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Questões - UNESP | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 32

(UNESP - 2012 - 1a Fase) Leia o texto a seguir: (...) o elemento religioso no limitou os seus efeitos ao fortalecimento, no mundo da cavalaria, do esprito de corpo; exerceu tambm uma ao poderosa sobre a lei moral do grupo. Antes de o futuro cavaleiro receber a sua espada, no altar, era-lhe exigido um juramento, que especificava as suas obrigaes. (Marc Bloch. A sociedade feudal, 1987.) O texto mostra que os cavaleiros medievais, entre outros aspectos de sua formao e conduta,

Questão 32

(UNESP - 2012- 2 fase) Na tira de Laerte, aponte o que o aluno no percebeu de imediato como primeira lio de Fagundes.

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2012 - 1a Fase) Os centros artsticos, na verdade, poderiam ser definidos como lugares caracterizados pela presena de um nmero razovel de artistas e de grupos significativos de consumidores, que por motivaes variadas glorificao familiar ou individual, desejo de hegemonia ou nsia de salvao eterna esto dispostos a investir em obras de arte umaparte das suas riquezas. Este ltimo ponto implica, evidentemente, que o centro seja um lugar ao qual afluem quantidades considerveis de recursos eventualmente destinados produo artstica. Alm disso, poder ser dotado de instituies de tutela, formao e promoo de artistas, bem como de distribuio das obras. Por fim, ter um pblico muito mais vasto que o dos consumidores propriamente ditos: um pblico no homogneo, certamente (...). (Carlo Ginzburg. A micro-histria e outros ensaios, 1991.) Os centros artsticos descritos no texto podem ser identificados

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2012/2 - 2a fase - Questo 33) (www.cartoonistgroup.com. Adaptado.) Com base na leitura da charge, explique, em portugus, qual o ponto de humor apresentado

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2012- 2 fase) Gattaca Review by James Brundage (January 15th, 1999) Gattaca is a character drama in the guise of a thriller, the same way that The Truman Show was a drama in the guise of a comedy. Andrew Niccol works his beautiful charms with both of them. In Gattaca, he offers us a stunning vision of the not-so-distant future, a time where genetic engineering is so commonplace that it is common practice. The world, of course, has the drawback that anyone who was not genetically engineered is part of a new class of society, called an invalid. Vincent Freeman was born this way. He chooses, however, not to remain an invalid but to become what is known as a de-generate, someone who uses other peoples blood, urine, hair etc. to fake a genetic code superior to their own. His dream was to end up in space and being this particularly loathed thing is the only way he is able to do it. Lending his dream to the real Gerome Morrow, a suicidal cripple, the two band together to get him into space. Everything is going well, he is set to leave in a week. Then the mission director is murdered. This occurs, in my opinion, only to keep less intelligent viewers interested in the story, which contains enough pathos to warrant me watching it if it didnt involve a murder at all. As Vincent tries to keep his secret, he is falling in love with Irene Cassini, another worker at Gattaca, the storys equivalent of Cape Canaveral. The panic caused by the moment causes each person involved to examine themselves, society, and the state of the world. The sad thing about Gattaca is that so many people will hate this movie because of its utterly slow pace. It does not keep the interest of someone not intrigued by people, which encompasses most every viewer today. So that takes out studio fans, and its Star Trek target audience. (www.killermovies.com. Adaptado.) Quem era denominado pelo termo invalid no contexto da histria do filme? O que significava ser um de-generate, no mesmo contexto?

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2012/2 - 1a fase) [Na poca feudal] o mundo terrestre era visto como palco da luta entre as foras do Bem e as do Mal, hordas de anjos e demnios. Disso decorria um dos traos mentais da poca: a belicosidade. (Hilrio Franco Junior. O feudalismo, 1986. Adaptado.) A belicosidade (disposio para a guerra) mencionada expressava-se, por exemplo,

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2012 - 1a Fase) A Revoluo Puritana (1640) e a Revoluo Gloriosa (1688) transformaram a Inglaterra do sculo XVII. Sobre o conjunto de suas realizaes, pode-se dizer que

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2012/2 - 2a fase - Questo 34) Tell Congress: No Backroom Deals to Regulate the Internet Right now, representatives from nine countries including the United States are secretly meeting in a luxury hotel in Beverly Hills to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a trade agreement with the potential to contain intellectual property provisions that go beyond ACTA. These secret meetings could create over-reaching new rules and standards that will choke off the online speech of individuals, websites, and platforms accused of copyright infringement. But because the meetings are held behind closed doors and the text has not been released to the public, the citizens who will be affected do not know the details and dont have a voice. Click here to join EFF in demanding a Congressional hearing so lawmakers can learn whats in the TPP and hear from all affected stakeholders, not just the content industry. Yesterday, EFF International Rights Director Katitza Rodriguez checked in with protestors outside ongoing TPP meetings in Los Angeles. Katitza reported: The energy at the rally was intoxicating. And the people were right to protest: TPP is one more in a long line of global copyright initiatives that are putting Internet users last. All over the world, people are saying enough is enough. This week of negotiations in Los Angeles is a crucial moment for the TPP. Please contact your lawmakers today and let them know that we will not be left in the dark. Demand to know whats in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. (www.eff.org/deeplinks. Adaptado.) Em que consiste o fato mencionado no texto, que acontece em Beverly Hills, e que consequncias poder trazer para cidados, plataformas eletrnicas e pginas da internet?

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2012- 2 fase) Gattaca Review by James Brundage (January 15th, 1999) Gattaca is a character drama in the guise of a thriller, the same way that The Truman Show was a drama in the guise of a comedy. Andrew Niccol works his beautiful charms with both of them. In Gattaca, he offers us a stunning vision of the not-so-distant future, a time where genetic engineering is so commonplace that it is common practice. The world, of course, has the drawback that anyone who was not genetically engineered is part of a new class of society, called an invalid. Vincent Freeman was born this way. He chooses, however, not to remain an invalid but to become what is known as a de-generate, someone who uses other peoples blood, urine, hair etc. to fake a genetic code superior to their own. His dream was to end up in space and being this particularly loathed thing is the only way he is able to do it. Lending his dream to the real Gerome Morrow, a suicidal cripple, the two band together to get him into space. Everything is going well, he is set to leave in a week. Then the mission director is murdered. This occurs, in my opinion, only to keep less intelligent viewers interested in the story, which contains enough pathos to warrant me watching it if it didnt involve a murder at all. As Vincent tries to keep his secret, he is falling in love with Irene Cassini, another worker at Gattaca, the storys equivalent of Cape Canaveral. The panic caused by the moment causes each person involved to examine themselves, society, and the state of the world. The sad thing about Gattaca is that so many people will hate this movie because of its utterly slow pace. It does not keep the interest of someone not intrigued by people, which encompasses most every viewer today. So that takes out studio fans, and its Star Trek target audience. (www.killermovies.com. Adaptado.) Segundo a crtica, por que o diretor da misso espacial foi assassinado? Havia realmente necessidade de esse fato ocorrer?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2012- 2 fase) Personal Marketing: Selling yourself Before you begin a job search campaign you must have a personal marketing strategy. A personal marketing strategy provides you with a game plan for your job search campaign. You should look at the job search as a marketing campaign, with you, the job seeker, as the product. Every product, even the best ones, wont succeed without a strong marketing strategy. This begins with a comprehensive, yet flexible plan. First you must know to whom you are marketing. You must identify the types of employers who would be looking for an employee with your qualifications. Are they all within a certain industry? Are there many industries that hire employees with your background? You already know that personal marketing skills are important to your career and perhaps to find a better job, but the only problem is that the art of self marketing is difficult for a lot of people. Selling yourself well doesnt mean talking just about yourself or arrogantly telling others how great you are. By selling yourself, in an interview or an informal networking meeting, I mean thinking first about the employers needs and expectations and figuring out how you can create value for their organization. What does the potential employer really need from a new employee? What specific technical skills, workplace competencies and personal qualities is the employer looking for? Now if you can ask those questions dispassionately, you should be able to identify your own strengths that match and gently weave them into every conversation you have in the world of good jobs and prospective careers. (Adaptado de http://careerplanning.about.com e www.your-career-change.com) Liste quatro aspectos importantes a serem considerados, segundo o texto, para se realizar uma propaganda de si mesmo com a finalidade de conseguir um emprego.

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2012/2 - 1a fase) Instruo: Leia o texto para responder s questes de nmeros 34 e 35. Nas primeiras trs dcadas que se seguiram passagem da armada de Cabral, alm das precrias guarnies das feitorias [...], apenas alguns nufragos [...] e lanados atestavam a soberania do rei de Portugal no litoral americano do Atlntico Sul. (Adriana Lopez e Carlos Guilherme Mota. Histria do Brasil: uma interpretao, 2008.) No processo de ocupao portuguesa do atual territrio do Brasil, as primeiras trs dcadas que se seguiram passagem da armada de Cabral podem ser caracterizadas como um perodo em que

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2012/2 - 2a fase - Questo 35) Tell Congress: No Backroom Deals to Regulate the Internet Right now, representatives from nine countries including the United States are secretly meeting in a luxury hotel in Beverly Hills to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a trade agreement with the potential to contain intellectual property provisions that go beyond ACTA. These secret meetings could create over-reaching new rules and standards that will choke off the online speech of individuals, websites, and platforms accused of copyright infringement. But because the meetings are held behind closed doors and the text has not been released to the public, the citizens who will be affected do not know the details and dont have a voice. Click here to join EFF in demanding a Congressional hearing so lawmakers can learn whats in the TPP and hear from all affected stakeholders, not just the content industry. Yesterday, EFF International Rights Director Katitza Rodriguez checked in with protestors outside ongoing TPP meetings in Los Angeles. Katitza reported: The energy at the rally was intoxicating. And the people were right to protest: TPP is one more in a long line of global copyright initiatives that are putting Internet users last. All over the world, people are saying enough is enough. This week of negotiations in Los Angeles is a crucial moment for the TPP. Please contact your lawmakers today and let them know that we will not be left in the dark. Demand to know whats in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. (www.eff.org/deeplinks. Adaptado.) A expresso Backroom Deals, no ttulo, e a frase the meetings are held behind closed doors, no texto, tm significados semelhantes. O que significam e como se relacionam ao assunto do texto?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2012 - 1a Fase) Leia o texto a seguir: Os africanos no escravizavam africanos, nem se reconheciam ento como africanos. Eles se viam como membros de uma aldeia, de um conjunto de aldeias, de um reino e de um grupo que falava a mesma lngua, tinha os mesmos costumes e adorava os mesmos deuses. (...) Quando um chefe (...) entregava a um navio europeu um grupo de cativos, no estava vendendo africanos nem negros, mas (...) uma gente que, por ser considerada por ele inimiga e brbara, podia ser escravizada. (...) O comrcio transatlntico (...) fazia parte de um processo de integrao econmica do Atlntico, que envolvia a produo e a comercializao, em grande escala, de acar, algodo, tabaco, caf e outros bens tropicais, um processo no qual a Europa entrava com o capital, as Amricas com a terra e a frica com o trabalho, isto , com a mo de obra cativa. (Alberto da Costa e Silva. A frica explicada aos meus filhos, 2008. Adaptado.) Ao caracterizar a escravido na frica e a venda de escravos por africanos para europeus nos sculos XVI a XIX, o texto

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2012/2 - 1a fase) Encontrar uma forma de associao que defenda e proteja a pessoa e os bens de cada associado com toda a fora comum, e pela qual cada um, unindo-se a todos, s obedece contudo a si mesmo, permanecendo assim to livre quanto antes. Esse, o problema fundamental cuja soluo o contrato social oferece. [...] Cada um de ns pe em comum sua pessoa e todo o seu poder sob a direo suprema da vontade geral, e recebemos, enquanto corpo, cada membro como parte indivisvel do todo. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Do contrato social, 1983.) O texto apresenta caractersticas

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2012 - 1a Fase) Leia o texto a seguir: Os africanos no escravizavam africanos, nem se reconheciam ento como africanos. Eles se viam como membros de uma aldeia, de um conjunto de aldeias, de um reino e de um grupo que falava a mesma lngua, tinha os mesmos costumes e adorava os mesmos deuses. (...) Quando um chefe (...) entregava a um navio europeu um grupo de cativos, no estava vendendo africanos nem negros, mas (...) uma gente que, por ser considerada por ele inimiga e brbara, podia ser escravizada. (...) O comrcio transatlntico (...) fazia parte de um processo de integrao econmica do Atlntico, que envolvia a produo e a comercializao, em grande escala, de acar, algodo, tabaco, caf e outros bens tropicais, um processo no qual a Europa entrava com o capital, as Amricas com a terra e a frica com o trabalho, isto , com a mo de obra cativa. (Alberto da Costa e Silva. A frica explicada aos meus filhos, 2008. Adaptado.) Ao caracterizar a integrao econmica do Atlntico, o texto