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Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 14

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) Um solenoide com ncleo de ar tem uma auto-indutncia L. Outro solenoide, tambm com ncleo de ar, tem a metade do nmero de espiras do primeiro solenoide, 0,15 do seu comprimento e 1,5 de sua seo transversal. A auto-indutncia do segundo solenoide :

Questão 15

(ITA - 2006- 1a fase) Seja o sistema lineares nas incgnitas x e y, com a e b reais, dado por Considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. O sistema possvel e indeterminado se a=b=0. II. O sistema possvel e determinado se a e b no so simultaneamente nulos. III. Ento, pode-se afirmar que (so) verdadeira(s) apenas

Questão 15

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) DREAM ON, AMERICA THE U.S. MODEL: For years, much of the world did aspire to the American way of life. But today countries are finding more appealing systems in their own backyards. BY ANDREW MORAVCSIK NOT LONG AGO, THE AMERICAN DREAM WAS a global fantasy. Not only Americans saw themselves as a beacon unto nations. So did much of the world. (...) You had only to listen to George W. Bushs Inaugural Address last week (invoking freedom and liberty 49 times) to appreciate just how deeply Americans still believe in this founding myth. For many in the world, the presidents rhetoric confirmed their worst fears of an imperial America relentlessly pursuing its narrow national interests. But the greater danger may be a delusional America - one that believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the American Dream lives on, that America remains a model for the world, one whose mission is to spread the word. The gulf between how Americans view themselves and how the world views them was summed up in a poll last week by the BBC. Fully 71 percent of Americans see the United States as a source of good in the world. More than half view Bushs election as positive for global security. Other studies report that 70 percent have faith in their domestic institutions and nearly 80 percent believe American ideas and customs should spread globally. FOREIGNERS TAKE AN ENTIRELY different view: 58 percent in the BBC poll see Bushs reelection as a threat to world peace. Among Americas traditional allies, the figure is strikingly higher: 77 percent in Germany, 64 percent in Britain and 82 percent in Turkey. Among the 1.3 billion members of the Islamic world, public support for the United States is measured in single digits. Only Poland, the Philippines and India viewed Bushs second Inaugural positively. Tellingly, the anti-Bushism of the presidents first1term2is giving way to a more general anti-Americanism. A plurality of voters (the average is 70 percent) in each of the 21 countries surveyed by the BBC oppose sending any troops to Iraq, including those in most of the3countries that have done so. Only one third, disproportionately in the poorest and most dictatorial countries, would like to see American values spread in their country. Says Doug Miller of GlobeScan, which conducted the BBC report: President Bush has further isolated America from the world. Unless the administration changes its approach, it will continue to erode Americas good name, and hence its ability to effectively influence world affairs. (...) The truth is that Americans are living in a dream world.6Not only do others not share Americas self-regard, they no longer aspire to emulate the countrys social and economic achievements. The loss of faith in the American Dream goes beyond this swaggering administration and its war in Iraq. A President5Kerry ............... similar disaffection, for it grows from the success of something America holds dear: the spread of democracy, free markets and international institutions - globalization, in a word. Countries today have dozens of political, economic and social models to choose from. Anti- Americanism is especially virulent in Europe and Latin America, where countries have established their own distinctive ways - none made in America. Futurologist Jeremy Rifkin, in his recent book The European Dream, hails an emerging European Union based on generous social welfare, cultural diversity and respect for international law - a model thats caught on quickly across the former nations of Eastern Europe and the Baltics. In Asia, the rise of autocratic capitalism in China or Singapore is as much a model for development as Americas scandal-ridden corporate culture. (...) Many are tempted4to write off the new anti- Americanism as a temporary perturbation, or mere resentment. Blinded by its own myth, America has grown incapable of recognizing its flaws. For there is much about the American Dream to fault. If the rest of the world has lost faith in the American model - political, economic, diplomatic - its partly for the very good reason that it doesnt work as well anymore. MORAVCSIK teaches politics and directs the European Union Program at Princeton University.NEWSWEEK, January 31, 2005, Pginas 17-19 Assinale a opo que contm a ideia principal do texto.

Questão 15

(ITA - 2006 - 1 FASE) Considere o texto a seguir. Diferente de cidades onde imveis de frente para o mar so mais valorizados, a escassez de verde faz a vez da vista para o Atlntico em So Paulo. Bairros que fazem fronteira ou que so vizinhos a grandes parques merecem destaque e seduzem por oferecer uma qualidade de vida bastante rara na cidade. Um desses parques, que passou algum tempo despercebido, o Parque do Piqueri, com uma frequncia relativamente baixa de visitantes e cheio de rvores frondosas, lago e patos, agora vira a bola da vez na regio Leste da cidade. [...] (Propaganda para o lanamento de um prdio de apartamentos na cidade de So Paulo. In: Folha de S. Paulo, 12/02/2005.) Assinale a opo em que o verbo NO o mais apropriado semanticamente ao contexto.

Questão 15

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) Um moI de um gs ideal ocupa um volume inicial V0 temperatura T0 e presso P0, sofrendo a seguir uma expanso reversvel para um volume V1. Indique a relao entre o trabalho que realizado por: (i) W(i), num processo em que a presso constante. (ii) W(ii), num processo em que a temperatura constante. (iii) W(iii), num processo adiabtico.

Questão 16

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) Considere o polinmio p(x) = x3 - (a + 1)x + a, onde a . O conjunto de todos os valores de a, para os quais o polinmio p(x) s admite razes inteiras,

Questão 16

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) So dadas as semi-equaes qumicas seguintes e seus respectivos potenciais eltricos na escala do eletrodo de hidrognio nas condies-padro: Com base nestas informaes, assinale a opo que contm a afirmao CORRETA, considerando as condies-padro.

Questão 16

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) DREAM ON, AMERICA THE U.S. MODEL: For years, much of the world did aspire to the American way of life. But today countries are finding more appealing systems in their own backyards. BY ANDREW MORAVCSIK NOT LONG AGO, THE AMERICAN DREAM WAS a global fantasy. Not only Americans saw themselves as a beacon unto nations. So did much of the world. (...) You had only to listen to George W. Bushs Inaugural Address last week (invoking freedom and liberty 49 times) to appreciate just how deeply Americans still believe in this founding myth. For many in the world, the presidents rhetoric confirmed their worst fears of an imperial America relentlessly pursuing its narrow national interests. But the greater danger may be a delusional America - one that believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the American Dream lives on, that America remains a model for the world, one whose mission is to spread the word. The gulf between how Americans view themselves and how the world views them was summed up in a poll last week by the BBC. Fully 71 percent of Americans see the United States as a source of good in the world. More than half view Bushs election as positive for global security. Other studies report that 70 percent have faith in their domestic institutions and nearly 80 percent believe American ideas and customs should spread globally. FOREIGNERS TAKE AN ENTIRELY different view: 58 percent in the BBC poll see Bushs reelection as a threat to world peace. Among Americas traditional allies, the figure is strikingly higher: 77 percent in Germany, 64 percent in Britain and 82 percent in Turkey. Among the 1.3 billion members of the Islamic world, public support for the United States is measured in single digits. Only Poland, the Philippines and India viewed Bushs second Inaugural positively. Tellingly, the anti-Bushism of the presidents first 1term 2is giving way to a more general anti-Americanism. A plurality of voters (the average is 70 percent) in each of the 21 countries surveyed by the BBC oppose sending any troops to Iraq, including those in most of the 3countries that have done so. Only one third, disproportionately in the poorest and most dictatorial countries, would like to see American values spread in their country. Says Doug Miller of GlobeScan, which conducted the BBC report: President Bush has further isolated America from the world. Unless the administration changes its approach, it will continue to erode Americas good name, and hence its ability to effectively influence world affairs. (...) The truth is that Americans are living in a dream world. 6Not only do others not share Americas self-regard, they no longer aspire to emulate the countrys social and economic achievements. The loss of faith in the American Dream goes beyond this swaggering administration and its war in Iraq. A President 5Kerry ............... similar disaffection, for it grows from the success of something America holds dear: the spread of democracy, free markets and international institutions - globalization, in a word. Countries today have dozens of political, economic and social models to choose from. Anti- Americanism is especially virulent in Europe and Latin America, where countries have established their own distinctive ways - none made in America. Futurologist Jeremy Rifkin, in his recent book The European Dream, hails an emerging European Union based on generous social welfare, cultural diversity and respect for international law - a model thats caught on quickly across the former nations of Eastern Europe and the Baltics. In Asia, the rise of autocratic capitalism in China or Singapore is as much a model for development as Americas scandal-ridden corporate culture. (...) Many are tempted 4to write off the new anti- Americanism as a temporary perturbation, or mere resentment. Blinded by its own myth, America has grown incapable of recognizing its flaws. For there is much about the American Dream to fault. If the rest of the world has lost faith in the American model - political, economic, diplomatic - its partly for the very good reason that it doesnt work as well anymore. MORAVCSIK teaches politics and directs the European Union Program at Princeton University. NEWSWEEK, January 31, 2005, Pginas 17-19 Na meno a Kerry (ref. 5), candidato derrotado nas ltimas eleies presidenciais nos Estados Unidos, h omisso do verbo. Assinale a forma verbal que preenche corretamente aquela lacuna.

Questão 16

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) Um anel de peso 30 N est preso a uma mola e desliza sem atrito num fio circular situado num plano vertical, conforme mostrado na figura. Considerando que a mola no se deforma quando o anel se encontra na posio P e que a velocidade do anel seja a mesma nas posies P e Q, a constante elstica da mola deve ser de

Questão 16

(ITA - 2006 - 1 FASE) O texto a seguir reproduz alguns trechos do poema Leito de folhas verdes, do escritor romntico Gonalves Dias, que consta do livro ltimos cantos (1851). Nesse longo poema, o poeta d voz a uma ndia que dirige um apelo emocionado e sensual ao seu amado, o ndio Jatir, e que permanece na expectativa da chegada do homem amado para um encontro sexual. Ao final, o encontro erticoamoroso acaba no se concretizando, pois Jatir no chega ao local em que a ndia o aguarda. Por que tardas, Jatir, que tanto a custo voz do meu amor moves teus passos? Da noite a virao, movendo as folhas, J nos cimos do bosque rumoreja. [...] Sejam vales ou montes, lago ou terra, Onde quer que tu vs, ou dia ou noite, Vai seguindo aps ti meu pensamento: Outro amor nunca tive: s meu, sou tua! [...] No me escutas, Jatir! nem tardo acodes voz do meu amor, que em vo te chama! [...] Sobre esse poema, INCORRETO afirmar que

Questão 17

(ITA - 2006) Duas clulas (I e II) so montadas como mostrado na figura. A clula I contm uma soluo aquosa 1 mol L-1 em sulfato de prata e duas placas de platina. A clula II contm uma soluo aquosa 1 mol L-1 em sulfato de cobre e duas placas de cobre. Uma bateria fornece uma diferena de potencial eltrico de 12 V entre os eletrodos Ia e IIb, por um certo intervalo de tempo. Assinale a opo que contm a afirmativa ERRADA em relao ao sistema descrito.

Questão 17

(ITA - 2006 - 1 FASE) O texto a seguir reproduz as duas estrofes de um dos mais conhecidos poemas do romantismo brasileiro: Se eu morresse amanh!, de lvares de Azevedo. Se eu morresse amanh, viria ao menos Fechar meus olhos minha triste irm; Minha me de saudades morreria Se eu morresse amanh! Quanta glria pressinto em meu futuro! Que aurora de porvir e que manh! Eu perdera chorando essas coroas Se eu morresse amanh! [...] Sobre esse poema, pode-se afirmar que I. ele mostra, de forma clara, o forte teor subjetivo e emotivo da poesia romntica, pois totalmente centrado no eu, na interioridade subjetiva do poeta. II. o egocentrismo romntico, ligado ao tema da morte, faz com que o poeta lamente de forma emocionada a prpria morte, que imagina estar prxima. III. a emoo excessiva, explicitada pelo uso recorrente dos pontos de exclamao, revela um desejo de fuga da realidade; o mergulho no eu uma forma de opor-se ao problemtico mundo exterior. IV. a obsesso com a morte, to presente no poema, uma das formas do escapismo romntico, comumente aplicado ao tema do amor, o qual tambm possibilita uma fuga da problemtica existencial. Esto CORRETAS

Questão 17

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) No modelo proposto por Einstein, a luz se comportacomo se sua energia estivesse concentrada em pacotes discretos, chamadosde quanta de luz, e atualmente conhecidos por ftons. Estespossuem momento p e energia E relacionados pela equao E = pc, emque c a velocidade da luz no vcuo. Cada fton carrega uma energiaE = h f, em que h a constante de Planck e f a frequncia da luz.Um evento raro, porm possvel, a fuso de dois ftons, produzindoum par eltron-psitron, sendo a massa do psitron igual massa doeltron. A relao de Einstein associa a energia da partcula massado eltron ou psitron, isto , E = mec2. Assinale a frequncia mnima decada fton, para que dois ftons, com momentos opostos e de mduloiguais, produzam um par eltron-psitron aps a coliso:

Questão 17

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) DREAM ON, AMERICA THE U.S. MODEL: For years, much of the world did aspire to the American way of life. But today countries are finding more appealing systems in their own backyards. BY ANDREW MORAVCSIK NOT LONG AGO, THE AMERICAN DREAM WAS a global fantasy. Not only Americans saw themselves as a beacon unto nations. So did much of the world. (...) You had only to listen to George W. Bushs Inaugural Address last week (invoking freedom and liberty 49 times) to appreciate just how deeply Americans still believe in this founding myth. For many in the world, the presidents rhetoric confirmed their worst fears of an imperial America relentlessly pursuing its narrow national interests. But the greater danger may be a delusional America - one that believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the American Dream lives on, that America remains a model for the world, one whose mission is to spread the word. The gulf between how Americans view themselves and how the world views them was summed up in a poll last week by the BBC. Fully 71 percent of Americans see the United States as a source of good in the world. More than half view Bushs election as positive for global security. Other studies report that 70 percent have faith in their domestic institutions and nearly 80 percent believe American ideas and customs should spread globally. FOREIGNERS TAKE AN ENTIRELY different view: 58 percent in the BBC poll see Bushs reelection as a threat to world peace. Among Americas traditional allies, the figure is strikingly higher: 77 percent in Germany, 64 percent in Britain and 82 percent in Turkey. Among the 1.3 billion members of the Islamic world, public support for the United States is measured in single digits. Only Poland, the Philippines and India viewed Bushs second Inaugural positively. Tellingly, the anti-Bushism of the presidents first1term2is giving way to a more general anti-Americanism. A plurality of voters (the average is 70 percent) in each of the 21 countries surveyed by the BBC oppose sending any troops to Iraq, including those in most of the3countries that have done so. Only one third, disproportionately in the poorest and most dictatorial countries, would like to see American values spread in their country. Says Doug Miller of GlobeScan, which conducted the BBC report: President Bush has further isolated America from the world. Unless the administration changes its approach, it will continue to erode Americas good name, and hence its ability to effectively influence world affairs. (...) The truth is that Americans are living in a dream world.6Not only do others not share Americas self-regard, they no longer aspire to emulate the countrys social and economic achievements. The loss of faith in the American Dream goes beyond this swaggering administration and its war in Iraq. A President5Kerry ............... similar disaffection, for it grows from the success of something America holds dear: the spread of democracy, free markets and international institutions - globalization, in a word. Countries today have dozens of political, economic and social models to choose from. Anti- Americanism is especially virulent in Europe and Latin America, where countries have established their own distinctive ways - none made in America. Futurologist Jeremy Rifkin, in his recent book The European Dream, hails an emerging European Union based on generous social welfare, cultural diversity and respect for international law - a model thats caught on quickly across the former nations of Eastern Europe and the Baltics. In Asia, the rise of autocratic capitalism in China or Singapore is as much a model for development as Americas scandal-ridden corporate culture. (...) Many are tempted4to write off the new anti- Americanism as a temporary perturbation, or mere resentment. Blinded by its own myth, America has grown incapable of recognizing its flaws. For there is much about the American Dream to fault. If the rest of the world has lost faith in the American model - political, economic, diplomatic - its partly for the very good reason that it doesnt work as well anymore. MORAVCSIK teaches politics and directs the European Union Program at Princeton University.NEWSWEEK, January 31, 2005, Pginas 17-19 Na linha 18do texto, l-se: Not only do others not share Americas self-regard, they no longer aspire to emulate the countrys social and economic achievements. Essa opinio do autor se fundamenta

Questão 17

(ITA - 2006 - 1a fase) Na circunferncia de raio = 3cmest inscrito um hexgono regular; emest inscrita uma circunferncia; emest inscrito um hexgono regulare, assim, sucessivamente. Seem a rea do hexgono, ento em igual a: