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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções


(ITA - 2013- 1 FASE) Texto 4 Nove em cada dez usurios de Internet recebem spams em seus e-mails corporativos, segundo estudo realizado pela empresa alem Antispameurope, especializada em lixo eletrnico virtual. Cada trabalhador perde, em mdia, sete minutos por dia limpando a caixa de mensagens, e essa quebra na produtividade custa 828 pouco mais de R$ 2,3 mil anuais s empresas. Tomando-se como base os nmeros apontados pela pesquisa, uma corporao de mdio porte, com mil funcionrios, perde, portanto, 828 mil por ano ou R$ 2,3 milhes com esta prtica que considerada, apesar de simplria, uma verdadeira praga da modernidade. O spam remete s mensagens no-solicitadas enviadas em massa, geralmente utilizadas para fins comerciais, e pode de fato prejudicar consideravelmente a produtividade no ambiente de trabalho. Um relatrio da Symantec, empresa de segurana virtual, mostra que o Brasil o segundo maior emissor de spam do mundo, com gerao de 10% de todo o fluxo de mensagens indesejadas na rede mundial de computadores. Os campees so os norte-americanos, com 26%. [...] (Rodrigo Capelo.http://www.vocecommaistempo.com.br.Acesso em: 23/09/2012. Texto adaptado.) Um ttulo que contempla o contedo abordado no texto :


(ITA - 2013 - 1 Fase) A reao entre os ons brometo e bromato, em meio aquoso e cido, pode ser representada pela seguinte equao qumica balanceada: Sabendo que a velocidade de desaparecimento do on bromato igual a 5,63 x 10-6molL-1s-1, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o valor CORRETO para a velocidade de aparecimento do bromo, Br2, expressa em molL-1s-1.


(ITA - 2013- 1 FASE) Para o entrevistado, a coleta de informaes I. por indivduos pode ser prejudicial s pessoas. II. pelo little brother mais danosa do que a pelo Big Brother 2.0. III. por empresas pode ser danosa se as pessoas no souberem para que so usadas. Est(o) correta(s) apenas:


(ITA - 2013 - 1 FASE) Reboot the School SALMAN KHANS YOUTUBE LESSONS HAVE ALREADY MADE HIM A GEEK CELEBRITY. NOW HE WANTS TO REINVENT HOMEWORK, BANISH CLASSROOM LECTURESAND MAYBE SAVE EDUCATION. By Kayla Webley [1]Fifth-graders at Eastside College Preparatory School in East Palo Alto, Calif., sit at their desks with netbooks. Theyre in the middle of a math lesson, listening as a teacher explains how to convert percentages to decimals. If we get rid of the percent sign, we just have to move the decimal sign two places to the left, the instructor says. Pens scribble across notebooks. [5]Eleven thousand miles away in Accra, Ghana, students at the African School for Excellence are studying logarithms. Their teacher is the same one firing off math tips in Californiaboth groups of kids are learning by watching online videos. While the screen shows a march of equations and diagrams, the students never actually see the face of the lecturer. Theres just a voice, deep, patient and unrehearsedthink NPR host crossed with Mister Rogers. His inflection rises at times to [10] underscore a point or when he gets really excited. Math is not just random things to memorize and regurgitate on a test next week, he says. Its the purest way of describing the universe! The voice belongs to Salman Khan, a 35-year-old hedge-fund manager turned YouTube professor to millions around the world. Thanks to his Khan Academy, an online repository of some 3,250 digital lectures, he has become a celebrity to techies, educators and uncounted high [15]schoolers cramming for the AP biology test. His 18-minute discourse on the Krebs cycle and cell metabolism has been viewed more than 675,000 times. But Khan isnt satisfied with being the most famous teacher ever to appear on a Web browser. He believes he has stumbled onto a solution to some of educations most intractable problems, with his video-driven teaching method at its heart. He wants to fundamentally change the [20]role of teachers in the classroomand redefine the concept of homework along the way. And he has persuaded Bill Gates, Googles Eric Schmidt and a minor constellation of other tech billionaires to back this quest. Education reform is notoriously difficult. K-12 schools are debating everything from teacher evaluations to standardized tests, with no consensus in sight. Universities, meanwhile, are [25]confronting massive budget cuts and new kinds of competitionas dramatized by the recent turmoil at the University of Virginia. Its board fired the president amid worries that UVa wasnt keeping up with change and embracing online education fast enough, then rehired her 16 days later after a backlash from students and faculty. At all levels, theres plenty of skepticism about any tech-centric approach to teaching. An [30]estimated $65.7 billion was spent in the U.S. last year on education technology, according to research firm Gartner. But many educators say there is little concrete proof of its benefits. Khan is already butting up against veteran teachers nervous about their roles in his brave new classroom. But the biggest obstacle of all may be Khan himself. For all his grassroots fandom and Silicon Valley cred, hes not an educator, and hes never worked with children. Are parents and [35]teachers ready to upend hundreds of years of precedent about how basic subjects are taught on the word of a guy who has spent more time analyzing financial statements than standing before a blackboard? Fonte: Time, July 9, 2012. Texto adaptado. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam os nmeros das linhas do texto original. A palavra actually (linha 8)


(ITA - 2013 - 1 Fase) Na figura abaixo apresentada uma disposio bidimensional de bolinhas brancas e cinzas formando um cristal. Assinale a opo que apresenta a reproduo CORRETA para a clula unitria (caixa em destaque) do cristal em questo.


(ITA - 2013 - 1 FASE) 5 WAYS TO TURN FEAR INTO FUEL Editors note:This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields, author ofUncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance. Uncertainty. Its a terrifying word. Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis. Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long-term flux. And, thats not all. If you want to spend your time on the planet not just getting-by, but consistently creating art, experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, youll need to proactively seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is opportunity. Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for someone to tell you its all going to be okay or for perfect information to drop from the sky. Doesnt happen that way. Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge. There is no alternative. When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius. Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to unease, anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out most genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary endeavors before they even see the light of day. Not because they wouldnt have succeeded, but because you never equipped yourself to handle and even harness the emotional energy of the journey. But, what if it didnt have to be that way? What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and self-doubt that rides along with acting in the face of uncertaintythe head-to-toe butterfliesinto fuel for brilliance? Turns out, there is. 1Your ability to lean into the unknown isnt so much about luck or genetics, rather its something entirely trainable. Ive spent the past few years interviewing world-class creators across a wide range of fields and pouring over research that spans neuroscience, decision-theory, psychology, creativity and business. Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices and strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge insight, creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but also help ameliorate so much of the suffering so often associated with the pursuit of any creative quest. Fonte: http://zenhabits.net/fearfuel. Acesso em 07/12/2011. Texto adaptado. Escolha a opo que apresenta a mesma ideia da afirmao a seguir: Your ability tolean into the unknown isnt so much about luck or genetics, rather its something entirelytrainable (ref. 1).


(ITA - 2013) Na temperatura ambiente, hidrxido de potssio slido reage com o cloreto de amnio slido, com a liberao de um gs. Assinale a alternativa CORRETA para o gs liberado nesta reao.


(ITA - 2013- 1 FASE) Texto 3 Edison no conseguia se concentrar de jeito nenhum. Tinha sempre dois ou trs empregos e passava o dia indo de um para outro. Adorava trocar mensagens, e se acostumou a escrever recados curtos e constantes, s vezes para mais de uma pessoa ao mesmo tempo. Apesar de ser um cara mais inteligente do que a mdia, sofria quando precisava ler um livro inteiro. Para completar, comia rpido e dormia pouco e no conseguia se dedicar ao casamento conturbado, por falta de tempo. Se identificou? Claro, quem no tem esses problemas? Passar horas no twitter ou no celular, correr de um lado para o outro e ter pouco tempo disponvel para tantas coisas que voc tem que fazer so dramas que todo mundo enfrenta. Mas esse no um mal do nosso tempo. O rapaz da histria a em cima era ningum menos que Thomas Edison, o inventor da lmpada. A dcada era a de 1870 e o aparelho que ele usava para mandar e receber mensagens, um telgrafo. O relato, que est em uma edio de 1910 do jornal New York Times, conta que quando Edison finalmente percebeu que seu problema era falta de concentrao, parou tudo. Se fechou em seu escritrio e se focou em um problema de cada vez. A partir da, produziu e patenteou mais de 2 mil invenes. [...] (Gisela Blanco. Superinteressante, julho/2012) O emprego da vrgula no trecho, A dcada era a de 1870 e o aparelho que ele usava para mandar e receber mensagens, um telgrafo., semelhante em:


(ITA - 2013- 1 FASE) Texto 4 Nove em cada dez usurios de Internet recebem spams em seus e-mails corporativos, segundo estudo realizado pela empresa alem Antispameurope, especializada em lixo eletrnico virtual. Cada trabalhador perde, em mdia, sete minutos por dia limpando a caixa de mensagens, e essa quebra na produtividade custa 828 pouco mais de R$ 2,3 mil anuais s empresas. Tomando-se como base os nmeros apontados pela pesquisa, uma corporao de mdio porte, com mil funcionrios, perde, portanto, 828 mil por ano ou R$ 2,3 milhes com esta prtica que considerada, apesar de simplria, uma verdadeira praga da modernidade. O spam remete s mensagens no-solicitadas enviadas em massa, geralmente utilizadas para fins comerciais, e pode de fato prejudicar consideravelmente a produtividade no ambiente de trabalho. Um relatrio da Symantec, empresa de segurana virtual, mostra que o Brasil o segundo maior emissor de spam do mundo, com gerao de 10% de todo o fluxo de mensagens indesejadas na rede mundial de computadores. Os campees so os norte-americanos, com 26%. [...] (Rodrigo Capelo.http://www.vocecommaistempo.com.br.Acesso em: 23/09/2012. Texto adaptado.) A expresso apesar de simplria no segundo pargrafo pode ser substituda por


(ITA - 2013 - 1 FASE) 5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel Editors note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields, author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance. Uncertainty. Its a terrifying word. Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis. Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long-term flux. And, thats not all. If you want to spend your time on the planet not just getting-by, but consistently creating art, experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, youll need to proactively seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is opportunity. Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for someone to tell you its all going to be okay or for perfect information to drop from the sky. Doesnt happen that way. Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge. There is no alternative. When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius. 1Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to unease, anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out most genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary endeavors before they even see the light of day. Not because they wouldnt have succeeded, but because you never equipped yourself to handle and even harness the emotional energy of the journey. But, what if it didnt have to be that way? What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and self-doubt that rides along with acting in the face of uncertaintythe head-to-toe butterfliesinto fuel for brilliance? Turns out, there is. Your ability to lean into the unknown isnt so much about luck or genetics, rather its something entirely trainable. Ive spent the past few years interviewing world-class creators across a wide range of fields and pouring over research that spans neuroscience, decision-theory, psychology, creativity and business. Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices and strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge insight, creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but also help ameliorate so much of the suffering so often associated with the pursuit of any creative quest. Fonte: http://zenhabits.net/fearfuel. Acesso em 07/12/2011. Texto adaptado. No trecho Problem is, that kills most people(ref. 1), o pronome relativo thatrefere-se a


(ITA - 2013- 1 FASE) Assinale a opo que apresenta a melhor pergunta do jornalista (1 linha do texto) para a resposta do entrevistado.


(ITA - 2013- 1 FASE) No trecho Porque para o OpenTable essa informao tem um valor diferente. (linhas 37 e 38), o segmento grifado refere-se

Questão 1

(ITA 2012- 2 fase -Questo 1) Dez cartes so numerados de 1 a 10. Depois de embaralhados, so formados dois conjuntos de 5 cartes cada. Determine a probabilidade de que os nmeros 9 e 10 apaream num mesmo conjunto.

Questão 1

[ITA 2012 - 1 FASE] Deseja-se trocar uma moeda de 25 centavos, usando-se apenas moedas de 1, 5 e 10 centavos. Ento, o nmero de diferentes maneiras em que a moeda de 25 centavos pode ser trocada igual a:

Questão 1

(ITA - 2012- 2 Fase) A tabela mostra a variao de entalpia de formao nas condies-padro a 25 C de algumas substncias. Calcule a variao da energia interna de formao, em kJ.mol1, nas condies-padro dos compostos tabelados. Mostre os clculos realizados.