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Questões - UNESP | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 31

(UNESP - 2017 - 1 FASE) Apesar de sua disperso geogrfica e de sua fragmentao poltica, os Gregos tinham uma profunda conscincia de pertencer a uma s e mesma cultura. Esse fenmeno to mais extraordinrio, considerando-se a ausncia de qualquer autoridade central poltica ou religiosa e o livre esprito de inveno de uma determinada comunidade para resolver os diversos problemas polticos ou culturais que se colocavam para ela. (Moses I. Finley,Os primeiros tempos da Grcia, 1998. Adaptado). O excerto refere-se ao seguinte aspecto essencial da histria grega da Antiguidade:

Questão 31

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 1a fase)Examine duas pinturas produzidas na Caverna de Altamira, Espanha, durante o Perodo Paleoltico Superior. Tais pinturas rupestres podem ser consideradas como

Questão 32

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 2 fase - Questo 32) Leia o poema Sonetilho do falso Fernando Pessoa, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987), que integra o livro Claro enigma, publicado em 1951. Onde nasci, morri. Onde morri, existo. E das peles que visto muitas h que no vi. Sem mim como sem ti posso durar. Desisto de tudo quanto misto e que odiei ou senti. Nem 1Fausto nem 2Mefisto, deusa que se ri deste nosso 3oaristo, eis-me a dizer: assisto alm, nenhum, aqui, mas no sou eu, nem isto. Claro enigma, 2012. 1Fausto: personagem alemo que fez um pacto com o diabo. 2Mefisto: personagem alemo considerado a personificao do diabo. 3oaristo: conversa carinhosa e familiar. Carlos Drummond de Andrade intitulou seu poema de Sonetilho do falso Fernando Pessoa. Por que razo o poeta refere-se a seu poema como sonetilho? Transcreva um verso em que a referncia aos heternimos do escritor portugus Fernando Pessoa se mostra evidente. Justifique sua resposta.

Questão 32

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 1a fase)Em Aire-sur-la-Lys, em 15 de agosto de 1335, Jean de Picquigny, governador do condado de Artois, permite ao maior, aos almotacs(1) e comunidade da cidade construir uma torre com um sino especial, por causa do mister da tecelagem e de outros misteres em que vrios operrios deslocam-se habitualmente em certas horas do dia. (Jacques Le Goff. Por uma outra Idade Mdia, 2013. Adaptado.) (1) almotac: inspetor municipal. O texto revela

Questão 32

(UNESP - 2017 - 1 FASE)A Igreja foi responsvel direta por mais uma transformao, formidvel e silenciosa, nos ltimos sculos do Imprio: a vulgarizao da cultura clssica. Essa faanha fundamental da Igreja nascente indica seu verdadeiro lugar e funo na passagem para o Feudalismo. A condio de existncia da civilizao da Antiguidade em meio aos sculos caticos da Idade Mdia foi o carter de resistncia da Igreja. Ela foi a ponte entre duas pocas. (Perry Anderson. Passagens da Antiguidade ao Feudalismo, 2016. Adaptado.) O excerto permite afirmar corretamente que a Igreja crist

Questão 32

(UNESP - 2017 - 2 fase - Questo 32) Leia o excerto do romance A hora da estrela de Clarice Lispector (1925-1977). Ser que eu enriqueceria este relato se usasse alguns difceis termos tcnicos? Mas a que est: esta histria no tem nenhuma tcnica, nem estilo, ela ao deus-dar. Eu que tambm no mancharia por nada deste mundo com palavras brilhantes e falsas uma vida parca como a da datilgrafa [Macaba]. Durante o dia eu fao, como todos, gestos despercebidos por mim mesmo. Pois um dos gestos mais despercebidos esta histria de que no tenho culpa e que sai como sair. A datilgrafa vivia numa espcie de atordoado nimbo, entre cu e inferno. Nunca pensara em eu sou eu. Acho que julgava no ter direito, ela era um acaso. Um feto jogado na lata de lixo embrulhado em um jornal. H milhares como ela? Sim, e que so apenas um acaso. Pensando bem: quem no um acaso na vida? Quanto a mim, s me livro de ser apenas um acaso porque escrevo, o que um ato que um fato. quando entro em contato com foras interiores minhas, encontro atravs de mim o vosso Deus. Para que escrevo? E eu sei? Sei no. Sim, verdade, s vezes tambm penso que eu no sou eu, pareo pertencer a uma galxia longnqua de to estranho que sou de mim. Sou eu? Espanto-me com o meu encontro. A hora da estrela, 1998. Para o narrador, o emprego de difceis termos tcnicos seria adequado para narrar a histria de Macaba? Justifique sua resposta. Transcreva a frase que melhor explicita a inconscincia da personagem Macaba. Justifique sua resposta.

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 2 FASE) Leia os textos 1 e 2 para responder, em portugus, (s) questo(es) a seguir. Texto 1 In Brazil, recession and housing cuts push families onto the street The countrys economic crisis and the high cost of living in big cities are forcing thousands onto the street, said Miriam Gomes, founder of Anjinho Feliz community center. She has never seen it this bad. Ive seen a 70 percent increase in the number of homeless over the last three years, said Gomes, as volunteers buzzed around the center distributing food. In the past, most homeless were adult males; now there are far more women and kids living on the streets, she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. About 14,000 people are living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, a city of about 6.5 million, according to data from the municipal government. Thats a sharp increase over a decade ago in a trend seen across Brazils other big cities, according to government data and community workers. In Sao Paulo, the number of people sleeping rough on the streets nearly doubled between 2000 and 2015 to 15,906 people, according to that citys municipal government. Homelessness in Brazilian cities is generally defined as people who regularly sleep outside on the streets, rather than just those who lack a permanent address. National housing initiatives such as Brazils multi-billion dollar Minha Casa, Minha Vida building program, which provided a lifeline to some homeless families, have been cut. The waiting list for Minha Casa, Minha Vida is huge, said Gomes. And the homeless shelters are so awful that people would rather stay on the street. Other public services upon which the poor and homeless depend such as healthcare are also under strain, according to government officials and campaigners. Chris Arsenault. www.reuters.com, 07.02.2017. Adaptado. Texto 2 Number of rough sleepers in England rises for sixth successive year The number of people sleeping rough in England has risen for the sixth year in a row, according to the latest official figures. An estimated 4,134 people bedded down outside in 2016, according to the snapshot survey, an increase of 16% on the previous years figure of 3,569, and more than double the 2010 figure. John Healey, Labours housing spokesman, said: This is a direct result of decisions made by Conservative Ministers: a steep drop in investment for affordable homes, crude cuts to housing benefit and reduced funding for homelessness services. UK nationals made up the biggest share of the total rough-sleeping figure, with 17% from European Union (EU) states and 5% from non-EU countries. Women made up 12% of rough sleepers. Rough sleepers are defined for the purposes of official counts as people sleeping on the street and other places not designed for habitation. It does not include people in hostels or shelters or formal temporary accommodation. Patrick Butler. www.theguardian.com, 25.01.2017. Adaptado. Qual a definio de morador em situao de rua no Brasil? E na Inglaterra?

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2017- 2 FASE) Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, (s) questo(es) a seguir. Objectification of women in the media hinders gender equality NCPE June 8, 2016 The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) today expressed its concern with regards to the objectification of womens bodies in the media, including online media. Over the past months, the Commission has received a number of objections from the public with regards to videos and statements that depict women in an over-sexualised manner and reinforce negative gender stereotypes in society. NCPE condemned these representations and stresses that those involved in the media should refrain from issuing material which objectifies and sexualises women and girls. The pervasive sexualisation of women and girls in media representations reinforces the stereotype that a womans value is determined by her physical appearance and that womans primary role is that of pleasing men. This correlates with unequal relations in society and has a direct adverse impact on womens equal participation in all spheres of life as well as sexual harassment. NCPE said it works towards gender equality and respect and dignity for all persons. www.independent.com O que preocupa a NCPE? O que motivou o seu pronunciamento?

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2017 - 1 FASE) A pintura representa no martrio de Cristo os seguintes princpios culturais do Renascimento italiano:

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 1a fase)Deveis saber, portanto, que existem duas formas de se combater: uma, pelas leis, outra, pela fora. A primeira pr- pria do homem; a segunda, dos animais. Como, porm, muitas vezes a primeira no seja suficiente, preciso recorrer segunda. Ao prncipe torna-se necessrio, porm, saber empregar convenientemente o animal e o homem. [...] Nas aes de todos os homens, mxime dos prncipes, onde no h tribunal para que recorrer, o que importa o xito bom ou mau. Procure, pois, um prncipe, vencer e conservar o Estado. (Nicolau Maquiavel. O prncipe, 1983.) O texto, escrito por volta de 1513, em pleno perodo do Renascimento italiano, orienta o governante a

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 1a fase) Os deuses disseram entre si depois de criar o homem: O que os homens comero, oh deuses? Vamos j todos buscar o alimento. Enquanto isso, as formigas vermelhas estavam colhendo e carregando os gros de milho que traziam de dentro do Tonacatepetl (Montanha do Sustento). O deus Quetzalcoatl encontrou as formigas e lhes disse: Digam-me, onde vocs colheram os gros de milho?. Muitas vezes lhes perguntou, mas as formigas no quiseram responder. Algum tempo depois, as formigas disseram a Quetzalcoatl: L. E apontaram o lugar. Quetzalcoatl se transformou em formiga negra e as acompanhou. Desse modo, Quetzalcoatl acompanhou as formigas vermelhas at o depsito, arranjou o milho e em seguida o levou a Tamoanchan (moradia dos deuses e onde o homem havia sido criado). Ali os deuses o mastigaram e o puseram na nossa boca para nos robustecer. (Apud Eduardo Natalino dos Santos. Cidades pr-hispnicas do Mxico e da Amrica Central, 2004.) O texto asteca

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2017 - 1 FASE) Em meados do sculo o negcio dos metais no ocuparia seno o tero, ou bem menos, da populao. O grosso dessa gente compe-se de mercadores de tenda aberta, oficiais dos mais variados ofcios, boticrios, prestamistas, estalajadeiros, taberneiros, advogados, mdicos, cirurgies-barbeiros, burocratas, clrigos, mestres-escolas, tropeiros, soldados da milcia paga. Sem falar nos escravos, cujo total, segundo os documentos da poca, ascendia a mais de cem mil. A necessidade de abastecer-se toda essa gente provocava a formao de grandes currais; a prpria lavoura ganhava alento novo. (Srgio Buarque de Holanda. Metais e pedras preciosas. Histria geral da civilizao brasileira, vol. 2, 1960. Adaptado.) De acordo com o excerto, correto concluir que a extrao de metais preciosos em Minas Gerais no sculo XVIII

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 2 FASE) Leia os textos 1 e 2 para responder, em portugus, (s) questo(es) a seguir. Texto 1 In Brazil, recession and housing cuts push families onto the street The countrys economic crisis and the high cost of living in big cities are forcing thousands onto the street, said Miriam Gomes, founder of Anjinho Feliz community center. She has never seen it this bad. Ive seen a 70 percent increase in the number of homeless over the last three years, said Gomes, as volunteers buzzed around the center distributing food. In the past, most homeless were adult males; now there are far more women and kids living on the streets, she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. About 14,000 people are living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, a city of about 6.5 million, according to data from the municipal government. Thats a sharp increase over a decade ago in a trend seen across Brazils other big cities, according to government data and community workers. In Sao Paulo, the number of people sleeping rough on the streets nearly doubled between 2000 and 2015 to 15,906 people, according to that citys municipal government. Homelessness in Brazilian cities is generally defined as people who regularly sleep outside on the streets, rather than just those who lack a permanent address. National housing initiatives such as Brazils multi-billion dollar Minha Casa, Minha Vida building program, which provided a lifeline to some homeless families, have been cut. The waiting list for Minha Casa, Minha Vida is huge, said Gomes. And the homeless shelters are so awful that people would rather stay on the street. Other public services upon which the poor and homeless depend such as healthcare are also under strain, according to government officials and campaigners. Chris Arsenault. www.reuters.com, 07.02.2017. Adaptado. Texto 2 Number of rough sleepers in England rises for sixth successive year The number of people sleeping rough in England has risen for the sixth year in a row, according to the latest official figures. An estimated 4,134 people bedded down outside in 2016, according to the snapshot survey, an increase of 16% on the previous years figure of 3,569, and more than double the 2010 figure. John Healey, Labours housing spokesman, said: This is a direct result of decisions made by Conservative Ministers: a steep drop in investment for affordable homes, crude cuts to housing benefit and reduced funding for homelessness services. UK nationals made up the biggest share of the total rough-sleeping figure, with 17% from European Union (EU) states and 5% from non-EU countries. Women made up 12% of rough sleepers. Rough sleepers are defined for the purposes of official counts as people sleeping on the street and other places not designed for habitation. It does not include people in hostels or shelters or formal temporary accommodation. Patrick Butler. www.theguardian.com, 25.01.2017. Adaptado. A que se atribui o aumento da populao em situao de rua no Brasil? E na Inglaterra?

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2017- 2 FASE) Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, (s) questo(es) a seguir. Objectification of women in the media hinders gender equality NCPE June 8, 2016 The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) today expressed its concern with regards to the objectification of womens bodies in the media, including online media. Over the past months, the Commission has received a number of objections from the public with regards to videos and statements that depict women in an over-sexualised manner and reinforce negative gender stereotypes in society. NCPE condemned these representations and stresses that those involved in the media should refrain from issuing material which objectifies and sexualises women and girls. The pervasive sexualisation of women and girls in media representations reinforces the stereotype that a womans value is determined by her physical appearance and that womans primary role is that of pleasing men. This correlates with unequal relations in society and has a direct adverse impact on womens equal participation in all spheres of life as well as sexual harassment. NCPE said it works towards gender equality and respect and dignity for all persons. www.independent.com De acordo com o segundo pargrafo, o que a sexualizao da imagem da mulher, de forma ampla na mdia, refora? Quais as suas consequncias?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2017/2 - 2 FASE) Leia os textos 1 e 2 para responder, em portugus, (s) questo(es) a seguir. Texto 1 In Brazil, recession and housing cuts push families onto the street The countrys economic crisis and the high cost of living in big cities are forcing thousands onto the street, said Miriam Gomes, founder of Anjinho Feliz community center. She has never seen it this bad. Ive seen a 70 percent increase in the number of homeless over the last three years, said Gomes, as volunteers buzzed around the center distributing food. In the past, most homeless were adult males; now there are far more women and kids living on the streets, she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. About 14,000 people are living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, a city of about 6.5 million, according to data from the municipal government. Thats a sharp increase over a decade ago in a trend seen across Brazils other big cities, according to government data and community workers. In Sao Paulo, the number of people sleeping rough on the streets nearly doubled between 2000 and 2015 to 15,906 people, according to that citys municipal government. Homelessness in Brazilian cities is generally defined as people who regularly sleep outside on the streets, rather than just those who lack a permanent address. National housing initiatives such as Brazils multi-billion dollar Minha Casa, Minha Vida building program, which provided a lifeline to some homeless families, have been cut. The waiting list for Minha Casa, Minha Vida is huge, said Gomes. And the homeless shelters are so awful that people would rather stay on the street. Other public services upon which the poor and homeless depend such as healthcare are also under strain, according to government officials and campaigners. Chris Arsenault. www.reuters.com, 07.02.2017. Adaptado. Texto 2 Number of rough sleepers in England rises for sixth successive year The number of people sleeping rough in England has risen for the sixth year in a row, according to the latest official figures. An estimated 4,134 people bedded down outside in 2016, according to the snapshot survey, an increase of 16% on the previous years figure of 3,569, and more than double the 2010 figure. John Healey, Labours housing spokesman, said: This is a direct result of decisions made by Conservative Ministers: a steep drop in investment for affordable homes, crude cuts to housing benefit and reduced funding for homelessness services. UK nationals made up the biggest share of the total rough-sleeping figure, with 17% from European Union (EU) states and 5% from non-EU countries. Women made up 12% of rough sleepers. Rough sleepers are defined for the purposes of official counts as people sleeping on the street and other places not designed for habitation. It does not include people in hostels or shelters or formal temporary accommodation. Patrick Butler. www.theguardian.com, 25.01.2017. Adaptado. Segundo os textos, qual a diferena entre a composio atual dos moradores em situao de rua no Brasil e no Reino Unido?