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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 12

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Dada a cnica : x2 - y2 = 1, qual das retas abaixo perpendicular no ponto P = (2,)?

Questão 12

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) The hold-up 1The gunman, is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. 5Even my best mate Marvin knows it and hes more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marvs car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. Were all face-down on the floor and the cars only got a few minutes left on it. I wish this bloked hurry up, I mention. I know, Marv whispers back. This is outrageous. His voice rises from the depths of the floor. Ill be getting a fine because of 10this useless bastard. I cant afford another fine, Ed. The cars not even worth it. What? Marv looks over at me now. I can sense hes getting uptight. Offended. If theres one thing Marv doesnt tolerate, its someone putting shit on his car. He repeats the question. 15What did you say, Ed? I said, I whisper, it isnt even worth the fine, Marv. Look, he says, Ill take a lot of things, Ed, but I tune out of what hes saying, because quite frankly, once Marv gets going about his car, its downright pain in the arse material. He goes on and on, like a kid, and hes just turned twenty, for Jesus sake. 20He goes on for another minute or so, until I have to cut him off. Marv, I point out, the cars an embarrassment, okay? It doesnt even have a handbrake its sitting out there with two bricks behind the back wheels. Im trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible. Half the time you dont even bother locking it. Youre probably hoping someonell flog it so you can collect the insurance. It isnt insured. () 25Thats when the gunman turns around and shouts, Whos talkin back there?! Marv doesnt care. Hes worked up about the car. () Zusak, M. The Messenger, Austrlia: Ed. Picador, 2002 p. 3-4 A partir da leitura do texto, possvel depreender que I. o dilogo no texto se passa entre refns de um assalto a banco. II. Marvin est mais preocupado com uma possvel multa por estacionamento irregular do que com o atirador. III. Marvin adora conversar sobre o seu carro. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 12

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Na figura, um bloco sobe um plano inclinado, com velocidade inicial V0. Considere o coeficiente de atrito entre o bloco e a superfcie. Indique a sua velocidade na descida ao passar pela posio inicial.

Questão 12

(ITA - 2008) Considere um elemento galvnico formado pelos dois eletrodos (I e II), abaixo especificados e mantidos separados por uma ponte salina: Eletrodo I: chapa retangular de zinco metlico parcialmente mergulhada em uma soluo aquosa 1,0 x10-3 mol L-1 de cloreto de zinco; Eletrodo II: chapa retangular de platina metlica parcialmente mergulhada em uma soluo aquosa de cido clordrico de pH = 2, isenta de oxignio e sob presso parcial de gs hidrognio de 0,5 atm. Assinale a opo CORRETA que expressa o valor calculado aproximado, na escala do eletrodo padro de hidrognio (EPH), da fora eletromotriz, em volt, desse elemento galvnico atuando temperatura de 25 C, sabendo-se que log 2 = 0,3 e EZn2/Zn= -0,76V (EPH).

Questão 13

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) The hold-up 1The gunman, is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. 5Even my best mate Marvin knows it and hes more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marvs car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. Were all face-down on the floor and the cars only got a few minutes left on it. I wish this bloked hurry up, I mention. I know, Marv whispers back. This is outrageous. His voice rises from the depths of the floor. Ill be getting a fine because of 10this useless bastard. I cant afford another fine, Ed. The cars not even worth it. What? Marv looks over at me now. I can sense hes getting uptight. Offended. If theres one thing Marv doesnt tolerate, its someone putting shit on his car. He repeats the question. 15What did you say, Ed? I said, I whisper, it isnt even worth the fine, Marv. Look, he says, Ill take a lot of things, Ed, but I tune out of what hes saying, because quite frankly, once Marv gets going about his car, its downright pain in the arse material. He goes on and on, like a kid, and hes just turned twenty, for Jesus sake. 20He goes on for another minute or so, until I have to cut him off. Marv, I point out, the cars an embarrassment, okay? It doesnt even have a handbrake its sitting out there with two bricks behind the back wheels. Im trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible. Half the time you dont even bother locking it. Youre probably hoping someonell flog it so you can collect the insurance. It isnt insured. () 25Thats when the gunman turns around and shouts, Whos talkin back there?! Marv doesnt care. Hes worked up about the car. () Zusak, M. The Messenger, Austrlia: Ed. Picador, 2002 p. 3-4 Entende-se, pela leitura do texto, que o carro de Marvin I. est estacionado prximo ao banco. II. apresenta problema no freio. III. possui seguro. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 13

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Na figura, um gato de massa m encontra-se parado prximo a uma das extremidades de uma prancha de massa M que flutua em repouso na superfcie de um lago. A seguir, o gato salta e alcana uma nova posio na prancha, distncia L. Desprezando o atrito entre a gua e a prancha, sendo o ngulo entre a velocidade inicial do gato, que desconhecida, e a horizontal, e g a acelerao da gravidade, indique qual deve ser a velocidade u de deslocamento da prancha logo aps o salto.

Questão 13

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) O conjunto imagem e o perodo de f (x) = 2 sen2 (3x) + sen (6x) - 1 so, respectivamente,

Questão 13

(ITA - 2008) 300 gramas de gelo a 0 C foram adicionados a 400 gramas de gua a 55 C. Assinale a opo CORRETA para a temperatura final do sistema em condio adiabtica. Dados: calor de fuso do gelo = 80 cal g-1; calor especfico do gelo = 0,50 cal g-1 K-1; calor especfico da gua lquida = 1 cal g-1 K-1.

Questão 14

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Um aro de 1 kg de massa encontra-se preso a uma mola de massa desprezvel, constante elstica k = 10 N/m e comprimento inicial L0 = 1 m quando no distendida, afixada no ponto O. A figura mostra o aro numa posio P em uma barra horizontal fixa ao longo da qual o aro pode deslizar sem atrito. Soltando o aro do ponto P, qual deve ser sua velocidade, em m/s, ao alcanar o ponto T, a 2 m de distncia?

Questão 14

(ITA - 2008) The hold-up The gunman, is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. Even my best mate Marvin knows it and 1hes more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marvs car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. Were all face-down on the floor and 2the cars only got a few minutes left on it. 3I wish this bloked hurry up, I mention. I know, Marv whispers back. This is outrageous. His voice rises from the depths of the floor. Ill be getting a fine because of this useless bastard. I cant afford another fine, Ed. 4The cars not even worth it. What? Marv looks over at me now. I can sense hes getting uptight. Offended. If theres one thing Marv doesnt tolerate, its someone putting shit on his car. He repeats the question. What did you say, Ed? I said, I whisper, it isnt even worth the fine, Marv. Look, he says, Ill take 8a lot of things, Ed, but... I tune out of what hes saying, because quite frankly, once Marv gets going about his car, its downright pain in the arse material. He goes on and on, like a kid, and 5hes just turned twenty, for Jesus sake. He goes on for another minute or so, until I have to cut him off. Marv, I point out, the cars an embarrassment, okay? It doesnt even have a handbrake - its sitting out there with two bricks behind the back wheels. lm trying to keep my voice 7as quiet as possible. Half the time you dont even bother locking it. Youre probably hoping someonell 6flog it so you can collect the insurance. It isnt insured. (...) Thats when the gunman turns around and shouts, Whos talkin back there?! Marv doesnt care. Hes worked up about the car. (...) Zusak, M. The Messenger, Austrlia: Ed. Picador, 2002 p. 3-4 Da leitura do texto, possvel inferir que Marvin e Ed

Questão 14

(ITA - 2008) Assinale o valor da constante de equilbrio, nas condies-padro, da reao qumica descrita pela seguinte equao: Sn2+(aq) + 2 Fe3+(aq) Sn4+(aq) + 2Fe2+(aq) Dados eventualmente necessrios: Potenciais de eletrodo em relao ao eletrodo padro de hidrognio nas condies-padro: EFe2+ /Fe = 0,44 V EFe3+ /Fe = 0,04 V EFe3+ /Fe2+ = 0,76 V ESn4+ /Sn2+ = 0,15 V

Questão 14

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Para x IR, o conjunto soluo de

Questão 15

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Um subconjunto D de IR tal que a funo f : D IR, definida por injetora, dado por

Questão 15

(ITA - 2008) Qual das opes abaixo apresenta o elemento qumico que utilizado como dopante para a confeco do semicondutor tipo-p?

Questão 15

(ITA- 2008) THE HOLD-UP The gunman, is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. Even my best mate Marvin knows it and (1)hes more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marvs car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. Were all face-down on the floor and (2) the cars only got a few minutes left on it. (3)I wish this (6) bloked hurry up, I mention. I know, Marv whispers back. This is outrageous. His voice rises from the depths of the floor. Ill be getting a fine because of this useless bastard. I cant afford another fine, Ed. (4) The cars not even worth it. What? Marv looks over at me now. I can sense hes getting uptight. Offended. If theres one thing Marv doesnt tolerate, its someone putting shit on his car. He repeats the question. What did you say, Ed? I said, I whisper, it isnt even worth the fine, Marv. Look, he says, Ill take a lot of things, Ed, but... I (7)tune out of what hes saying, because quite frankly, once Marv gets going about his car, its downright pain in the arse material. He goes on and on, like a kid, (5) and hes just turned twenty, for Jesus sake. He goes on for another minute or so, until I have to (8) cut him off. Marv, I point out, the cars an embarrassment, okay? It doesnt even have a handbrake - its sitting out there with two bricks behind the back wheels. Im trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible. Half the time you dont even bother locking it. Youre probably hoping someonell flog it so you can collect the insurance. lt isnt insured. (...) Thats when the gunman turns around and shouts, Whos talkin back there?! Marv doesnt care. Hes worked up about the car. (...) Zusak, M. The Messenger, Austrlia: Ed. Picador, 2002 p. 3-4 Assinale a opo em que a contrao dos verbos (s) ou (d) est representada corretamente.