, in the Brazilian Amazon, the rainforest canopy stretches to the horizon as an endless sea of green. It looks like a rich and healthy ecosystem, but appearances are deceiving. This rainforest which holds 16,000 separate tree species is slowly drying out. Over the past century, the average temperature in the forest has risen by 1-1.5 o C. In some parts, the dry season has expanded during the past 50 years, from four months to almost five. Severe droughts have hit three times since 2005. Thats all driving a shift in vegetation. In 2018, a study reported that trees that do best in moist conditions, such as tropical legumes from the genus Inga, are dying. Those adapted to drier climes, such as the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa), are thriving. At the same time, large parts of the Amazon, the worlds largest rainforest, are being cut down and burnt. Tree clearing has already shrunk the forest by around 15% from its 1970s extent of more than 6 million square kilometres; in Brazil, which contains more than half the forest, more than 19% has disappeared. Last year, deforestation in Brazil spiked by around 30% to almost 10,000 km2 , the largest loss in a decade. And in August 2019, videos of wildfires in the Amazon made international headlines. The number of fires that month was the highest for any August since an extreme drought in 2010. (www.nature.com, 25.02.2020. Adaptado.) O cartum ilustra que o aumento de temperatura, tambm citado no texto,